Edward Rhine, Terry Tribe Johnson and Luis Vazquez Halle
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Concurrent Session I Details for Monday, July 1 – 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM
ReEntry on the Move in Ohio Edward Rhine, Terry Tribe Johnson and Luis Vazquez Halle There is a strong commitment to ReEntry across Ohio both at the state level and in counties and cities. This session will discuss the Ohio Ex-Offender, ReEntry Coalition, and the expansion and value of local ReEntry coalitions. The speakers will highlight the impressive work underway statewide and in Summit and Cuyahoga counties. The session will also present information on sentencing reforms under HB 86/SB 337 that enable ex-offenders to address the collateral consequences of their criminal convictions.
The NCRC: The Interlocking Foundation Martha Slemp and Roy M. Tapp, Ph.D. George Bush Join us for an examination of how the National Career Readiness Certificate has become the universal tool in the achievement of educational goals (academic improvement, GED, remedial, vocational, etc.) within the 12 facilities of the Kentucky Department of Corrections.
A New Path for Success for the ReEntry Population Gwendolyn Riase and Steve Killpack Garfield The ReEntry Reconnection Grassroots Coalition (RRGC) in Cleveland, Ohio has created a unique set of programming designed for the ReEntry population. The curriculum addresses unemployment, strained family relationships, bad credit, and more. Attendees will learn details of the program components and how to implement a similar program in their area.
Building a Strong Force to Raise GED Levels Addressing Literacy Teaching Linda Seigel Carnegie This workshop focuses on how the brain learns to read. There will be an open forum discussion following the presentation and time spent discussing what is working well and how improvements could be integrated into the Open Courseware. The discussion will focus on the need for the creation of an Adult Literacy Teacher course for correctional educators facing an average 45% dyslexia in the correctional education classroom with a high percentage still of illiteracy.
Building Winners: Using Sports Culture in Pre-Release Services Alisa Smedley Holden Learn how to utilize sports culture to train inmates in employment readiness and building job search skills. This workshop combines workforce & ReEntry strategies. Coach Smedley is ReEntry Employment Coordinator at the One Stop center inside Montgomery County Correctional Facility in Boyds, Maryland.
68th CEA International Conference and Training Event Concurrent Session I Details for Monday, July 1 – 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM
High School Equivalency Testing – Alternatives to the GED Jason Carter Case ETS and the University of Iowa are collaborating to develop a high school equivalency testing (HiSET) program that will launch in January 2014 at the request of more than 30 states. The assessment is an alternative to the GED. This session will provide information about the ETS HiSET Program.
Recent Developments in the Correctional Education Office at the United States Department of Education John Linton Severance John Linton is the Director of the Office of Correctional Education at the U.S. Department of Education. He will provide background on correctional education in the Department of Education and offer an update on current work. He will lead a discussion of opportunities for the Department of Education to assist correctional educators as it develops and implements reform plans in the career technology, adult education, and correctional education arenas.
The Value of Needs/Risk Assessment in ReEntry Denis Porter Van Aken Integrating a proven Needs/Risk Assessment in ReEntry Programming will greatly improve programming decisions, resource utilization, successful offender return to community, and reduced recidivism. This workshop is sponsored by the National Institute of Corrections.
CEA Takes on a Tablet Heather Claussen Erwin, Meggie McGraw, and Steve Steurer Humphrey CEA, Union Supply and WiderNet have forged a partnership and developed an advanced technological tool for correctional education – a secure tablet containing the best quality software, video and e-books that cover basic literacy through post-secondary education. The CEA goal is to supplement classroom instruction and expand the reach of current educational programs in prisons, juvenile facilities, and jails via powerful technology. CEA is confident that this tool has the latest features of most tablets but will block student access to the internet and allay the concerns of correctional security.
68th CEA International Conference and Training Event 68th CEA International Conference and Training Event Concurrent Session II Details for Monday, July 1 – 2:00 PM – 3:15 PM
How to Help Young Ofenders Make Informed Career Decisions John Rakis Halle To help offenders make informed career decisions, you must have an understanding of John Holland’s Career Theory and know how to access labor market information. This workshop will provide you with the knowledge needed to give sound career guidance to your students. This workshop is sponsored by the National Institute of Corrections.
Online Testing in Ohio Brian Lee, Dennis Mitchell, and Jym Nester George Bush This presentation gives an overview and demonstration of on-line testing of Ohio Central School System students.
Ohio’s Three Tier System Reform Todd Ishee Garfield Wrapped around DRC’s mission to Reduce Recidivism, Ohio’s Three Tier System Reform is designed to erase the lines between prisons, community supervision, and Ohio’s general public so as to create seamless transitions for released offenders. Built on providing a sense of hope for each offender, control, general population, and reintegration components provide a strategic roadmap of increased opportunities and responsibilities as offenders work toward successful ReEntry.
High School Options in the Ohio Central School System Trent Patterson, Luietta Wade, Florence Madueme, and Gwendolyn Williams Carnegie This session will explain the procedures the Ohio Central School System uses to help inmates obtain a high school diploma from the Ohio Central School System and, in some cases, from the public school attended.
Creating a Sustainable Environment While Creating Green Skills for Offenders Jenny Hildebrand and Denise Justice Case This session will provide an overview of the conservation efforts taking place within the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction (ODRC) and the development of educational opportunities for the offenders. These initiatives, while providing a savings to taxpayer’s, also provides “green skill” development to the offenders and assists in preparing them for release.
68th CEA International Conference and Training Event Concurrent Session II Details for Monday, July 1 – 2:00 PM – 3:15 PM
Reading for Meaning - Fluently Carol Ann Kane Severance Learn how to combine the research proven strategies of teacher modeling, repeated reading and progress monitoring into a single powerful strategy to motivate readers, accelerate fluency, and improve comprehension. This reading intervention is very independent, allowing readers of all ages to improve and see success.
Beyond CD-ROM: Using Off-line Technology in a Secure Classroom Heather Erwin Van Aken From digital libraries to educational software solutions and assessments, there are many ways to incorporate technology – both the use of and as a method of content delivery – into your secure classroom. This workshop is sponsored by the National Institute of Corrections.
Peace on the Inside – The Peace Education Program Sherry Weinstein and Chris Taney Humphrey The Peace Education Program is an innovative educational program that helps participants discover their own inner resources such as choice, inner-strength, and self-esteem. It is non-denominational and is offered at no charge.
Webcast Seminar Host: Laura Lanier Panelists: John Linton; Renee Collins; Brian Walsh Gold Join John Linton from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE) and expert panelists in The Adult Career Pathways Training and Support Center (ACP-SC) Webcast Series Presents: Adult Career Pathways in Correctional Education and Re-entry Programs as they share their perspectives and recommendations on developing and implementing Adult Career Pathways programs in correctional education and re-entry settings. The webcast will be filmed live at the Correctional Education Association Conference and simultaneously broadcasted to the field. Viewers are encouraged to participate in the live Q&A session via Twitter by using #CreatePathways. The ACP-SC is funded by the U.S. Department of Education, OVAE.
Concurrent Session III Details
68th CEA International Conference and Training Event for Monday, July 1 – 3:30 PM – 4:45 PM
Career Planning for Individuals with Criminal Records Francina Carter Halle Individuals with a criminal record face barriers to employment that should be considered during the career planning process. This workshop will describe the eight steps of the career planning process and focus on the role that correctional education can play in preparing individuals for employment at ReEntry into the community. This workshop is sponsored by the National Institute of Corrections.
Virtual Career-Technical Education - How The Ohio Central School System is Using Simulators to Deliver Instruction Brian Lee George Bush This workshop presents an overview of the use of simulators to deliver Career-technical instruction in Ohio’s prison system.
Being Ready for the 2002 and 2014 GED Test NOW! James H. Keeley, Ed.D. and Adriane Fajnor Garfield Successfully passing the computer based GED, High School Equivalency /Alternative Test requires software that is ready for the 2002 & 2014 exams. Using the newest Depth of Knowledge Questions with a tracking / reporting protocol demands a Learning / Management System that is engaging, motivating, focused, challenging and reliable. Hear how Aztec’s updated software does that and more.
Is Your State Up To The TASC! Alternative High School Assessment for 2014 Mike Johnson Carnegie This session will introduce the framework of CTB McGraw-Hill’s new TASC Test. An Alternative High School Equivalency Assessment that is both paper based and computer based. The session will provide information on the field testing, transition, and roll-out planning.
Special Education: The Difference Doesn’t Mean Deficiency Dr. Derrick A. Pledger Holden In this session, participants will learn how Dr. Derrick Pledger started out as a special needs student, orphan, and high school dropout before going on to obtain an MBA and Doctorate in Special Education/Organizational Leadership. Participants will also learn how to teach emotional intelligence through the constructs of character education.
Concurrent Session III Details
68th CEA International Conference and Training Event for Monday, July 1 – 3:30 PM – 4:45 PM
Summary of the “Evaluation of the Windham School District Correctional Education Programs” Veronica Casanova Case This report conducted by Sam Houston State University in conjunction with the Indiana University of Pennsylvania provides an evaluation of Texas state correctional education programs in terms of recidivism, employment rates, and student achievement.
Essential Computer Skills for the 2014® GED Test Ann Harris Severance Are your students comfortable using computers? Are they ready for computer-based testing? This session will introduce you to Teknimedia's CBT100™-Computer Skills for the 2014 GED® Test. You'll learn why CBT100 is the ideal tool for verifying your students have the essential computer and keyboarding skills required for the 2014 GED® test.
The Teacher’s Collaborator: EDUSS Learning - Artificial Intelligence Driven Assessment, Lesson Plan Development, and Education Solutions Mary McMartin and Heather Erwin Van Aken EDUSS has developed the world’s first IMTA (Integrated Multi-dimensional Teaching Assistant). This presentation will discuss and demonstrate how the unique features of the EDUSS education platform delivers personalized, differentiated learning in math, and phonics-to-reading can increase a teacher’s productivity in the classroom by up to 65%. This workshop is sponsored by the National Institute of Corrections.
Exploring the Online Option for Career-Tech Material Rod Boyes Humphrey Online education and training has significant potential in view of the low marginal cost of delivery, potential for engaging interactive material and facilitating data requirements. Textbook publishers now offer a “textbook on a tube,” but it is still a textbook. Educators are being bombarded with internet information that promises all things to all educators. Hundreds of tools are offered. Over 75 browsers are available. Sorting it all out is a challenge. A live demonstration of this content-based Learning Management System (LMS) will be provided. Elements include interactive Content in Auto Technology, Health Science, Cosmetology, and Agriscience. Considerable text is available for downloading, and participants will receive 60 instructor passwords and will be assisted by Tech Support Staff.
Concurrent Session IV Details
68th CEA International Conference and Training Event for Tuesday, July 2 – 8:30 AM – 9:45 AM
Fair Shake: Free Technology Tools for ReEntry! Sue Kastensen Halle Fair Shake is an innovative multi-stakeholder resource center focused on ReEntry success. Through free computer- based tools, including our new software program, inmates can expand effective outcome opportunities while also preparing for potential hurdles. Find out what Fair Shake offers correctional educators and help us build our toolkit with your ideas!
A Renaissance Moment in American Corrections – How Did We Get Here and Where is it All Going Critical Information and Data to Understand About the Future of Institutional Programming! Robert Green George Bush There is little debate that the past three years has brought forth a wave of change throughout American Corrections. Record high inmate populations converged with an economic readjustment not seen since the Great Depression. Numerous jurisdictions in the United States were funding Correctional Budgets that out-paced Education and Transportation Funding. These factors pushed us to this Renaissance Moment, a point in time of transition from the past to the future with research and intellectual activity guiding new approaches to doing business and a vigorous demand for evidence-based practices.
From coast to coast, north to south, the wave of change is coming in the form of best practices at the grass roots level; to Legislative Mandates forcing change upon the profession. This program will discuss such key elements in this change movement as population trends, best and promising practices in management alternatives, community collaboration opportunities, budget reduction scenarios, and the ever increasing role of programming is the solution. This is a must attend program for anyone seeking to understand the landscape of corrections for the next three to five years. This workshop is sponsored by the National Institute of Corrections.
Steck-Vaughn’s GED 2014 Blended Learning Solution Heather Connolly Garfield Steck-Vaughn/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH), that has delivered best in class GED materials to the adult education market for decades, will share highlights of their GED 2014 solution that showcases a truly blended learning approach including print, digital, practice tests, and professional development. Whether you are only prepared to offer print materials or ready for digital, we will demonstrate all the components of our solution and show you how to utilize them for a successful launch for your GED 2014 programs.
Word Warm-Ups: Quick Exercises for Word Mastery Carol Ann Kane Holden The Word Warm-ups program combines the three powerful strategies of teacher modeling, repeated reading and progress monitoring to support reading development. Participants will learn how to utilize these three effective strategies to support phonemic awareness, phonics and automaticity in applying decoding skills which impact fluency, comprehension, and overall reading achievement. Concurrent Session IV Details
68th CEA International Conference and Training Event for Tuesday, July 2 – 8:30 AM – 9:45 AM
How to Build Relationships with Employers and Improve the Career Prospects of Your Students John Rakis Case To help offenders successfully enter the workforce upon release, it’s essential to involve employers in your ReEntry efforts. This workshop will provide you with practical guidance for engaging employers in your work and building a network of support in the community. This workshop is sponsored by the National Institute of Corrections.
If You Think You Can Or Think You Can't, You're Right Kimberly Taylor Severance A healthy self-image is important in learning and education. Believing you can succeed will empower you to give your very best to accomplishing your goals. A positive self-image affects our physical, mental, social, emotional, spiritual, and educational well-being. Fostering self-confidence and esteem into your students can result in improved learning.
The Teacher’s Collaborator: EDUSS Learning - Artificial Intelligence Driven Assessment, Lesson Plan Development, and Education Solutions Mary McMartin and Heather Erwin Van Aken EDUSS has developed the world’s first IMTA (Integrated Multi-dimensional Teaching Assistant). This presentation will discuss and demonstrate how the unique features of the EDUSS education platform delivers personalized, differentiated learning in math, and phonics-to-reading can increase a teacher’s productivity in the classroom by up to 65%. This workshop is sponsored by the National Institute of Corrections.
Concurrent Session V Details
68th CEA International Conference and Training Event for Tuesday, July 2 – 10:00 AM – 11:15 AM
The Research and Practice of Writing Workshops in Correctional Settings Kristine E. Pytash Halle The purpose of this presentation is to present information and research on the use of reading and writing workshops in juvenile detention facility classrooms. This presentation will provide an overview of the research base, a demonstration of the instructional models, and examples from a juvenile detention facility classroom.
If You Didn’t Document It, It Didn’t Happen Cheryl Wachtel George Bush Meet Tracking At-A-Glance® (TAAG) Case Management and Performance Tracking Software. This user-friendly web-based tool is easily customizable to your own organization or facility. TAAG features comprehensive needs and risk assessments, individual development plans, notes, referrals, work history, and much more. TAAG’s robust internal reporting lets you generate a custom report on any field within seconds. The data can be used to report and analyze outcomes, prove program effectiveness, and improve services.
One Stop & Reintegration in Ohio Prisons Robin Long, Jennifer Thomas, and Tom Hutter Garfield This workshop will give insight into ODRC’s new Vision and Mission and how they have partnered with other Agencies to bring more focus on reintegrating prisoners back into society and the work force. We will explore new initiatives and programs that are designed to assist inmates in obtaining employment and staying employed.
Providing ReEntry Hope to the Struggling Reader in Juvenile Corrections David Leitch Holden This presentation provides a synopsis of literacy characteristics of youth within the juvenile justice system and the state of related academic interventions. A review of evidence based reading strategies follows this initial overview and leads to a discussion of intervention recommendations which can assist juveniles through the re-entry process.
Pearson VUE Computer-Based Testing Workshop Sue Jackson Case Computer-based testing at correctional facilities will increase opportunity for inmates to obtain nationally recognized credentials that validate skills developed in education programs. Learn how a Pearson VUE test center for GED exams at your correctional facility can be expanded to provide credentials for a variety of education programs. Hear a detailed description of the process for software set up and the roles and responsibilities of the test center. Further, CompTIA will describe tools available to assist educators in preparing inmates for successful re- entry into society with nationally recognized CompTIA credentials supporting high demand IT jobs.
68th CEA International Conference and Training Event Concurrent Session V Details for Tuesday, July 2 – 10:00 AM – 11:15 AM
Winning from the Inside Out Donna M. Rojas Severance A very effective way to support those who are reentering society is to help them to understand who they are from the inside out. Helping them to see themselves past their charge and who they were created to be can help to create a positive and confident individual who can handle life outside of the walls.
Participating in an Online Professional COP (Community of Practice) from Behind Bars Heather Erwin Van Aken On-Line COP’s (professional Communities of Practice) offer tremendous opportunity for prison educators, who are isolated by necessity within their classrooms, to participate in and benefit from a larger community of professionals in a virtual environment. This workshop is sponsored by the National Institute of Corrections.
68th CEA International Conference and Training Event Concurrent Session VI Details for Tuesday, July 2 – 1:00 PM – 2:15 PM
Implementing an Internationally Recognized Computer Certification Program Bob Dove, Kyle Harder, and Jill Bargiel Halle This presentation will focus on how to implement the ICDL, a basic computer skills certification program. The Pennsylvania state prison system has been using it since 2007, and the Pennsylvania Academic and Career Technical Training Alliance (PACTT) recommends it as one of three basic certifications for juvenile facilities.
Reentry for All – Jail Based Reentry and Education Programming Robert Green George Bush This workshop will focus on the synergy and supportive services between Education and Workforce Development within local jurisdictions. The workshop will discuss the development of a One Stop Work Center inside the walls of a local correctional facility, the educational focus on workforce sustainable skills, and successful collaborations between local school systems and colleges. This workshop is sponsored by the National Institute of Corrections.
Teaching Lifespan Development to Incarcerated Women with Life Sentences Judson Palmer and Amanda Schaad Garfield Eleven Graduate students were provided with the opportunity to teach Development to women serving life sentences. Throughout the students learned about teaching, the forensic population, diversity issues, data collection and the benefits of combining academia, service, and learning. Lessons learned, and the sustainability of the program will be discussed.
The Correctional Education Association: A Professional, Political, and Social History Jerry McGlone and Tim Phillians Carnegie In 1927, the recently formed American Adult Association provided funding for Austin MacCormick to visit every prison in America and prepare a National Report on each prison’s education program. His findings were appalling; there was virtually no education programming anywhere. In 1930, this revealing evidence lead to the creation of the standing Committee on Education within the American Prison Association. By 1945, this Committee evolved into an independent organization called the Correctional Education Association which was officially recognized in 1946. This workshop will present the professional and political history and growth of CEA as the national leader for Correctional Education in America. The workshop will also examine social aspects this organization provides.
68th CEA International Conference and Training Event Concurrent Session VI Details for Tuesday, July 2 – 1:00 PM – 2:15 PM
Bringing the Internet to an Offline World Brian Walsh, Ray Pulsipher, and Tom Hanley Holden Learn how Peninsula College Corrections Education has integrated WiderNet eGranart, Khan Academy, Moodle and other web resources into its offline GED and computer programming classrooms. By adding these resources the college is preparing students for CBT GED, high-wage jobs and life on the outside.
Strategies in Education & Future Employment through Engagement David Brady and Panos Yalamas Case During this hands-on workshop, participants will be familiarized with proven methods in engaging and education boundary populations for entry level employment in demand occupations. This workshop will demonstrate the application of multi-tiered constructivist learning strategies and will focus on methods that engage a population and keep them engaged throughout the learning process. During this hands-on workshop, participants will be familiarized with proven methods in engaging and education boundary populations for entry level employment.
Steck-Vaughn’s ReEntry PreRelease Program Solution Heather Connelly Severance A new program developed in partnership with Steck Vaughn/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) and the LA Department of Public Safety & Corrections is now available nationally. This program is the first of its kind to be jointly researched and published in an effort aiming to reduce recidivism. In this session, we will discuss the background of the project and outline the series of workbooks and materials created that provide accessible instruction and relevant practice activities. We will also show you how it can be used nationally, regionally and locally, and discuss options for customization.
Establishing Career Resource Centers in Correctional Education Francina Carter Van Aken A career resource center provides trained staff and services and materials to assist an individual in learning the process of career decision making and applying it to career choices in preparation for employment upon ReEntry. This workshop will provide guidelines for establishing a career resource center in correctional education. This workshop is sponsored by the National Institute of Corrections.
68th CEA International Conference and Training Event Concurrent Session VII Details for Tuesday, July 2 – 2:30 PM – 3:45 PM
IDEA Reviews in Ohio’s Correctional Schools R. Linn Davey Halle This session will outline the special education review process in Ohio’s school districts. It will further give information about the on-site reviews of the Buckeye United School District and the Ohio Central School System, the districts within the Ohio Department of Youth Services and the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction.
The Exodus of Post-Secondary Correctional Education Grant Support: Obscuring the Light Along the Path to ReEntry Judith A. Leary Garfield Throughout the history of correctional education, and particularly post-secondary correctional education (PSCE), several key pieces of legislation regulating state and federal grant funding have substantially altered its development. This lecture is designed to provide attendees with an understanding of the historical context and significance of grant funding for PSCE.
Career Portfolios – The Transition Tool for a Diverse Workforce Anna Graf Williams, Ph.D. Holden Transitioning a career is a challenging time, especially when reentering society from prison, where even getting and holding a job can be challenging. This lively session looks at how career portfolios are being used to help individuals identify and promote their transferable skills, gain self-confidence, and make positive changes for success.
Correctional Educators’ Attitudes Toward Correctional Students Marian Ellis Case This presentation is a summary of the 2013 dissertation, “Community College Faculty Attitudes Toward Their Inmate Learners in Texas.” Participants will leave this session with a better understanding of how attitudes affect students’ self-perceptions and performance. It will also demonstrate the need for quality staff development and program evaluations.
Implementing Research-Based Literacy Strategies with Authentic Texts in Correctional Settings Kristine Pytash Severance The purpose of this presentation is to present information on research-based reading strategies to develop students’ comprehension of texts. The presentation will provide an overview of the research and example lessons done in a juvenile detention facility. Young adult literature, informational texts, and best pieces of short text for engaging young adults will be highlighted.
68th CEA International Conference and Training Event Concurrent Session VII Details for Tuesday, July 2 – 2:30 PM – 3:45 PM
Motivational Interviewing Integrated in Cognitive Programs Denis Porter Van Aken Motivational Interviewing is an evidence-based process that provides skills needed for successful cognitive program delivery. In developing the ability to integrate MI into one’s personal teaching tool box, facilitators will witness greater success in assisting offenders to meet their goals and improve self-efficacy. This workshop is sponsored by the National Institute of Corrections.
68th CEA International Conference and Training Event An Introduction to the 2014 GED® Test: Facilitator Training Tuesday, July 2 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM Gold Room
Presenters: Marty Kehe, Jean Perrini, Mark Roberts, Steve Steurer and additional GEDTS trained consultants
8:00–8:15 Welcome and Opening Remarks
8:15–9:15 Introduction to the 2014 GED® Test Compare/Contrast 2002 to 2014 Compare/Contrast 2002 to 2014 Webb’s Depth of Knowledge The Technology Challenge
9:15–10:15 Introduction to the 2014 GED® Item Sampler for Reasoning through Language Arts and Social Studies Content and Context Practices
Introduction to the 2014 GED® Item Sampler for Mathematical Reasoning and Science Content and Context Practices
10:15–10:30 Break
10:30–12:15 2014 GED® test Rubric for Extended Response Trait Characteristics Applying the Rubric to Sample Anchor Papers Questions 12:00-2:00 Lunch and Vendor Exhibit
2:00–3:15 Beginning Strategies/Resources for the Classroom Reasoning through Language Arts – A Review of the Research Sentence Combining Summarization An Introduction to Developing Constructed Responses Unpacking the Prompt Identifying the Thesis/Argumentative Statement Citing Evidence
3:15–3:30 Break
3:30–4:30 Beginning Strategies/Resources for the Classroom Mathematical Reasoning – A Review of the Research Building on the Big Ideas in Quantitative Problem Solving and Algebraic Reasoning Skills Building Problem-Solving/Mathematical Reasoning Skills 68th CEA International Conference and Training Event Concurrent Session VIII Details for Wednesday, July 3 – 8:30 AM – 9:45 AM
Mandarin Brainstorming Gretchen Persohn Halle This would be a brainstorming/training session to help users out with different M3 problems. I will cover downloading catalog records and importing lock list data.
More Online Resources Jennifer Fornal Garfield This workshop will include a presentation of website resources for educators. The presenter will review sites that can be accessed through the ODRC Intranet and the Worldwide Web. She will also share some of her favorite education websites including some new special education resource websites. Bring your favorite websites to share.
Ohio Teacher of the Year Panel Dana Berry, Florence Madueme, Duwayne Shoup, Kimberly Taylor, and Deborah Withem Holden The five, Ohio Teacher of the Year finalists will discuss their program/class. Each panel member will share ideas and teaching strategies that work for them in their classroom.
Ohio Re-Entry Connection Resume Posting, Educational Opportunity and Typing Tutorial Ms. Julie M. Hupp Case This session will offer a power point presentation showing what Ohio Re-Entry has to offer in the education/Library area in the Department of Rehabilitation Corrections in Ohio.
Enjoy Life So It Does Not Get The Best of YOU! Betsy Lavinder Severance Correctional Education can be trying at times. Sometimes we just need to have a good laugh at ourselves and “get over it”. Come join in a relaxing time to unwind, de-stress, and enjoy life!
Musical Timeline Michael Peck Van Aken Sit back and reminisce of times gone by and learn a new method of presenting historical events. This presentation will present a method that was constructed as a manner to bring history alive in visuals and music.
68th CEA International Conference and Training Event