Preparing for Final Orf 467 NJ PRT 04 Project
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Orf 467 NJ PRT’05 Project Activity During Sept 28-Oct 9 Objective: review what was done by Orf 467F04 visit the county assigned to you become familiar with its existing land use and public transportation infrastructure Assignment: Find links to any master plans that may have recently been developed by the municipalities in your county. Find sources for existing land use and transportation data, including 2000 Census of transportation data. Also find data source for address and enrollment in all schools in your county. Try to find similar data for all business locations and number of employees, both full and part time. Find listings for all restaurants and recreational facilities. Prepare a report documenting and summarizing your findings. Email that report to me before End of day Wed Oct 3. I suspect that this report will run at least 10 pages. And should include:
i. Land Use description for the count a. Employment b. Shopping c. Recreation d. Primary and secondary Education e. Higher education f. Housing ii. Description of existing Transit Service in the County and Web sources for transit information (Brief)
Some of you may also wish to go to the Morgantown WV PRT Conference. I will reimburse you for your auto expenses, room (2 persons to a room), meals and any registration fee that they may charge you (plead student poverty, they may let you in for free or a nominal charge).
The William L. Alden Morgantown O&M Seminar, October 2005
The Advanced Transit Association is holding a seminar on the operations and maintenance of the Morgantown transit system on October 7-8, 2005 Executive Summary of Orf467F04 PRT Network for New Jersey Assigned Tasks Student
Overall System Design Organizer Jordan Wish; Atlantic County Lucia Bonilla Bergen County Brian Elbogen Burlington County Tyler Woulfe Camden County Lev Berlin; Cape May County Janet Jenq Cumberland County Rafe Steinhauer Essex County Stephen Lambe Gloucester County Virkram Bellapravalu Hudson County Philip Solomond Hunterdon County Paul Mirabello Mercer County Marcus Lowther; Peter Yates Middlesex County Nick Rowland Monmouth County Jake Cochran; Morris County Aaron Linsky Ocean County Colin Zima; Passaic County James Davidson Salem County Jason Yen Somerset County Greg Redman Sussex County James Tate Union County Matt DeNichilo Warren County Marc Price
Table with row headers in column A and column headers in rows 3 through 4 (leading dots