TRU E COLORS What Color Is Your Personality?

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TRU E COLORS What Color Is Your Personality?

TRU E COLORS What Color is Your Personality?

Sue Utter Counselor, Carl Junction High School [email protected] (417)649-5728

Intrinsic in human nature is the need for self-confidence and self- esteem—two characteristics widely recognized as a foundation for successful behavior and interaction/relationships.

Recognizing the need for self-confidence, individual respect, worthiness and esteem, TRU E COLORS has been created as the vocabulary through which people can communicate the expression of their character.

TRU E COLORS is an easy entertaining way to begin to better understand yourself and others. Identifying your character “color” becomes an invaluable tool for enjoying success in both your personal and professional life, and in addition can enhance and improve your relationships with others. Basic Premises of TRU E COLORS

• All Colors are EQUAL—no color is any better than any other color

• We all have some amount of every color in our personalities— however minute!

• Your second highest color will often be that of a person who has had grate influence in our life. Core Needs & Values – ORANGE – FREEDOM

Playful/Fun Loving Energetic Charming Risk Taker NIKE Attitude Bold/Direct Quick Witted Master Negotiator Assertive “Let’s Make a Deal” Needs Mobility Independent Generous Optimistic Versatile Natural Entertainer Visual and Hands-on Learner Pushes the Boundaries Natural Non-Conformist Impulsive/Spontaneous Needs Immediate Feedback Left/Right Brain Integrated Flexible/Adaptable Likes Informal Learning EnvironmentsCan Multi-task Very competitive…but Resilient Likes Tangible Rewards

ORANGE Leadership Style

Your Leadership Style is: competitive; action-oriented; physical; fun; energizing; exciting; dramatic; flexible; risk-taking; humorous; plays to win; productive; attracts a large following.

Your Strengths as a Leader are: attracts people; injects humor; makes tasks fun; competitive spirit; competent decision-maker; versatile/flexible; variety of solutions; activities are energizing and allow for movement; deals quickly with concrete problems; does not fear change.

ORANGE Expectations: quick action; make it fun; flexible/adaptable; focused in the “here and now”; challenged by and likes change How might other colors see ORANGE people? Irresponsible Flakey Rude Unorganized Scattered/Cluttered Insensitive Smart-aleck Selfish Aggressive Unsympathetic Can’t be trusted Uncontrollable Unreliable Disobeys the rules (on purpose!) Manipulative Invades other people’s space Unable to stay on task or finish projects


• How does your “color” affect your self-esteem and behavior?

In Esteem At Risk Acts boldly-very direct Rude and defiant Seeks adventure…safely Breaks rules on purpose Impulsive & spontaneous Runs away or drops out Assertive-gets to the point At risk for drugs/alcohol Competitive—but resilient! Aggressive Extremely physical Violent Likes “hands-on” activities Will lie and/or cheat Core Needs & Values – GREEN – INTELLECTUAL COMPETENCE (Information& Knowledge)

Complex Intellectual Asks “Why?” Questions Philosophical Great “Idea” People Perfectionistic Always Thinking Theoretical Logical Visionary “Should be able to…” Standard Setters Futuristic Can NEVER Know Enough Calm, Cool, Collected Abstract Thinkers Global/Conceptual Thorough Requires Independent/Private Time Can Pronounce and Spell all the Big Words! Has the greatest job satisfaction of any color

GREEN Leadership Style

Your Leadership Style is: calm, cool and detached; logical/unemotional; analytical; futuristic in nature; intellectual; competent/intelligent; clarifying.

Your Strengths as a Leader are: pride in technical know-how; accepts challenges easily/willingly; demonstrates self-control; does not make decisions based on emotions; logical approach to assignments; considers all possible solutions/angles before making a decision; values logical/best solution over people- oriented concerns and feelings.

GREEN Expectations: intelligence and competence; task relevancy; analytical approach; consider the future implications of change; likes and encourages change for improvement; expects people to follow-through and do their part. How might other colors see GREEN people? Intellectual Snobs Know-it-Alls Arrogant Ruthless Doesn’t care about others Unrealistic Cool and Aloof Unfeeling Critical Fault-Finding Heartless Eccentric…WEIRD! Emotionally Controlled Afraid to “Open Up” Stingy with Praise Inconsiderate of others Sarcastic Sets unrealistic expectations


• How does your “color” affect your self-esteem and behavior?

In Esteem At Risk Questions/explores ideas Behaves indecisively Considers ideas of others Refuses to cooperate Pleasant, but not social Rude/arrogant Thrives on ingenuity/work Putdowns/sarcasm Strives for improvement Uses “silent treatment” Has high expectations Highly critical (of self & others) Works independently Perfection demanded Core Needs & Values – GOLD – DUTY & RESPONSIBILITY

Dutiful Loyal Responsible Trustworthy Conservative Stable Punctual Predictable Precise Boy Scout Motto—”Be Prepared” Loves to Plan Detail Oriented Service Oriented Helpful Believes in “Shoulds” and “Should Nots” Values Order There is a “Right” and “Wrong” way to do Everything Follows Procedure/Chain of Command Values Family & Tradition Strives for Sense of Security Left-brained/analytical Believes in Policies and Rules Most Comfortable in Formal Learning Environment

GOLD Leadership Style

Your Leadership Style is: tried and true; conservative; traditional; trust- worthy; disciplined; decisive; detail-oriented; no-nonsense; task-oriented; time conscious

Your Strengths as a Leader are: organization; structure; dedicated to task; punctual and precise; task completed on time; attention to detail; obeys protocol and chain of command; establishes clear cut rules and procedures; decisive.

GOLD Expectations: punctuality; order; loyalty; respect for tradition; rules should be obeyed/followed; detailed and thorough approach; accepts change if/when proven “right/necessary;” believes change should be initiated over time/gradually. How might other colors see GOLD people? Rigid Controlling Boring Stubborn System-Bound Unsympathetic Judgmental Bossy Fussy Inflexible Uptight Predictable Refuses to Adapt or Change Rigid idea of Time Worries too Much Authoritarian Attitude “Blind Herd” Mentality


• How does your “color” affect your self-esteem and behavior?

In Esteem At Risk Task/structure focused Complains…self pity Dependable and reliable Behaves like a martyr Enjoys helping others Anxious and worried Conscientious @ health Depression/fatigue/phobias Direct but cautious JUDGMENTAL (self & others) Obeys rules/guidelines Bossy/authoritarian Respects authority “Blind heard” mentality Core Needs and Values – BLUE — RELATIONSHIPS

Loving Caring Mediators Kind Compassionate Caretakers Passionate Peacemakers True Romantics Cause-Oriented Gentle Spiritual Peaceful Harmonious Unifying Enthusiastic Creative Accepting of others Cooperative Nature Kind Considerate Need to Belong Need to feel “Special” Always Has a Kind Word for Others Sensitive Great Motivator/Encourager for Others

BLUE Leadership Style

Your Leadership Style is: concerned; relaxed; all-inclusive; cooperative; harmonious; caring; democratic; participatory; enthusiastic; inspirational.

Your Strengths as a Leader are: everyone gets involved; encouraging; motivational/inspirational; imaginative and creative; positive, optimistic attitude when dealing with problems/issues; promotes harmony, unity and sensitivity within the group. BLUE Expectations: all should express their views/opinions; everyone’s ideas should be respected; assumes cooperative approach/”family spirit;” all should develop their full potential; sensitive, less structured approach How might other colors see BLUE people? Bleeding-Hearts Overly Emotional Mushy Immature Hopeless Romantics “Other-Worldly” Unrealistic Smothering Gullible Too Trusting Hopelessly Naïve Groveling Easy to Manipulate Soft/fawning A Dreamer Insecure and Passive A “Push-over” Out of touch with Reality


• How does your “color” affect your self-esteem and behavior?

In Esteem At Risk Very appreciative Attention getting behavior Honest/has integrity Will lie to save face Cooperative/team player Overly emotional (cry, scream, etc.) Contagious enthusiasm Fantasize/withdraw Expressive/creative Passive-aggressive acts Encouraging/motivating Appears depressed Wants peace/harmony Wears feelings on sleeve In summary… It is always best to acknowledge what each color contributes to the world to make it a better place…

• ORANGE—adventure, excitement, variety, humor, fun • GREEN—knowledge, confidence, determination, goals Vision • GOLD—organization, security, stability, patriotism, family values • BLUE—love, affection, harmony, cooperation, creativity compassion

Here are some guidelines to use when dealing with each color/personality type….

• ORANGE—be flexible, optimistic, spontaneous, energetic

• GREEN—be competent, logical, poised, prepared

• GOLD—be organized, loyal, responsible and prompt

• BLUE—be considerate, personal, sincere, honest

Improving Relationships with ORANGE People • Recognize and respect their need for freedom • Value their playfulness—join in occasionally! • Help them think before they act (or speak!) • Spontaneously play with them • Realize that their STRESS comes from a lack of excitement/fun • Reinforce their optimism • Praise their versatility/skills • Respond to and compliment their generosity

Improving Relationships with GREEN People • Recognize and respect their need for independence and privacy • Value and compliment their intellect/intelligence • Help them with day-to-day routine details • Accept their lack of romantic gestures (it isn’t going to change!!!) • Realize that their STRESS comes from the fear of appearing stupid or foolish • Allow them to be self-critical • Understand that they esteem themselves by being competent/smart/capable • Praise their ingenuity and abstract thinking

Improving Relationships with GOLD People • Recognize and respect their need for security • Do some reasonable planning (without complaining!) • Praise their responsible actions • Observe/participate in family traditions that are important to them • Recognize and thank them for the sacrifices they make for you and others • Acknowledge their dependability and stability • Be punctual for important events

Improving Relationships with BLUE People • Make romantic gestures (cards, flowers, candy, etc.) • Appreciate and compliment their kind, loving nature • Make time to talk/communicate (without interruptions) • Catch their enthusiasm—compliment their creativity • Recognize their need to belong/contribute/share • Provide them with frequent touch • Reassure them of your love and commitment • Share and express your thoughts and feelings • Be open and responsive

What have you learned about your TRU E COLORS? • EVERY COLOR adds things to the world that we wouldn’t want to have to do without. • If you want others to appreciate and accept your qualities, you much reciprocate by appreciating and accepting their qualities as well. • USE the information you have gained to improve both your personal and professional relationships—it is a “win-win” situation!

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