Literacy Scheme of Work Year 6 Text:Clockwork Project
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Learner Profile 1
Learner 1: female Level 5 Learner Profile
Oracy Reading Writing
Level 4 Pupils talk and listen with confidence in an increasing In responding to a range of texts, pupils show Pupils’ writing in a range of forms is lively. Ideas are range of contexts. understanding of significant ideas, themes, events and often sustained and developed in interesting ways characters, and are beginning to use inference and and organised appropriately for the purpose and Their talk is adapted to the purpose: developing and deduction. reader. organising ideas thoughtfully, describing events and conveying their opinions clearly, including reasons They refer to the text when explaining their views. Opinions are stated and supported with some occasionally. reasons given. They locate and use ideas and information on a In discussion, they listen carefully, making specific topic from more than one source, and use Vocabulary choices are often adventurous and words contributions and asking questions that are responsive them effectively. are sometimes used for effect. to others’ ideas, needs and views. Pupils are beginning to extend meaning and use They can suggest changes in vocabulary and style different sentence structures. which would improve talk. They use appropriately some of the features of standard English vocabulary and They organise their writing into paragraphs. Spelling grammar. conforms to regular patterns and is generally accurate.
Full stops, capital letters and question marks are used accurately and pupils are beginning to use punctuation within the sentence, including inverted commas for speech. Handwriting is clear and legible and, where appropriate, presentation is adapted according to the task. Examples of Work Level 5 Pupils talk and listen confidently in a wide range of Pupils show understanding of a wide range of texts, Pupils’ writing is varied and interesting, conveying contexts, including some that are of a formal nature. selecting essential points and using inference meaning clearly in a range of forms for different and deduction where appropriate. readers, using a more formal style where Their talk engages the interest of the listener as they appropriate. begin to vary their expression and vocabulary. In their responses, they identify key features, themes and characters, and select relevant words, phrases, They express opinions, supported by reasons. In discussion, they pay close attention to what others sentences, images and other information to support Vocabulary choices are imaginative and words are say, ask questions to develop ideas and make their views. often used precisely. contributions that take account of others’ views. They retrieve and collate information from a range of Simple and complex sentences are organised into They develop their talk purposefully and when sources. paragraphs. Words with complex regular patterns expressing opinions they provide reasons to support are usually spelled correctly. their views. A range of punctuation is generally used accurately. They are able to evaluate talk and understand how Work is legible and well presented. changes in vocabulary and style can improve its quality.
They begin to use standard English in formal situations. Examples Sample 5 – Reading tasks on the novel ‘Holes’. Sample 1 – Description of an alien creature. of Work Sample 4 – Essay in response to a Non Fiction Text Sample 2 – Newspaper article on school earthquake.
Sample 6 – Introduction to a narrative piece
Sample 7 – Fact sheet on fictional creature.
Sample 8 – Opening of narrative based on the Mystery of Harris Burdick. Level 6 Pupils adapt their talk to the demands of different In reading and discussing a wide range of texts, pupils Pupils’ writing often engages and sustains the contexts with growing confidence select relevant words, phrases and information reader’s interest. in order to comment on their significance and effect. By varying their vocabulary, expression and tone, they They show some adaptation of style engage the interest of the listener. They are able to identify different layers of meaning and register to different forms, including using an in text. impersonal style where appropriate. Pupils take an active part in discussion, using evidence to support their views. They give personal responses to both literary and non- They present information for various purposes and literary texts, referring to aspects of language, express opinions, developing some points in support The show understanding of ideas and consider how and structure, themes, images and ideas in justifying their of a point of view. why to respond to others. views. Pupils use a range of sentence structures and varied They express opinions and can use evidence to support They summarise a range of information from different vocabulary to create effects. their views. sources. Spelling is generally accurate, including that of They are able to evaluate their own and others’ irregular words. performance as speakers and can suggest ways to improve. A range of punctuation is usually used correctly to clarify meaning. They are usually fluent in their use of standard English in formal situations. Ideas are organised into effective paragraphs. Work is legible and well presented.
Examples Sample 9 – Self evaluation of informal speaking and Sample 3 – Essay plan created in response to a poem listening task: making a complaint role play. from another culture. of Work Sample 10 – Self evaluation of formal speaking and listening task: formal debate.
Sample 11 – Assessor comments from Speaking & Listening Portfolio
The pupil was assessed to be a high level 5. The pupil’s non poetry reading assignment (sample 3) showed evidence of their ability to locate different levels of meaning in a text and in oracy tasks the pupil showed that they were able to show understanding of others ideas and formulate their response accordingly. In writing tasks the pupil was able to produce varied and interesting writing that used effective vocabulary choices, often to create effects.