Civil War Video Part 1 1. Name 4 other names given to the Civil War.

2. Who said: “A house divided against itself cannot stand”?

3. What percentage of the United States’ population was lost during the Civil War?

4. What percentage of total U.S. exports did cotton account for?

5. What was the South’s “peculiar institution”?

6. Which piece of legislation allowed for popular sovereignty in 2 territories?

7. Which state was first to secede, doing so on Christmas Eve, 1860?

8. Who was the Union soldier in charge of Fort Sumter?

9. What was Lincoln’s reaction to the bombing of Fort Sumter?

10. What 4 states seceded as a result of Lincoln’s call for troops?

11. What was President Lincoln’s goal during the war?

12. At which battle did “Stonewall” Jackson earn his nickname?

13. Who was chosen as the new Union commander after the defeat at Bull Run?

14. Who demanded an “unconditional surrender” at Forts Henry and Donelson?

15. Who was Lincoln talking about when he said, “I can’t spare this man, he fights”?

16. Why did Lincoln strip MClellan of his command?

17. During what famous battle did Lee’s Confederate army defeat a Union force twice their size?

18. What important city was Lee’s objective when invading the North?

19. What 2 events caused England and France to withhold support from the Confederacy?

20. Who was McClellan’s replacement? What was his first objective?

21. Who boasted: “May God have mercy on General Lee, because I will have none”?

22. At which battle did Stonewall Jackson die?

23. Who was Lee’s cavalry general that ultimately let him down before Gettysburg?

24. Who did Lee choose to lead his men in a final last ditch attack on July 3 at Gettysburg?

25. What was the bloodiest battle of the Civil War?