Unit 7: Industrial Revolution Due: February 6, 2015

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Unit 7: Industrial Revolution Due: February 6, 2015

Unit 7: Industrial Revolution Due: February 6, 2015

Overview: In the years after the War of 1812, life in America changed dramatically. Advances in technology changed the way that Americans worked, farmed, lived, and traveled. A variety of inventions allowed Americans to produce bigger crops more cheaply and allowed them to transport goods more quickly and efficiently. This helped the economy prosper and grow.

Description: You will research an invention and answer questions pertaining to that invention.

Your task is to: Regular History: As we have learned in class new technology and inventions during the Industrial Revolution have changed the lives of Americans. You are being asked to research an invention and think about the following: How have inventions changed our world? Why did some inventions earn fame while others are forgotten? How have early inventions changed through time? Pre AP: You will choose and complete three of the topics to turn in

Rubric for Grading Criterion A Knowing and Understanding: Achievement level 0 (MSG) You did not meet expectations set by criterion below. 1-2 You make a limited attempt to use some relevant vocabulary and demonstrate basic knowledge and (51-58) understanding of your topic with some descriptions and/or examples of how your topic affected the U.S. 3-4 You use vocabulary that is accurate and/or appropriate and demonstrate a knowledge and (65-72) understanding of your topic with simple descriptions, explanations or examples of how your topic affected the U.S. 5-6 You use a range of vocabulary correctly and appropriately and demonstrate good knowledge and (80-86) understanding of your topic through accurate descriptions explanations and examples of how your topic affected the U.S. 7-8 You use a wide range of vocabulary correctly and appropriately and demonstrate detailed knowledge (93-100) and understanding of your topic through developed and accurate descriptions, explanations, and examples of how your topic affected the U.S.

Criterion B Investigating: Achievement level 0 (MSG) You did not meet expectations set by criterion below. 1-2 You came up with a very general research question and make a limited attempt to follow an action plan (51-58) to investigate that question. You make a limited attempt to address the research question by collecting and recording limited information which is not always in line with the research question. 3-4 You came up with an adequate research question and partially follow an action plan to investigate that (65-72) question. You partially address the research question by using a method or methods to collect and record some information which is in line with the research question. 5-6 You came up with a clear research question and satisfactorily follow an action plan to investigate that (80-86) question. You satisfactorily address the research question by using methods to collect and record appropriate information which is in line with the research question. 7-8 You came up with a clear and focused research question and effectively follow an action plan to (93-100) investigate that question. You effectively address the research question by using methods accurately to collect and record appropriate and varied information which is in line with the research question. Criterion C Thinking Critically: Achievement level 0 (MSG) You did not meet expectations set by criterion below. 1-2 You make a limited attempt to analyze information. You make a limited attempt to describe one source (51-58) in terms of origin and purpose and recognize some values and limitations. You identify different perspectives. You make connections between information in a limited attempt to make simple arguments. 3-4 You complete a simple analysis of information and of one source in terms of origin and purpose, (65-72) recognizing values and limitations. You identify different perspectives and there implications. You make connections between information to make simple arguments. 5-6 You complete a satisfactory analysis of information and of sources in terms of origin and purpose, (80-86) recognizing values and limitations. You interpret different perspectives and there implications. You evaluate information to make valid arguments. 7-8 You complete a detailed analysis of information. You effectively analyze and evaluate a range of sources (93-100) in terms of origin and purpose, recognizing values and limitations. You thoroughly interpret a range of different perspectives and there implications. You evaluate information to make valid, well-supported arguments.

Criterion D Communicating: Achievement level 0 (MSG) You did not meet expectations set by criterion below. 1-2 You make a limited attempt to communicate information in a style that is appropriate to the audience (51-58) and purpose. You make a limited attempt to structure the information according to the task instructions. You make a limited attempt to document sources of information. 3-4 You communicate information in a style that is sometimes appropriate to the audience and purpose. You (65-72) structure the information sometimes according to the task instructions. You document sources of information sometimes according to the task instructions. 5-6 You communicate information in a style that is often appropriate to the audience and purpose. You (80-86) structure the information often according to the task instructions. You document sources of information often according to the task instructions. 7-8 You communicate information in a style that is completely appropriate to the audience and purpose. You (93-100) structure the information completely according to the task instructions. You document sources of information according to the task instructions. U. S. History Industrial Revolution Inventions Project

Project Due Date: _February 6, 2015

As we have learned in class new technology and inventions during the Industrial Revolution have changed the lives of Americans. You are being asked to research an invention and think about the following: How have inventions changed our world? Why did some inventions earn fame while others are forgotten? How have early inventions changed through time?

All students will be assigned an invention to research. They will need to find the following information about their invention and describe each of the following aspects in detail.


• Who is responsible for inventing the invention?

• What was the background of the person or people who invented the device?

• Did more than one person claim to be the inventor of the device?

• If a group of people invented the device, what can you find out about each of the people, or institutions credited with the invention?

Why and What

** Some inventions will allow you to separate these into two sections because the original purpose of the invention is different from what it actually is used for today. You may keep these two sections separate or blend the two.

• Why did the inventor invent this device/ what was its purpose?

• What events led to the invention?

• Has the intended purpose of the invention changed since it was originally invented? If so, how has the purpose of the invention changed?

• What was the invention used for?

• Is the invention still being used today?

• How has the invention changed over time?

• What impact did the invention have on other industries?


• Where was the invention invented, and where is it used today?

• Where has the invention been used throughout history? When

• When was the invention invented?

• Was the development a long process of did it happen at one time?

• What year or years was a patent issued/ renewed?


• How has this invention had an impact on your life and society?


• At least 4 sources must be used for this project. These sources must be cited using the correct RMS format (MLA format). Try to use at least 1 or 2 primary sources.

At least one hand drawn labeled diagram of your invention must be included as part of your project.

A cover with 2 additional hand drawn pictures in addition to your diagram should be included, computer generated pictures are also acceptable but will be accepted as supporting detail only.

Computer generated pictures cannot be used in place of hand drawn pictures.

Name, period, and due date must also be on your final cover.

IB Unit: Industrial Revolution (Pre-AP U.S. History)

Project is due February 6, 2015

Directions: Select three project options to complete.

Photo-essay/Art Research/Writing Musical Find pictures (or create your own) of Research current child labor laws in the Create a soundtrack of at least ten working conditions during the US. Find out what the laws are and songs that shows the working and living industrial revolution age (1800s) and then consider: Should there be stiffer conditions during the industrial photos from our current time. Photos legislation? Should there be more revolution and/or songs about working can show child labor, factories, careful monitoring of children’s work and living conditions today. Themes housing, etc. Put them together in a by parent and teachers? What should you might include are sickness, stress, collage using multimedia. Examples the rules be regarding work hours and low pay, pollution, etc. Design the might be a PowerPoint, an online responsibilities? Should there be rules cover of the CD as well as an photo album on a site like Snapfish, a regarding interference with school explanation of why you selected those website, scrapbook, etc. Minimum of work? Punishments for violators? songs. 20 pictures. Include captions with your Write a letter to a policy maker or pictures to provide a description of the editor expressing your opinions, based images. on your research.

Drama Economics/Technical Logical/Sequential Write and produce a movie based on Working conditions still vary widely Create a series of charts that show the life of someone living during the depending on the work being rapid urban growth during the industrial revolution. The person can performed and the area in which the industrial revolution. Include be a member of the working poor, a work is located. Research global information on population, wealthy capitalist, a middle class companies that have a good reputation productivity, average life span, individual, a child laborer, etc. You can for high quality working conditions. pollution information, etc. act out the movie or use software to Create a top ten list of modern Ex: Manchester & London produce it. companies. Define your criteria and (England), Lowell, Massachusetts defend your list. Then, create a Create the same series of charts that recruitment advertisement for one of show rapid urban growth for modern the companies. Ex: commercial, poster, times. Ex: China, India, etc. website Science/Health Technical Creative Writing Poor and crowded living conditions Many inventions were created during Imagine that you are living during the during the Industrial Revolution led to the Industrial Revolution. These include early years of the Industrial Revolution. the spread of many illnesses, including the seed drill, the spinning jenny, Choose to be one of the following: a cholera. Research the causes, cotton gin, steam engines, telephone, factory worker, a child laborer, or a symptoms, and treatments for cholera. sewing machine, Morse Code (electrical working class mother. Write a series of Then, create a public service campaign signals over a telegraph), railroad, diary entries (at least five) in the role of to educate the masses about the among many others. Select three and your assumed character. Be sure to illness. This can include posters, create instructional/user manuals for record the events of your day and brochures, commercials, etc. the inventions. The manuals can be include specific details about your life. hand created or computer generated You should include not only activities using software such as Publisher. and observations, but also your feelings and emotions.

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