Minutes for the September 18Th Board Meeting
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Minutes for September 18, 2017 Board Meeting
The Central Decatur Community School Board of Education met in regular session for the annual meeting in the High School Library on Monday, September 18, 2017.
Board members present: Amber Swartz, Shaun Schaff, Ray Bishop, Mike Stuck, and Igor Takacs. Board members absent: None Others in attendance were: Chris Coffelt, Becky Broich, Amy Whittington, Rudy Evertsen, Cassy Allen and three guests.
Board President Takacs called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
CONSENSUS ITEMS AND REPORTS: The following consent items were approved: The agenda for September 18, 2017. Minutes of the previous meeting on August 21st. Financial reports for the following funds: General, Management, Physical Plant and Equipment Levy, Capital Projects, Debt Service, Activity, Scholarship, and Lunch and summary list of bills: General Fund $122,038.79 Activity Fund $ 18,499.04 PPEL Fund 3,929.00 Lunch Fund 17,977.82 Capital Projects 144,512.66 Management Fund 21,898.50 Interfund Loan Repayment: Management Fund to General Fund $89,508.00 and Lunch Fund to General Fund $87,009.00. Motion by Swartz, second by Schaff. All motions carried unanimously.
ACTION ITEMS: The board approved the second reading of the 200 series-Board of Directors of board policy. Motion by Bishop, second by Stuck. Motion carried unanimously. The board approved the second reading of the following board policies: 530-Student Health and Immunization Certificates; 703-703B-Financial Records, Governmental Fund Balances, and Debt Fund Policies; 713.1-Intangible Assets Policy; 807-Disposition of District Equipment; and 808-Disposition or Lease of District Buildings and Sites. Motion by Schaff, second by Stuck. Motion carried unanimously. The board approved seeking allowable growth and supplemental aid for the 2016-17 negative special education balance in the amount of (-$123,203.43). The board reviewed a comparison to the 2015-16 school year, along with variables contributing to the negative balance. Motion by Bishop, second by Schaff. Motion carried unanimously.
The board reviewed and approved reports to close-out the 2016-17 fiscal year. Motion by Stuck, second by Bishop; All motions carried unanimously.
The board approved the Abstract of Votes from the September 12, 2017 school board election, declaring Amber Swartz – At-Large Director Seat and Cassy Allen – Director District #1, both four year terms. Motion by Schaff, second by Bishop. Motion carried unanimously.
Superintendent Coffelt recognized Mike Stuck’s eleven years of service on the Central Decatur School Board. Mike’s leadership and guidance provided throughout the years have been greatly appreciated. The District has grown as a result of his investment.
ADJOURNMENT: Stuck moved the meeting be adjourned at 7:00 p.m. ______Igor Takac, President Becky Broich, Board Secretary The Central Decatur Community School Board of Education began the organizational meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Board members present: Amber Swartz, Shaun Schaff, Ray Bishop, Cassy Allen, and Igor Takacs. Board members absent: None Others in attendance were: Chris Coffelt, Becky Broich, Amy Whittington, Rudy Evertsen, and three guests.
ORGANIZATIONAL PROCEDURES: The Oath of Office was administered to re-elected director, Amber Swartz and newly elected director, Cassy Allen. The election of officers was held. Igor Takacs nominated Shaun Schaff for the position of President, second by Bishop. No further nominations were made. The board voted unanimously for Shaun Schaff to serve as President of the Board. Igor Takacs nominated Amber Swartz for the position of Vice-President, second by Bishop. No further nominations were made. The board voted unanimously for Amber Swartz to serve as Vice-President of the Board. The oath of office was administered for the president and vice-president. The board decided that regular meetings will continue to be held on the third Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the high school library. Motion by Takacs, second by Bishop. Motion carried unanimously.
DISTRICT REPORTS: Principal Whittington talked about staff professional development opportunities and student activities. The launch of the Red way and Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) has gone well. Teachers have reported that student behavior seems better overall and office referrals are down. Elementary students got to enjoy “Homecoming Hoopla” at the athletic complex last Friday. Principal Evertsen talked about staff professional development opportunities and Homecoming. Student participation during Homecoming week was outstanding. Fall MAP testing has been completed to establish a mark to measure growth during the school year. Chandler Smith and Brooke Vecchio are serving as student representatives on the Leon Chamber of Commerce.
ACTION ITEMS: The board approved the appointment of Verle Norris as the school attorney, with the use of Brett Nitzchke of Lynch Dallas PC, as needed. Motion by Takacs, second by Swartz. Motion carried unanimously. The board designated Great Western Bank as the District’s depository and established $10,000,000.00 as the District’s maximum deposit. Motion by Bishop, second by Takacs. Motion carried unanimously. The board designated The Leon Journal as Central Decatur’s official newspaper publication. Motion by Bishop, second by Swartz. Motion carried unanimously. The annual rental agreement with SCIT costing $2,650 was approved. This agreement supports the fall/spring plays and incentive field trips. Motion by Swartz, second by Takacs. Motion carried unanimously. The Board of Directors approved the following interfund loans: o From the General Fund to Lunch Fund with in the amount of $145,000. The terms of repayment of the loan are as follows including the payment of interest: Transfer on September 19, 2017, Payback on or before September 30, 2018 at a rate equal to the Great Western Bank daily rate of .0001%. Approximate interest to pay back = $14. o From the General Fund to Management Fund with in the amount of $32,000. The terms of repayment of the loan are as follows including the payment of interest: Transfer on September 19, 2017, Payback on or before September 30, 2018 at a rate equal to the Great Western Bank daily rate of .0001%. Approximate interest to pay back = $3. Motion by Takacs, second by Bishop. Motion carried unanimously. The board approved the first reading of board policy 709 – Purchasing–Bidding with currently identified amounts. Motion by Takacs, second by Allen. Motion carried unanimously.
2 The board approved FFA to attend the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, IN. Following the trip, students will share their experience with the board. Motion by Bishop, second by Swartz. Motion carried unanimously.
ACTION ITEMS cont’d: The board approved the following open enrollment applications from Mt Ayr CSD: Michael and Maddison Jessen; and, from Clarke CSD: Keithan Schnick. Motion by Swartz, second by Bishop. Motion carried unanimously. The board also approved the open enrollment application for Alyssa Irving to attend Mormon Trail. Motion by Takacs, second by Bishop. Motion carried unanimously. The board approved the 2017-18 athletic sharing of wrestling and bowling with Lamoni. Motion by Bishop, second by Allen. Motion carried unanimously. The board approved 2017-18 Head Start Memorandum of Understanding. Motion by Takacs, second by Swartz. Motion carried unanimously.
INFORMATION ITEMS: Superintendent Coffelt highlighted our current enrollment. Certified enrollment is counted every October 1st on an annual basis. Enrollment looks to be stable this year as compared to last year. This count establishes the state aid we will receive for the 2018-19 school year. The Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) will conduct a retention and recertification election for the CD collective bargaining units – Certified Staff: Central Decatur Education Association and Classified Staff: Central Decatur Community School District Employee Association. The purpose of the election is to determine whether certain employees of the District wish to retain the collective bargaining units as their exclusive bargaining representatives. The certified and classified staff notices of intent to conduct a retention and recertification election were shared with the board. The board discussed possible dates for a joint board meeting with Lamoni. A work session will be decided upon at a later date. Upcoming Meetings: a. Regular Meeting: Monday, October 16, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. – High School Library
ADJOURNMENT: Takacs moved the meeting be adjourned at 8:03 p.m.
______Shaun Schaff, President Becky Broich, Board Secretary