Computer Basics

The HSC IT Center provides one-on-one training for new computer users. Below are the descriptions of the different 1-hour sessions.

(keyb) Basics I: Keyboarding/Typing Includes proper finger placement, finger exercises and where to find good keyboarding resources. We can't teach you to type in one hour, but we can get you started on the right path.

(wb1) Basics II: Basic Windows Includes using the start menu, using the mouse, learning the parts of the window, using help, and creating files and folders.

(wb2) Basics III: Multiple Windows & File Management Includes working with multiple windows, file management (sorting, deleting, renaming), and working with multiple programs (copying and pasting between programs, organizing multiple program windows).

(is1) Basics IV: Basic Internet & File Searching Includes finding information online and adding links to Favorites. Accessing favorites. Copying valid information from Internet to Microsoft Word. Finding graphics online and save them on the computer. Finding the files that you have saved.

(cb1) Basics V: Computer Hardware Includes looking at the hardware of an older computer and talking about its parts and how they work together: motherboard, CPU, RAM, floppy drive, CD-ROM, expansion slots, modems, networks, etc.

(wb3) Basics VI: Control Panels Includes working with the control panels to customize your computer, including the mouse, sound and keyboard features, as well as the display; which allows you to change your screen saver, background and Windows Scheme.