Resource Management Systems Soil

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Resource Management Systems Soil

Pacific Basin FOTG- Section III-Quality Criteria (SOIL) DRAFT

Resource Management Systems – Soil Erosion rates from Splash, Sheet, Rill, Wind, and Irrigation induced are not cumulative. Soil Erosion Identified erosion sources are treated to the Quality Criteria level. Resource Concern Definition Quality Criteria Assessment Tool The detachment and The criteria for splash, Direct field estimation of SPLASH, SHEET & RILL 1 transport of soil particles by sheet and rill erosion is the predicted average annual raindrop impact and surface designated tolerable level sheet and rill erosion. runoff from rainfall that "T" as listed in Section II for Revised Universal Soil Loss results in a negative impact the soil or map unit Equation (RUSLE v.1.05- on soil productivity. selected for planning. On Pacific Basin December forestland when the quality 1999). criteria for plants is met, the soil loss is assumed less than "T".

The detachment and The criteria for wind Wind erosion is not a WIND2 transport of soil particles by erosion is the designated resource concern in the wind forces resulting in a tolerable level "T" as listed Pacific Basin Area. negative impact on soil in Section II for the soil or Insufficient wind data exist productivity. map unit selected for in the Pacific Basin Area to planning. On forestland, effectively use the Wind when the quality criteria for loss Equation (WEQ) for plants is met, the soil loss estimating soil loss. is assumed less than "T". The detachment and Sheet and rill erosion is Direct field observation, CONCENTRATED FLOW / transport of soil particles reduced to "T", and and/or client interview and EPHEMERAL GULLY from surface runoff that has concentrated flow channels review of historical concentrated in channels are stabilized and do not photography. resulting in a negative reoccur. impact on soil productivity. The movement of soil by Gullies are stabilized with Direct field observation, CLASSIC GULLY concentrated flow of water no head or bank cutting and/or client interview and in channels that are too with side slopes and review of historical deep to be obscured by bottom with established photography. normal tillage operations. vegetation present. These channels are lengthened and enlarged by runoff events that cause water to erode and deepen the channel and to widen the channel by bank failure.

Resource Concern Definition Quality Criteria Assessment Tool The movement of soil from Actions of the land user do Direct field observation of STREAMBANK sloughing of a streambank not accelerate naturally streambank sections and/or caused by over bank flow, occurring streambank client interview, and review unstable soils, bank scour at erosion. historical photography. obstructions, or unstable

1 Pending development by individual PBA Field Offices’ of Guidance Documents for established RMS level conservation systems, all estimates of erosion shall be based on direct field measurements. 2 Wind Erosion is not considered a significant resource consideration or problem in the Pacific Basin Area. NRCS Pacific Basin 8 August 2002 (DRAFT) Pacific Basin FOTG- Section III-Quality Criteria (SOIL) DRAFT

channel bottom resulting in a negative impact to the soil resource.

NRCS Pacific Basin 8 August 2002 (DRAFT) Pacific Basin FOTG- Section III-Quality Criteria (SOIL) DRAFT

The movement of soil and/or Actions of the land user do Direct field observation of SOIL MASS MOVEMENT rock masses from slippage, not accelerate naturally landscape and/or client landslides, or slope failure occurring soil mass interview, and historical resulting in a negative movement. photography. impact to the soil resource. The movement of soil by Erosion on road banks, Direct field observation of ROAD AND ROAD BANKS water or wind from roads roads, jeep trails or other road and road bank sites, and road banks resulting in access corridors not readily and/or client interview, and a negative impact to the soil discernible. historical photography. or adjoining water resources (streams, lakes, ponds, and lagoons). The movement of soil by Erosion on construction Direct field observation of CONSTRUCTION SITES water or wind from sites is not readily sites and/or client interview. construction sites, resulting discernible. Direct field estimation of in a negative impact to the predicted average annual soil resource or downstream sheet and rill erosion with water bodies (streams, specifically developed K- lakes, ponds, and lagoons). factor. (Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE v.1.06-Pacific Basin 12/1999) The movement of soil Ephemeral gully quality Direct field observation. IRRIGATION INDUCED (DRIP caused by irrigation water criteria is met, and visual Pacific Basin Area planners AND MICRO- resulting in a negative inspection of the field will use “best field SPRINKLER) impact to the soil resource. shows no apparent rilling. judgement” to determine presence, estimation and treatment. The movement of soil from Overland and channel Direct field observation of OTHER (OVERLAND FLOW AND scour areas by water flows are safely conveyed. sites and/or client interview, SCOURED AREAS) resulting in a negative Scoured areas are and review of historical impact to the soil resource. stabilized. photography.

Soil Condition Resource Concern Definition Quality Criteria Assessment Tool Soil tilth is a physical A neutral or positive soil Direct field observation, soil SOIL TILTH indicator of the soil that condition rating is quality test kit, and client relates to ease of tillage, maintained on cropland as interview. drainage and fitness of the determined using the Soil soil as a seedbed, and as a Conditioning Indices medium for plant growth. (under development). For other land use or where a soil condition rating has not been established, soil condition does not impair the growth and vigor of the plant species of concern.

NRCS Pacific Basin 8 August 2002 (DRAFT) Pacific Basin FOTG- Section III-Quality Criteria (SOIL) DRAFT

Soil water infiltration is a A neutral or positive soil Direct field observation, soil SOIL WATER INFILTRATION physical indicator of the soil condition rating is quality test kit, soil survey that relates to ease of maintained on cropland as information and client tillage, drainage and fitness determined using the Soil interview. of the soil as a seedbed, Conditioning Indices and as a medium for plant (under development). For growth. other land uses or where a soil condition rating has not been established, soil condition does not impair the growth and vigor of the plant species of concern. An increase in the bulk Management induced Direct field observation, soil SOIL COMPACTION density of a soil (weight per compaction does not quality test kit, and unit volume) as a result of adversely affect plant root detection of the presence or applied loads, pressure, or development and water absence of compacted vibration. infiltration. tillage pans with a tile spade or soil penetrometer, and/or client interview. Excess chemical content in Contaminants do not Direct field observation soil SOIL CONTAMINANTS (FROM the soil that impairs the restrict intended land use contaminant accumulation SALT, SELENIUM, desired use of the soil. and are present at levels on soil surface and/or client BORON, HEAVY that do not adversely affect interview. METALS) the other resources. Animal manure or other Applied animal manure and Direct field observation of SOIL CONTAMINANTS FROM organic materials that other organic materials are sealing of the soil surface ANIMAL MANURE AND impairs the desired use of present at levels that do not by animal manure or OTHER ORGANIC the soil. adversely affect other organic waste accumulation MATERIALS resources or restrict the and client interview. intended land use.

Resource Concern Definition Quality Criteria Assessment Tool Any application of fertilizer Applied nutrients are Direct field observation, SOIL CONTAMINANTS FROM that impairs the desired use present at levels that do not development of Nutrient FERTILIZER of the soil. adversely affect the other Management Plan and resources or restrict the client interview. intended land use. Any application of pesticides Applied pesticides are Direct field observation, SOIL CONTAMINANTS FROM that impairs the desired use present at levels that do not client interview of pesticide PESTICIDES of the soil. adversely affect the other application (rates, form and resources or restrict the timing) to determine if intended land use. pesticides are applied following label guidance (FOTG Section I – Pesticides (http://www.wcc.nrcs.usda.g ov/water/quality/common/pe stmgt/ppd/ppd.htm) Soil Deposition Use of the soil in the Onsite deposition does not Client interview, direct field DAMAGE ONSITE planning or management limit the intended land use. visual assessment and/or unit is negatively impacted field measurement of or restricted by sediment sediment deposits, deposits originating from estimates of crop loss or

NRCS Pacific Basin 8 August 2002 (DRAFT) Pacific Basin FOTG- Section III-Quality Criteria (SOIL) DRAFT

erosion within the unit. damage to vegetation and property.

Use of the soil in the Offsite deposition does not Client interview, direct field DAMAGE OFFSITE planning or management limit the intended land use. visual assessment and/or unit is negatively impacted field measurement of or restricted by sediment sediment deposition, deposition originating from estimates of crop loss or erosion occurring in damage to vegetation and adjacent or distant property. management units (i.e. mangrove forests, wetlands, lagoons, coral reefs. Sediment deposition Onsite no safety hazards Client interview, direct field SAFETY ONSITE originating from erosion exist due to soil deposition. observation and knowledge within the management or of historical onsite safety planning unit increases hazards. accident risk and the potential for loss of life. Sediment deposition Offsite no safety hazards Client interview, direct field SAFETY OFFSITE originating from erosion exist due to soil deposition. observation and knowledge from adjacent or distant of historical offsite safety management units restricts hazards. access for emergency vehicles, increases accident risk and the potential for loss of life.

NRCS Pacific Basin 8 August 2002 (DRAFT)

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