Youngstown All Breed Training Club, Inc s1

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Youngstown All Breed Training Club, Inc s1


MEETING: The General Membership Meeting convened Monday, March 21, 2016 at 8:18 P.M. at the YABTC facility in North Jackson.

ATTENDANCE: Perri Graf, President; Stacy Judge, Treasurer; Debbie Harper, Recording Secretary; Mary Mignogna, Corresponding Secretary; Kim Burrier, Sharon Phillips, Lisa Sangregorio, Kathy Allen, Donn Bell, Patsy Catalano, Steven Catalano, Cheryl Christy, Ann Cicero, Jo Ann Fedyski, Kathy Hopkins, Diana James, Kathy Laverty, Merrill Lewis, Barb Mannion, Carol Sescourka, Walter Sescourka, Joann Sesser, Kathy Stehnach, Susanne Stiffler, Lynn Taylor, Sandy Ulicney, Caren Vicich and Helen White.

Guests: Kim Dillon, Peggy Sheehan

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Following a motion by Lisa Sangregorio and seconded by Mary Mignogna, the General Membership voted to approve the minutes of the General Membership meeting of January 18 as published.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Stacy Judge Stacy reported that our total assets as of March 21, 2016 are $884,557.88. Our year-to- date profit is -$10,775.70. The loss is due to the high cost of utilities and to paying our taxes. Following a motion by Mary Mignonga and seconded by Kim Burrier, the membership voted to accept the Treasurer’s Report.

CORRESPONDING SECRETARY: Mary Mignogna--no report

COMMITTEE REPORTS: Hospitality: Ann Cicero Sharon Phillips and Mary Mignogna will be providing the cakes for the May meeting. Peggy Sheehan and Diana James will bring the cakes for the September meeting.

Program: Cheryl Christy was named as this year's Lee Jackson Award recipient. Mary Mignonga and Lisa Sangregorio presented the program on CGCU and CGCA. A program is needed for May. The annual picnic is on Friday, July 22 at Helen White's house.

Welfare: Kathy Taleos Rae Reinhart's mother passed away the week before the March agility trial. Shelley Kacenski lost her Siberian, Dakota. Lisa Walters lost her puppy, Camo.

Training: Dale Burrier Instructors are needed for the obedience classes that are starting in April.

Obedience and Rally Trials: Mary Mignogna and Lori Baker The next trials are April 8, 9 and 10. Caren Vicich is in charge of the stewards. Let her know if you can help. The building will be cleaned on Thursday, April 7 at 5 P.M. Donations of food or money are needed for the kitchen. People to park cars are lined up. The judges dinner is Saturday night. Obedience Run Thrus—Kim Burrier reported that the next run thrus will be held on Tuesday, March 22. The order is Novice, Open and Utility.

Rally Run Thrus—Mary Mignogna--no report

Agility Trial: Sandy Irish, Debbie Harper, Mike Coates . March 19 and 20, 2016 –Sandy Irish --2 days at YABTC The trial filled and the there were many activities that helped to raise money to donate to AKC Canine Cancer research. Laura Bell put together a slide show of dogs' members who have died from cancer or survived cancer. She also raffled off two pet portraits. Bracelets with paw prints were sold to raise money, also. Exhibitors were encouraged to wear pink.

June 24, 25 and 26 --Debbie Harper--3 days at YABTC The judges are Catherine Nelson and Thomas Slattery. The applications have been submitted to AKC and the trial is on the web site.

August 20 and 21 --Sandy Irish--2 days at Wellness Center

October 7, 8 and 9 --Mike Coates--3 days at YABTC

December 3 and 4 -- Debbie Harper--2 days at Wellness Center

Agility Run Thrus: Someone is needed to chair the run thrus.

Publicity: Diana James--no report

Public Education: Someone is needed to chair this position.

Awards: Elaine Shively and Jennifer Milliner A few award are still being submitted to Elaine even though the deadline was February 29. The February newsletter contains the list of title that are acceptable to be put on the plaques. The plates are to be turned in only if members already have a plaque.

Building Maintenance: Ed Newsome, Dale Burrier and Mike Coates Help is needed on Wednesday evenings to sweep and wash the floors when it is obedience's month to clean the building. A few people are here until 11 or 12 P.M. performing these chores.

Finance: Stacy Judge--no report

Membership: Mary Mignogna Perri Graf is working on a new membership directory.

Newsletter: Marla Belzowski would like members to send her pictures and articles for the newsletter. Cheryl Christy will check on how to obtain a release for the pictures from the TDI(Therapy Dog International) sessions.

Website: Stacy Judge--no report

Auditing: Mary Ann Coates--no report New Members: Mary Mignogna The following people were approved by the Executive Board at the February and March, 2016 Board Meetings and are being introduced to the General Membership as prospective members of YABTC:

Peggy Sheehan Kim Dillon

Following a motion by Ann Cicero and seconded by Joann Sesser, the membership voted to vote on the above members by a show of hands rather than written ballots. Following a motion by Cheryl Christy and seconded by Ann Cicero, the membership voted to accept the above people as members of YABTC.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: This year's Fun Match held on March 6 had the best attendance ever with 86 dogs and 100 entries. The Goat Herder's Club sold out of food and the parking lot was full. Ieuan Lewis was in charge of purchasing the new digital sound system which was used at the March agility trial. The old system is for sale. The Ashtabula Kennel Club is renting our building on March 26 and 27 for their obedience and rally trials. The building will be cleaned on Friday, March 25 at 5 P.M. The Steve Schwarz Agility Seminar is being held at YABTC on Saturday and Sunday April 23 and 24. The working spots for the Saturday morning session are full. There are working spots available for Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning and afternoon.

NEW BUSINESS Mary Mignogna received the good news that she is now a rally judge. She will judge for YABTC at our spring trial in 2017. The conformation, lure coursing and obedience shows that are usually held at the Polo Fields in Chagrin Falls are being moved to Madison.

The General Membership Meeting adjourned at 8:55 P.M. following a motion by Mary Mignogna and seconded by Donn Bell.

The next General Membership Meeting will be held Monday, May 16, 2016 at the YABTC facility.

Respectfully submitted,

Debbie Harper Recording secretary

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