1973-1974 Masters of Arts (History and Culture)

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1973-1974 Masters of Arts (History and Culture)

Curriculum Vitae

PROFESSOR KHURSHIDA KHANOM Prof & Head, Dept. of Health Education & Health Promotion Bangladesh Institute of Health Sciences (BIHS), 125/1, Darus Salam, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216

Former Prof.& Head, Dept. of Health Promotion & Health Education National Institute of Preventive & Social Medicine (NIPSOM) Government of Bangladesh. Tel: 9113067, 9140344 (Res).


1973.1974 Masters of Arts (History and Culture) University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh

1977.1978 Diploma in Health Education (Epidemiology, Statistics, Environmental Health, Nutrition, Community Organization, Public Health Administration, Sociology, Behavioral Science, MCH, Communication, Health Education) All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health, Calcutta, India

1994 Certificate Course (Health Education & Health Promotion) Liverpool School of Tropical Medicines, United Kingdom

1993 Certificate Course (English for Doctors) Liverpool School of Tropical Medicines, United Kingdom

2000 Certificate Course (Adolescent Health and Reproductive Counseling) Dept. of Public Health, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand


1986 to 2006 Head of the Dept. of Health Promotion & Health Education National Institute of Preventive & Social Medicine (NIPSOM), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, People’s Republic of Bangladesh. The institution is also affiliated with the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

1981 to till now Examiner, University of Dhaka & Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU), Bangladesh for MPhil & MPH courses. Responsibilities:

Page 1 of 8 -Assist the director (office chief) in over all administrative decisions, manage and co-ordinate various affairs within the institute.

-Planning, Implementation and evaluation of the MPH course curriculum.

-Teaching Health Education courses to MPH (H.Ed.) and other post graduate degree seeking students i.e., MPH (PH), MPH (CM), MPH (MCH&FP), MPH (IH) & M.Phil. -Organizing and conducting field practice and guiding dissertation work for students. Conduct exams. -Research in the field of Health Education & behavioral science. -Responsible for Manage & supervise the staffs and other faculty members of the dept.

1986 to 2006 Professor & Head of the Dept of Health Promotion & Health Education, (NIPSOM) Responsibilities: similar as above

2005 Guest Professor, State University, Dhaka Responsibilities: similar as above.

1981-1986 Associate Professor, NIPSOM Responsibilities: similar as above.

1979-1981 Course coordinator, Masters of Public Health (MPH) Responsibilities: similar as above.

1977.1978.1.1.1 Assistant Health Education Officer Responsibilities: -Organize and conduct training programs, seminars, workshops at National and District levels. -Deliver health education lectures in different training courses of Civil Surgeon and other health personnel. -Develop health education materials/ modules for training and mass education.

1973-77 Health Educator, Malaria Eradication Program, Bangladesh. Responsibilities: -Plan, implement, and supervise the health education activities of the program in National, Division and District level. e.g:, media publicity, training, awareness campaign for general public to control and prevent malarial infection and transmission.

Jan’77 – Mar’77 National Epidemiologist (WHO employee in Bangladesh) National Small Pox Eradication Program, a part of worldwide Small Pox Eradication Program conducted by World Health Organization (WHO).

Page 2 of 8 Responsibilities: Monitoring, supervision and evaluation of field activities carried out by the surveillance team.


Position Research Project Year

Co-investigator “ Improved Hygiene Education for Four City Corporations” 2000-2001 funded by Urban Primary Health Care Project, Bangladesh.

Principle Educational Intervention Program on Family Budget in a rural 1996-98. investigator village, Dhamrai, Bangladesh.

Principal “ Health Education Intervention Program on Environmental 1997-98 Investigator Health in a selected area of Dhaka City Corporation”–a pilot project funded by AUSAID. Co-Investigator “ Effectiveness in Dissemination of Health Information to the 1997-98 Community by Secondary School Children: An Approach for Cost Minimization in PHC Implementation”– funded by AUSAID. Principle “ A Study on Attitude of Rickshaw-puller about their 1991 Investigator Expenditure on Smoking and Food in Dhaka City”- Dept. of Health Education, NIPSOM, Bangladesh. Principle “Study on AIDS Education among University Student” Dept. 1990 Investigator of Health Education, NIPSOM, Bangladesh 1990.

Research Associate “ Bangladesh Condom users survey”, sponsored by Social 1983 Marketing Project (funded by USAID) Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Co-Investigator “ Smoking Habit of Bangladesh Secretariat Staff” –funded by 1983 Bangladesh Medical Research Council (BMRC).

Principal “An Evaluation of the Sayedpur Sanitation Project” (funded by 1986 Investigator. OXFAM)0.

Co-Investigator. “ Knowledge Attitude Practice (KAP) Study on Maternal and 1984 Child Health in 9 Selected Areas of Bangladesh” –funded by CONCERN WOMEN. Principle “Non-Acceptance of Immunization of Children Below 5 years 1977 Investigator in Rural Community, India”- Dept. of Health Education, All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health

Principle “ Strengthening Health Education Component in Malaria 1978 Investigator Eradication Program in Hydrabad, India”, funded by WHO.

Page 3 of 8 Publications

1. a) A Case study of Working Women in Dhaka Bangladesh. Proceeding at the XVI World Conference on Health Promotion and Education, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 20-26 June 1998.

b) Khurshida Khanom and Robert G. Leonard (1989) A Hygiene experiment in rural Bangladesh Sociological Perspectives, USA. Vol. 32, No. 2. pp 245-255.

2. Khurshida Khanom et al (1988) Concept and Practice of Health Education through sue of Mass Media in the Epidemic Control and Management of Diarrhea Disease in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Medical Journal Vol. – 17, No. 3 pp 78-81.

3. Khurshida Khanom et al (1984) A study on smoking habits of urban population of Narayangonj city. Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine, Bangladesh, Vol. 3, No.1, pp 44-48.

4. Khurshida Khanom et al (1983) A study on impact of an Educational Program on Immunization behavior of parents. Research Council Bangladesh Medical Bulletin, Vol. IX, No. I, pp 18-24

5. Khurshida Khanom et al (1982) A change in knowledge due to an educational intervention in selected communicable diseases in semi urban area of Dhaka Metropolis, Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine, Bangladesh Vol. 1 No. 2, pp 32-36.

6. Khurshida Khanom (1982) Health Education in Bangladesh its roots and growth, Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine, Bangladesh. Vol. 1 No. 1, pp 31-32.

7. Khurshida Khanom et al (1990) Knowledge on AIDS among the selected Higher Socio- Economic group in Dhaka. The Hygie, Bangladesh, Vol 4, No. 1, pp 23-27.

8. Khurshida Khanom et al (1990) Knowledge on Attitude on smoking among Bangladesh Secretarial staff. Chest and Health Bulletin. Bangladesh Vol-XIV, No. 1, pp 1-16.

9. Shah Alam Bhuyian, Shammi Akhter, Khurshida Khanom (1990) a stud on the basic concepts of rural mothers on material and child health care. The Hygie, Bangladesh, Vol- 4, No. 1, pp 11-16.

10. Prof. Nurul Islam, Khurshida Khanom and Md. Nurul Islam (1980) Smoking habit among Bangladesh Secretarial staffs, Bangladesh Medical Research Council Bulletin, Bangladesh, Vo. XVI, No. 2, pp 62-69.

11. Khurshida Khanom et al (1990) study on Maternal and Child Health in five selected areas of Bangladesh. In Proceedings of Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science. Twelfth Bangladesh Science Conference, p-36.

12. Prof. Nurul Islam, Khurshida Khanom, Md. Nururl Islam, Smoking in Bangladesh. A pilot Study in proceeding of 7th World Conference on Tobacco and Health, Perth, W. Australia 1-5 April 1990.

Page 4 of 8 13. Khurshida Khanom et al, “Education Intervention on AIDS among University students” Paper presented in XIV World Conference on Health Education, June 16-21, 1991 in Finland, Abstract page –411.

14. Khurshida Khanom et al 1992. Attitude on Expenditure of Rickshaw pullers on smoking and food. Abstract accepted 8 th World Conference on Tobacco or Health, March 30-April 3, 1992. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

15. Khurshida Khanom et al (1992), “Knowledge and attitude among the higher socio- economic group in Dhaka “ Paper presented in the 2 nd International Conference on AIDS, Nov 8-12m 1992 in New Delhi, India, Abstract page – 432.

16. Khurshida Khanom (1994) “Sociological issues Emerging from Ecological Imbalance and Environmental Pollution” South East Asia Network for Environmental Education, India – A Monogram on Solid Waste management pp 1-5.

17. Khurshida Khanom (1996) “Health Education in Behavioral Science ” In proceeding of 4 th International Congress, Convocation and Award Presentation Ceremony 3-6 December, 1996 in India pp 40-42.


1. Worked as a Consultant in developing education program for Children’s parents for the “Society for Assistance to Hearing Impaired Children”(SAHIC) in Bangladesh, 1992- 93.

2. Worked as a Consultant in planning and developing an international course on health education on Diarrhoeal Disease for the International Center for Diarrhoeal Disease and Research (ICDDR, B), Bangladesh, 1985.

3. Worked as a consultant in preparing a concept paper for Women’s Health Promotion on Industrial worker in Bangladesh, GTZ (NIPORT Project) 1997.

4. Worked as a consultant in Taknaf Sanitation Project (ICDDR’B) in developing and Evaluating health education training course for health educator. Also evaluated the main project activities, 1985-88

5. Worked as a consultant in Ragpur Sanitation project (OXFAM1987

6. Was appointed as a WHO short-term consultant in Afghanistan in 1990.


Page 5 of 8 1. Attended 10th South East Asia Regional Scientific Meeting of the International Epidemiological Association held in Colombo, Srilanka, May 23-26, 2010 as a member of the delegation of Govt. of Bangladesh.

2. Attended the 51st session of the WHO Regional Committee for South East Asia held in New Delhi September 7-11, 1998 as a member of the delegation of Govt. of Bangladesh.

3. Participated and presented a paper on “Working Woman Problem in Dhaka City”, in The 16th World Conference on Health Promotion and Education in Puerto Rico, San Joan, USA June 21-26 1998. Also worked as a member of the Scientific Committee of the Conference

4. Attended Consultative meeting on Mega Country Health Promotion Strategic plan February 3-5, 1998 at WHO Delhi, India.

5. Attended 4th International Conference on Health Promotion, Jakarta, Indonesia, July 21- 25, 1997

6. Attended Global and European Conference in (EPH and city forum) in Belgium (Antroup) 1993.

7. Participated and presented a paper on “Educational Intervention of AIDS among University Students” in the XIV World Conference on Health Education, June 16-21, 1991, Helsinki, Finland.

8. Participated in the 3rd International Conference on Health Promotion (Supportive Environments) Sundsvall, Sweden June 9-15, 1991.

9. 8. Attended and presented a paper on “The study of the knowledge attitude among the higher socio-economic group in Bangladesh” in The International AIDS Conference in New Delhi, India. 1992

10. Attended National Conference on Community Medicine in New Delhi India 1991.


1. Participated and presented a paper on “Waste disposal in Bangladesh” in The International Seminar on Waste Disposal and Environmental Health at Bangalore, India, 1994. 2. Worked as an advisor in Inter-Country Workshop on Monitoring and Evaluation of AIDS Health Promotion Activities, Dhaka, Bangladesh, January, 1990. 3. Participate in International AIDS Workshop in Jakarta, Indonesia, 1992.

4. Participated in the inter-country workshop on “Preparation of Health Education Specialist in New Delhi organized by WHO, 1981

5. Attended a course on: Use of Video in training conducted by World View International Foundation Bangladesh in 1988.

Page 6 of 8 6. Attended Workshop on Research Methodology and Health Delivery System, Bangladesh 1993.


1. A visit to The Yale University, Connecticut, U.S.A: To observe the activities of the faculty of Public Health (Specially AIDS Unit).

2. Study tours to observe various health education programs in Colombo, Sri Lanka; Jakarta, Indonesia; and in Bangkok, Thailand. 3. Visited a number of public health institutions in UK., Germany, Belgium, Finland and Switzerland etc. 4. Visited Lexington Center, Inc. New York, to observe the management of hearing impaired children.


1. Editor in Chief of a health education newsletter “TORCH”.

2. Editorial member of Health Promotion and Health Education Journal, Paris France.

3. Member of Editorial Board, International Union for Health Promotion and Education Journal, South East Asia Regional Bureau (SEARB), India

4. Regional editor (Asia) of Health Promotion International, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

5. Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine (JOPSOM), NIPSOM, Bangaldesh.

6. Radio and Television Performer: facilitate adult literacy education program, newscaster, drama, music etc. since 1964 till date.


1. Founder President, Bangladesh Health education Society, 1991

2. (a) Member broad of trustees, International Union for Health Promotion and Education, Paris, France (2001-3)

(b) Life Member, International Union for Health Promotion and Education, Paris and Co- Chairperson, Executive Committee of South East Asian Region of the Union, Bangalore, India.

3. Life Member of Society for Assistance to Hearing Impaired Children in Bangladesh

Page 7 of 8 4. Member, Women’s Voluntary Association (WVA), Bangladesh

5. Member, Public Health Association of Bangladesh

6. Member of National AIDS Committee of Bangladesh

7. Member Breast Feeding Foundation, Bangladesh.


Achieved JAMES OF ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE from Indian Board of Alternative Medicine 1996


1. Dr. Md. Anwar Hossain Associate Scientist & Program Head Clinical Laboratory Services Program ICDDR’B, GPO Box 128, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh. Phone- Off. 8826391, E-mali: [email protected]

2. Dr. Luis Phillips M.D. MPH Rtd. Head of the Department Of Health Education All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health Park Street Post Office, P.O Box 9426, Kolkata 16, India Ph: 523241,5524514;e-mail: [email protected]

3. Prof. Dr. Mahmudur Rahman Member Bangladesh Public Service Commission Old Airport Building Tejgaon, Dhaka-1215 Ph: 8113373 (Off)


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