Cowal Locality Public Partnership Forum s1

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Cowal Locality Public Partnership Forum s1



Present: Jimmy Bell Convener, CLPPF Guest: PeterDick Walsh Galliard ArgyllVice Convener, & Bute Council CLPPF Leader Robin Creelman Chair, Argyll & Bute Community Health Partnership Viv Hamilton NHS Highland, Locality Manager Bute, Cowal, Helensburgh & Lomond Jayne Lawrence-Winch Argyll & Bute Council, Area Manager, Adult Care Aileen Hoey Hunter’s Quay Community Council/CCCF Aily Thomson Dunoon Link Club Bill Cassidy MS Society, CCCF Duncan MacLeod Cowal Befrienders, CCCF Eileen Lea CLPPF member Eleanor Stevenson South Cowal Community Council Evelyn Hide Public rep, CLPPF Fulton McInnes Hunter’s Quay Community Council Heather Grier 24/7 OOH/CLPPF member Iain MacNaughton Sandbank Community Council Kate Stephens Public rep, CLPPF Thomas Law Hunter’s Quay Community Council Susan McFadyen Cowal Community Care Forum, CLPPF Administrative Support

Apologies: Alison McCrossan, Ellis Henderson, George Allan


Evelyn welcomed everyone to the meeting and all attendees introduced themselves. Evelyn explained that she has now retired from her post as Convener of the CLPPF and that Jimmy Bell id the new convener with Peter Galliard the vice convener.

On behalf of the CHP Committee Robin thanked Evelyn for all her hard work over the years.

Jimmy explained that he and Peter will be working in partnership to support the CLPPF.


Dick explained that joint working is not a new thing and went on to discuss Health and Social Care Integration. Key points from Dick’s presentation are summarised below:

The Joint Working Scotland Bill was published in May 2013. The Council and the Health Board are required to have a joint model working by 1st April 2015.

1 | P a g e A key point is to work in partnership with the third (voluntary) sector and public sector.

Key components of the bill are:

 requirement to have a nationally agreed outcomes framework

 there needs to be an integration plan and the establishment of an integration board – this will be made up of 4 members from Health and 4 members from the Council (represents 10% of council membership).

 Section 26 of the bill places an obligation that there will be consultation and that a consultation group should be established of such persons appearing to have and others thought appropriate by both the Council and Health.

 There are 4 possible models for Health and Social Care Integration:

1. Body Corporate 2. Lead Agency with Health as lead 3. Lead Agency with Council as lead 4. Highland Lead Agency – some departments led by Health and some by Council

Adult Care and Child Care services from both agencies will be integrated.

Where are we now?

 The Council and Health have agreed the Body Corporate model and are discussing the services to be included in this.

 Need to initiate a team of officers from Council and Health

 Development of consultation on communication arrangements is required. Dick felt that CLPPF would be the most appropriate agency to be involved in this. He stressed that while Health and the Council have different processes for consultation there is NO resistance from the Council to consultation – he felt that the note of last CLPPF meeting was inaccurate with regards to this.

Questions and discussion:

Heather explained that the question at the last CLPPF had been about public involvement from the beginning while Evelyn said that the public wish to be involved from the very beginning and not be told what is going to happen.

Dick wanted it noted that the point raised at the last CLPPF about the Council being against public involvement was incorrect. Evelyn asked if this was the case then why are they talking to the Chief Executive of the Health Board instead of the CHP?

Viv asked for confirmation – has the model been agreed by both Health and the Council? Dick said yes it has.

Iain wondered if additional staff will be need for Health & Social Care Integration. Dick said that this was not yet clear. 2 | P a g e Robin asked when the consultation will happen. Dick replied shortly after agreement of the model. A joint discussion paper will be produced.

Dick noted that the public were involved before the Bill was published.

Robin thought that the main concern for people will be “What does it actually look like for me in Cowal?” He also noted that there is a very important difference between engagement and consultation.

There was some discussion around the next steps and the timeline involved. It was agreed that an additional meeting of the CLPPF would be arranged for some time in April and that Dick would return then and give an update.


It was noted that Dick thought the note of meeting was incorrect as he disagreed with what was said at the meeting, however Heather disagreed with Dick and said that the minutes were correct. It was felt that the note of meeting was an accurate record of what was said and it was approved – proposed by Heather, seconded by Evelyn.

Link Club Meeting with John Dreghorn

A meeting was held at the Link Club with John Dreghorn and the Community Mental Health Team to discuss the questions raised by the Link Club re Mental Health services in the area. This was a well-attended meeting. Susan supported the meeting on behalf of the CLPPF by arranging it, taking minutes and facilitating. It was felt that the meeting was very positive and that “bridges had been built”. There will be a follow up meeting in May. Action Susan to circulate details of this.


Viv’s report

Viv gave her report – a copy is attached. Of note is the news regarding 24/7 Out of Hours Services – Rural negotiations are now complete.

Comments re Viv’s report

Aileen felt that with there being a shorter length of stay in hospital on average it is important that care at home is good. There was some discussion about the quality of care at home in the area with some examples of poor care. Jayne was concerned about these examples and said she could be contacted directly if there were any issues with an individual’s care. This was felt to be positive but there was a concern that people would want to remain anonymous or not make a fuss.

Additional questions about services with Viv Hamilton

Q. Will the new Mental Health Retrieval Service be a permanent thing? A. This is a 6 month pilot and will then be reviewed.

Q. Has a replacement for Dr Sandler been found?

3 | P a g e A. Replacement not yet recruited. Dr Alan Ogilvie is employed to cover as a locum for a 3 month period. The post has been readvertised and interviews will be 31st March.

Q. Is there a pharmacy open on a Sunday in Dunoon? A. No. Funding is available for a pharmacy to open for an hour on a Sunday but none of the existing pharmacies currently want to do this – this has been the case for a number of years. If a patient needs medication urgently they should contact NHS24 who will refer them to Casualty for emergency medication.

Q. How many care agencies work in the area and which ones? Also how far do they go geographically? A. Jayne said that she can find out these details. Action Jayne to give the information to Susan and Susan to circulate.

Q. Do you think the integration of Health and Social Care could resolve the schism between general practitioners and the Health Board? A. Viv would hope so. Thomas commented that he would like to see the GPs become part of the community hospital again.

Q. Are the GP anti-coagulant clinics stopping? A. All Dunoon anticoagulant patients will be monitored by the Cowal Community Hospital service from 1st April.


There was discussion about how CLPPF membership could be encouraged and increased. Jimmy suggested maybe having a drop-in session with himself and Peter able to provide information and ask questions. Action revisit this idea at the next meeting.

Susan suggested contacting Community Councils again and inviting them to CLPPF meetings – there have been a lot of recent changes with regards to Community Councillors so this would hopefully reach new people.

6. AOB

Susan was asked to send a retirement card to Derek Leslie on behalf of the CLPPF. Action Susan as soon as possible

NEXT MEETING: Update meeting with Councillor Dick Walsh Wednesday 9th April 2014 2pm to 4pm, Room A01, Cowal Community Hospital Tea/coffee registration from 1:30pm

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