Open Class Dairy s1
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Send entries to: Melissa Brecke 201 N Church Street Thorp, WI 54771
Exhibitor Fee: $10.00 per person (1 season pass included) Season Pass: $10.00 each (for extra people to enter grounds) Daily Pass: Available at gate for $5.00 Stall Fee: $3.00 per animal
City / Zip:
Phone Number: Premises ID (required)
Department Class Lot Description
See back side for additional entries if needed
Exhibitor Fee: $10.00 Season Passes ($10.00 each) Stall Fees: ($3.00 per animal) TOTAL DUE Make check payable to Clark County Fair Association
ALL EXHIBITORS ARE REQUIRED TO CLEAN OUT STALLS BEFORE LAVING ON SUNDAY Thank you for your cooperation Department Class Lot Description Regulations:
Entry fees are: $10.00 per exhibitor
Stall fees are: $3.00 per animal
All entries should be mailed to: Melissa Brecke 201 N Church Street Thorp, WI 54771
1. Entries must be received by JULY 1 and fees must accompany the entry. Fair Association has the right to reject any entry.
2. Open to residents of Wisconsin
3. All animals must be purebred. Registration papers must be furnished upon request.
4. 4-H and FFA animals must be pre-registered by the Open Class deadline to participate.
5. Breed registered ancestry standards: Holsteins 87% All Others 75%
6. Animals shown in Dry Cow classes must be coded dry on production test sheets or at least 280 days on IBM test sheet.
7. Exhibitors must bring their own feed and bedding.
8. Milking parlor will be open at all times except from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. and 8:00 – 9:00 p.m. for washing and during the 15 – 20 minutes when the bulk tank is being emptied and cleaned.
9. Do not connect automatic waterers to faucets.
10. Red and White class must be registered with the Red & White Dairy Cattle Association (RWDCA).
11. Cattle must be in place by Friday evening.
12. Dairy exhibitors are required to clean out stalls before leaving on Sunday.
13. For additional information on the OPEN CLASS DAIRY please contact Melissa Brecke at 715-613-2241. Premiums: $11.00 $9.00 $7.00 $5.00 Heifer Calf Spring Heifer Calf Fall Heifer Calf Winter
Premiums: $12.00 $10.00 $8.00 $6.00 Heifer, fall yearling Heifer, winter yearling Heifer, spring yearling Heifer, summer yearling
Premiums: $14.00 $12.00 $10.00 $8.00 Cow, junior 2 year old Cow, senior 2 year old Best 3 females Produce of Dam Get of Sire Dam/Offspring Junior Best 3 Senior Best 3
Premiums: $16.00 $14.00 $12.00 $10.00 Cow, 3 year old
Premiums: $18.00 $16.00 $14.00 $12.00 Cow, 4 year old
Premiums: $20.00 $18.00 $16.00 $14.00 Cow, 5 year old Dry Cow
Lot Numbers: 1. Heifer calf, spring 2. Heifer calf, winter 3. Heifer calf, fall 4. Heifer calf, summer yearling 5. Heifer, spring yearling 6. Heifer, winter yearling 7. Heifer, fall yearling 8. Cow, junior 2 year old 9. Cow, senior 2 year old 10. Cow, 3 year old 11. Cow, 4 year old 12. Cow, 5 year old and over 13. Dry cow (must have completed first lactation) 14. Best 3 females (BO) 15. Produce of Dam 16. Get of Sire 17. Dam/Offspring 18. Junior Best 3 19. Senior Best 3 Fair Camping Registration Form
Camping space is limited so if you are interested please complete the form below and mail with payment to: Noreen Tyznik N12616 County Road M Thorp, WI 54771
Name: Address : City: State: Zip: Phone: Email:
Fees: Lot A $25.00 per unit (no electricity) Lot A $35.00 per unit (with electricity) Lot B $50.00 per unit (with electricity)
I will be bringing a: ___ Tent (size ) ___ Camper (size )
Please rank your camping location preference by 1 (first choice), 2 (second choice), or 3 (third choice). Camping locations is on a first come first serve basis. ___ LOT A – east end of fairgrounds – NO electricity ($25) ___ LOT A – east end of fairgrounds – WITH electricity ($35) ___ LOT B – by draft horse barn/track – WITH electricity ($50)
Please make checks payable to the FAIR ASSOCIATION. Any questions please contact Noreen at 715-669-3813 or 715-797-1224.