Department of Architecture s1
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SEMINAR ON LAND USE CONTROL/ 3credits/ selected Papers will be assigned and discussed in class at the beginning of the term. The main themes of the course are: 1. Urban land use control; 2. Rural land use control; 3.Conflicts and resolutions of land uses; 4. Basic legal principles of land use control; 5. Compensations for land use controls; 6. Historical origins of zoning; 7. Land use control by zoning; 8. Flexible zoning; 9. Growth management; 10. Transferable development rights; 11. Land use control for preservation of natural resources; 12. Economic analysis of land use control. (Sheang-Bor Lin)
ENGINEERING MECHANICS(1)、(2)/ 3credits/ required 1.Statics including: Basic Principles, force equilibrium, moment equilibrium, vector analysis, centroid, moment of inertia, frames, trusses, cables, and energy method; 2.Mechanics of Material including: Stress and Strain, indeterminant structures, bending stress, torsional stress, beam deflections, Column circles, moment area method.
SPECIAL TOPICS FOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT/ 2credits/ selected 1.Introduce the case study on the rationalization of construction methods; 2. The case study on the advanced rationalization of construction methods and introduce the interaction and integration of 'design' and 'construction'; 3. Introduce projects construction and management by case study on high rise building;4. Illustrate building development by case study on 921 earthquake reconstruction project; 5. Discuss in the design methods and integration by case study on the enterprise headquarter project;6. Introduce building systems by case study on the oversea trip project.
PRACTICES OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTION/ 3credits/ selected The objectives of this course are to be acquainted with knowledge and skills of building construction, building analysis, building conservation and building destruction in Building Life Circle. Moreover, the emphasis of the course is on
5-1 the study of professional problems in construction sites。Students should provide case analyses for each topic with a certain kind of construction issues or arguments. They are required to complete a thorough report towards architectural practice or thesis. Students will visit the construction site, analyze the particularity of it, and Learn and discuss from the experts' lectures.
THE HISTORY OF CHINESE ARCHITECTURE/ 2credits/ required From the viewpoints of history, architecture is a mirror of human's socio- culture. It reflects a certain kind of place constructed by a certain group of people for their own socio-culture in a certain time and space. In this sense, when we try to understand architecture, we hope to understand what kind of place was built, why it was built, how it was built, when it was built, where it was built and who built it. Based on this, the history of architecture can be seen as the process of the transformation of architecture built and then used by humans for their own needs. Therefore, the main purpose of this course is to interpret the relationship between the transformations of Chinese Architecture and their socio-cultural meanings, so as to let students to widen their views on the history of Chinese Architecture. The outline of this course is then planned as follows: 1. The definition of the history of Chinese Architecture; 2. The language of Chinese Architecture in organized space; 3. The language of Chinese Architecture in built form; 4. The origin of Chinese Architecture and its early development from Neolithic Times to Han Dynasty; 5. The transmission of Buddhist religion from western to China and the cultural exchanges between the East and the West from East Han Dynasty to Sung Dynasty; 6. The urban settings and civic life from Tang Dynasty to Ching Dynasty; 7. The delicate life and Chinese gardens from Sung Dynasty to Ching Dynasty; 8. The construction norms and the official system from Sung Dynasty to Ching Dynasty; 9. Various ethnics and their traditional houses during Ching Dynasty.
SEMINAR ON HISTORY OF CHINESE ARCHITECTURE/ 3credits/ selected This course focuses on the Correlation between culture and traditional architecture in the context of Yin-Yang Wu-Shin and Fung-Sui
5-2 theroy.1.Originality of locus and its evolution; 2.Application and development of locus in Yintomb (YinZhai), Yang house (YangZhai) and city; 3.Case study analysis and elucidation.
SPECIAL TOPICS IN BUILT-OPERATE OF PUBLIC BUILDING PROJECT/ 3credits/ selected In recent years, BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) has become the most popular method in the development of public works. However, unlike what we expect, many projects in Taiwan face a variety of difficulties because of the complexity of the BOT model. Under this circumstance, this course focuses on the different aspects of BOT model, such as its executive mechanism, its regulations, its contracts, its risks and its financial problems. In this way, we hope that students can understand this innovative delivery method of public buildings better.
DESIGN OF WOOD STRUCTURES/ 3credits/ selected 1.Wood buildings; 2.Design Load; 3.Behavior of Structure under Loads and Forces; 4.Properties of Wood and Lumber Grades; 5.Beam Design; 6.Axial Forces and Combined Bending and Axial Forces; 7.Horizontal Diaphragms; 8.Shear Walls; 9.Design of Wood Connection; 10.Advanced Topics in Lateral Force Design.
INTRODUCTION TO RESTORATION OF TIMBER STRUCTURES/ 3credits/ selected The course introduces 1.the international trend on conservation of cultural heritage; 2.the structure types of historic buildings and the approaches of assessment; 3.the failure modes and restoration techniques of historic buildings. In order to establish the practical and sufficient background for students, the course is introduced by means of literature research, technical analysis and case studies.
SPECIAL TOPICS ON TAIWANESE ARCHITECTURE IN JAPANESE PERIOD/ 3credits/ selected In the past, Taiwanese architecture built during the Japanese Period didn't receive much attention in spite that there are many outstanding buildings. As
5-3 inseparable part of the urban history in Taiwan, the meaning of Taiwanese architecture built in the Japanese Period cannot be ignored. The main contents of this course will be the introduction and discussion of architecture of various categories built during the Japanese Period.
THE SPECIAL TOPICS OF TRADITIONAL ARTCHITECTURE IN TAIWAN/ 3credits/ selected Based on the definition of 'tradition', the traditional architecture in Taiwan could be basically divided into two groups. The first was the various kinds of traditional architecture built by different kinds of ethnic aborigines in Taiwan, and the second was the traditional architecture built by Chinese immigrants who moved from the southeastern part of China gradually to Taiwan, after they reconstructed their own traditional societies. The former could be called 'Astronesian Traditional Architecture in Taiwan', based on the classification of Astronesian language. The later could be called 'Han Traditional Architecture in Taiwan', based on the classification of Han language. Therefore, the main purpose of this course is mainly to discuss the theory and principle on Traditional Architecture in Taiwan, and then based on relative studies, which have been done until now, to let students to widen their views on the study of Traditional Architecture in Taiwan. These discussions will be benefited to students to have a better system for the study of Traditional Architecture in Taiwan in the future.
SPECIAL TOPICS ON TAIWANESE VERNACULAR SETTLEMENTS AND BUILDINGS/ 3credits/ selected To approach the study of Taiwanese vernacular settlements and buildings, this course is introduced based on the following questions: 1. Why do we study the Traditional Taiwanese Settlement Architecture? 2. How to get into the field of the Traditional Taiwanese Settlement Architecture? 3. What projects can be concerned? How to incise the projects? 4. The researching methods, tools, skills, and point of view of the Traditional Settlement Architecture; 5. The selection for researching space-time: region, ethnos, time and event, settlement hierarchy; 6. The mindset on geography, ethnology, anthropology, and history; 7. The texture and content of the Settlement Architecture.
5-4 THE STRATEGY FOR SUSTAINABLE HEALTHY BUILDING/ 3credits/ selected The goal of this course is to: 1. Explore sustainable and health related subjects to increase accumulated information; 2. Analyze the technical level of sustainable building, ecology building, green building and healthy building both domestic and abroad; 3. Understand the framework of sustainable unit and implementation mechanism 。 The course outline includes: 1. Introduction of sustainable architecture; 2. Ecology architecture in North Europe; 3. Green campus; 4. The development of green building; 5. Healthy building; 6. The strategy of Sustainable Building in Taiwan.
EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING/ 3credits/ required 1.Basic principles in ground motion; 2.World seismicity; 3.Taiwan seismicity; 4.Regression analysis; 5.Structure response; 6.Probability analysis; 7.Modal analysis; 8. Latest development.
MULTI MEADIA ART/ 2credits/ selected This course focuses on the theory and the making of media art. (The main theme is the artistic trends after the twentieth century)1. Collage art; 2. Image art; 3. Multi-media painting; 4. Installation Art.
HISTORY OF WESTERN ARCHITECTURE/ 2credits/ required The development of Western civilization is closely related to Western architecture, and architecture of one generation is influenced by previous generations. This course will cover the architectural changes from ancient Egypt to neo-Classical period. In addition to the appreciation of the architectural masterpieces, the course is also aimed to provide students with lessons and experiences from the history and their application to other realms.
ADVANCED TOPICS OF DWELLING ENVIRONMENTS/ 3credits/ selected This course helps students to promote the knowledge of dwelling environment planning, especially about issues associated with domestic
5-5 phenomena. The main contents of the course are as follows: 1.Theories and history about dwelling; 2.Issues of dwelling environment in urban design; 3.Function requirements and usage behavior about dwelling environment; 4.Special types of dwelling; 5.Sustainable dwelling environment.
STRUCTURAL DESIGNOF BUILDINGS/ 3credits/ required Building system, loading, seismic loading, wind loading, stress analysis, usage of etabs program, steel materials, two force member, beam design, column design, beam-column behavior, connection design, usage of stead program.
STUDENT LABOR PROGRAM (1) 、(2)、(3)/ 0credits/ required This course requires students to provide services to our society. Students should learn how to collaborate with others in teamwork.
OIL PAINTINGS/ 1credits/ selected 1.Recognize the greasepaint ( Introduce the properties of greasepaint by drawing objects at rest from life ) ; 2.Confering on the nature of painting(direct students to the right way of oil painting without the expression of the exaggerating techniques ) ; 3.The understanding of colors and the expressions of emotions.
PAINTING CREATION/ 1credits/ selected 1.Forms and colors (practice by painting the human bodies); 2.The space aspect of painting (discuss the different thinking of arts between 2d & 3d); 3. Specific and abstract expressions.
COMMUNITY PLANNING/ 2credits/ required The objective of this course is to provide domain knowledge about housing design and Urban planning. The content is outlined with respect to facility planning techniques, planning theory, and workshops.
5-6 HISTORY OF MODERN ARCHITECTURE/ 2credits/ required This lecture focuses mainly on the development of modern architecture in 19th. And 20th. centuries. in european and american architecture. Analysis and interpretation of masterpieces of great architects will help students more understanding about problems and the essence of architecture.
TENDENCY AND THEORY OF MODERN ARCHITECTURE/ 2credits/ selected This lecture focuses mainly on the ideas and theories of architecture in 19th. And 20th. centuries. The contents of urban problem are also one of the main issues.
SEMINAR ON ROOM ACOUSTICS/ 3credits/ selected 1.Sound Propagation in room; 2.Reverberation Time; 3.Sound Articulation; 4.Impact Response; 5.Spaciouness, Inter Aural Cross Correlation; 6.Support; 7.Acoustics Performance Measurement in Concert Hall; 8.Acoustics Performance Assessment In Concert Hall; 9.Case Study.
BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SYSTEM/ 3credits/ selected 1.The rationalization of the building system; 2. The relationship between technology and the construction system; 3. The relationship of construction to other technology systems; 4.Analyze the elements of construction; 5. The types of construction systems; 6. The application of construction systems.
QUALITY CONTROL OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTION/ 3credits/ selected 1.Introduce the integration in each phase of construction systems; 2. The procedure in quality control; 3. The quality control system of construction; 4.To visit the building material testing lab.; 5. The operation of the building material test. SPECIAL TOPICS ON THE ADAPTIVE REUSE IN ARCHITECTURE/ 3credits/ selected Due to the exhaustion of the earth resources and the rise of the environmental
5-7 protection, the adaptive reuse will become one of the mainstreams of the twentieth first century architectural movement. And the application of the adaptive reuse will not be limited to historical buildings. Many modern buildings can also improve their outdated equipments and qualities through the adaptive reuse process and achieve their sustainability. This course will review the development the adaptive reuse and discuss issues by means of examples and cases.
BUILDING CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATION/ 2credits/ selected Main professor student of this curriculum of outline of curriculum understands the importance of the quotation of the building, and the main theme that professor student construction, each engineering item quotation it practice.Main outline is as follows:1.Construct the essentials of the quotation ; 2.Analysis of the expenses of the construction engineering;3.Category and the basis of the quotation of the quotation of the construction engineering;4.Suppose engineering inside permit and estimation;5.File soil engineering inside permit and estimation;6.Construction body engineering inside permit and estimation;7.Decorate the engineering inside permit and estimation ;8.Waterproof of roof hot engineering inside permit and estimation;9.The engineering of doors and windows inside permit and estimation;10. Electrician's distance of the water inside permit and estimation;11. The engineering of the fire fight inside permit and estimation;12. The engineering of the air condition inside permit and estimation;13. Weak electrician's distance inside permit and estimation;14. The engineering of the landscape inside permit and estimation ;15. Other.
ASSESSMENT OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTION/ 3credits/ selected Course Objectives: 1.The objectives are to be acquainted with knowledge and skills like computer aided needed for assessment of several types of buildings to make appropriate strategy for firms. Furthermore, the graduate students would practice for well managers in company operation; 2.Course Description: Basic skills of assessment, The experts' lectures, Practice with instances, Trains and exercises of computer system, Paying a visit to the construction site, Case
5-8 analyses with building construction assessment.
BUILDING MATERIALS/ 2credits/ required 1.Recognize the properties and quality of building materials and the industry regulations; 2.Introduce the fundamental architecture principles and the main ideas of building material application; 3.Impart students the basic concepts of building material application.
ARCHITECTURAL MATERIAL & APPLICATION/ 2credits/ selected 1.The properties, regulations, classification systems, product standards and structure types of building materials; 2. The inspection system in the procedure and quality control of building materials; 3.Introduce new materials and construction technique.
FIRE_PREVENTION AND BUILDING SAFETY/ 2credits/ selected Main building of the tuition of this curriculum of outline of security- curriculum of fire prevention of building prevents fire in the counter plan of the fire prevention of the building design, through process of the occurrence of the fire, the tuition prevents the counter plan of the fire prevention of the fire of the building, guaranteeing the security of building then.Main outline is as follows:1.Principle and fire of the combustion; 2.Construct the process that fire take place and prevent fire the counter plan;3.The fire of the building lights a fire the period it to prevent the counter plan;4.Construct the fire the growth the period it to prevent the counter plan;5.Construct prosperous period of the fire it to prevent the counter plan;6.Constructing of the fire reduces the period it to prevent the counter plan;7.The characteristic of the fire prevention of the material of the building;8.Construct the fire fight the equipments the essentials and function;9.The building prevents to postpone to burn its principle;10.Construct fire-proof principle. INTRODUCTION TO DISASTER PREVENTING OF BUILDING/ 2credits/ selected The objective of this course is: 1.A brief introduction to the types of building disaster occurred frequently in Taiwan. Conferring on causes, prevent strategy
5-9 and emergency planning;2.Clarifying the building construction proceeding;3.Giving guidance to avoid accident and save life within a disaster 。The course outline includes: 1.It can be classified into two parts in Disaster Preventing of Building. That is natural hazard and man-made disaster. The natural hazard could be defined into snow, water, wind and electricity and the man-made disaster could be defined into fire accident, construction calamity, pollution, and explosion and so on;2.Introducing to the main agency of administration, saving-disaster and training with Laws and decrees about saving and preventing hazard 。 Meeting format: 1.Lecturing will be a main format during the curriculum and multimedia teaching will be an aid. Instances could be the material of discussing; 2.Case analyses should be done in group of students.
BUILDING CODE/ 2credits/ selected Outline of courses: 1.The fundamental recognition of codes; 2. The fundamental recognition of architectural codes; 3. The exposition for the contents of major architectural codes.
PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT OF ARCHITECTURE(1)/ 2credits/ required 1.indoor comfortable environment; 2.outdoor environment-temperature, humidity, wind, rainfall, insolation; 3.heat transmit; 4.humidity and dew; 5.air quality and essential air exchange; saving strategy.
PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT OF ARCHITECTURE (2)/ 2credits/ required Course outline: 1. Introduction to physical environment of architecture; 2. Indoors air environment (Ventilate and aeration, IAQ, VOCs and green building material.); 3.Building acoustics environment (The prevention of building noise and vibrate, evaluation index for Building audio condition, interior audio design.); 4.Lighting; 5. Touring on the survey instrument for interior environment (Sustainable green campus); 6. Sustainable School; 7. Sustainable Building.
5-10 THEORY ON ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION/ 3credits/ required Architectural conservation is a discipline of high complexity. And it is not merely equal to the restoration of the old buildings. It also involves issues on social, cultural, artistic and urban aspects. There even exists so-called conservation ethics. This course will discuss the theoretical structure of Architectural conservation and clarify problems which conservationists will encounter.
BULIDING CONSTRUCTION/ 1credits/ required The construction of the building main professor student of this building construction of outline of curriculum understand construct can really carry out to the construction quality of the building then, and to building the main theme that construction qualityon to practice and review.Main outline is as follows:1. The special that building construct;2. Construct the importance of the request of the construction quality ;3. Constructing the request of the step of the construction and basis establishes;4. On trial the material of the building and quality;5. The building constructs and tries to make ;6. The procedure that building construct.
PROJECT MANAGEMENT OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTION/ 3credits/ selected 1.Introduce the construction application technique in the process of building development; 2. Case study on the high raises building construction and illustrates the meaning of construction project management; 3. Illustrate the concepts of project management of construction by projecting the films that record the building construction process; 4. Construction sites visiting; 5. Group discussion on the special subjects of construction project management. SPECIAL TOPICS ON BUILDING RESEARCH (1)/ 1credits/ required The goal of this course is: 1. The subject provides students the various latest professional views and theories of architecture; 2. Through the interaction between students, the integration of professional and practical field can be
5-11 achieved; 3. This integration can help students to find their research goals and means to reach it. Teaching outline: 1.Lecture; 2. Thesis instructing; 3. Discussion.
SPECIAL TOPICS ON BUILDING RESEARCH (2)/ 1credits/ required Course outline: 1. Various latest professional views and theories of architecture; 2.Combine scientific theory with industry from different aspects; 3. To search research topics from the current trend of architecture.
ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN(1)、(2)/ 3credits/ required Reminders for architecture freshmen: 1. Meaning of design; 2. Aesthetics of tools, materials, and function; 3. Formal composition; 4. Light and space; 5. Place: atmosphere and characters; 6. An architectural project.
ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN(3)、(4)/ 4credits/ selected This course is aimed to for teaching basic architectural design disciplines. The students will be divided into several design groups and directed by different instructors to explore important architectural issues from various approaches. The essential issues include: 1. Interactions among activities/ behaviors and form/ space; 2. Arrangement of functions; 3. Knowledge of Construction; and 4. Skill of presentation.
ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN(5)、(6)/ 4credits/ required The objective of the junior design studio is for students to learn how to integrate a variety of architectural disciplines into a building system. Spatial organization, building forms, and urban context are the major criteria for junior design studios. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN(7)、(8)/ 4credits/ required This course is the final stage of design in undergraduate program. Each or a group of students are obliged to select the topic of design developing programs with the help of advisers. Design concepts and handling of sites and environment are main concerns.
5-12 SEMINAR ON BUILDING SERVICES (1)、(2)/ 3credits/ selected 1.HVAC on High-rise Building; 2.Plambing on High-rise Building; 3.Health Exam on Building Service systems; 4.Solar Heater&Solar cell Application; 5.Building Equipments in the age of Building Stock; 6.The Control of Legionellosis in Building Service Systems; 7.The SARS impact to HVAC and Plumbing; 8.The Issues on Sustainable Development in Building Services; 9.Reuse of Rain Water and Gray Water.
SPECIAL TOPICS ON BUILDING STRUCTURES/ 1credits/ required 1.Invited Speakers; 2.Master thesis progress reports; 3. Doctoral dissertation progress report.
INTRODUCTION TO ARCHITECTURE/ 2credits/ selected 1.Introduction: Human, Architecture, and the Environment; 2. The areas of architecture and their relationship to other academic fields; 3. In search of meanings of and in architecture; 4. Architecture and people: messages from some key books; 5. Architecture and the environment; 6. Equipment and facilities in architecture; 7. Structural requirement and expression in architecture; 8. Building construction: how buildings are made; 9. Architecture and the city I: urban life, architecture and the city; 10. Urban design; 11. Architectural programming and management; 12. Regarding form and aesthetics; 13. History and theory of architecture; 14. The architectural practice.
SURVEY AND ANALYSIS METHODS FOR ARCHITECTURE INFORMATION/ 2credits/ selected This course is designed to acquaint graduate students with topics in survey and analysis methods for architecture information.The methods of gathering, manipulating, describing, and making inferences for existing information of architecture project life cycle will be studied. The scientific Thinking about observation and experimentation, the quantitative analysis methods including variance, regression and time series procedures, and the qualitative analysis methods including semantic differential, multiple criteria evaluation procedures
5-13 will be presented and discussed.
ARCHITECTURAL GRAPHICS/ 2credits/ required The course aims at facilitates students with fundamental knowledge and skills of architectural drawing to express design concepts and projects. It consists of the following sections: 1. Drafting concepts; 2. Lifework and lettering; 3. Orthographic drawing; 4. Perspectives; 5. Conventional drawings- elevations, floor plans, and sections; 6. Model study.
ARCHITECTURAL MANAGEMENT/ 2credits/ selected Outline of courses: 1.The architectural works; 2. The various roles of construction engineering; 3.The introduction for the works of an architect; 4. The purchase of construction engineering.
BUILDING CONSTRUCTION(1)、(2)/ 2credits/ required The subject of Building Construction is both belong to applied science and engineering technology. It is focused on the method of building construction and the technology of construction. Architects can take material, dynamics, building codes, building method and technology to build a wonderful architecture.1.Course Description: A building structural unit system can be defined with two parts as building-body and non-building-body. The building body can also be parted with structure system and non-structure system. And the non-structure system is external wall, interior wall, doors and windows and facilities. On the other hand, there are foundation, pillar, beam, plate, wall, rooftop, stairs, doors and windows and decoration in the construction unit system. The course will provide students with a systematic understanding of building construction system; 2.Meeting format: Lecturing will be a main format during the curriculum and multimedia teaching will be an aid, Students are expected to be familiar with the course material prior to class, Practicing with investigation of building units, Emphasizing on the ability of integrating topics students learn from this course.
BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PRACTICE (1)/ 1credits/ required 1.Working drawing, 2. Construction detail working drawing, 3. Construction
5-14 specification writing.
BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PRACTICE (2)/ 1credits/ required 1.Working drawing; 2. Construction detail working drawing; 3. Construction specification writing; 4. Rrebar wiring model project; 5. Building construction practice.
INTEGRADE DESIGN BETWEEN BUILDING ELEMENTS AND BUILDING SERVICES/ 3credits/ selected 1.Quality Management in Building Design; 2.Interfaces between Building Engineering and Building Services in Planning Stage; 3.Interfaces between B.E.&B.S. in Basic Design Stage; 4.Interfaces between B.E.&B.S. in Renovation Stage; 7.Case Studies.
ARCHITECTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN (1) 、 (2)/ 4credits/ required This course is about spatial creativity under all kinds of environmental restriction and limitation. An architect's professional task is to design through the disciplines of art and technical aspects, and to comprehend the communication of different issues between the user and the architect, to review the design content and the effectiveness of its execution base on the analysis of the existing context and formality. The course will explore these issues through different design and planning exercises.
SYSTEMS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL/ 2credits/ required 1.HVAC Systems in Building; 2.Plumbing Systems in Building; 3.Fire Protection, Escape Design and Fire Extinguishing Systems; 4.Electrics and Lighting Systems; 5.Transportation Systems in Building; 6.Planning on Building Service Systems.
COMPUTER APPLICATION/ 2credits/ required This course introduces basic computer technology and tools in architectural design. Basic computer techniques will be introduced. Some basic Computer
5-15 applications are taught including Photoshop, AutoCAD, and Flash.
MUSIC & ARCHITECTURE/ 2credits/ selected Music reflects the social tempo and energy. When the surrection of historical environment becomes impossible, historical music helps to understand the interplay of cultural and environment. Based on historical performance, this course discusses topics as follows: 1. Classical Greek and Roman music; 2. Proto Christian and Byzantium; 3. Romanesque and gothic; 4. Medieval folk music; 5. Renaissance; 6. Mannerism and pro-baroque; 7. Italian baroque; 8. German and French baroque; 9.the beginning of classical; 10. Romantic style; 11. Operas and Chinese operas; 12. Nationalism; 13. Modernism.
ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS/ 3credits/ selected 1.Matrix, Eigenvalue, Orthogonal matrix, Diagonalization, Least square; 2.Fourier series and Boundary-value problems; 3. Applications of Laplace and Fourier trasform; 4.Partial differential equations.
ADVANCED BUILDING MATERIALS/ 3credits/ selected 1.The classification systems of building materials; 2. The character of building material mechanics; 3. The materials in macro-structure and micro- structure phase; 4. Fireproofing building materials; 5. The health and comfortable circumstance building materials; 6. The codes and regulations in the procedure of construction inspection; 7. The regulations and inspection technique in building materials; 8. The inspection system on new building materials and construction technique; 9. Introduce the building green materials, ecological building materials and special building materials. ADVANCED BUILDING CONSTRUCTION/ 3credits/ selected 1.The opening of the deep foundation; 2.The observation system for the deep foundation; 3.The introduction for steel construction.
5-16 The goal of this course is: 1. To know the content of Healthy Building; 2. How to diagnose and monitor the indoor environment; 3. Obtain more knowledge about the diagnostic technique and application of Healthy Building; 4. Practice the design of healthy indoor environment. Teaching outline: 1. Healthy Building (Healthy Indoor Environment); 2. The important factors in indoor environmental diagnosis; 3. The diagnostic methods of indoor environmentl4. The case study about diagnose of indoor environment; 5. The case study about improvement of indoor environment; 6. The introduction about indoor environmental diagnostic instruments and techniques.
SPECIAL TOPICS/ 0credits/ required Course outline: Topics on Building Environment Control.
SPECIAL TOPICS OF ARCHITECTURE DESIGN/ 0credits/ required This course invites professional architects and scholars for undergraduate students. Students are required to attend a series of Lectures for discussion.
DESIGN COMPUTATION AND COGNITION/ 2credits/ selected This course will give a framework about theories of design computation and approaches of design cognition, including the combination of artificial intelligence and algorithms, the application of cognitional psychology and the relative researches.
SPECIAL TOPICS ON URBAN LIFE ENVIRONMENT/ 3credits/ selected Urban life environment is close to people. The cities in Taiwan are very different from the cities of America 、 Europe and Japan. So it is not easy to realize how to consider the issues of Taiwan's cities. The object of this course is to let students realize the characteristics and problems of Taiwan's cities, and the ideas and methods how to create urban life environment of Taiwan's cities, by means of giving the lessons of the characteristics and factors of urban life environment、the characteristics of urban life style and mixed-use of residences
5-17 and commerce's、the redevelopment of historical areas.
THEORY OF URBAN FORM/ 3credits/ selected This course provides advanced knowledge for analysis of Urban spaces. The course has two parts: lectures and seminars. The course contents include:1. The analysis of urban space organization; 2. The evolution pattern of western cities; 3. Space construction of traditional Chinese Cities; 4. The time-space pattern of city development in Taiwan.
URBAN CONSERVATION AND REGENERATION/ 3credits/ selected The objective of this course is to let students realize the ideas and methods of renew of the old downtown areas in Taiwan, by means of the study of six topics in old downtown area, including the conservation of historical areas and buildings, urban design, urban life style, prevention of urban disasters, fire prevention of buildings, traffics and parking.
INTRODUCTION TO URBAN PLANNING/ 2credits/ required 1.Introduction; 2.Trends in urban planning; 3.Urban development analysis; 4.Policy planning; 5.Urban populations; 6.Urban economy; 7.Urban environment; 8.Urban activities; 9.Urban social welfare; 10.Urban hazard control; 11.Spatial development planning; 12.Plan evaluation; 13.Urban design; 14.Urban development control.
THEORY OF URBAN DESIGN(1)、(2)/ 3credits/ selected This course facilitates students with the ability to read and interpret urban form, which is significant to the analysis of urban context and of the process of urban development. The course consists of eight major sections, rich with color slides (3200) and ppt. slides (704): 1. The social-cultural context of urban fabrics; 2. Baroque idea of urban planning and design; 3. Theory and practice of the New Urbanism; 4. Characteristics of high-rise and high-density cities- the case of Hong Kong; 5. Theory and practice of mixed use development; 6. In search of urban character and image; 7. Housing types and their spatial structures in urban areas; 8. Taiwan City's urban design plan.
5-18 INTRODUCING URBAN DESIGN/ 2credits/ selected 1.Introduction: is urban design the way out of our urban difficulties? Architecture and the city: the contributions and limits of design to the city; 2. Taiwan's planning system and endemic urban problems/ Taiwan's building control and urban design review system; 3. The essence and concerns of urban design; 4. Urban design principles: from theory to practice; 5. Richness and appropriateness: the townscape school; 6. The image of the city: Lynch's theory and plans; 7. Place and variety: theory and projects and C. Alexander; 8. Accessibility and robustness: J. Jacob and W. Whyte; 9. Urban design and conservation; 10. Sustainable urban and environmental design; 11. Art, Culture and urban space; 12. The need of the elderly, women, children, and the needed ones and urban design; 13. Humane design for movement; 14. Participation in urban design/ community movement; 15. Retrospect: linking theory with practice/ the roles of urban designers.
SEMINAR ON CITY & ARCHITECTURE/ 3credits/ selected A context-based critical course focuses on four aspects: historical buildings, urban spaces, zeitgeist, and construction techniques. Outline as follows: 1. Classical roman urban ideas; 2. From heavenly Jerusalem to Civitas Dei and monasticism; 3. On medieval cities; 4. La Serenissima-Venezia; 5. Hansatic cities; 6. Humanism and Firenze; 7. Firenze of fifteenth century; 8. Vicenza and Roma of sixteenth century; 9. urban reform of Roma from SixtusⅣ to AlexandraⅦ ; 10. Neoclassical Torino and Roma. SPECIAL TOPICS ON DESIGN COMPUTING METHODS/ 3credits/ selected 1.Introduction; 2.Design Method/development of CAAD theory; 3. Geographic Information Systems; 4.Propositional Logic; 5. First Order Logic; 6. Fuzzy Set Theory; 7. Knowledge Base system; 8. Non-monotonic Reasoning; 9. Machine Learning and Artificial Neural Network; 10. Fractal and Complex Systems; 11. Genetic Algorithm; 12. Cellular Automata and Artificial Life; 13. System Simulation and Games.
5-19 LANDSCAPE/ 2credits/ selected 1.Space and its Relation to Landscape Shaping; 2.Feng-shui - the Oriental Environment Thinking; 3.Water in relation to Landscape Creation and Modification; 4.Multi-significance Greens; 5.Ecology and Landscape; 6.Site Study in accordance with above Themes.
SURVEYING/ 2credits/ required The purposes of this course are: to teach student a basic principle of surveying, the kinds of surveying, what kinds the error will be shown out during surveying and how to evaluate the result of surveying, the stages of surveying. That basic knowledge can be used in architecture .1. Introduction; 2. Distance Measurement; 3. Leveling Measurement; 4. Theodolite Measurement; 5. Traversing Measurement; 6. Control Survey; 7. Topographic Surveys; 8. Cadastral Survey; 9. Construction survey; 10. The new technique and principle of Surveying.
STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS/ 2credits/ selected 1.Basic principles in wind engineering and earthquake engineering; 2.Frame structure analysis and application; 3. 3D structures for large span buildings; 4. High-rise buildings; 5.base isolation; 6. Energy consumption methods; 7. Structure failure analysis.
MATRIX METHOD OF STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS/ 3credits/ required 1.Review of Matrix Algebra; 2.Stiffness and Flexibility; 3.Trusses Analysis Using Displacement Method; 4.Analysis of Beams and Frames Using Displacement Method; 5.Direct Element Method of Truss Analysis; 6.Direct Element Method of Frame Analysis; 7.Plane Grid Analysis-Direct Element Method; 8.Ultimate Analysis of rigid Frame; 9.Ultimate Analysis of Plane Grid Structure; 10.Force Method (Flexibility Method); 11.Methods of Parts; 12.Introduction to Finite Element Method.
DYNAMICS OF STRUCTURES/ 3credits/ required 1.Equation of motion; 2. Free Vibration; 3.Steady state response; 4.Damping
5-20 effects; 5.Transfer Function; 6.MDOF systems; 7. Matrix method; 8. Model tests
STRUCTURAL MECHANICS/ 3credits/ required 1.Fundamentals (loads, reactions, determinacy and stability); 2.Analysis of Statically Determinate Trusses; 3.Analysis of Determinate Beams and Frames; 4.Deflections; 5.Analysis of Indeterminate Structures; 6.Displacement Method of Analysis: Slope-Deflection Equations; 7.Approximate analysis of Statically Indeterminate Structures.
INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE(1): INTERACTIVE MEDIA/ 2credits/ selected This course introduces the notion of ubiquitous computing and human- computer interaction. Advanced techniques in laser pointer interaction will be introduced in the context of construction of ubiquitous media spaces. This course focuses on the integration of multimedia applications. A set of experimental studies will be undertaken to explore information space design.
COMPUTER-AIDED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN/ 2credits/ selected The main issue of this CAAD course is to introduce relative digital tools, which enhance architectural design thinking and making. Students will manipulate those software or hardware. The contents of this course include 1. 3D and 4D digital modeling; 2. Rendering; 3. Lighting and Material; 4. Animation; 5. Virtual Reality.
COMPUTER AIDED ARCHITECTRAL DRAFTING/ 2credits/ selected Computer technologies are applied to the field of Computer Aided Drafting and the new ideas and technologies of CAAD has been greatly developed. This course will provide students the principles of how to manipulate computer aided drafting and be acquainted with those CAD software. Through the exercises of manipulation and shop drawing, students will learn how to enhance the efficiency of manipulating computer aid drafting and managing digital drawing
5-21 files.
SPECIAL TOPICS IN COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN (1)/ 3credits/ selected The course will focus on the advanced digital design approach by applying CAD/CAM technology, rapid prototype, and digital fabrication to architectural design.
INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN/ 3credits/ selected Computer Aided Design (CAD) has become a new developing field of application and research in Architecture. Architecture practice also needs such kind of novel tool and design methods. Especially, after the computer application to the professional architecture field, the technologies of computer aided design get numbers of enormous breakthroughs recently. This course will guide students to realize developments of computer aided design and understand relative theories. Therefore, students can improve the abilities of application and research in CAD.
COMPUTER AIDED STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS/ 1credits/ selected 1.Basic Matrix Method; 2. Basic SAP2000 format; 3.Example 1: Plane Frame; 4.Example 2:Special Structures and Loadings; 5.Modelling technique; 6. Advanced Modeling technique; 7. Example 3:Dynamic Loading; 8. Example 4:Finite Element Analysis.
PLANNING OF GREEN BUILDING/ 2credits/ selected 1.The history of green architecture development; 2.Green architecture evaluation system; 3.Case study of green architecture design.
THEORY AND PRACTICE OF GREEN BUILDING DESIGN/ 3credits/ selected 1.Life cycle of green architecture; 2.Green architecture of hot and humid climate; 3.Life cycle evaluation; 4.Ecological energy saving design; 5.Evaluation of CO2 reduction; 6.Ventilation design of subtropical zone;
5-22 7.Green illumination design.
SITE PLANNING/ 2credits/ selected 1.Introduction; 2.Site survey and analysis; 3.Land use and the user analysis; 4.Access system; 5.Urban open space; 6.Exterior space in architecture; 7.Planning and development on the slope; 8.Community planning; 9.Commercial center planning; 10.Recreation district planning; 11.Detail design; 12.Executing and control of planning.
DIGITAL MEDIA IN ARCHITECTURE/ 2credits/ selected This course attempts to integrate physical and virtual worlds in order to create the digital media spaces of the future. Students will require to present case studies, creative work, and research papers.
DESIGN PROGRAMMING DESIGN/ 3credits/ selected This course is a collaborative exploration of the artistic potentials of digital media with an emphasis on the programming skills necessary to create interactive digital artworks. Students will focus on using DBN and Processing as the learning and authoring environments. The course is organized in two threads: a technical thread and a philosophical thread. In the technical thread, the instructor gives lectures on computer programming fundamentals and students learn through in-class exercises and after-class assignments. In the philosophical thread, the instructor and students participate on-line discussions and debates on selected issues of interactive digital artifacts. These two threads twist together and form the main flow of this course.
NOISE AND VIBRATION CONTROL/ 2credits/ selected 1.Noise measurement; 2.Noise Criteria; 3.Noise Propagation and Noise Reduction; 4.Sound Absorption of Building Components; 5.Noise Insulation of Building Elements; 6.Noise Mask of Machine; 7.National Noise Standard; 8.Noise Control of Building Equipments; 9.Vibration Control of Building Equipments; 10Noise Barrier Design; 11.Exercise.
5-23 HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND URBANISM/ 3credits/ required This course focuses on the issues of historic preservation since the Second World War. The elements of urban conservation and the relation between urban design and historic reservation are the main concern of this course.
THE PRESERVATION TECHNIQUE FOR HISTORIC BUILDING/ 3credits/ required 1.The structural system and behavior for historical buildings; 2.The conservation and repair of wood buildings; 3.The conservation and repair of laying bricks or stones; 4.The conservation and repair of hydrated lime construction; 5.The early period repair of RC construction; 6.The conservation and repair for roof; 7.The urgent strengthening methods after earthquake.
INVESTIGATIONS AND PRACTICES OF CONSERVING HISTORIC BUILDINGS/ 3credits/ selected Based on the relative and practical cases which have been done until now, the main purpose of this course is mainly to let students to understand principles and ethnics on the conservation of historic buildings from the global viewpoints, and then to learn the processes and methods on the conservation of historic buildings in Taiwan, including the collections of historical materials, investigations, inspections, analyses, evaluations, planning and proposals for conservation works. These discussions will be benefited to students to have a better and more widen viewpoints and concepts for the conservation of historic buildings in Taiwan in the future, and then to have a better systematic approaches and methods to be followed. The outline of this course is then planned as follows: 1. Principles and ethnics on the conservation of historic buildings; 2. Collections and analyses on historic buildings; 3. Investigations and evaluations on decays of historic buildings; 4. Investigations and evaluations on the structural safety of historic buildings; 5. Techniques of surveying historic buildings; 6. Adaptive reuse of historic buildings; 7. Conservation planning of historic buildings.
SEMINAR ON HISTORICAL ARCHITECTURE/ 2credits/ selected This course focuses on the interplay of idea, space, and zeitgeist through the
5-24 course from archaic Greece and Etruria to eighteen century European baroque. Especially emphasizes on the meaning of architecture. Outline as follows: 1. Temenos in archaic Greece; 2. Classical orders in Greece; 3. Genius Loci of Etruria and Latinium; 4. Classical roman constructions; 5. Ideas of proto Christian; 6. Monasticism and monasteries; 7. Meaning of Romanesque; 8. Abbet Suger vs. S. Bernard. 9. Humanism; 10. Brunelleschi, Alberti and Bramante; 11. Michelangelo and Palladio; 12. Mannerism of sixteenth Century; 13. Meaning and form of baroque.
BEHAVIORS OF REINFORCED CONCRETE/ 3credits/ selected 1.Stress-strain relationship of plain concrete and rebar; 2. Shrinkage and creep; 3. Axially loaded rc member; 4. Flexure of rc member; 5. Shear of rc member; 6. Anchorage bond slip; 7. Seismic behaviors of rc structure.
REINFORCED CONCRETE AND STEEL DESIGN/ 2credits/ required 1.Steel properties; 2. Welding Theory; 3. Welding inspection; 4.Steel tension and compression member design; 5.steel beam design; 6.Steel column design; 7. RC material; 8.Bending moment design; 9. Shear design; 10.Axial force design. THE APPLICATION OF STEEL STRUCTURE SYSTEM/ 2credits/ selected 1.Steel member, the types of column base and grillage beam; 2. Types of fastener and its reaction distributed in free-body diagram; 3. Protean built-up section; 4. Basic features of steel shed structure; 5. Distinguished construct of Rafael Vinoly - Tokyo International Forum; 6. Osaka Dome- varied performance field; 7. The steel structure system of platform at Tania railway station; 8. The feature of steel roof structure in Chung Cheng Hall; 9. The feature of steel structure in swimming pool of National Tania First Senior High School; 10. The feature of steel bridge on the north of Pao-an railway station; 11. The basic feature of wooden shed (compare the difference of steel made with wooden); 12. The feature of steel structure in land bridge ( the components of vertical、Horizontal and inclined );13. The steel structure systems of roof and crane in 500 tons laboratory; 14. The steel structure system of roof canopy in Department Building of Mechanical Engineering.
5-25 STATIC INDETERMINATE STRUCTURE/ 2credits/ selected 1.Compatibility and least work method for static indeterminate structure; 2. Slop-deflection method for structures without sideways; 3. Slop-deflection method for structures with sideways; 4. Introduction to matrix analysis.
SEMINAR OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTION/ 3credits/ selected Course Objectives: The part-time graduate students will be trained in integrating their working experience into systematic papers and presentations. The choice of the topics of papers is up to one's interest. Moreover, the part-time graduate students will be trained to provide with research ability. Course Description: 1.Practices of material arrangement and analysis; 2.Paying a visit to the construction site and analyzing the particularity of it; 3.Learning and discussing from the expert lecture or conference.
CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTIVITY/ 2credits/ selected This course is designed to acquaint graduate students with topics in work analysis and work improvement. We spend the first part of the semester in a discussion of the fundamental issues and notions of productivity. During this semester, we will challenge the work process, learn about personnel management, and practice work improvement analysis. Understanding worker's abilities and the impact of environmental factors will be studied. We will study various models and methods for improving productivity and we will practice applying those methods to construction problems. We will complete the course with a discussion of implementing and monitoring the productivity program.
SEMINAR ON BUILDING CONSTRUCTION CODE/ 2credits/ selected 1.The purchase for construction engineering; 2.The contract for construction engineering; 3. The insurance for construction engineering; 4.The dispute of construction engineering.
5-26 This course consists of some special topics: 1.Housing Planning and Community Development; 2.Traffic Planning Research; 3.Urban Design and Landscape Planning; 4.Urban Conservation and Redevelopment; 5.Planning System and Policies.
SEMINAR ON ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL (1)、(2)/ 3credits/ selected Special Issues Seminar on 1.Sound; 2.Light; 3.Heat; 4.Indoor Air; 5.Vibration; 6.Climate.
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND THESIS WRITING IN PLANNING/ 3credits/ selected 1.Research areas in planning, design and architectural programming; 2. Problems and methods in planning research; 3. The writing of literature review; 4. Field survey: questions and methods; 5. Filed survey practice; 6. The presentation of an academic research (NSC format); 7. Thesis format; 8. Common problems in thesis writing: the scope of the research, the focus, and the style.
FINE ART(1)、(2)/ 1credits/ required An aesthetical training to enforce students' sensibility and creativity through sketch. Objects include stills, flowers, plants, place, and scenes.
FINE ART (3)、(4)/ 1credits/ required From fundamental drawings to color paintings doing still life, figure, and landscape exercises using various media. Studio experiences exploring conceptual, theoretical, and visual processes using a variety of materials, methods, and context as means of investigation. Emphasis on personal creative growth, development and trainings on the feelings of the painting.
TYPOLOGICAL STUDIES/ 3credits/ selected Type is a very interesting but less understood phenomena in built environments. The course provides theoretical background regarding the
5-27 emergence and the evolution of types. Many cases are selected for practicing the technique of typological analysis.