Guests: President Schott, Provost Walsh, Lee Ayers, Brian Fedorek

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Guests: President Schott, Provost Walsh, Lee Ayers, Brian Fedorek

June 12, 2017 SU 313 4:00 – 5:30 pm Minutes Video: Present: Alison Burke, Curtis Feist, Amy Belcastro, Dotty Ormes, Marianne Golding, Carol Ferguson, Laurie Kurutz, Larry Shrewsbury, Erik Palmer, Andrew Gay, Dennis Jablonski, Deborah Rosenberg, and Deborah Brown Absent: Rhett Bender, Prakash Chenjeri, Donna Lane, Rich May, Laura Jones, Ariel Tumbaga, and Steven Petrovic. Guests: President Schott, Provost Walsh, Lee Ayers, Brian Fedorek. Approval of Minutes from April 24, May 8 and May 22 ● Shrewsbury moved to approve the minutes for April 24, Ormes seconded. ● Shrewsbury moved to approve the minutes for May 8, Gay seconded. Three abstentions. ● Kurutz moved to approve the minutes for May 22, Ormes seconded. The motion passed with all in favor, none opposed. There was one abstention. President’s report: Linda Schott ● President Schott has been dealing with the recent financial breech. This is an active FBI investigation, so she can’t say too much at the moment. ● Insurance is also being investigated. We are self-insured at some level (collective insurance between other state institutions). ● In the long run, this will not be a huge financial blow to the institution, but we are consulting with folks to help guide our way. ● President Schott has been attending the end-of-year celebrations for Divisions and appreciates being included. Provost’s report: Sue Walsh ● Provost Walsh has also been attending end-of-year activities, and she encourages everyone to attend the faculty breakfast tomorrow morning where colleagues will be recognized for promotion, tenure, sabbaticals, and teaching awards. ● Healthcare Admin degree was unanimously approved by the Provosts’ Council. IFS report: Amy Belcastro, Donna Lane ● Senate Bills in progress ● Bill on cultural Competency ● All-consuming around the Legislative session. Advisory Council report: Dennis Jablonski ● Jablonski calls for recognition of all students, faculty, and staff who have had to relocate to Cascade Complex. ● Look back at the document Jablinski shared at earlier Senate meeting. How do changes impact our teaching practices. Carpenter Grants/Distinguished Teaching Awards: Kris Danford ● Golding moved to approve the Carpenter II Grant. Belcastro seconded the motion, which passed with all in favor, none opposed. ● Three Senators abstained from the vote.

Undergraduate Advising Co. recommendation: Francie Bostwick ● The Advising Committee would like to mandate that every program provide an Advising Tab on every Program homepage. ● Shrewsbury moved to waive the two-week rule, all in favor, none opposed ● Kurutz/Ormes to approve. Ferguson asked about who would be doing the work. Palmer asked where the page would “live.” Bostwick indicated that the information would live inside. Palmer indicated that the Marketing department owns the SOU.EDU site, so they might resist hosting this on the broader website. ● Belcastro mentioned the changing programs--how easy (or hard) would it be to update these documents? ● Ferguson, Gay to table the motion. University Studies final recommendations: Brian Fedorek ● Four new courses have been brought forward from University Studies Committee: SPAN 103, SPAN 201, CCJ 460, and ENG 472 ● Feist moved to waive the two-week rule, and Belcastro seconded the motion. The vote passed with all in favor, none opposed. ● Gay moved to approve the University Studies Committee’s recommendations. Kurutz seconded the motion, which passed with all in favor, none opposed. There were no abstentions. Curriculum Committee Summary of Changes for 2017 ● All information has been submitted to the Drive. ● Nothing needed a vote at this time. Committee would like direction about what happens when Senate does not approve a recommendation from Curriculum Committee.

Budget update: Mark Denney ● Budget messages on homepage--30-40 page document, mostly tables. It will live under “Budget Presentations” when it is adopted by the board. ASSOU position on Tina Kotek Proposal ● ASSOU representatives are working on reducing the 12% tuition increase approved by the HECC. Students are not asking Senate to endorse the Tina Kotek proposal, but they want to apply pressure on legislators to create new revenue and prevent the tuition increase. Students have reached out by making more than 40 phone calls. Alan DeBoer has endorsed them. Individual Senators can endorse the proposal if they wish. Seating of New Senators/Committee Assignments ● The new Senators were seated for next year. ● New Advisory Council seats will be filled by Bill Gholson, Alison Burke, and Michael Parker. ● Carol Ferguson will serve on Constitution Committee ● Dominik Robertson and Kemble Yates will serve on Elections Committee ● Chad Thatcher will serve as apprentice Webmaster ● Charles Lane will serve on UPB ● Amy Belcastro will serve on Policy Council. ● Mark Siders will serve on the Budget Committee.

Announcements/New Business ● No new business or announcements were brought forth.

Adjourn for summer: The meeting was adjourned at 5:19.

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