RFP Independent Financial Audit Services

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RFP Independent Financial Audit Services

1.0 INTRODUCTION ("Company") is requesting proposals from qualified Certified Public Accounting firms ("Firm(s)") to provide audit services of its combined statutory-basis financial statements for the year ended December 31, XXXX. Firms will be competing against each other for selection to provide the audit services set forth herein ("Services"). The submissions of all firms shall be compared and evaluated pursuant to the evaluation criteria set forth in this RFP, and a single proposal for the requested Services shall be selected. The process is being administered by management of the Company, with the ultimate decision on which firm to engage approved by the Audit Committee of the Company's Board of Directors. 2.0 TERM OF ENGAGEMENT The term of the agreement shall be for a period of one (1) year with the option to extend the agreement for two (2) additional one-year terms. The Company reserves the right to terminate the agreement at the end of each annual period, or as otherwise provided by the underlying executed agreement. 3.0 PAYMENT TERMS Payment will be made based on the following schedule: a. 1/3rd of the Annual Fee at the start of the audit; b. 1/3rd of the Annual Fee at approximately 50% completion of the audit; c. The final balance upon receipt, by the Board, of the completed audit. Reasonable and customary out-of-pocket expenses shall be billed by the Firm at actual cost with no mark-up for handling. Payment for lodging and meal expenses will be in accordance with the Company's Travel Expense Reimbursement Policy. Mileage charges shall be at the current Company rate, but will not exceed the current Internal Revenue Service rate. 4.0 DESCRIPTION OF ("Company") 4.1 Background Information (Insert narrative)

Figure 1: Company Organizational Chart

4.2 Description of Financial Records The Company is required to undergo an annual independent audit and submit the Audit Report to the ("Insurance Department"). The Company maintains its books in accordance with Statutory Accounting Principles (SAP). All records are computerized, and following are the Company's financially-significant systems. General Ledger, Accounts Payable & Fixed Assets: The general books are maintained using a 3rd party system, (XXXX). Core Production Systems: Three core production systems form the basis for all production and transactional data and are 3rd party systems as follows: . Policy Administration - ("system") . Claims Administration - ("system") . Billing & Collections - ("system") Payroll: ("Description") Accounting Cycle: The books are closed monthly and interim financial statements are generated and reported internally. All general ledger accounts are reconciled on a monthly basis. Quarterly and annual statutory financial statements are completed and filed with applicable external entities, including the ("State"), the NAIC and the Company's rating agency, A.M. Best. 4.3 Availability of Prior Reports Attached as Appendix C is a copy of our 2014 Audit Report.

5.0 ELIGIBILITY A Firm must meet the following minimum qualifications to be considered by the selection committee. Failure to meet the minimum required qualifications of this RFP will result in the rejection of a proposal: 1. As of January 1, 2015, Firm must be a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), licensed to practice in the State of ("State"). 2. As of January 1, 2015, Firm must be providing audit services in a significant capacity to multiple insurance entities. 3. The Firm must maintain an errors and omissions insurance policy providing a prudent amount of coverage for negligent acts or omissions and that such coverage would be applicable to the Firm's actions under this RFP and Agreement. 4. The Firm must have completed, obtained and performed all registrations, filings, approvals, authorizations, consents or examinations required by a government or other regulatory bodies; including but not limited to the Public Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) for acts contemplated by this RFP and agreement. 6.0 NATURE OF SERVICES REQUESTED 6.1 Scope of Work to be Performed Company seeks to engage an accounting firm to conduct an audit of its Combined Statutory- Basis Financial Statements As of And For the Years Ended December 31, 2015 and 2014 for its eight domestic insurance companies. The audit will include the combined Statutory-Basis Statement of Admitted Assets, Liabilities, and Policyholders' Surplus, Statement of Income, Statement of Changes in Policyholders' Surplus, Statement of Cash Flows, Supplemental Combining Schedules, and all related notes. The Firm will be asked to express an opinion on the fair representation of Company's Combined Statutory-Basis Financial Statements prepared using the accounting practices prescribed or permitted by the ("State Insurance Department"), which is a basis of accounting other than the accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. As part of the engagement, the Firm will be required to present the financial statements to Company's Audit and Compliance Committee and, if necessary, to the full Board of Directors. The Firm will also be expected to communicate findings of any significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in internal controls in a Management Letter. 6.2 Auditing Standards to be Followed The Firm will provide independent, professional and objective auditing services in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and testing methodology prescribed by the ("State") Insurance Code and the National Association of Insurance Commissioners ("NAIC").

6.3 Collaboration with Internal Auditors The Firm shall collaborate and coordinate with Company's internal auditors to leverage their work into the external audit to the extent possible. These collaborative efforts will focus on avoiding unnecessary duplication of services. 6.4 Report Requirements 2 | P a g e 2015 RFP - Independent Financial Audit Services Following the completion of the audit, the auditor shall furnish deliverables consisting of an electronic (PDF format) copy and 25 printed and bound copies of the audited annual financial report. Report preparation, editing, and printing shall be the responsibility of the auditor. Reports to be Issued a. All Required Auditor Communications and Commentary b. Independent Auditor's Report c. Combined Statutory-Basis Financial Statements . Statements of Admitted Assets, Liabilities, and Policyholders' Surplus; . Statements of Income; . Statements of Change in Policyholders' Surplus; . Statements of Cash Flows; and . Notes to Combined Statutory-Basis Financial Statements. d. Supplemental Schedules . Combining Schedule- Statutory-Basis Statements of Admitted Assets, Liabilities and Policyholders' Surplus; . Combining Schedule- Statutory-Basis Statements of Income; . Combining Schedule- Statutory-Basis Statements of Changes in Policyholders' Surplus; . Combining Schedule- Statutory-Basis Statements of Cash Flows; . Combining Entries; . Combined Supplemental Schedule of Investment Risk Interrogatories; and . Combined Supplemental Summary Investment Schedule. 6.5 Working Papers The Firm shall be responsible for maintaining a complete project library and master files of all services rendered under contract, deliverables, work papers and reports. All working papers and reports must be retained at the Firm's expense for a minimum of five (5) years, unless the Firm is notified in writing by Company of the need to extend retention period. The Firm shall also grant Company, ("State Insurance Department"), or other stakeholder with access to such records upon request for third party examination purposes.

6.6 Irregularities and Illegal Acts Auditor shall be required to make an immediate, written report of all irregularities and illegal acts or indication of illegal acts of which they come aware to the following parties: Chair of the Audit Committee, Chief Compliance Officer (CCO), and Chief Executive Officer (CEO). 7.0 TIME REQUIREMENTS 7.1 RFP Solicitations Schedule

June 1 RFP Distributed to candidate firms June 8 Question/Clarification Deadline June 10 Response to questions emailed to firms June 22 Written proposals due to Company Weeks of July 13 & Oral Presentations 20 August 3 Management selection recommendation August 13 Approval by Board

3 | P a g e 2015 RFP - Independent Financial Audit Services 7.2 Audit Schedule Company anticipates it will close its books by January 31, 2015 and be ready for final fieldwork by February 8, 2015. Documentation of systems of internal control and transaction testing should commence at a mutually agreeable time period prior to year-end. The Firm and the Chief Financial Officer shall agree on a detailed audit schedule. The Firm shall provide a list of worksheets and schedules it requires from Company, along with a time table for completion of such schedules, at least two weeks in advance of all requests.

Early December Interim Work 2015 February 8, 2016 Entrance Conference Week of Feb. 8, 2016 Fieldwork Commences End of Fieldwork Exit Conference March 31, 2015 Preliminary Draft due to company April 15, 2016 Final Audit Report due May 2016 Report Presentation to Audit Committee

7.3 Date Reports Are Due The auditing Firm should be available for any meetings that may be necessary to discuss the draft audit reports. Once the reports are completed, the audited financial statements and other reports shall be delivered to the Company's CFO by April 15th. 7.4 Entrance and Exit Conference Schedule Entrance Conference: The purpose of this meetings will be to advise Company of the work to be performed. This meeting will also be used to establish overall liaisons and other needs of the auditor. Exit Conference: The purpose of this meeting will be to summarize the results of the field work and to review significant findings in the written reports. 7.5 Assistance to be Provided The Company's accounting staff will be available during the audit to assist the Firm by providing information, documentation, and explanations. Company will provide the auditor with reasonable workspace and equipment. 8.0 SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS One (1) electronic copy (.docx or .pdf format) of the Firm's proposal addressing the Proposal Requirements in Section 11.0 should be submitted to ("Contact") no later than 5:00 PM (MST) on June 22, 2015. 9.0 INFORMATION/ QUESTIONS Specific questions should be addressed in writing via electronic mail addressed only to ("Contact"). All questions must be submitted no later than 5:00 PM (MST) on June 8, 2015. Company will not respond to any questions after the deadline. Any information requested by any respondent will be compiled and sent to all competing Firms as a supplement to this RFP. Thank you for your interest in this process. We look forward to the opportunity to consider your proposal for the provision of audit services to the Company. Please do not contact other representatives of Company prior to the submission of your proposal. Any such contact is grounds for disqualification. 10.0 EVALUATION PROCESS

4 | P a g e 2015 RFP - Independent Financial Audit Services Company will evaluate all acceptable proposals received and may request, in its discretion, an oral presentation of certain firm’s proposal. The written proposal and, if applicable, any oral presentation, will be the basis for determining firm selection. Responses should be complete and specific in every detail. The following are the primary criteria that will be used in the evaluation process: 1. Qualifications, experience and capabilities; 2. Accessibility of the partner and/or manager; 3. Client references; 4. Overall responsiveness of the proposal in clearly stating an understanding of Company’s needs and compatibility with company culture; 5. Estimated engagement cost. 11.0 PROPOSAL FORMAT AND REQUIRED INFORMATION The proposal should identify the Firm, provide the name of the principal contact and be signed by an officer of the firm. Proposals must include responses to all sections in Appendices A and requested supporting documentation. In order to simplify the evaluation process and obtain maximum comparability, Company requires that all responses to the RFP be organized in the manner described in this section. Any deviation from this format without adequate justification may result in disqualification of the proposal. The proposal should include a clear identification of the material by section and, if applicable, correlating question number. . Cover Page . Table of Contents . Brief Overview (Optional) . Response to Appendix A Proposal Requirements o Capabilities and Qualifications o Client References o Audit Engagement o Engagement Costs o Additional Information

12.0 FINALIST ORAL PRESENTATION After a review of the written proposals, Company may at its discretion request an oral presentation by selected finalists. If you are identified as a finalist, Company will contact you to schedule an oral presentation. In order to evaluate the oral presentations, the following criteria has been established, and must be used by all finalists: A. Each finalist will be allowed a maximum of one (1) hour for presentation and 15-30 minutes for questions and answers. B. If you require audio-visual equipment for your presentation, you must notify Company contact at least two (2) business days prior to your presentation. C. The presentation should focus on the service capabilities of your firm to meet the Company’s objectives. D. Questions regarding the oral presentation should be directed to ("Contact") via electronic mail. 13.0 LOBBYING PROHIBITED Your firm, and any accountant and/or representatives and/or sub-consultants, must not initiate any communications to promote or advertise your proposal to any member of Company’s Board of Directors, officers or employees, except in the course of Company-sponsored inquiries,

5 | P a g e 2015 RFP - Independent Financial Audit Services briefings, interviews or presentations. Failure to do adhere to this requirement will result in disqualification. 14.0 CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT The information provided to you in conjunction with this RFP is strictly confidential and not intended for public use or for the use other than for the process specified in this RFP by the respondent. In order to participate in this RFP, your firm will be required to sign the Non- Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement attached hereto as Appendix B. 15.0 OTHER REQUIREMENTS 15.1 This RFP does not commit Company to negotiate a contract or enter into any agreement to provide Services. This RFP also does not obligate Company to pay for any costs incurred in the preparation or submission of any proposal or in anticipation of a contract or agreement. Company reserves the right to contract and/or agree to do business with any one or more of the firms responding to the RFP based solely on our judgment of qualifications and capabilities of the firm. 15.2 The Firm will be required to demonstrate evidence of coverage for commercial general liability and property damage insurance in an amount sufficient to cover any damages caused by the firm. The Firm must also maintain insurance to protect itself from claims arising out of the performance of professional services caused by any errors, omissions or negligent acts. The Firm shall provide copies of such policies before commencing any portion of the work. If policies are unavailable, the respondent shall provide a certificate of insurance including an additional insured endorsement. The Firm must provide an exact copy of such policies in the event that Company intends to submit a claim under the policies. 15.3 The Firm will be required to indemnify Company against any damages caused by the actions of the firm. 15.4 Any engagement between the Firm and Company shall be governed by the laws of the State of ("State"). Any disputes related to the agreement shall be brought in any court of competent jurisdiction located in the City of ("City"), County of ("County").

APPENDIX A PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS CAPABILITIES AND QUALIFICATIONS 1. Describe your overall company and the number of staff dedicated to insurance services clients. Include the number of partners and managers who have expertise in property casualty insurance. Specify the location of the staff performing the audit work and the tax work. Discuss whether subcontracting will be used and to what extent.

2. Identify the principal supervisory, management staff and other supervisors/specialists who will work on the engagement. Provide a biographical description or resume for each member showing relevant past experience, education, training, etc.

3. Describe your firm's policy for rotating partners and managers.

4. Describe your staff turnover for the past three years, especially concentrating on the insurance services practice. Describe the steps you take internally to maintain audit team continuity. 6 | P a g e 2015 RFP - Independent Financial Audit Services 5. Detail the steps you take to ensure that your staff is educated in statutory accounting; include any relevant continuing professional education.

6. Describe any resources you can offer in terms of ongoing education and support (e.g., reports, white papers, industry updates, newsletters) on a regular basis at no cost to Company.

7. Describe and explain any legal or disciplinary actions instituted or proposed against the firm during the last 3 years. Describe any pending disciplinary matters of which the firm is aware of.

8. Disclose any known or perceived actual or potential conflicts of interest with Company.

9. Describe the type and amount of assistance you will require from Company in order to perform the services contained in this RFP.

10.Describe your customer service philosophy. Discuss how your firm would approach the situation if Company should experience consistently unresolved performance issues from assigned personnel; include names of contacts.

11.Include, as an appendix, a copy of the firm's latest peer review report. CLIENT REFERENCES 12.Include a partial list of your current clients. Indicate the name, address and telephone number of the principal client contact.

13.List the most significant engagements (maximum of 5) with other insurance companies performed in the last five (5) years that are similar to the engagement described in this RFP. Indicate the scope of work, date, engagement partners, total hours, and the name and telephone number of the principal client contact. These engagements should be ranked on the basis of total staff hours.

14.List the five (5) largest clients your firm (or office) has lost in the past three (3) years explaining the circumstances as appropriate. Discuss, if any, any instance in which the loss of the client was due to an unresolved auditing or accounting matter, explain the process of attempting to resolve the issue(s).


15.Describe the process for informing clients of new accounting issues and the resolution of such issues.

16.Describe the proposed management of the engagement as detailed as possible including the identification of the partner or manager directly responsible for the overall management of the account. Discuss the firm's policy on notification of changes in key personnel and existing quality control system to ensure the audit is adequately performed.

7 | P a g e 2015 RFP - Independent Financial Audit Services 17.Describe your audit process from a planning standpoint to field implementation; include a proposed audit time schedule. The description should include your expected audit approach and how you get to know new clients and their operation in an efficient and cost effective manner.

18.Describe your communication plan with Company's management; include your approach for facilitating ongoing interactions that ensure concerns are addressed throughout the year in an effort to avoid unforeseen accounting issues at year end.

19.Describe your communication plan with the Audit Compliance Committee and Board; include your approach for facilitating interactions with the governing body to ensure that they are fully apprised of all work planned, all work completed, outcomes, deficiencies and weaknesses identified.

20.Describe your plan for leveraging Company's internal auditor's work to the extent possible. The description should include your plan for coordination and/or collaboration with internal auditors to avoid duplication of services and maintain fees at a minimum.


21.Provide your fee proposal for the 2015 audit; include a fee schedule for two (2) additional years after initial term. The proposal should specify the estimated hours for each phase of the audit, key milestones and approximate times for completion of the various phases of the audit. The total all-inclusive maximum price bid is to contain all direct costs. Be specific on the types of recurring services included in the basic fee, such as responding to technical questions periodically or throughout the year.

22.Provide an estimate of the out-of-pocket expenses, if any, by type (i.e. travel, meals, etc.).

23.Indicate the impact on Company for the transition to a new audit firm, such as the approach to be taken, any first-time costs, additional time required in the first year, etc.

24.Explain the firm's policy for distinguishing between additional billable consulting services and services included in the audit engagement fee. Provide a fee schedule that would apply for such services.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The preceding sections shall contain only the information requested. If the Firm desires to present additional information, it should be presented in this section of the RFP. If there is no additional information to present, indicate, "There is no additional information to present."

8 | P a g e 2015 RFP - Independent Financial Audit Services APPENDIX B SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST This checklist is for your convenience only. It does not need to be submitted with your proposal. The checklist summarizes what is required to complete and submit your proposal package to Company. Required 1. Proposal (See Section 11.0 and Appendix A) 2. Latest Peer Review Report (See Appendix A, Question 10) 3. Evidence of your Errors and Omissions Coverage (See Section 15.2) 4. Signed Confidential Nondisclosure Agreement (Appendix C)


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