BOLETAS Birdwatching Centre
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Birdwatching Holidays in Spain, Morocco & more…
BOLETAS Birdwatching centre 22192 Loporzano (Huesca) – Spain tel/fax 00 34 974 262027 or 01162 889318 e.mail: [email protected] WWW.BIRDINGSPAIN.COM Josele J. Saiz - NIF 38491538A
Group members: Kathy Buosi, Susi Strom Turner, Rosalie Grayson, Bill Kilby, Cameron Stewart, Jayne Rowse, Jenny Shalom, Berenice Hooker, Bruce MacLaren, and David Broadley
Group leaders: Josele J. Saiz & Cristian Jensen Marcet
Madrid, Eastern Gredos, Monfragüe, Sierra de las Corchuelas, Portilla del Tietar, Higuerilla, Bascula, Tajadilla, Villareal de San Carlos, Miravete, Jaraicejo, Monroi, Torrejón el Rubio, Arrocampo, Trujillo, Belen plains, Sierra Brava reservoir, Zujar River, Quintana de la Serena, Serena steppes, and Tiros mountain chain (8 days)
150 bird species recorded
Day 1 - Sunday April 1st
The group met in the airport of Madrid, and after getting lost in the huge terminal 4 we started our drive towards Extremadura. Before arriving at our destination we went to the eastern slopes of the Gredos mountain chain. This area hosts some of the best Umbrella Pine forests of Spain and also a good representation of dehesa and other Mediterranean forest types. During our first stop we stretched our legs while watching a Crested Tit followed by the "Speedy Josele". Short-toed Treecreper, Blue and Great Tits, Serin, Chaffinch, and Spotless Starling, were among the birds that we were warming up with. The day was unusually cold for this time of year in Spain.
Although the day was not very good for raptors because of all the clouds and the lack of thermal currents, we were very lucky with all the soaring birds. To start with, two Golden Eagles were flying in the distance with some Griffon Vultures and one Black Vulture. What else we could ask for? Well, then Jenny shouted STORKS!!! Yeeehhhaaaa!!! Three Black Storks were flying low over the valley and we could see them thanks to our advantageous position. Later on two other Black Storks showed up. In between the Griffon Vultures, Josele spotted a distant Goshawk. It looked like a male, which often show up outside the thick forests at this time of the year when they display. Going down a dirt road, Josele suddenly jumped out of the van...what happened?!?! SPANISH IMPERIAL EAGLE!!!!! Unfortunately it was just a glimpse for most of us, and we did not manage to get good views this time. Another Black Vulture showed up, and lots of little birds such as Blackbird, Robin, Blackcap, Greenfinch, and Goldfinch, were singing around us.
After this break we did a stop at a bar to have a bite to eat. Barn Swallow, Blackcap, and Blue Tit, were flying around in some Black Poplars next to the building. After our refreshment we kept our way spotting birds like Mistle Thrush, Azure-winged Magpie, Carrion Crow, White Stork, Cattle Egret,
1 Black Kite, a couple of the more rare Red Kite and in the motorway...a Black-shouldered Kite crossed in front of Josele's van!!!! Brief but very close views!!!
Closer to Monfragüe, Southern Grey and Woodchat Shrikes were seen. We arrived to our cosy hotel in the middle of the dehesa, checked in, and then everybody had time to relax a bit after a very long journey. Before dinner we had a cold beer while we were doing our checklist. John practised his Spanish with "una cerveza, por favor". Our dinner served with a good wine was delicious and even more so were the desserts!
Day 2 - Monday April 2nd
We woke up to a fresh and rather cloudy day. Our start was very early, we could hear more than we could see. In the symphony of songs there were Wood and Crested Larks, Mistle Thrush, Blackbird, Chaffinch, Great and Blue Tits, Blackcap, and the continuous and never ending songs of the Common Cuckoo and the Hoopoe. Cameron especially loved this dawn chorus, and it was one of his favorite moments of the trip.
Our breakfast composed of coffee/tea, orange juice, toasts, cereals, churros (local fried pastry) and migas (local dish, made with fried bread with pork), was very filling and good fuel for our day in the eastern parts of Monfragüe. But before going to the east we had an obligatory visit just by the entrance of Monfragüe; the visit to the Eagle Owl. We found it to be so well camouflaged that some of the group members didn't believe neither Josele nor myself when we were saying that it wasn't a rock! Unfortunately the Eagle Owl had its back turned towards us, so we couldn't see anything else than the back. We decided to come back again later in the hope that next time it would be facing us. Anyway, in this spot we saw lots of birds. Our first Crag Martin and Red-rumped Swallow were flying in front of the cliff, and a Rock Bunting male was singing on a rock. The Griffon Vultures were on their nests and from time to time fed their chicks. A distant Blue Rock Thrush was spotted on the top of a cliff, and a Black Kite flew very close by in front of us. The day was rather grey and rainy, so not good for raptors, and we went to the areas that were better for passerines and aquatic birds. On our way towards a reservoir, we did some stops and saw Black and Red Kites, Great Spotted Cuckoo, Azure-winged Magpie, Southern Grey Shrike, Common Buzzard, Great White Egret, and the abundant Corn Bunting. A further stop produced some waders, although some were difficult to observe due to the branches and trunks in the area. Black-winged Stilt, Greenshank, Wood Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, Little Ringed Plover, Common Snipe, and then three Spoonbills, Little Egret, White Wagtail, Red-rumped Swallow, Spanish Sparrow, White Stork, Cetti's Warbler, and Zitting Cisticola (Fan-tailed Warbler).
We took the same road back to check other areas, and the sunshine made a good time for raptors. Suddenly above the green field were lots of raptors coming in our direction and passing over us. A few groups of Black Kites were clearly on migration, and mixed in with the kites were Montagu's Harrier, Short-toed Eagle, Booted Eagle, and lots of Griffon Vultures looking for carrion. A few Black Vultures were also seen very well.
We kept going and had our picnic in one of the bridges over the Tajo River where we saw a male Blue Rock Thrush happily singing, and a large colony of House Martins. After our lunch we had a coffee in the local bar where all the local men were playing cards. Our next stop was by a reservoir, and here our sightings increased with many new birds. Several males of Savi's Warbler were singing continuously from the highest reeds. Purple Swamphens were here and there, Grey Herons were sitting around, and two Purple Herons passed by. Moorhens were in the area, and so was the Cetti's Warbler. A Little Bittern crossed the group in flight, leaving us only brief views of her. We were able 2 to see Penduline Tit, Subalpine Warbler, and Stonechat, and a skulky Sedge Warbler was singing from deep in the reeds.
We went to check out some of the territories of Black-shouldered Kite, unfortunately without luck to see any birds this time. Instead we had good views of several raptors, including Lesser Kestrel and Marsh Harrier.
The time for dinner was getting close, so we returned to the hotel in time to have some rest. For the folks that hadn't had enough of birds, we went for a walk where we saw several passerines like Long-tailed Tit (of the irbii subspecies), Mistle Thrush, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Short-toed Treecreeper, Nuthatch (ssp. hispaniensis, which is more ochrous-buffish below and has a thinner bill compared to the nominal subspecies), Greater Spotted Woodpecker, and we had extraordinary good views of a Thekla Lark which David especially enjoyed. Some Red Deer crossed the dehesa composed of Cork and Holm Oaks. Over the trees were Griffon and Black Vultures, and also a Sparrowhawk. Later we did the checklist whilst enjoying a good beer or a glass of red wine, and we had a good dinner beginning with Gazpacho or Croshet Soup, for main course venison or Pike, and to finish some "Heaven's Pork Sweet" (Tocinillo de Cielo).
Day 3 - Tuesday April 3th
This morning was cloudy but without rain, and after our complete breakfast we got ready for a walk in direction of Monfragüe National Park through the dehesa (first we made sure that there were no fighting bulls). The open woodland of the dehesas has an incredible diversity of bird species and no visitor can consider himself having been to Monfragüe without being inside this characteristical habitat of Extremadura. The walk was spectacular!!!! Apart from all the common birds singing everywhere and all the raptors flying over our heads, we located several good birds like Rock Sparrow and a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker. That sometimes created situations where people didn't know what to look at first. At the other side of the reservoir there was a raptor perched on top of the trees, it was a beautiful adult Spanish Imperial Eagle!!!!! We watched it for long until the animal decided to take off and fly through the valley, chasing up Griffon and Egyptian Vultures. A little later, other raptors were flying around, and we saw Black Vulture, Black Kite, Booted Eagle, and a 1st winter/1st summer Spanish Imperial Eagle. Unbelievable!!! Just too much!!! We could compare the plumage of the adult seen just a few minutes before and this very light coloured bird almost looking like a juvenile bird. Once we were in Monfragüe we found again the Eagle Owl, and this time it was facing us!!! All of us enjoyed seeing it accompanied by a tiny white fluffy chick. Black Redstart, Blue Rock Thrush, and Rock Bunting, were singing around us. This morning was one of the highlights of the tour, making Bruce, David, Su, Rosalie, and Jenny, very happy.
Later we went to see the Black Storks and we enjoyed several flying and one on the nest. But before finding the storks, David spotted an Otter eating a fish by the shore, and we watched it during 5 minutes. This was one of the highlights of the trip for many of us. This time with the vans we went forward inside the National Park and close to the reservoir we saw two Bonelli's Eagles. Very nice to see them displaying together, and a Hobby flying past. A little later we had our picnic surrounded by Hawfinches, among these spectacular birds were a female Cirl Bunting and a male Bullfinch. Among the raptors we saw again the Bonelli's Eagles, Egyptian Vultures, and Black Kites. Some of us tried doing some digiscoping of the Hawfinches and other birds.
It was time for a coffee, and we went to Villareal de Sant Carlos at a good time because it was pissing down. After the coffee the rain was still pouring, so we decided to go to the hotel and have a siesta break. After some rest and with a more clear sky, we had a short look around the village of 3 Serrejón. However, dinner time was approaching and we soon went back to the hotel, did the checklist, and had a nice dinner.
Day 4 - Wednesday April 4th
After breakfast we went towards Miravete, doing some stops along the way. Among the most interesting species of the morning were Osprey and Lesser Spotted Woodpecker. Other nice birds were a male Grey Wagtail singing perched in a tree, and Sand Martins sitting on some wires. First proper stop was Miravete, where Crested Tit and Short-toed Treecreper were seen by everybody at very close range. The picnic spot was where three bridges are placed; one Roman, one Medieval and one modern. In that spot we saw two White Wagtails displaying, making especially Josele happy. A Sardinian Warbler was jumping around in the bushes hiding from us, but finally it stayed out of the bush for all of us to enjoy. Our next stop was for the more scarce Sylvia Warblers. The Dartfort and Spectacled Warblers were seen very well by all of us. Thekla Larks were singing in the air, and Golden and Short-toed Eagles were flying in the distance.
Coffee was taken in the corner of a local bar. After this refreshing break we went to Monroi in quite a bumpy road, luckily they were working on it. On the way we saw a Montagu's Harrier and started looking for a Black-shouldered Kite. We saw lots of raptors in the area; Black Kites moving a Booted Eagle, big groups of vultures, a Short-toed Eagle hovering above a snake, and good numbers of White Storks were breeding in the area. The area was very nice with lovely landscapes. Suddenly Cameron, with his Scottish accent, said 'I have white bird with black shoulders'!!! We all knew what that meant, he had found what had been the most elusive raptor until now!!! We were quite far, so we went back to the vans and did a further stop where the bird was flying - but with no succes! We kept our way without any hope to see the bird again, and then there it was!!! Hovering not so far from the road!!! We pulled aside and we took the scopes out to see this lovely raptor up close.
Today had been a long day, and we had quite a long drive back to the hotel, but still 5 of us had the energy to walk back to the hotel from the Eagle Owl spot.
Day 5 - Thursday April 5th
Today was the transfer day to the steppes of La Serena, so after breakfast and with all the luggage in the vans we started our journey. La Serena is one of the best steppes or plains in Spain, and on our way we were birdwatching in several areas. The first stop was the Belen plains where we saw our first Little and Great Bustards. Calandra, Crested and Short-toed Larks were singing around us, and a pair of Little Owls were perched on a pile of stones. We had our picnic lunch next to Trujillo in a quiet and clean place with lovely atmosphere and landscape. Nearby there was a lake with sunbathing Terrapins and Black-winged Stilts calling all the time. We went for a coffee in a bar, and just outside the building David noticed some Pallid Swifts flying around.
We kept our way and later stopped by the Sierra Brava reservoir. The level of water was very high and the birds very far away. Great Crested Grebe, Mallard, Lesser Black-backed, Yellow-legged, and Black-headed Gulls, were all that we saw here. Just going to take the main road a couple of Bee- eaters surprised us with their nice colours. Unfortunately it was very dangerous to stop on the road at that point, so we didn't have much time to look at them. These days have been unusually cold for spring in Spain, which has apparently made the Bee-eaters slow down on their migration, and these two birds were the only ones we saw during the whole trip. Further along the way David spotted a Roller, and this time we were able to stop and put up the scopes. We enjoyed what was going to be the only Roller of the trip; April is a bit too early in the season for more of these beauties.
4 We didn't stop again until we reached our destination and checked in. Our hotel is nice with a slightly peculiar owner. A great man with lots of humour and talking half Spanish and half German most of the time.
Day 6 - Friday April 6th
We woke up to another rainy day and had breakfast served by Paco, the owner, giving toast to everybody and a delicious homemade orange juice. Then coffee, fruits, cereals, and other things were served. We changed our previous plans to fit with the rain and went to the Zujar River where we saw lots of good birds. As new birds we had Stone Curlew (4), Reed Warbler, Ringed Plover, Common Nightingale, and Chiffchaff. To be mentioned are also the very spectacular views we had of several Penduline Tits and a gorgeous Subalpine Wabler close to the van; this was the favourite one for Berenice.
Because of the rain we went to a local bar and had our lunch there accompanied by a good local wine. After our lunch we went to the Tiros mountain chain where we had a short walk to the castle and saw, as new species, Black Wheatear, Alpine Swift, and Red-billed Chough seen flying in by John. Our dinner was served abundantly after we did the checklist back at the hotel.
Day 7 - Saturday April 7th
All the areas we didn't visit the previous day due to the rain, we had to visit today because this was going to be our last day of birdwatching. So we had a very early breakfast, and as soon as we finished we went to see the Little Bustards displaying. We saw several males doing the nuptial jumps, something that they only do for a period of 15-20 days. These nuptial jumps are done when the bird is very excited, and it then jumps vertically about 2 or 3 meters while flapping its wings. So we were lucky to see some of the first ones displaying. We also went to see one of the leks of the Great Bustards and we were lucky to see some males. We looked for the Pin-tailed Sandgrouse and after a quite a long time we managed to see a group of three. We also watched some other good birds like a couple of Little Owls, Chough, Stone Curlew, and Calandra Lark.
We went back to the Tiros mountain chain, and our first stop was incredible. We spotted two subadult Bonelli's Eagles in what seemed to be a new territory. The male was doing the nuptial flights in an undulating way and sometimes chasing some vultures - the only species with which they compete for nesting sites. So those were very good news of a possible new pair of this Critically Endangered species in Spain! The last estimation was of 650 pairs (in 2000) according to the Spanish Breeding Atlas, and in the last 10 years the Bonelli's Eagle has faced a reduction of 35% of the population in Spain; in some areas even up to a 55% reduction! This is a dramatic change, and urgent measures should be taken by the Spanish government to preserve this species.
It was time for lunch, so we went to a lovely hermitage to have our picnic. In this place the Spanish Sparrows have big colonies were hundreds of pairs are breeding. We followed a track where Woodchat Shrikes were hunting after a big group of Goldfinches. Funny enough this bird is very good at imitating the song of the Goldfinches to attract them and then kill them!
The Great Bustard displays in the late afternoon, so we still had time to see an adult male Monatagu's Harrier of the dark morph. We stopped the car and we put up the scope to see this very rare morph. In Extremadura only 1 bird out of every 50/60 Montagu's Harriers is a dark morph, and sometimes it is not even shown in the field guides. It was one of the birds that Bill had dreamt about seeing one day, and he was actually shaking from head to feet with emotion when we saw it. Kathy
5 was very happy as well and specially enjoyed the views of this black bird with lovely yellow eyes, sitting on the ground just 100 metres from us. Cracking!!!
We took a track that brought us into an old fallow field from which a group of Black-bellied Sandgrouse took off. Everything was extremely green, and the Greater Short-toed Larks were not there, but we knew a particularly good spot for them where we saw them very nicely in the scopes.
Time for the Great Bustards. We went to the spot where we saw the group that were displaying. It was a long distance away, so we went to ask for permission from the owner to enter his lands. He was one of the farmers that we knew in the area, and he was pleased that we were going to see the Bustards in his fields. In the farm they had a couple of pairs of White Stork that allowed us to go very close to them. By the end of the farm we had quite close views of some of the Great Bustard males displaying. They were like giant white flowers spread out in the field, and we looked at them for a long time. Two of them were face to face pushing each other like two Sumo fighters, and they started pecking each other quite nastily. Josele and I, making fun of the two excited males, did a theatrical representation of the two Great Bustards fighting and imitated their song, which made us all laugh for a long time. Afterwards, sadly, it was time to go to our hotel to start packing so we could leave the next day towards Madrid.
Day 8 - Sunday April 8th
We left very early to avoid all the car traffic entering Madrid at the end of the Easter holidays, and we arrived early and without problems.
I have to specially thank all the group members for being such nice people and so easy going. It was a pleasure travelling with you all!
All my best and I hope to see you soon,
Comments from Kathy
Thank you so much for your company last week in Extremadura. Your guiding was first class and I wish you every success for the future. I have every confidence that you will do very well in your business. I really appreciated the extra explanation you gave us regarding bird distribution, behaviour etc. which adds greatly to the wonderful experience we had seeing great sights such as the Spanish Imperial Eagle perched for so long and the Otter eating a fish. The dark phase Monty's was of particular interest to me. Better views of raptors which I have seen in the past, but not as well, added to my knowledge. Above all, your courtesy and good humour was appreciated by all.
Bird list
1. Great Crested Grebe - Podiceps cristatus
2. Little Grebe - Tachybaptus ruficollis
3. Great Cormorant - Phalacrocorax carbo
4. Grey Heron - Ardea cinerea
5. Purple Heron - Ardea purpurea
6. Little Egret - Egretta garzetta
6 7. Great White Egret - Egretta alba
8. Cattle Egret - Bubulcus ibis
9. Black-crowned Night Heron - Nycticorax nycticorax
10. Little Bittern - Ixobrychus minutus
11. Eurasian Spoonbill - Platalea leucorodia
12. White Stork - Ciconia ciconia
13. Black Stork - Ciconia nigra
14. Mallard - Anas platyrhynchos
15. Gadwall - Anas strepera
16. Egyptian Vulture - Neophron percnopterus
17. Black Vulture - Aegypius monachus
18. Eurasian Griffon Vulture - Gyps fulvus
19. Osprey - Pandion haliaetus
20. Red Kite - Milvus milvus
21. Black Kite - Milvus migrans
22. Black-winged Kite - Elanus caeruleus
23. Bonelli's Eagle - Hieraaetus fasciatus
24. Booted Eagle - Hieraaetus pennatus
25. Golden Eagle - Aquila chrysaetos
26. Spanish Imperial Eagle - Aquila adalberti
27. Short-toed Eagle - Circaetus gallicus
28. Northern Goshawk - Accipiter gentilis
29. Eurasian Sparrowhawk - Accipiter nisus
30. Common Buzzard - Buteo buteo
31. Western Marsh Harrier - Circus aeruginosus
32. Montagu's Harrier - Circus pygargus
33. Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus
34. Eurasian Hobby - Falco subbuteo
35. Merlin - Falco columbarius
7 36. Common Kestrel - Falco tinnunculus
37. Lesser Kestrel - Falco naumanni
38. Common Quail - Coturnix coturnix
39. Red-legged Partridge - Alectoris rufa
40. Common Coot - Fulica atra
41. Purple Swamphen - Porphyrio porphyrio
42. Common Moorhen - Gallinula chloropus
43. Great Bustard - Otis tarda
44. Little Bustard - Tetrax tetrax
45. Black-winged Stilt - Himantopus himantopus
46. Common Ringed Plover - Charadrius hiaticula
47. Little Ringed Plover - Charadrius dubius
48. Common Redshank - Tringa totanus
49. Spotted Redshank - Tringa erythropus
50. Common Greenshank - Tringa nebularia
51. Common Sandpiper - Actitis hypoleucos
52. Wood Sandpiper - Tringa glareola
53. Green Sandpiper - Tringa ochropus
54. Ruff - Philomachus pugnax
55. Whimbrel - Numenius phaeopus
56. Common Snipe - Gallinago gallinago
57. Stone Curlew - Burhinus oedicnemus
58. Black-headed Gull - Larus ridibundus
59. Yellow-legged Gull - Larus michahellis
60. Lesser Black-backed Gull - Larus fuscus
61. Pin-tailed Sandgrouse - Pterocles alchata
62. Black-bellied Sandgrouse - Pterocles orientalis
63. Feral Pigeon - Columba livia feral
64. Stock Dove - Columba oenas
8 65. Common Wood Pigeon - Columba palumbus
66. Eurasian Collared Dove - Streptopelia decaocto
67. Great Spotted Cuckoo - Clamator glandarius
68. Eurasian Cuckoo - Cuculus canorus
69. Eurasian Eagle Owl - Bubo bubo
70. Little Owl - Athene noctua
71. Common Swift - Apus apus
72. Pallid Swift - Apus pallidus
73. Alpine Swift - Apus melba
74. Common Kingfisher - Alcedo atthis
75. European Bee-eater - Merops apiaster
76. European Roller - Coracias garrulus
77. Hoopoe - Upupa epops
78. Great Spotted Woodpecker - Dendrocopos major
79. Lesser Spotted Woodpecker - Dendrocopos minor
80. Calandra Lark - Melanocorypha calandra
81. Woodlark - Lullula arborea
82. Crested Lark - Galerida cristata
83. Thekla Lark - Galerida theklae
84. Greater Short-toed Lark - Calandrella brachydactyla
85. Eurasian Crag Martin - Hirundo rupestris
86. Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica
87. Red-rumped Swallow - Hirundo daurica
88. Northern House Martin - Delichon urbica
89. Sand Martin - Riparia riparia
90. Meadow Pipit - Anthus pratensis
91. Water Pipit - Anthus spinoletta
92. White Wagtail - Motacilla alba
93. Yellow Wagtail - Motacilla flava
9 94. Grey Wagtail - Motacilla cinerea
95. Woodchat Shrike - Lanius senator
96. Southern Grey Shrike - Lanius meridionalis
97. Dunnock - Prunella modularis
98. Savi's Warbler - Locustella luscinioides
99. Eurasian Reed Warbler - Acrocephalus scirpaceus
100. Sedge Warbler - Acrocephalus schoenobaenus
101. Zitting Cisticola - Cisticola juncidis
102. Cetti's Warbler - Cettia cetti
103. Orphean Warbler - Sylvia hortensis
104. Blackcap - Sylvia atricapilla
105. Sardinian Warbler - Sylvia melanocephala
106. Subalpine Warbler - Sylvia cantillans
107. Spectacled Warbler - Sylvia conspicillata
108. Dartford Warbler - Sylvia undata
109. Willow Warbler - Phylloscopus trochilus
110. Common Chiffchaff - Phylloscopus collybita
111. Common Stonechat - Saxicola rubicola
112. Blue Rock Thrush - Monticola solitarius
113. Northern Wheatear - Oenanthe oenanthe
114. Black-eared Wheatear - Oenanthe hispanica
115. Black Wheatear - Oenanthe leucura
116. Black Redstart - Phoenicurus ochruros
117. European Robin - Erithacus rubecula
118. Common Nightingale - Luscinia megarhynchos
119. Mistle Thrush - Turdus viscivorus
120. Song Thrush - Turdus philomelos
121. Blackbird - Turdus merula
122. Long-tailed Tit - Aegithalos caudatus
10 123. Eurasian Penduline Tit - Remiz pendulinus
124. Crested Tit - Parus cristatus
125. European Blue Tit - Parus caeruleus
126. Great Tit - Parus major
127. Eurasian Nuthatch - Sitta europaea caesia
128. Short-toed Treecreeper - Certhia brachydactyla
129. Winter Wren - Troglodytes troglodytes
130. Eurasian Jay - Garrulus glandarius
131. Eurasian Magpie - Pica pica
132. Azure-winged Magpie - Cyanopica cyana
133. Northern Raven - Corvus corax
134. Carrion Crow - Corvus corone
135. Eurasian Jackdaw - Corvus monedula
136. Red-billed Chough - Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax
137. House Sparrow - Passer domesticus
138. Spanish Sparrow - Passer hispaniolensis
139. Spotless Starling - Sturnus unicolor
140. Chaffinch - Fringilla coelebs
141. Eurasian Bullfinch - Pyrrhula pyrrhula
142. European Serin - Serinus serinus
143. European Goldfinch - Carduelis carduelis
144. European Greenfinch - Carduelis chloris
145. Eurasian Linnet - Carduelis cannabina
146. Hawfinch - Coccothraustes coccothraustes
147. Rock Sparrow - Petronia petronia
148. Corn Bunting - Miliaria calandra
149. Cirl Bunting - Emberiza cirlus
150. Rock Bunting - Emberiza cia
Trip report written by Cristian Jensen Marcet 11 12