Missouri Compromise Review Questions

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Missouri Compromise Review Questions

Missouri Compromise/Monroe Doctrine Review Questions

1. What had been the history of the states entering the country in regards to whether they allowed slavery or not before Missouri? It had been 1 free state and then 1 slave state but the free states were always either tied or 1 ahead of the slave states

2. What was the importance of free states or slave states…Why did one side not want the other to have many more than themselves? They didn’t want one side to have more than the other because then they would have more representation in congress to either pass laws against slavery (north) or to protect slavery (south).

3. Why were southerners angry when Missouri was rejected to join the country as a slave state? It was the first time ever that a state with 60,000 people was rejected. They thought the government was not being fair to the south

4. Explain the 3 parts to the Missouri Compromise. What was the 3rd part supposed to do? 1. Missouri slave state 2. Maine free state 3. A line would be put in place across the Louisiana Purchase dividing free and slave states. This was supposed to end the debate over what territories would become free and what ones would become slave so we never had this debate again.

5. What was the situation with Florida? Who owned it and what were southerners bothered by? FL was owned by Spain but Native Americans were living there. The Natives were attacking and stealing from people in Georgia and Alabama. Also, slaves were running away and escaping to FL because it was close by.

6. Why did Spain decide to sell Florida to the United States? They had lost many of their Latin and South American colonies. They no longer desired to have a strong empire in the Americas.

7. Why did the U.S. not ever pay Spain the money for Florida? The US said that Spain owed them 5 million for damages and lost property of southerners.

8. What was the Monroe Doctrine? Why was President Monroe concerned with helping the countries of Latin and South America? It was when the U.S. said if any country in the eastern hemisphere attacked one in Latin or South America the U.S. would view that as an attack on themselves. He did this because he wanted to protect trade with Latin and South American countries and keep the U.S. as the strongest power in the Western hemisphere.

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