WS #2: Vector Components (CP)

1. Calculate the x and y components for the following vectors (remember to show work) 12 N

60.o 20.o

15 N

10. N



25. N

2. The longest snake ever found was a python that was 10.0 m long. Suppose a coordinate system large enough to measure the python’s length is drawn on the ground and the snake’s tail is placed at the origin and the snake’s body is placed so that it makes an angle of 60.0 o with the positive x-axis and the head laying in the first quadrant. a. Draw the picture. b. Calculate the x and y coordinates for the snake’s head.

3. A South African sharp-nosed frog set a record for a triple jump by traveling a distance of 10.3 m. Suppose the frog starts from the origin of a coordinate system and lands at a point whose y-coordinate is equal to -6.10 m. a. Draw the picture. b. What angle does the displacement vector make with the negative y-axis? c. What is the x-coordinate of the frog?

4. A common flea can jump a distance of 33.9 cm in one jump. The flea makes exactly 5 jumps in a straight line. a. How far did the flea go total? b. If the flea’s total northward displacement equals 88.0 cm, what was the flea’s westward displacement? (remember to draw the picture) 5. The landing speed of the space shuttle Columbia is 347 km/h. If the shuttle is landing at an angle of 15.0 o with the horizontal, what are the horizontal and vertical components of its velocity? (remember: Draw the picture) 6. In Virginia during 1994, Elmer Trett reached a speed of 103 m/s (232 mi/hr) on his motorcycle. Suppose Trett rode 60.0o North of East at this speed for 8.0 sec. a. Draw the picture. b. What was Trett’s displacement East? c. What was his displacement North?