New Nationwide Event this September: GREEN APPLE DAY OF SERVICE

When: On or around Saturday, September 29, 2012

What: Take action via a class or school event in support of healthy, sustainable schools

Who: Sponsored by the Center for Green Schools and the U.S. Green Building Council

Ideas: Check out suggested projects here… Register: Officially register an event here… Even simple acts make an impact:  Have a classroom clean out and recycle what you can  Conserve energy throughout the day  Use natural lighting and less lights if possible  Make signage to remind students and staff to conserve  Start a plot for a spring garden at your building  Weed and prep an existing garden for future planting  Help with recycling at your building  Reuse things in the classroom  Use paper wisely…use up both sides  Make a class book about conservation, recycling, sustainable living  Write articles for the Public Opinion Editorial Page about making green choices

Teaching Resources: ... This page is designed for teachers who wish to introduce the concepts of sustainability into their classrooms and for students who need assistance and guidance in their sustainable research projects. Another good resource: