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Kultivars/Cultivars 3-29-5 (Gem®)





Lamb Hass

Maluma Hass

Mendez #1 (Carmen®)

Nature's Hass





Enige ander geskikte kultivar nie hierbo genoem nie en wat deur die Uitvoerende Beampte: Landbouprodukstandaarde goedgekeur is/Any other suitable cultivar not mentioned above and which has been approved by the Executive Officer: Agricultural Product Standards

______DIRECTORATE: FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE Private Bag X343, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319 6231 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: www.daff.gov.za ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: AVOCADOS Page 22 of 48




Gehaltefaktor/ Ekstra Klas/ Klas 1/ Quality factor Extra Class Class 1

1. Algemene voorkoms/ Gesond, aantreklik, skoon, Gesond, aantreklik, skoon, General appearance vars, heel en kultivar eg/ vars, heel en kultivar eg/ Sound, attractive, clean, Sound, attractive, clean, fresh, intact and true to fresh, intact and true to cultivar cultivar

2. Vorm/Shape Goedgevorm en tipies vir Goedgevorm en tipies vir die betrokke kultivar/ Well- die betrokke kultivar/ Well- formed and typical of the formed and typical of the cultivar concerned cultivar concerned

3. Volwassenheid/ Volwasse, ferm, mag geen Volwasse, ferm, mag geen Maturity tekens van sagwording tekens van sagwording toon nie en met 'n maksi- toon nie en met 'n mak- mum voginhoud van:/Ma- simum voginhoud van:/ ture, firm, shall not show Mature, firm, shall not any signs of softening and show any signs of softe- with a maximum moisture ning and with a maximum content of: moisture content of:

(i) Fuerte, Pinkerton (i) Fuerte, Pinkerton en/and Ryan: 80% en/and Ryan: 80%

(ii) 3-29-5; Mendez #1 (ii) 3-29-5; Mendez #1 en/and Hass: 77% en/and Hass: 77%

(iii) Lamb Hass: 73% (iii) Lamb Hass: 73%

(iv) Maluma Hass: 78% (iv) Maluma Hass: 78%

(v) Nature's Hass: (v) Nature's Hass: 77% 77%

(vi) Enige ander kul- (vi) Enige ander kul- tivars: 75%/Any tivars: 75%/Any other cultivars: 75% other cultivars: 75%

______DIRECTORATE: FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE Private Bag X343, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319 6231 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: www.daff.gov.za ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: AVOCADOS Page 23 of 48


4. Vrugmassa/Fruit mass

(a) Minimum

(i) Hass 80 g 80 g

(ii) Alle ander 125 g 125 g kultivars/All other culti- vars

(b) Maximum

(i) Hass 1 220 g 1 220 g

(ii) Alle ander 1 220 g 1 220 g kultivars/All other culti- vars

5. Interne koue- en ryp- Mag nie voorkom nie/ Totale oppervlakte, gesa- beskadiging/Internal Shall not occur mentlik of individueel: cold and frost damage Mag nie 10 mm2 oorskry nie/Total surface area, collectively or individually: Shall not exceed 10 mm2

6. Vreemde stowwe/ Foreign matter

(a) Sigbare chemiese Mag nie voorkom nie / (i) An individual chemi- residu’s/Visible Shall not occur cal residue droplet chemical residues shall not exceed 5 mm in diameter and the combined area per fruit shall not exceed 1 cm2 / 'n Individuele chemiese residu druppelmerk

______DIRECTORATE: FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE Private Bag X343, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319 6231 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: www.daff.gov.za ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: AVOCADOS Page 24 of 48


mag nie 5 mm in deursnee oorskry nie en die gesa-mentlike opper-vlakte per vrug mag nie 1 cm2 oorskry nie

(ii) ander aaneenlopen- de; of/other conti- nuous; or

(iii) gelokaliseerde neer- slae sal toegelaat word nie/localized deposits shall be allowed

(b) Ander/Other Mag nie voorkom nie/ Mag nie voorkom nie/ Shall not occur Shall not occur

7. Voorkoming van uitdro- Mag met 'n geskikte was Mag met 'n geskikte was ging/Prevention of behandel wees/May be behandel wees/May be drying out treated with a suitable wax treated with a suitable wax

8. Vrugstele/Pedicels (i) Indien vrugstele aan- (i) Indien vrugstele aan- wesig is, mag dit nie wesig is, mag dit nie langer as 10 mm langer as 10 mm wees nie en dit moet wees nie en mag dit skoon afgesny wees/ effens beskadig If pedicels are pre- wees/If pedicels are sent these may not present these may be longer than not be longer than 10 mm and it shall be 10 mm and it may be cut off cleanly slightly damaged

(ii) Die afwesigheid (ii) Die afwesigheid daarvan word nie as daarvan word nie as 'n defek beskou nie 'n defek beskou nie solank die plek van solank die plek van stingelaanhegting stingelaanhegting droog en heel is/The droog en heel is/The absence thereof is absence thereof is

______DIRECTORATE: FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE Private Bag X343, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319 6231 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: www.daff.gov.za ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: AVOCADOS Page 25 of 48


not considered a not considered a defect on condition defect on condition that the place of stalk that the place of stalk attachment is dry attachment is dry and and intact intact

9. Misvorming/Malforma- tion

(a) Epidermale induik- Mag nie voorkom nie/Shall Hoogstens drie induikings, ings/Epidermal not occur elkeen met 'n maksimum notches diepte van 3 mm en wat individueel of gesamentlik nie meer as 50% van die lengte van die vrug uit- maak nie, is toelaatbaar/ Not more than three not- ches, each with a maxi- mum depth of 3 mm and which individually or col- lectively constitutes not more than 50% of the length of the fruit, is per- missible

(b) Epidermale Mag nie voorkom nie/Shall Hoogstens drie prominente knoppe/ Epider- not occur knoppe, elkeen met 'n mal bumps maksimum hoogte van 2 mm en 'n maksimum deursnee van 3 mm, wat op die skil voorkom en nie die voorkoms van die avokado nadelig beïnvloed nie, is toelaatbaar: Met dien verstande dat geen beserings op die knoppe mag voorkom nie en dat klein knoppies wat deur windskade, insekbeska- diging of fisiologiese afwy- kings veroorsaak is, buite rekening gelaat is/Not more than three prominent bumps, each with a maxi-

______DIRECTORATE: FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE Private Bag X343, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319 6231 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: www.daff.gov.za ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: AVOCADOS Page 26 of 48


mum height of 2 mm and a maximum of 3 mm in dia- meter, which occur on the skin and do not detrimen- tally affect the appearance of the avocado, is permis- sible: Provided that no injuries may occur on the bumps and that small bumps caused by wind damage, insect damage or physiological disorders, have been disregarded

(c) Krom nekke/Bent Mag nie voorkom nie/ Maksimum toelaatbaar necks Shall not occur soos in foto 2 van Stel 14 van die Kleurkaarte uit- gebeeld/Maximum per- missible as depicted in photo 2 of Set 14 of the Colour Charts

10. Kneusplekke/Bruises

(a) Enkel kneusplek/ 'n Kneusplek groter as 'n Kneusplek groter as Single bruise 5 mm in deursnee of leng- 5 mm in deursnee of leng- te en met 'n maksimum te en met 'n maksimum diepte van 2mm/A bruise diepte van 2mm/A bruise exceeding 5 mm in dia- exceeding 5 mm in dia- meter or length and with a meter or length and with a maximum depth of 2 mm maximum depth of 2 mm

(b) Veelvuldige Kneusplekke met 'n gesa- Kneusplekke met 'n gesa- kneusplekke/ mentlike oppervlakte mentlike oppervlakte Multiple bruises groter as 25 mm²: Met groter as 25 mm²: Met dien verstande dat geen dien verstande dat geen kneusplek dieper as 2 mm kneusplek dieper as 2 mm mag wees nie/ Bruises mag wees nie/ Bruises with a combined surface with a combined surface area larger than 25 mm²: area larger than 25 mm²: Provided that no bruise Provided that no bruise shall be more than 2 mm shall be more than 2 mm in depth in depth

______DIRECTORATE: FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE Private Bag X343, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319 6231 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: www.daff.gov.za ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: AVOCADOS Page 27 of 48


11. Cercospora vlek/ Mag nie voorkom nie/Shall Maksimum toelaatbaar Cercospora spot not occur soos in foto 1 van Stel 9 van die Kleurkaarte uit gebeeld: Met dien ver- stande dat die letsel droog en nie gekraak is nie/Maxi- mum permissible as de- picted in photo 1 of Set 9 of the Colour Charts: Pro- vided that the blemish is dry and not cracked

12. (a) Sonbrand - geel/ Mag nie voorkom nie/Shall Maksimum toelaatbaar ten Sunburn - yellow not occur opsigte van beskadiging en intensiteit soos in foto 2 van Stel 2 van die Kleur- kaarte uitgebeeld/Maxi- mum permissible with re- gard to damage and inten- sity as depicted in photo 2 of Set 2 of the Colour Charts

(b) Sonbrand - bruin/ Mag nie voorkom nie/Shall Maksimum toelaatbaar ten Sunburn - brown not occur opsigte van beskadiging en intensiteit soos in foto 1 van Stel 3 van die Kleur- kaarte uitgebeeld/Maxi- mum permissible with re- gard to damage and inten- sity as depicted in photo 1 of Set 3 of the Colour Charts

(c) Sonbrand - Mag nie voorkom nie/Shall Mag nie voorkom nie/Shall donker/ Sunburn - not occur not occur dark

13. Skilpadskil/Carapace Mag nie voorkom nie/Shall Maksimum oppervlakte skin not occur toelaatbaar soos in foto 3 van Stel 4 van die Kleur- kaarte uitgebeeld/Maxi- mum area permissible as depicted in photo 3 of Set 4 of the Colour Charts

______DIRECTORATE: FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE Private Bag X343, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319 6231 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: www.daff.gov.za ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: AVOCADOS Page 28 of 48


14. Haelbeskadiging/Hail Mag nie voorkom nie/Shall Maksimum toelaatbaar damage not occur soos in foto 2 van Stel 5 van die Kleurkaarte uitge beeld: Met dien verstande dat geen haelmerk dieper as 2 mm mag wees nie/ Maximum permissible as depicted in photo 2 of Set 5 of the Colour Charts: Provided that no hail mark shall be deeper than 2 mm

15. Roetskimmel/Sooty Mag nie voorkom nie/Shall Maksimum oppervlakte mould not occur toelaatbaar soos in foto 2 van Stel 6 van die Kleur- kaarte uitgebeeld/Maxi- mum area permissible as depicted in photo 2 of Set 6 of the Colour Charts

16. Insekbeskadiging/Insect Mag nie voorkom nie/Shall Maksimum toelaatbaar damage not occur soos in foto 2 van Stel 7 van die Kleurkaarte uit- gebeeld /Maximum per- missible as depicted in photo 2 of Set 7 of the Colour Charts

17. Ander gebreke - inwen- dig/ Other defects - internal

(a) Stingelentbederf/ Mag nie voorkom nie/Shall Mag nie voorkom nie/Shall Stem end decay not occur not occur

(b) Vaatbundelver- Mag nie voorkom nie/Shall Mag nie voorkom nie/Shall bruining/Vascular not occur not occur browing

(c) Inwendige vlek/ Mag nie voorkom nie/Shall Mag nie voorkom nie/Shall Internal spot not occur not occur

(d) Antraknose/ Mag nie voorkom nie/Shall Mag nie voorkom nie/Shall Anthracnose not occur not occur

______DIRECTORATE: FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE Private Bag X343, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319 6231 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: www.daff.gov.za ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: AVOCADOS Page 29 of 48


18. Ander gebreke - uitwen- dig/Other defects - external

(a) Koueskade op Mag nie voorkom nie/Shall Mag nie voorkom nie/Shall skil/ Cold damage not occur not occur on skin

(b) Dothiorella bederf/ Mag nie voorkom nie/Shall Mag nie voorkom nie/Shall Dothiorella rot not occur not occur

(c) Antraknose/ Mag nie voorkom nie/Shall Mag nie voorkom nie/Shall Anthracnose not occur not occur

(d) Vrugtevliegskade/ Mag nie voorkom nie/Shall Mag nie voorkom nie/Shall Fruit fly damage not occur not occur

19. Lentiselbeskadiging/ Lenticel damage

(a) Hass Maksimum toelaatbaar op Maksimum toelaatbaar op die swakste kant van die die swakste kant van die vrug soos in foto 2 van vrug soos in foto 4 van Stel 10b van die Kleur- Stel 10b van die Kleur- kaarte uitgebeeld: Met kaarte uitgebeeld: Met dien verstande dat geen dien verstande dat geen vlek of samevloeiing met vlek of samevloeiing met lentiselbeskadiging toe- lentiselbeskadiging toe- gelaat word nie/Maximum gelaat word nie/Maximum permissible on the worst permissible on the worst side of the fruit as depicted side of the fruit as depicted in photo 2 of Set 10b of in photo 4 of Set 10b of the the Colour Charts: Pro- Colour Charts: Provided vided that no blotch or that no blotch or diffusion diffusion is allowed with is allowed with lenticel lenticel damage damage

(b) Alle ander kulti- Maksimum toelaatbaar op Maksimum toelaatbaar op vars/ All other die swakste kant van die die swakste kant van die cultivars vrug soos in foto 1 van vrug soos in foto 1 van Stel 10 van die Kleur- Stel 10 van die Kleurkaarte kaarte uitgebeeld: Met uitgebeeld: Met dien dien verstande dat geen verstande dat geen vlek of vlek of samevloeiing met samevloeiing met

______DIRECTORATE: FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE Private Bag X343, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319 6231 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: www.daff.gov.za ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: AVOCADOS Page 30 of 48


lentiselbeskadiging toege- lentiselbeskadiging toege- laat word nie/Maximum laat word nie/Maximum permissible on the worst permissible on the worst side of the fruit as depicted side of the fruit as depicted in photo 1 of Set 10 of the in photo 1 of Set 10 of the Colour Charts: Provided Colour Charts: Provided that no blotch or diffusion that no blotch or diffusion is allowed with lenticel is allowed with lenticel damage damage

20. Kurkagtige lentiselle - Maksimum toelaatbaar op Maksimum toelaatbaar op Edranol/Corky lenticels die swakste kant van die die swakste kant van die - Edranol vrug soos in foto 1 van vrug soos in foto 3 van Stel 15 van die Kleurkaar- Stel 15 van die Kleurkaarte te uitgebeeld/Maximum uitgebeeld/Maximum permissible on the worst permissible on the worst side of the fruit as depicted side of the fruit as depicted in photo 1 of Set 15 of the in photo 3 of Set 15 of the Colour Charts Colour Charts

21. Netagtige verruwing - Maksimum toelaatbaar op Maksimum toelaatbaar op alle kultivars/Netting - die swakste kant van die die swakste kant van die all cultivars vrug soos in foto 1 van vrug soos in foto 3 van Stel 11 van die Kleur- Stel 11 van die Kleurkaarte kaarte uitgebeeld/Maxi- uitgebeeld/Maximum mum permissible on the permissible on the worst worst side of the fruit as side of the fruit as depicted depicted in photo 1 of Set in photo 3 of Set 11 of the 11 of the Colour Charts Colour Charts

22. Windskade - Donker/ Mag nie voorkom nie/Shall Maksimum toelaatbaar Wind damage - Dark not occur soos in foto 2 van Stel 12 van die Kleurkaarte uitge- beeld/Maximum permis- sible as depicted in photo 2 of Set 12 of the Colour Charts

23. Dopluisbesmetting/ Mag nie voorkom nie/Shall 'n Maksimum van 6 dop- Scale infestation not occur luise per vrug is toelaat- baar/A maximum of 6 scale per fruit is permis- sible

______DIRECTORATE: FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE Private Bag X343, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319 6231 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: www.daff.gov.za ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: AVOCADOS Page 31 of 48


24. Colletotrichum Mag nie voorkom nie/ Gesamentlike totale area spikkels / speckle Shall not occur mag nie 3cm2 oorskry nie/Collective total area shall not exceed 3cm2

25. Pepervlek - Ryan / Mag nie voorkom nie/Shall Gesamentlike totale area Pepper spot - Ryan not occur mag nie meer as die letsel in foto 2 van stel 12 van die kleur kaarte/ Collective total surface area shall not exceed the size of the blemish depicted in photo no. 2 of set 12 of the colour charts

26. Ongespesifiseerde in- Mag afwyk tot die mate in Mag afwyk tot die mate in wendige of uitwendige Tabel 3 uiteengesit/May Tabel 3 uiteengesit/May gehaltegebreke nie deviate to the extent set deviate to the extent set hierbo genoem nie/ out in Table 3 out in Table 3 Unspecified internal or external quality defects not mentioned above

______DIRECTORATE: FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE Private Bag X343, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319 6231 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: www.daff.gov.za ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: AVOCADOS Page 32 of 48




Gehaltefaktor/ Ekstra Klas/ Klas 1/ Quality factor Extra Class Class 1

1. Bederf (bv. stingelent- 0% 1% bederf, vaatbundelver- bruining, inwendige vlek, antraknose, dothiorellabederf)/ Decay (e.g. stem end decay, vascular browning, internal spot, anthracnose, dothiorella rot)

2. Beserings/Injuries 2% 4%

3. Kneusplekke/Bruises 2% 4%

4. Misvorming/Malforma- tion

(a) Epidermale induik- 5% 10% ings/Epidermal notches

(b) Epidermale 5% 10% knoppe/Epidermal bumps

(c) Krom nekke/Bent 4% 10% necks

5. Sagte vrugte/ Soft fruit 2% 4%

6. Sigbare chemiese resi- 3% 10% du's/Visible chemical residues

______DIRECTORATE: FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE Private Bag X343, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319 6231 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: www.daff.gov.za ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: AVOCADOS Page 33 of 48


7. Interne koue- en ryp- 0% 3% skade/Internal cold and frost damage

8. Letsels/Blemishes

(a) Skilbeskadiging, 5% 10% cercopora, son- brand (alle soorte, uitgesonderd donker sonbrand), skilpadskil, hael- beskadiging, roet- skimmel, insek- beskadiging, len- tiselbeskadiging, donker wind- skade/Skin damage, cer- cospora, sunburn (all types, exclu- ding dark sun- burn), carapace skin, hail damage, sooty mould, insect damage, lenticel damage, dark wind damage

(b) Donker sonbrand/ 0% 2% Dark sunburn

(c) Edranol corky 5% 10% lenticel

(d) Netagtige verru- 5% 10% wing / Netting

9. Voorkoms van dopluise: 0% 5% Geen vrugte mag meer as twee maal die getal dopluise per vrug bevat nie, behalwe 'n tole

______DIRECTORATE: FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE Private Bag X343, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319 6231 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: www.daff.gov.za ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: AVOCADOS Page 34 of 48


ransie van twee vrugte per besending, of 0,4% van die vrugte wat ondersoek word, wat ook al die grootste is: Met dien verstande dat die persentasie vrugte met meer dopluise as die toelaatbare getal per vrug vir die betrokke telling nie 2% oorskry nie/Occurrence of scale: No fruit shall contain more than twice the number of scale per fruit with the exception of a tolerance of two fruit per consignment or 0,4% of the fruit examined, whichever is the greater: Provided the percentage of fruit with scale in excess of the number permitted per fruit, for the count in question, does not exceed 2%

10. Massareeks/Mass 10%: Met dien verstande 10%: Met dien verstande range dat geen avokado's kleiner dat geen avokado's kleiner of groter mag wees as die of groter mag wees as die massareeks wat onmiddel- massareeks wat onmiddel- lik onder of bo die ver- lik onder of bo die ver- klaarde minimum of mak- klaarde minimum of mak- simum massa voorkom simum massa voorkom nie: Met dien verstande nie: Met dien verstande verder dat avokado's wat verder dat avokado's wat 2% of minder van die ver- 2% of minder van die ver- klaarde minimum massa of klaarde minimum massa of 10% of minder van die ver- 10% of minder van die ver- klaarde maksimum massa klaarde maksimum massa van die reeks afwyk nie in van die reeks afwyk nie in berekening gebring sal berekening gebring sal word nie/10%: word nie/10%:

______DIRECTORATE: FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE Private Bag X343, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319 6231 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: www.daff.gov.za ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: AVOCADOS Page 35 of 48


Provided that no avocados Provided that no avocados may be smaller or larger may be smaller or larger than the mass range than the mass range immediately below or immediately below or above the declared above the declared minimum or maximum minimum or maximum mass: Provided further mass: Provided further that avocados which that avocados which deviate 2% or less from deviate 2% or less from the declared minimum the declared minimum mass or 10% or less from mass or 10% or less from the declared maximum the declared maximum mass of the range shall mass of the range shall not not be taken into account be taken into account

11. Lang vrugtestele/Long 5% 10% pedicels

12. Afwykings van verpak- Een houer per palet/One Een houer per palet/One kingsvereistes soos in container per pallet container per pallet item 10 voorgeskryf/De- viations from packing requirements as pre- scribed in item 10

13. Afwykings van merkver- Een houer per palet/One Een houer per palet/One eistes soos in item 15 container per pallet container per pallet voorgeskryf/Deviations from marking require- ments as prescribed in item 15

14. Alle afwykings inslui- 5% 10% tend ongespesifiseerde gebreke, gesamentlik: Met dien verstande dat sodanige afwykings individueel binne die perke soos in items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8(a-c), 9 en 11 van hierdie tabel uiteengesit is/All de- viations including un- specified de- fects,

______DIRECTORATE: FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE Private Bag X343, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319 6231 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: www.daff.gov.za ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: AVOCADOS Page 36 of 48


combined: Provided that such deviations are individually within the limits as specified in items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8(a-c), 9 and 11 of this table

15. Tydperk tussen die 5% 5% datum van verpakking en die geskeduleerde tyd van vertrek van die betrokke voertuig soos in 10(8)(b) voorgeskryf: Maksimum toelaatbare afwyking, volgens getal, van palet per besen- ding: Met dien ver- stande dat sodanige afwyking nie met vyf dae oorskry mag word nie/Time between packing and schedule departure of vessel as prescribed in 10(8)(b): Maximum permissible deviation, by number, of pallets per consign- ment: Provided that such deviation does not exceed 5 days

______DIRECTORATE: FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE Private Bag X343, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319 6231 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: www.daff.gov.za ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: AVOCADOS Page 37 of 48




Massareeks in gram/ Groottekode/ Mass range in grammes Size code 781 - 1220 4

576 - 780 6

456 - 576 8

364 - 462 10

300 - 371 12

258 - 313 14

227 - 274 16

203 - 243 18

184 - 217 20

165 - 196 22

151 - 175 24

144 - 157 26

134 - 147 28

123 - 137 30

80 - 123 (Hass variety only) S1


1) The difference between the smallest and largest fruit within a package should not be more than 25 g with a tolerance of 5% for Extra Class and a tolerance of 10% for Class 1 and 2/Die verskil tussen die kleinste en grootste vrug in die pakkie mag nie meer wees as 25 g nie met 'n toleransie van 5% vir Ekstra Klas en 'n toleransie van 10% for Klas 1 en 2

______DIRECTORATE: FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE Private Bag X343, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319 6231 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: www.daff.gov.za

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