How to Redeem Italian Postal Bonds and Saving Books

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How to Redeem Italian Postal Bonds and Saving Books


Italian Postal Bonds and Saving Books may be redeemed from overseas and the proceeds may be wire transferred to the holder’s bank accounts.

The following procedure must be followed:

1) Fill in and sign the Application Form W14 indicating the bond’s series number, the amount, the issuing date and the Post Office that issued the bond.

2) Fill in and sign the Modalita’ pagamento Form to indicate the method of payment and indicate the holder’s bank account information.

3) Certified copy of the Applicant’s passport and of the Italian codice fiscale.

Please note: the applicant’s signatures on both forms as well as the certifications of the passport and Italian codice fiscal copy need to be notarized either by:

- a Consular Officer, by signing the forms in person at the Consulate (a valid passport is required for identification). Please email to [email protected] to schedule an appointment. or

- a local Notary Public. In this case, the documents need to be legalized with an Apostille.

Please note that the form about the method of payment must be filled in completely and legibly, paying special attention to the holder’s bank account details such as:

- Holder’s full name as it appears in the bank account - Holder’s bank account number and routing number - Bank’s swift code (bank’s international code) - Bank’s contact information: address, email, phone and fax number.

Please note that all charges related to the wire transfer and commissions, including the Euro / US Dollar exchange rate, are a responsibility of the beneficiary.

The applicant will personally send (preferably by registered mail) the forms, duly filled in and signed, along with the original postal bonds, to the following address:

Poste Italiane Divisione Bancoposta Direzione Operazioni Servizio Risparmi Via di Torpagnotta, 2 00143 ROMA


If Italian Postal Bonds and /or Saving Books belonged to a deceased person, or the name of a deceased individual appears on the bond along with others’, the heirs can redeem them according to the following procedure:


List of documents to be sent to Poste Italiane

1) Death certificate legalized with an Apostille and translated into Italian; 2) Copy of the Italian passport of the deceased; 3) Copy of the Will (if applicable) duly probated at the Surrogate Court, legalized with an Apostille and professionally translated into Italian. The translation also needs to be legalized with an Apostille. 4) A) Affidavit sworn by one the heirs, if Italian citizen, before a Consular officer, according to the D.P.R. 445 del 28/12/2000, concerning the inheritance status, the deceased’s family members, indicating relationship to the deceased of all the heirs. B) Affidavit (concerning the inheritance status, the deceased’s family members indicating relationship to the deceased) of all the heirs sworn before a Notary public and legalized with an Apostille if all the heirs are US citizen. If not in Italian, the Affidavit needs to be translated into Italian. 5) Mod W14 Application Form to request the redemption of the Bonds. The form must be signed by all the heirs or by one of them, and the others must sign a power of attorney. 6) Form “Modalita’ pagamento” to indicate method of payment and to provide holder’s bank account information. 7) Postal Bonds and Saving Books in original; 8) Certified copy of the Applicant’s passport and of the Italian codice fiscale.


List of documents to be sent to Poste Italiane:

1) Death certificate legalized with an Apostille and translated into Italian; 2) Copy of US passport or certificate of naturalization of the deceased; 3) Copy of the Will (if applicable) duly probated at the Surrogate Court, legalized with an Apostille and professionally translated into Italian. The translation must be legalized with an Apostille. 4) Certificate proving the estate according the US legislation, in which the names of the heirs are listed, legalized with an Apostille and translated into Italian: C) A) Affidavit sworn by one the heirs, if Italian citizen, before a Consular officer, according to the D.P.R. 445 del 28/12/2000, concerning the inheritance status, the deceased’s family members, indicating relationship to the deceased of all the heirs. B) Affidavit (concerning the inheritance status, the deceased’s family members indicating relationship to the deceased) of all the heirs sworn before a Notary public and legalized with an Apostille if all the heirs are US citizen. If not in Italian, the Affidavit needs to be translated into Italian. 1) Mod W14 Application Form to request the redemption of the Bonds. The form must be signed by all the heirs or by one of them, and the others must sign a power of attorney. 6) Form “Modalita’ pagamento” to indicate method of payment and to provide holder’s bank account information. 7) Postal Bonds and Saving Books in original; 8) Certified copy of the Applicant’s passport and of the Italian codice fiscale.

Please note:

- to correctly identify with their maiden name married women holding a US identity document (passport) bearing their married last name, a marriage certificate is necessary.

(*) Please note: the applicant’s signatures on both forms need to be notarized either by:

- a Consular Officer, by signing the forms in person at the Consulate (Passport). Please email to [email protected] to schedule an appointment.


- a local Notary Public. In this case, the documents need to be legalized with an Apostille. DICHIARAZIONE DI ATTO NOTORIO per uso successione

Il sottoscritto ______, nata a ______il______, cittadino ______, residente negli USA al nr.______, codice fiscale______, consapevole delle sanzioni penali previste nel caso di dichiarazioni non veritiere e falsita’ negli atti, DICHIARA che la famiglia di ______, nato a ______il ______e deceduto in ______il ______,senza lasciare disposizioni testamentarie, si componeva, al momento della sua morte di:

1) ______nata a ______il______, cittadina italiana, residente negli USA al nr. ______, coniuge; 2) ______nata a ______il______, cittadina italiana, residente negli USA al nr. ______, figlio; 3) ______nata a ______il______, cittadina italiana, residente negli USA al nr. ______, figlia; eredi legittimi e con capacita’ di succedere. Dichiara inoltre che il defunto non ha lasciato figli adottivi o naturali riconosciuti o giudizialmente dichiarati, affiliati o discendenti minorenni e non coniugati di figli predefunti. Dichiara infine che, oltre i componenti la famiglia suddetta, non esistono altri aventi diritto alla successione legittima a qualsiasi titolo.

New York, ______(dd/mm/yyyy) ______Il Dichiarante

Spazio per l’Autentica di Firma (to be notarized and legalized with an Apostille) DELEGA ALLA RISCOSSIONE

Il sottoscritto ______, nato a ______il ______cittadino italiano, residente ______codice fiscale ______D E L E G A Il Signor Nome e Cognome, nato a ………………….. il giorno …………….., residente a ______, autorizzandola a riscuotere i Buoni Postali Fruttiferi / Libretto Postale emesso dall’Ufficio Postale di ______:

- Nr. ______per l’importo di Lire / Euro ______, emesso il ______;

- Nr. ______per l’importo di Lire / Euro ______, emesso il ______;

- Nr. ______per l’importo di Lire / Euro ______, emesso il ______;

All’uopo al delegato vengono conferiti i piu’ ampi poteri e facolta’, nulla escluso od eccettuato, compresi quelli di incassare tutte le somme, di qualsiasi importo esse siano, sia per capitale, per interesse e per accessori comunque derivanti da tali libretto. Con esonero da ogni responsabilita’ al riguardo per l’Ufficio Postale sopra indicato e con promessa sin da ora di avere il suo operato per rato e valido

New York, ______(DD,MM,YYYY)


Spazio per l’Autentica di firma (to be notarized and legalized with an Apostille)

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