Austax Liz Birch King & Queen of the River Swim 2009
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Austax Liz Burch King & Queen of the River Swim 2010
Records Broken 2010
Category Name Place Time Previous Record Overall Men 40-49 Mark Phillips 2 35.07 38.45 set by Chris Palfrey in 2003 Female 50-59 Roberta Edmeades 18 41.38 49.16 set by Carolyn Asher in 2003
Overall Placings
Place Name Time 1 Donovan Castelyn 33.07 2 Mark Phillips 35.07 3 Nicole Forsythe 35.52 4 John Barrett 38.10 5 Dan Petersen 38.24 6 Luke Heery 39.08 7 Casey Hiette 39.20 8 Liam Drake 39.22 9 Karen Patrick 39.23 10 Karina Crocker 39.30 11 Ian Wright 39.33 12 Brad Ryder 39.38 13 Lucas Hobbs 39.41 14 Malcolm Fisher 39.45 15 Jason Selman 40.09 16 Kandice Crowden 40.20 17 Scott Anderson 41.35 18 Roberta Edmeades 41.38 19 Stephen Buchholz 41.43 20 Tobias Beyer 42.22 21 Christopher Teede 42.40 22 Kevin Jackson 43.02 23 Timothy Pincombe 43.29 24 Tony Croft 43.43 25 Justin Cook 43.52 26 Donna Burns 44.40 27 Karen Candler 44.46 28 Will Oxley 44.52 29 Melanie McCutchan 45.05 30 Wayne Butterworth 45.11 31 Kia Priestly 45.18 32 Gordon Collison 45.48 33 Greg Messer 46.31.16 34 Chloe Doyle 46.31.59 35 Chelsea-Maree Gerrard 46.33 36 Robert Hitch 46.52 37 Tegan McKeon 47.07 38 Paul Mulcahy 47.09 39 Leela Hancox 47.21 40 Dale Eriksen 47.27 41 Mark Rose 48.50 42 Constantin Schaaf 49.22 43 Natasha Breen 50.05 44 Amanda Rasmussen 50.08 45 Stephan Garland 50.19 46 Joshua Priestly 51.19 47 Jeff Evans 51.30 48 Kyle Mendo 51.46 49 Alice Dykes 52.14 50 Chris Bell 53.30 51 Joshua Cinner 53.44 52 Yui Taniguchi 54.11 53 Mathew Talbert 55.11 54 David Bowtell 58.17 55 Abby Doyle 58.52 56 Garth Doyle 58.56 57 Jake Priestly 59.20 58 Rohan Priestly 59.29 59 Hazel Wilton 63.52 60 Graham Hancox 64.42 61 Lauren Cook 66.64 62 Bob James 75.15 63 Thelma Bryan 75.27
10-13 yrs Female Name Time Place Overall Place in class Chloe Doyle 46.31.59 34 1s t Chelsea-Maree Gerrard 46.33 35 2nd Abby Doyle 58.52 55 3rd
10-13 yrs Male Name Time Place Overall Place in class Joshua Priestly 51.19 46 1st Jake Priestly 59.20 57 2nd
Female 14 – 16yrs Name Time Place Overall Place in class Nicole Forsythe 35.52 3 1st Melanie McCutchan 45.05 29 2nd Kia Priestly 45.18 31 3rd Tegan McKeon 47.07 37 4th
Male 14 – 16 yrs Name Time Place Overall Place in class Luke Heery 39.08 6 1st Female 17-29 yrs Name Time Place Overall Place in class Karina Crocker 39.30 10 1st Kandice Crowden 40.20 16 2nd Leela Hancox 47.21 39 3rd Amanda Rasmussen 50.08 44 4th Lauren Cook 66.54 61 5th
Male 17-29 yrs Name Time Place Overall Place in class Donovan Castelyn 33.07 1 1st Casey Hiette 39.20 7 2nd Tobias Beyer 42.22 20 3rd Christopher Teede 42.40 21 4th Constantin Schaaf 49.22 42 5th Kyle Mendo 51.46 48 6th
Female 30-39 yrs Name Time Place Overall Place in class Karen Patrick 39.23 9 1st Natasha Breen 50.05 43 2nd Alice Dykes 52.14 49 3rd
Male 30-39 yrs Name Time Place Overall Place in class Dan Petersen 38.24 5 1st Liam Drake 39.22 8 2nd Lucas Hobbs 39.41 13 3rd Jason Selman 40.09 15 4th Scott Anderson 41.35 17 5th Timothy Pincombe 43.29 23 6th Wayne Butterworth 45.11 30 7th Robert Hitch 46.52 36 8th Mark Rose 48.50 41 9th Joshua Cinner 53.44 51 10th Mathew Talbert 55.11 53 11th
Female 40-49 yrs Name Time Place Overall Place in class Donna Burns 44.40 26 1st Karen Candler 44.46 27 2nd Dale Eriksen 47.27 40 3rd Yui Taniguchi 54.11 52 4th
Male 40-49 yrs Name Time Place Overall Place in class Mark Phillips 35.07 2 1 Brad Ryder 39.38 12 2 Malcolm Fisher 39.45 14 3 Stephen Buchholz 41.43 19 4 Tony Croft 43.43 24 5 Justin Cook 43.52 25 6 Will Oxley 44.52 28 7 Gordon Collison 45.48 32 8 Stephan Garland 50.19 45 9 David Bowtell 58.17 54 10 Garth Doyle 58.56 56 11 Rohan Priestly 59.29 58 12
Female 50-59 Name Time Place Overall Place in class Roberta Edmeades 41.38 18 1st
Male 50-59 Name Time Place Overall Place in class John Barrett 38.10 4 1st Ian Wright 39.33 11 2nd Kevin Jackson 43.02 22 3rd Paul Mulcahy 47.09 38 4th Jeff Evans 51.30 47 5th Graham Hancox 64.42 60 6th
Female 60-69 Name Time Place Overall Place in class Hazel Wilton 63.52 59 1st
Male 60-69 Name Time Place Overall Place in class Greg Messer 46.31.16 33 1st Bob James 75.15 62 2nd
Female 70 + yrs Name Time Place Overall Place in class Thelma Bryan 75.27 63 1st
Male 70 + yrs Name Time Place Overall Place in class Chris Bell 53.30 50 1st