Questions to Accompany Article “Sleep Experts to Teens...”

Directions: Answer the following questions. Write in complete sentences making sure to answer all parts of the question.

1. According to the National Sleep Foundation, how much sleep does an average teen need? Why?

2. Think about how many hours a week you typically get. How does your sleep schedule compare to Naomi Freemna’s (from the article)?

3. What are some of the common effects on teens that are caused by sleep deprivation? Why is sleep deprivation as dangerous as alcohol impairment? 4. According to the information that you have been presented with, prioritize the activities that you participate in. Is there room to allow for the attainment of more sleep? What solutions would you suggest for becoming “sleep smart”?

5. What do you think guides your sleep patterns, cultural, social or media influences? Why or why not?