PERT Conference Call Agenda
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PERT Conference Call Agenda
March 8, 2012
Participants: Tim Chasteen Imogene Manuelito Wayne Skinner David Chen Patrick Marmo Ralph Tennant Laura Crosby Sergio Martinez Rodney Templon Stephanie Fuller Scott Mason Cheryl Thompson Robert Gordon Kelly Miller Michelle Wiest Jerome Hicks Sharon Nanez Homer Williamson Ann Howe Tony Pace Lorri Wright Evelyn Landini Sonny Rogers Sandra Maes Steve Sandager
Co-chairperson rotation—Cheryl Thompson Mike Larson will be replacing Cheryl Thompson as the DOE HQ co-chairperson effective the first week of April. Cheryl will be relocating to the Rocky Mountain Oilfield Testing Center in Casper, Wyoming.
Michelle Wiest will be replacing Joe Ingraffia as the co-chairperson. Joe is actively serving as a member of the CSCC organization.
Request for Recorder—Michelle Wiest We need to have volunteers to act as the recorder for the conference calls. Please email Michelle Wiest if you are available to record the meeting minutes during calendar year 2012.
Evelyn Landini has volunteered to be the recorder for the April 12 call.
CSCC Tasking A PERT subcommittee has been formed to respond to the CSCC tasking. The team consists of Adolfo Bachicha (SNL), Mellie Cannady (SNL), John Coon (SNL), Don Rawlings (BNL), John Robinson (Handford – ORP), Rod Templon (PPPL) and Michelle Wiest (INL). The CSCC tasking memo will be posted to the PERT website for viewing. When the request for cost savings data is sent to the contractor
Page 1 of 3 procurement managers, PERT membership will be copied on the email transmission so they are aware of the status.
PERT subcommittee status—Team Leads
Website –Scott Mason Some voiced concern on the lack of access control to PERT review documents on the existing website. To address this concern Scott has created a website that is password protected. It is located under PERT Document Center. Scott will assign login names and passwords to team members so they can access these documents. In addition, all the presentations from the Las Vegas 2012 meeting have been posted and the calendar has been updated as well.
Criteria – Sonny Rogers Sonny has collected suggestions on changes to the review criteria and has documented them. He will be circulating these suggestions through his sub-committee members who have a call scheduled for next Thursday to discuss the suggestions. Sonny anticipates he will be in a position to report to the PERT on the proposed criteria changes in approximately two months.
Handbook – Rod Templon A conference call was held on February 23. Rod has reviewed the handbook and has made editorial changes based on the feedback from the meeting. He is waiting for input from the other subcommittees before he can finalize the changes. When the feedback is incorporated into the Handbook, it will be sent out as a draft for the PERT Team to review.
Balanced Scorecard – Cheryl Thompson Nothing to report on this item.
PERT Membership/Review Cycle – Bob Gordon Bob is drafting a whitepaper to recommend a change to the frequency of Peer Reviews. Because of the volume of historical documents, compilation of the whitepaper is very complex. He is about ¾ of the way done. When he finishes the whitepaper, he will send it out to the team to review.
CSCC Tasking Status—Michelle Wiest Adolph Bachicha and Michelle Wiest have assembled a team of PERT members (Mellie Cannady, John Coon, John Robinson, Rod Templon and Don Rawlings) to respond to the CSCC tasking. All DOE and NNSA sites should expect to see a data call so the information necessary to respond to the CSCC can be collected. The data call will be sent to the site Purchasing Manager and copied to PERT members. We anticipate a need to define the following terms: Cost Savings, Cost Avoidance and Cost Improvement. The CSCC has requested a response from PERT by April 6.
PERT Membership – Michelle Wiest The topic of how we define PERT membership was brought up. Evelyn Landini suggested we define what is expected as a PERT member to enable individuals to evaluate their ability to commit to the expectations. Ralph Tenant also suggested a review of historical documents to gain a better perspective on past approaches to membership. Michelle Wiest will work with the PERT C0-Chairs to
Page 2 of 3 develop a couple of approaches that can be discussed by the group with the intent of adopting and documenting the preferred approach.
PERT 2012 Schedule—Michelle Wiest Many of the PERT reviews have been finalized. Michelle will send out an up-to-date review matrix. The Idaho Cleanup and Oakridge EM reviews have been cancelled as their contracts do not require such a review.
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