Vermilion & District Minor Hockey Association s1
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Vermilion & District Minor Hockey Association Meeting Minutes September 16, 2009
Present: Christine Smith, Randy Martin, Darcy Wasylik, Shauna Frankiw, Maggie Rowe, Leslie Johnson, Karen Brown, Kathy Eyben, Stan Boomhower, D’Arcy white, Mike Webb, Cindy Hines
1.0 Call to order/Approval of Agenda/Minutes President Randy Martin called the meeting to order at 7:11. MOTION by Christine Smith to accept the agenda as presented. Seconded by Leslie Johnson. All in favor.
2.0 Treasurer’s Report Christine reported the following account balances: General account: $17,847.27 Grill: $2659.62 GIC: $20,000.00 (cashable) $37902.77 (cashable) $51,850.93 (non-redeemable) Mike Webb & Cindy Hines to look at rolling some of the money in the Grill account over into the general account. MOTION by Christine Smith that we adopt the treasures report as presented. Seconded by Kathy Eyben. All in favor.
3.0 Team Account Report Tiger Pride account has a balance of $3034.46 Team Accounts balance is $17640. Team accounts balance to start off the year should be $8000. We will transfer $3965.54 from Team Accounts into Tiger Pride, leave $8000 in team accounts and then the remainder will be transferred into the general account. MOTION by Karen Brown that her report be adopted as presented. Seconded by Maggie Rowe. All in favor.
4.0 Team Review/Registration Numbers Flyweight 26 registered (waiting on transfers for 3) 29 total for 2 teams Novice 38 registered (waiting on transfers for 5) 43 total for 3 teams Atom 29 boys (waiting on 3 transfers) 32 total for 3 teams Girls registered: Atom 8 girls Peewee 10 Bantam 10 Midget 10 + 1 overage Girls Teams: 1 Peewee Team (bring up Atom) 1 Bantam Team 1 Midget Team Peewee 31 registered boys (+ 1 transfer & + overage) 33 total for 2 teams Bantam 22 boys registered 1 team Midget 41 boys registered 3 teams 17 total teams.
5.0 Fundraiser Christmas Party has been booked for November 28. Nicole has picture night arranged. Darcy Wasylik has been contacted about possible selling a hockey calendar as a fundraiser. She will bring more information to AGM.
6.0 Operations A. New Positions i. Treasurer: Christine & Carla to sit down and go over things. ii. Vice President: Signing authority will be changed after the AGM, as they will need the meeting minutes for the bank. B. Equipment Overview: Stan to go over equipment with Ed and ensure we have enough jerseys to accommodate 17 teams. C. Safety Course: Darcy Wasylik is trying to coordinate dates for the end of October or first part of November. We will try run the Safety as well as the Coaches Clinic with Speak out. D. Meetings Upcoming i. Ref Clinic Oct 3 & 4. Minor Hockey will be purchasing 5 youth referee shirts. ii: Hockey Scheduling for Novice & Initiation will be on Oct 5 @ Paradise Valley Arena 7 pm, Leslie Johnson along with Novice Director to coordinate attendance for both Novice & Flyweight. iii: 2009/10 ECAFHL (Girls Hockey) Fall meeting on September 27, 2009 will be held @ the Vermilion Regional center @ 1pm, Kathy Eyben to attend. iv: Randy will be attending the Zone 2 meeting with be held in Boyle on September 20 @ 11 am. v. NEAHL category meeting will be held at JR School on October 17 @ 1 pm, directors & helpers to attend. vi: NEAHL retiering meeting will be on November 30 in Vermilion E. Ice Users Meeting: Randy attended the 2009/10 ice users meeting last week. The schedule is in the works. Darcy will work with Jeanette at the Town Office to get our ice times. The Town has received a grant to fix up the facility and plans are in the works. F. Over age movement of players: Guidelines are on the Alberta Hockey Website. G. TV/Website: Diane is working on the website. Diane Budzilka/Kathy Eyben/Mike Webb did an on-line training session for the changes to our website. Ed Brown has agreed to help get the TV up and running, pictures, ads, ect. 7.0 AGM September 30 at the Regional Center at 7 pm. The agenda to include executive concession shifts.
8.0 Open Discussion The 3 on 3 and the Power Skating are full with some levels having a wait list.
9.0 Next Meeting: AGM September 30/09 @ 7 pm
10.0 Adjournment Kathy Eyben motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:34.
Minutes Submitted by:
______President – Randy Martin Secretary – Shauna Frankiw