Context and Rationale

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Context and Rationale

Training of NITAGs Trainers

20-24 April 2015

Context and rationale

In 2012, WHO designated the Health Policy and Institutional Development Unit (HPID) of the “Agence de Médecine Préventive “(AMP) as a WHO Collaborating Center on evidence-informed immunizaton policy- making considering its experience with National Immunization Technical Advisory Groups (NITAGs). Since 2008, the SIVAC Initiative has supported the creation or strengthening of 14 NITAGs and organized over 20 training workshops in collaboration with partners in the Africa, South-East Asia, Europe, Eastern- Mediterranean and West Pacific WHO regions with the aim of building NITAGs capacity to function in accordance with WHO guidelines. The SIVAC Initiative was established in 2008 with the main objective of supporting national authorities in low and middle income countries set-up and strengthening their NITAGs.

As it is expected, a rapidly increasing number of NITAGs will require support to build and strengthen their technical capacity. It is therefore important to ensure that such support will be available as and when needed. To prepare for that situation, SIVAC is proposing that a pool of experts be put in place to assist NITAGs in getting the necessary skills for an optimum functioning. In addition, bearing in mind that capacity building is a continuous process, the availability of a technical assistance to new and existing NITAGs will ensure the sustainability of the support to NITAG at the end of the SIVAC Initiative.

It is against this background that the SIVAC Initiative is organizing a Training of Trainers in Nairobi (Kenya) on April 20 to 25, 2015.

Objectives of the Training

1. To enhance participants understanding of principles for issuing evidence-based recommendations and their skills to critically assess quality of data in published papers 2. To develop participants teaching capacity and skills to run workshops for NITAGs using training manual developed by the SIVAC Initiative

Format and content of the training

The training will be a 5-day residential workshop organized in 2 parts according to the objectives of the training


1. Part 1 of the training will run for one and a half day and will focus on objective 1: To Enhance participants understanding of principles for issuing evidence-based recommendations and their skills to critically assess quality of data in published papers

Lectures will be delivered on the following topics:

a. Introduction to vaccinology

b. Evidence-Based Medicine ( EMB) and EBM’s role in vaccinology

c. Developing Evidence-based recommendations in immunization

Working group and practice sessions will be organized

2. In the second part of the training ( from day 2 to day 5) the focus will be on teaching skills and familiarization with the SIVAC training manual as stated in objective 2: To develop participants teaching capacity and skills to run workshops for NITAGs using the training manual developed by the SIVAC Initiative

It will consist of presentations, working groups and practice sessions. The sessions will cover the following:

a. Introduction to the NITAGs training manual

b. Specificities of adult learning

c. Participatory approach for optimal learning

d. Familiarization with the NITAGs training manual

e. Practice: delivering a training session

The course will be jointly facilitated by the SIVAC Initiative, the WHO EviPNetwork, experts from the Vaccines for Africa Initiative based at the Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine in University of Cape Town and a professional trainer. The AMP’s training Unit will also assist in the implementation of the training


Participants’ profile

The training targets public health experts who:

 are familiar with NITAGs operations or with immunization decision-making and programmes management

 have working relationship with their MoH or

 hold relevant position in partners institution providing technical support to national authorities

Participants will be invited from WHO AFRO (Regional office and Inter-country Support Teams for West Africa and for East and Southern Africa); WHO SEARO, India , Kenya ,Mozambique, and Nigeria.



Provisional Programme

Responsible and Notes on the roll- Time Topic out of the session Check-in Facilitators to meet between 5:00 Sunday 19 April and 7:00 pm Monday 20 April


8:00 8:30 Registration Admin 8:30 8:40 Welcome address Dr Alex Adjagba , SIVAC Director Pr Were KENITAG chair 8:40 8:50 Participants Introduction Dr Alex Adjagba 8:50 9:00 Presentation of the training programme Dr Antoinette Ba-Nguz, SIVAC Coordinator - Africa Objective 1: To enhance participants understanding of the concepts in vaccinology (including the principles for issuing evidence-based recommendations) and their skills to critically assess quality of data in published papers

Topic 1.1: Vaccinology, Evidence-Based Medicine Dr Benjamin Kagina University of Cape Town ( UCT)

9:00 9:30 Introduction to vaccinology To make participants understand the common terms used in vaccinology (epidemiology, vaccination & immunization, research) 9:30 10:00 Questions & Answers 10 :00 10 :30 Coffee Break Benjamin Kagina

Evidence-Based Medicine ( EMB) and The lecture will touch on what is 10: 30 11 :15 EBM’s role in vaccinology ( part 1) EBM; History of EBM; Examples of EBM utilization in vaccinology

Topic 1.2: Developing Evidence-based recommendation in Immunization


Responsible and Notes on the roll- Time Topic out of the session Dr Antoinette Ba-Nguz

NITAGs process to issue EB The presentation will give an 11.15 11.45 recommendation overview of the process followed by NITAGs to issue an evidence-based recommendation Dr Leila Hussein Abdullahi Research Fellow at the VACFA, (UCT)

Evidence-Based Medicine ( EMB) and 11:45 12:45 EBM’s role in vaccinology (part 2) The lecture will describe the steps and process of conducting research for evidence-based recommendation on immunization including tools and methods for searching and a critically appraising the evidence 12.45 13.00 Questions & Answers 13:00 14:00 Lunch Dr Marybeth Maritim Co-Chair KENITAG

The presentation aims at illustrating 14:00 14:30 The KENITAG experience how the KENITAG applied the methodology presented earlier in the development of their recommendation on TT Alex Adjagba (lead) Facilitators

There will be 2 groups, each working 14:30 15:45 Group work on a vaccination topic. For each group the assignment will be to develop a recommendation framework and prioritize the data needed for the recommendation 15:45 16:00 Literature search strategies Dr Jeanette Dawa; Consultant KENITAG

Quick overview of the process for


Responsible and Notes on the roll- Time Topic out of the session conducting and recording a literature search Coffee Break 16:00 16: 30

Benjamin Kagina (lead) Facilitators 16:30 18:00 Group work Practice session on evidence search and recording search process and results

Facilitator: Ben There will be no reporting back of 18:00 18 :15 Closure the group work but participants will be invited to give their feedback on the topics covered and the running of the sessions Tuesday 21 April 2015 Topic 1.2: Developing Evidence-based recommendation in Immunization (Cont’d) Antoinette Ba –Nguz

09:00 09:30 Evidence Critical Appraisal Tools for critically appraising the evidence will be presented with a focus on the CASP’s Benjamin Kagina (lead) Facilitators

Participants will retrieve at least 1 09:30 10:30 Group work ( cont’d) type of article (systematic review, RCT, economic study ….) on the critical data mentioned in their recommendation framework 10 :30 11 :00 Coffee Break Benjamin Kagina (lead) Facilitators 11:00 13:00 Group work Participants will use the CASP tools to assess the quality of the articles retrieved


Responsible and Notes on the roll- Time Topic out of the session 13:00 14:00 Lunch Dr Antoinette Ba-Nguz Participants feedback on the previous 14:00 14:30 Short questionnaire will be sessions distributed Objective 2: Develop participants teaching capacity and skills to run workshops for NITAGs using training manual developed by the SIVAC Initiative

Topic 2.1: Introduction to the NITAGs training manual Alex Adjagba Presentation of the NITAGs training 14:30 14:40 manual Overview of the manual’s content and structure. Alex Adjagba, Antoine Durupt, Antoinette BA-NGUZ 14:40 16:00 Group reading: Trainings 1 and 3 In small groups, facilitators will take participants through the 2 teaching units of the manual 16:00 16 :15 Questions & Answers 16:15 16:30 Closure &Tea Wednesday 22– Friday 24 April

Objective 2: Develop participants teaching capacity and skills to run workshops for NITAGs using training manual developed by the SIVAC Initiative (cont’d) Responsible and notes on the roll- Time Topic out of the session Wednesday 22 Topic 2.2 The NITAG Resource Center (NRC) Antoine Durupt PH specialist SIVAC Initiative

Presentation of the NRC structure, 08:30 09:15 Presentation of the NRC how it can help NITAGs in their functioning and interactions with other groups

09:15 10:00 Presentation of training & Pre-test & Emmanual Owino Business cards exercise


Responsible and Notes on the roll- Time Topic out of the session Training coordinator for the Vaccine Pharmacovigilance training KEMRI – Kisumu

Lucile Diemert Instructional Designer AMP Topic 2.3: Specificities of adult learning

Dr Emmanual Owino 10:00 10:30 Training and teaching Lucile Diemert 10:30 11:00 Coffee break Dr Emmanual Owino 11:00 11:30 Fundamental principles Lucile Diemert

Dr Emmanual Owino 11;30 12:30 Different learning styles Lucile Diemert

12:30 13:30 Lunch Topic 2.4: A participatory approach for optimal learning Dr Emmanual Owino 13:30 14:00 Anti-presentation – Role play Lucile Diemert

Dr Emmanual Owino 14:00 15:00 Educational and interactive presentations Lucile Diemert

Lead: Dr Emmanual Owino& 15:00 15:30 Group work Lucile Diemert Facilitators 15:30 16:00 Coffee break Topic 2.5: The SIVAC Training program for NITAGs Participants

Individual work for familiarization with Participants continue going through 16:00 17:00 NITAG training manual the manual and prepare their presentation on a section of the manual 17:00 17:30 Feedback on day


Responsible and Notes on the roll- Time Topic out of the session Thursday 23 Topic 2.5 (cont’d) : The SIVAC Training Program for NITAGs Participants 08:30 10:30 Presentation of the training modules Each participant presents a section of the manual 10:30 11:00 Coffee break

Topic 2.6 Practice Lead: Dr Emmanual Owino & Lucile Diemert Participants

11:00 12:30 Lectures preparation Pairs work to prepare their lectures. Each participant will practice on selected extracts of the manual 12:30 13:30 Lunch 13:30 14:00 Lecture: Participant 1 14:00 14:30 Lecture: Participant 2 14:30 15:00 Feedback from the audience 15:00 15:30 Lecture: Participant 3 15:30 16:00 Coffee break 16:00 16:30 Lecture: Participant 4 16:30 17:00 Feedback from the audience 17:00 17:30 Feedback on day Friday 24 Topic 2.5:Practice (Cont’d) 8:30 9:00 Lecture : participant 5 9:00 9:30 Lecture : participant 6 09:30 10:00 Feedback from the audience 10:00 10:30 Lecture: participant 7 10:30 11:00 Coffee break


Responsible and Notes on the roll- Time Topic out of the session 11:00 11:30 Lecture: participant 8 11:30 12:00 Feedback from the audience 12:00 12:30 Feedback on the day 12:30 14:00 Lunch 14:00 14:30 Next steps Antoinette Ba-Nguz 14:30 15:00 Training evaluation Facilitators 15:00 15:30 Closure Participants receive their certificates SIVAC- Individual Country teams side 15:30 16:00 SIVAC team meetings on follow-on activities


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