Mission Statement s5

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Mission Statement s5


The Stevenson School Community’s vision is to provide a safe learning environment, services where failure is not an option and a place where positive behavior is modeled and expected for all stakeholders.


The Stevenson School Community’s mission is to work collaboratively to educate, through motivation and encouragement, all students to become successful learners.


Today I will PAWS

I will have a P = Positive Attitude I will A = Accept Responsibility I will W = Work to My Highest Potential I will S = Show Respect at School Every Day

1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Stevenson Elementary School Student/Parent Handbook 2014-2015

School Hours Page 5 Arrival Crossing Guard Hours Safety to and from School Attendance Page 6 Babysitting Bicycles Page 7 Breakfast Bus Riders’ Conduct Car Transportation Page 8 Care of Books Page 9 Conferences and Visiting School Discipline Page 10 Behavior Intervention Discipline-Classroom Page11 Discipline-Principal Consequences Corporal Punishment Dress Code Page 12 Consequences Emergency Information Page 13 Emergency School Closing Disaster Warning Field Trips Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) Page 14 Homework for Absent Children Insurance for Students Jewelry and Toys at School Page 15 Lunches Hours Prices Procedure for paying for lunches Lunches-Sack Page 16 Notification of Free/Reduced Lunches Lunch Rules Lost and Found Page 17 Mandated Reporters (School Personnel) Medication at School Infectious Diseases Medical Treatment of a Minor Page 18

2 Nondiscrimination Statement Page 18 No Smoking Policy Play Day Play Ground Rules Registration Items/Information Page 19 School Admission, Age Requirements, Health/Immunization Requirements and School fees Reporting Student Achievement Safe School Plan Page 20 School Parties School Pictures Sexual Harassment Student Record Notification Page 21 Stevenson Booster Club Telephone Policy Volunteers Academic Policies Page 22 Grading and Promotion Page 23 Grading Scale Title One Computers Internet Access General Music, Band and Orchestra Homebound Instruction Page 24

Language Arts Library Math Physical Education/Extra Curriculum District Athletic/Extra Curriculum Page 25 Notification of Curriculum (Parental Objectives) Student Activities Stevenson School Staff Page 26 Stevenson Emergency Response Crisis Plan Page 27 Problem Solving Team Page 28 PBIS Reward Celebration Dates Page 29


7:30 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. Office hours

7:50-8:00 A.M. Teachers on duty

8:00 A.M. First Bell

8:10 A.M. Tardy Bell

11:15-12:30 Lunch Periods

2:15 P.M. Load Buses

2:25 P.M. Dismissal Bell

2:35 P.M. Teachers off duty



We encourage parents to talk to their children about using safe routes to and from school. Children living south of Mound Road should come to Neeley and Mound and cross at the light where our adult guard is posted. Those living north of Mound Road should stay on the north side of Mound Road both coming to school and going home. At no time should a child cross Mound Road at any place except at the light signal. Going under the bridge at Mound Road is discouraged. Often there is high water there.


At Neeley and Mound Road and Martin Luther King Dr. and Mound 7:35 a.m. – 8:20 p.m. Morning 2:20 p.m. – 2:55 p.m. After School An adult crossing guard is on duty during the above times for the safety of the children crossing Mound Road at Neeley Avenue and Mound Road at Martin Luther King.

Students should not arrive at school before 7:50 A.M. There is no adult supervision before 7:50 A.M. Students will go to their classrooms to begin their day. Free Breakfast in the Classroom will be available to all students from 7:50-8:20. Extra time will be allowed for late bus riders. Students arriving after 8:10 should go to the main office to check-in. They will be issued a tardy slip and sent to class.


4 Regular attendance at school is very important. More importantly, however, is your child's education. He or she will obviously get more instructional time if he/she is punctual and in attendance. Although it is better to be late coming to school than not to come at all, we expect students to be punctual. In order that both home and school know where your children are, we request the following procedure:

1. Parent or caretaker call the school (876-8749) by 8:30 A.M. on any day a student is to be absent and give the reason for his or her absence. (District Policy)

2. The school needs to be notified when a student is to go to the doctor or dentist. Please come to the office and sign the child out. Please try to make appointments after school.

3. Because of the lack of supervision, we ask that students do not arrive before 7:50 A.M. Students who walk should plan their arrival no sooner than this time.

4. In the event a student becomes ill at school, you will be notified. Three hundred and fifteen (315) minutes constitutes a full day of school and 150 minutes constitutes a half-day of school. 5. Students who accumulate 18 or more days of unexcused absences may be subject to retention. (District Policy)

6. Schools are required to make a reasonable effort to notify parents of their child's absence within two hours after the first class period. If we don't hear from you, we will make an effort to contact you so that both home and school know where your child is. Our Parent Liaison may be sent to your home to check on your child.


General Criterion: According to district policy, a new application will need to be completed each year.  Students must live within Decatur Public Schools boundaries to attend Decatur Public Schools tuition free.  All daycare/family child-care provider or baby-sitting applications, whether licensed or not, need to be submitted on or before registration day.  Priority is given to students who attend licensed daycare full time.  Any student attending an elementary school through the child-care policy is exempt from the Educational Stabilization Plan (ESP). If a student withdraws from the daycare center for which the application was approved, the child will attend his or her home school.  Parents/Guardians must establish with the daycare center, family child-care provider and/or baby-sitter as well as the school, provision for special instances including sicknesses, emergencies, and transportation before, during, and after school.

5  Parents/Guardians must contact Director of Student Services Office at 424- 3026 to request a change attendance areas in situations other than for child-care purposes.  Any parent/guardian falsifying information on the application, not following provisions outlined on the application, or not making the school aware of changes in the application will lose child-care privileges. The student will return to the home school.

Non-Licensed Child-Care/Baby-Sitters

Students not attending licensed day care centers/family child-care providers or licensed baby-sitters, will be accepted only if the class size for which the child is enrolling has openings available. Class must be under the district class average of 27 students. .  Students making new application to a school for child-care purposes will attend their home school until the determination of space availability is made.  In an effort to provide educational stability, students who attend a school the previous year from a non-licensed child-care provider/baby-sitter will begin school in the same school, provided they are being cared for by the same non-licensed child-care provider/baby-sitter until the determination of space availability is made.


Students ONLY in grades 4 – 6 may ride bikes to school.

BREAKFAST (HOURS: 7:50-8:20 A.M.)

Breakfast is FREE this year as long as the student is in the classroom during Breakfast in the Classroom Program from 7:50 to 8:20 a.m.!

If your child does not eat breakfast at school, he/she should still be here to start the day with the other students. Extra time will be allowed for late bus riders. The breakfast consists of juice, milk, cereal and other hot items.

District prices for breakfast are $1.00, reduced: $.30, Milk $.30, Adult Price $1.60


Bus Schedules: The Decatur Public School District allows First Student Bus Service to schedule all bus transportation. Any changes in address resulting in a bussing change must be submitted to the school office. Please be aware that bussing changes take 3 days to complete. This information is covered in full detail in your “Student Code

6 of Conduct and Parent Handbook”.

Safety is our major concern for bus riders. Rules and regulations are noted in the “Student Code of Conduct and Parent Handbook”. Violation of these rules will be considered serious and can result in the student losing the privilege of riding the bus. Full details are found in the “Student Code of Conduct and Parent Handbook”. Please acquaint yourself with the regulations and procedures for handling inappropriate behavior.

If a student will not be riding the bus, the parent should notify the office in writing or by calling before 1:30 p.m. at 876-8749.

The students will only be allowed to ride their assigned bus, unless there is prior approval from the bus company.


*Refer to map of Stevenson School in the back of this handbook.

Conditions relative to auto traffic at Stevenson have never been ideal and probably never will be because of the amount of traffic, Neeley being a dead end street, and the problems of getting on and off Mound Road. On top of this, conditions are magnified when we have bad weather (rain, snow, and ice).

The entrance into the parking lot is marked and should be observed. The school busses need to have room to enter and leave the parking lot. Please don't block the entrance and turn area. If we all follow the directions stated below, problems should be at minimum:

1. Cars will form two lines closest to the school and turn off their engines. Vans are to be in the second row. Remain in your car. Do not come in to the school to pick up your child(ren). If you have other business in the school at dismissal time, you should park in a parking space or at the south end of the school. 2. The south drive is an entrance only! Do not attempt going against the traffic. Exit the north drive only. 3. Leave the entrance drive open. Busses need to turn in there. 4. Leave space in front of the school as marked to load and unload children from the bus. 5. The service drive (behind the school) needs to be left open for district vehicles. DO NOT DRIVE TO THE BACK DOOR TO PICK UP STUDENTS. All students will exit at the front entrance.

7 6. If someone other than the regular caregiver will pick up the student, please notify the office with a note or a phone call before 1:30. 7. Student early pick-up: If parents are picking up a student prior to normal dismissal time (2:15), please stop at the office first. The child will be called down to the office. Due to the safety of the building, parents need to extend the courtesy of waiting in the front foyer. Parents are required to sign their students out. 8. Please do not ask your child to cross the parking lot area except with adult supervision. 9. Please drive slowly when entering and leaving the school property. Too many cars coming and going could cause accidents. Yield to all school busses.

NOTE: If you come to school during the day, please do not park in the second row. Teachers cannot back their cars out. Park in a regular parking space or in the first row closest to the school.


Students must take reasonable care of textbooks and library books. Damaged or lost books must be replaced at student expense. Costs are available in the office or library. The most recent cost for book rebinds (fixing damaged covers) is under $10.00. This is subject to change. Books are not cheap. The average cost of a textbook is over $20. The average cost of a library book is $8.00.


For our students’ protection, security cameras have been installed. Persons coming to Stevenson will have to wait until they are let into the building. We are asking that parents remain in their cars until students are dismissed. This will cut down on constant interruptions at the end of the day. If an emergency exists and there is a need to take children, parents can come to the office to sign them out.

Parents are welcome to visit and observe in the classrooms. We would like to keep the line of communication open between home and school. However, if you wish to talk to a teacher, conference appointments must be made in advance for a time when the teacher does not have students. Teachers are not available for conferences during regular school hours. Times for parent conferences are set aside twice a year. However, you may schedule a conference with your child’s teacher at any time.

Notice of Accommodations/Attendance for Disabled Parents: Stevenson Elementary School is accessible to disabled individuals. Two handicap parking spots are available in front of Stevenson. Should any other accommodations be necessary, please contact the office for assistance.


It is expected that all students will obey all classroom and school-wide expectations. Students who are determined to not be in compliance with the rules may be subject to the appropriate consequences.

At Stevenson School we have the following school-wide rules for students:

Positive Attitude

Be ready to cooperate and share.

Be aware of others’ feelings.

Encourage others to do their best. Accept Responsibility

Have supplies ready.

Bring books and homework to class.

Listen and follow instructions. Work to My Highest Potential

Be ready to learn.

Give excellent effort.

Stay on task. Show Respect

Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

Actively listen.

Follow directions the first time they are given.

Stevenson School students who follow the rules and are good citizens are encouraged and rewarded with various classroom and school-wide activities.

Decatur School District discipline policies will be found in detail in the “Student Code of Conduct and Parent Handbook”.

Behavioral Intervention: This policy is adopted to address the current state law and mandated to adopt intervention policies and procedures. A Behavioral Intervention packet is given out to all parents of special needs students at the Individual Educational Program (IEP) meeting on a yearly basis. If you do not have

9 one in your possession, please contact the school principal or the Special Education Administrator.


Every classroom follows the same discipline plans. The rules relate to those stated above. The consequences will be chosen from one or more of the following:

All students begin the day on green. 1. Yellow: Student is redirected and warned.

2. Orange: Student will take a time-out.

3. Red: Student will take a “Buddy” time-out in another location and parent is contacted.


When a child needs to visit the office because of misconduct, consequences will be chosen from the following: 1. Warning/counseling (District policies and procedures, school rules as well as the proper ways to behave are discussed.) 2. Time-out 3. Parents called 4. Parent conference requested 5. In-school suspension (APR placement) 6. Out-of-school suspension and 7. Other consequences as deemed appropriate.

All principal consequences are in addition to teacher consequences.

Corporal Punishment

State law prohibits corporal punishment. Corporal punishment is defined as intentional infliction of bodily harm, slapping, paddling or prolonged maintenance of students in physical painful positions. The law does permit teachers or certified staff to use reasonable force “to maintain safety for the other students, school personnel or persons or for the purpose of self defense or for the defense of property”.

Reasonable force could be used, if necessary, to remove a student from the classroom.

Refer to your “Student Code of Conduct and Parent Handbook” concerning student conduct regulations and corrective procedures.


Styles that disrupt the educational process are prohibited:

 When standing with arms dangling on the side, shorts, skirts and dresses must be even or longer than the child’s longest finger. Shorts or Skirts must come down to the length of the student’s extended fingertips.

 No head coverings (do-rags, hoods, hats, scarves, or sunglasses) are to be worn in school.

 No provocative clothing is allowed. No hanging chains, sunglasses, or clothing that displays profanity, encourages violence or use of drugs, alcohol or tobacco, or has sexual connotations are permitted.

 No clothing worn inappropriately (backwards, unfastened straps, unzipped, unbuckled, sagging and bagging, etc.) is allowed.

 No body graffiti (tattoos, body markings) is allowed. The student will be asked to wash it off.

 The trunk of the body must be covered whether standing or sitting. Exposed undergarments or midriffs are not acceptable.

 No halters, midriff, spaghetti strap blouses, tank shirts, fishnet type shirts, shorts, or jeans with holes may be worn. See-through shirts and low-cut tops are not allowed.

 For your child’s safety, we prefer that they do not wear flip-flop (thongs) or roller skate type shoes. Tennis shoes are recommended.


1. Parents will be contacted to pick up the student or bring appropriate clothing items. 2. Jewelry, removed or played with, will be taken by the teacher and returned to the parent only. 3. Baggy pants will be belted with whatever is available. 4. Inappropriate tops will be covered with shirts from the nurse’s closet.


It is vital that we be able to reach a responsible adult in case of illness or an emergency. Please make sure the office has at least two working phone numbers of an adult that can be reached. If your phone number changes, send us a note so we can update our records. Every family should have a plan to follow in case an emergency situation arises and you cannot be reached.

1. School Closing: During the winter months, inclement weather may result in school being closed. The decision is made by the Superintendent between 5:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. Rather than calling us or the Keil Building, we urge you to listen to one of the media sources: WSOY, WDZ, WAND-TV or Channel 22. Announcements are made at frequent intervals from 6:00 a.m. on through the morning. Early closings are rare; however, severe conditions may result in an early closing. Please listen to one of the media sources listed above for the news.

2. Disaster Warnings: All District #61 schools are equipped with an Encoder System for warning schools of impending danger. The Keil Building is in direct communication with the Sheriff‘s Department. All schools receive notice of a warning at the same time and immediately, as it is directed by the Keil Building.

In the event there is a warning at dismissal time and the children are at their designated stations, we have been instructed to hold the students until an all clear is given. Students will be released only at parent request if the warning is in effect.

3. Emergency Response Crisis Plan (see the last page in the handbook)


Field trips are a privilege and students will not be allowed to participate unless they demonstrate responsible behavior within the school building. Responsible behavior is defined as not having a referral 30 days prior to an event.

Responsible behavior will be assessed each quarter. The student must demonstrate responsible behavior on the bus and on field trip activities. If responsible behavior is not demonstrated, the student could be excluded from future field trips. An adult may be required to accompany his/her child at the request of the classroom teacher and/or principal.

12 Field trip permission slips must be completed, signed by the parent and returned to the teacher in order for the student to participate on each field trip. A field trip permission slip must accompany each student on each field trip. It is imperative that two emergency numbers are provided. For your child’s safety, tennis shoes will be required.

FREE and APPROPRIATE PUBLIC EDUCATION (FAPE): The Decatur Public School District provides a free and appropriate public education to all Decatur students.


Unless a child’s illness keeps him/her out of school for more than three days, it is necessary for him/her to make up assignments after returning to school.

When longer illnesses occur, please give reasonable notice to the teacher for getting specific homework ready, as there is no extra time during the day to prepare assignments. If it appears the illness may be for an extended period of time, please call the principal to see if a home study program is appropriate.

In an effort to be consistent with homework, teachers have written a homework policy. See page 48 in the Student Code of Conduct and Parent Handbook to read the homework policy. In addition to this, students will continue to use their planners for writing in assignments. Please check your child’s planner.

The following ideas and ways that you can help your child be successful: 1. Make sure your children get to bed early. 2. See that your children have breakfast. 3. Make sure your children are always at school on time and prepared with materials (paper, pencils, etc.). 4. Encourage your children to obey school and classroom rules. 5. Talk with your children’s teachers about homework. Find out how the teacher assigns homework and what her/his expectations are. 6. Remember homework and class work are your children’s responsibility. 7. Have a special place (desk, kitchen table, bedroom etc.) where your children must be while doing homework. 8. Set a specific time each night that children are to do school work. 9. Be consistent in behavior management.

INSURANCE (Students)

You have received an application form at the time of registration regarding insurance for at-school hours or for 24-hour coverage. A dental option is also available. This is not a district policy but is offered through the district.


13 We find that children like to share and trade toys, baseball cards, jewelry, and other trinkets. Unfortunately, this sometimes leads to hard feelings and misunderstandings. We are requesting that children DO NOT bring toys, cards, trinkets and electric gadgets (cell phones, cameras, electronic toys) to school unless requested by the teacher in writing. Purses will be kept in the book bag. No make-up, perfume, hairspray or personal care items should be brought to school. These items will be confiscated. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

ABSOLUTELY NO TOY WEAPONS OR WEAPON LOOK-ALIKES are allowed in Decatur Public Schools, serious consequences will occur. A student may receive up to a ten day suspension and could include a recommendation for expulsion (Refer to page 32, #26 in the Student Code of Conduct)

If your child wears a watch or other jewelry to school, please instruct him/her NOT to let anyone else wear his/her personal belongings. If a student is responsible enough to wear jewelry, he/she should be responsible enough to keep it on at all times.


Total Lunch Time Grades/Classes 11:15-11:45 6th 11:20-11:50 5th 11:25-11:55 4th 11:30-12:00 3rd 11:35-12:05 2nd 11:40-12:10 1st 11:45-12:15 K Students should pay on a weekly basis. Lunch price …………………………..$1.75 Lunch reduced price ……………….. $.40 Adult lunch ……………………….. $2.35 Please help us have your child credited with the correct amount of lunches by doing the following: 1. On Monday, send the correct amount of money in a sealed envelope. a. Write the child’s name on it. b. Write the teacher’s name and room number on it. c. Write the amount of money enclosed and the number of days you are paying for. 2. Make checks payable to Aramark. 3. Occasional hot lunch buyers may pay on a daily basis. 4. Charging lunches is not allowed.


Please make sure that your child’s lunch container has his/her name and room number

14 clearly written on it. NO POP OR CANDY is allowed. Milk, both white and chocolate, is available for $.30 per carton.

Notification of Free/Reduced Lunches: Students who cannot afford to purchase a school lunch may be eligible to eat free or at a reduced price. Parents may make application to the building principal for a free or reduced lunch program.

This information is covered in full detail in your “Student Code of Conduct and Parent Handbook” listed under Cafeteria Services.


The school expects children to obey lunchroom rules and directions given by the lunchroom supervisor just as they are expected to obey classroom rules and directions given by the teacher.

1. Positive Attitude  Use manners “please” and “thank you” - When receiving your food say “Please and Thank you.” 2. Accept Responsibility  Keep hands, feet, and objects to self - Stand still in line and do not throw food. 3. Work to your Highest Potential  Remain at assigned table until released - Stay seated until the supervisor dismisses you. 4. Show Respect  Treat others with respect  Obey adult directions Use kind words when speaking to others.  Follow adult directions the 1st time and without arguing.

Undesirable behavior and unsafe activities in the lunchroom will not be allowed. Students who do not follow the rules may be isolated from their classmates during lunch. Repeated offenses or serious infractions of the rules may result in suspension.

Students will participate in outdoor recess if temperature and/or wind chill is above 20 degrees. There are no exceptions, unless specified by a doctor’s excuse. Please dress your child appropriately for weather conditions


A lost and found box is located in the lobby. Please check periodically for lost items. Labeled items can easily be returned to their owner. Please label all personal items.


15 to suspect that a child is “abused” or “neglected”, the Illinois law requires school personnel to report it to the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS). This information is covered in full detail in your “Student Code of Conduct and Parent Handbook” listed under The Abused Child Law


The Decatur Public Schools has a set procedure to follow if you find it necessary to send medication to school for your child.

Medication shall be brought to the school in a container appropriately labeled by the pharmacy or physician with the following information: a. name of the student b. name of the medication c. dosage and time of day medication is to be administered d. time interval medication is to be taken e. name of the physician and f. date of the prescription.

We cannot allow any medicine to be taken by a child during school hours unless a completed form, which may be obtained from the office or school nurse, accompanies the medicine.

ALL MEDICATION IS TO BE KEPT IN THE SCHOOL NURSE’S OFFICE. No medication is to be kept by a student or teacher in the classroom. The student is to be responsible for taking the medication at the proper time.

PLEASE do not send your child to school if he/she has been ill, or until he/she has been free of vomiting, diarrhea and/or temperature for 24 hours.

Please be sure the school office has two emergency telephone numbers where someone who can care for your child can be reached.

Infectious Diseases: Any student attending Stevenson School with a known infectious disease will be assisted in managing the disease by following the guidelines of the Illinois Department of Public Health and set forth by the Decatur School Board policies and procedures. Such policies and rules will include an evaluation of students with a chronic infectious disease on an individual case-by-case basis, and provide different provisions for different age groups, classes of instruction, types of educational institutions, and other reasonable classifications, as the Decatur Public School Board may find appropriate (Illinois School Code: 105:5/10-21.11.an 105:5/34-18.13.) MEDICAL TREATMENT OF A MINOR

In case of any emergency, both Decatur hospitals have forms that parents may sign which would permit emergency treatment to begin on the child even if the hospitals or we are unable to contact the parents. If we are unable to reach a parent, the school district staff members will use their best judgment about emergency treatment.

NONDISTRIMINATION STATEMENT: Stevenson Elementary School is committed

16 to being nondiscriminatory in relation to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, or any other basis of discrimination prohibited by local, state, and federal law. This information is covered in full detail in your “Student Code of Conduct and Parent Handbook” listed under Equal Educational Opportunities


No Smoking is permitted on school grounds. This includes in the parking lot. This is the law!


Play day is a Privilege. Any referrals or out-of-school suspensions beginning Third Quarter will exclude your student from Play Day participation. Students must have all their library books turned in and library fines paid.


Positive Attitude  Show good sportsmanship

 Use polite language

Accept Responsibility

 Follow adult directions

 Use equipment appropriately

Work to your Highest Potential

 Actively participate

 Line up when the whistle blows

Show Respect

 Play by the rules

 Share

It is necessary for students to be considerate of others when the equipment is being used.  Recess referrals can be given for inappropriate play. REGISTRATION ITEMS;

17 Upon registration, a parent/guardian and/or student may be asked to sign a form stating they have received the following items:

 Decatur Public School District #61 Policies and Procedures Handbook  Stevenson Elementary Student/Parent Handbook  The District 61 School Calendar & Information Guide  Parent/Student/Teacher/Principal Compact  Internet Permission and Publicity Permission Form  Student Health Guidelines

Once you have received these forms, please read them. They are full of information that you need to know.

Parents and students should receive the District’s Policies and Procedure Handbook and the Stevenson Student/Parent Handbook upon registration, or within 15 days thereafter. The above listed items are available upon request in the school office at any time.

School Admission, Age Requirement for Attendance, Health/immunization Requirements and School Fees: This information is covered in full detail in your “Student Code of Conduct and Parent Handbook” listed under Age of Entrance, Instructional Material Fees, and Health Requirements.


Report cards are sent home to parents each nine weeks. Midterm progress reports are sent 4 to 5 weeks prior to report cards. Parent conferences are also scheduled throughout the school year by the teacher or can be requested by parents. As the need arises, parents are contacted by phone or by letter. During the first nine weeks, a conference replaces a report card at the Kindergarten level.

Remediation must be offered to all grade 1 - 6 students in jeopardy of failing a core course for the year. Starting immediately after the potential for failure is identified; district forms or school-developed forms must be completed for each child in danger of failing for the year. The form must address all core courses with a potential failing grade and clearly contain teacher and parent signature lines. Parents will be notified of possible student retention by February.

The “KNOW YOUR SCHOOL CALENDAR” that you received at the beginning of the school year indicates the dates for the end of the quarters. These dates are also listed in this handbook under Grading Scale.


All outside doors, excluding two of the main doors by the office, will remain locked at all times. Signs on doors will instruct persons where to enter.

18 All visitors to the building must sign in at the main office. Parents are not to go directly to classrooms. When picking up a child, go to the office and your child’s teacher will be contacted and will send the student to the office.


There will be two holiday parties this year. All students and teachers will participate.

Fall Harvest Party Oct. 31, 2014 Winter Party Dec. 19, 2015 Valentine Party Feb. 13, 2015

Please confer with the teacher, in advance, if you wish to send birthday treats. Only store bought treats are allowed. Invitations to private parties should not be sent to school to be handed out in the classroom.


School pictures will be taken October 3, 2014 beginning at 8:30. Spring Fling pictures will be taken February 6, 2015 beginning at 8:30.

SEXUAL HARRASSMENT: It is the policy of Stevenson Elementary School to maintain a learning environment free from sexual harassment. It shall be a violation of school policy for any person to harass a student under school authority, through communication or a conduct, or in a sexual manner. Any person who feels or believes he/she is subject to harassment, should report the allegation to the principal, teacher, counselor or any other person authorized to receive such complaint.


The Stevenson Booster Club invites all parents and teachers to join and support the students of Stevenson. The Booster Club conducts fundraising activities and supports Stevenson in a number of ways. If you have a child in Stevenson, you are automatically a member. You do not have to join or pay dues. Just come join us in support of our students. The Booster Club agenda is located in the back of this handbook.


The principal is the official record custodian of each school. Parents/legal guardians have a right to view student records. If the parents/guardians are divorced or separated, both shall be permitted to inspect and copy the student’s

19 records unless a court order indicates otherwise. This information is covered in full detail in the “Student Code of Conduct and Parent Handbook” listed under School Student Records.


Telephone usage is limited to school business only. Students are not allowed to use the telephone for social plans. Teaching individual responsibility is part of our educational plan, but occasionally we realize a student may need to contact a parent.

Students will not be permitted to use the telephone unless the classroom teacher advises the office that a child may make the phone call.


Parents and interested citizens are encouraged to volunteer at Stevenson. We have many projects that could use your help. Please contact your child’s teacher, any Booster Club member, or the Parent Liaison to offer your services to see how you can help. A volunteer luncheon is provided at the end of each year to show our appreciation.



The administration and professional staff shall establish a system of grading and reporting academic achievement to students and their parents and guardians. The system shall also determine when promotion and graduation requirements are met.

20 Promotion to the next grade level will be dependent upon achieving passing grades in all core curriculum or completing remediation. If passing grades are not achieved, one the following criteria must be met:

1) Attainment of a grade equivalency of no more than 2 years below current grade level on a district test.* (*First grade - 1 year below current grade level) 2) Achieving a student performance level of "Meets" or "Exceeds" on two (areas) of the state Illinois Standards Achievement Tests. 3) Attendance for 90% of school year (166.5/185) or no more than 18 unexcused absences during a year.

A student shall not be promoted based upon age or any other social reason not related to academic performance. The administration shall determine remedial assistance for a student who is not promoted.

Promotion of a student having an individualized education plan or receiving reasonable accommodations pursuant to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act shall be determined by the student's educational team.

Every teacher shall maintain an evaluation record for each student in the teacher's classroom.

A district administrator cannot change the final grade assigned by the teacher without notifying the teacher. A reasonable attempt to consult with the teacher must be made and documents must be reviewed by the principal prior to any change of a final grade. Reasons for changing a student's final grade include:

 a miscalculation of test scores  a technical error in assigning a particular grade or score  the teacher agrees to allow the student to do extra work that may impact the grade  an inappropriate grading system used to determine the grade, or  an inappropriate grade based on an appropriate grading system.

Should a grade change be made, the administrator making the change must sign the changed record.


Stevenson uses the following grading scale: 90.100 A First Quarter Aug. 18-Oct. 15, 2014 80.89 B Second Quarter Oct.16-Dec. 19, 2014 70.79 C Third Quarter Jan.13- Mar. 18, 2015 60.69 D Fourth Quarter Mar. 19-May 28, 2015 Below 59 F


Stevenson receives Title I funding from the Federal government. These funds are used to provide professional development for teachers to insure that they are using “best practices” in all curriculum areas. These funds are also used to purchase materials that are scientifically researched to be effective learning tools. The No Child Left Behind Act requires schools to meet certain state levels of achievement each year. Title I funds are used to insure that this happens.


Stevenson students will receive computer instruction on a lap-top computer provided by their teacher. Students will receive from 30 to 60 minutes of instruction each week. Prior to using any school computer, all parents and students must sign an Internet and Technology Use Policy. This information is covered in full detail in your “Student Code of Conduct and Parent Handbook.”

GENERAL MUSIC, BAND, ORCHESTRA (Beginning and Intermediate)

Each child in grades K - 6 receive general music instruction from a specialist once each week. An honor choir for intermediate grade students will be formed in September.

Orchestra instruction is available to students in the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades. Band is available to all fifth and sixth grade students. Classes begin the middle of September. A student who is enrolled in performing groups (band, orchestra, and glee club) is required to attend practices and performances. Failure to appear usually results in the student being dropped from the group unless he/she has an excused absence verified by the teacher. This is an extra- curricular activity. Students must be making passing grades and turning in all assignments. Passing grades are A, B or C.

A student that is enrolled in a performing group is required to attend all performances. Failure to appear at performances may result in the student being dropped from the group, unless excused by the music teacher. Students attending out of school rehearsals, but not performances, will need to make up the missed school time.

Homebound Instruction: This information is covered in full detail in your “Student Code of Conduct and Parent Handbook” listed under Home and Hospital Program.


Language arts are taught every day at a minimum of 90 minutes per day. Language arts include reading, writing, spelling, speaking, listening and the study of literature. In addition, students must be able to study, retain and use information from many sources. Through the study of

22 language arts, students should be able to read fluently, understand a broad range of written materials and be able to communicate well and listen carefully and effectively.

Stevenson Elementary uses D’Nealian handwriting. D’Nealian provides a smoother transition from manuscript to cursive writing. The manuscript letter formations more nearly correspond to cursive letters. This is an advantage for the students that make cursive writing develop easier.


Students are scheduled for classes weekly and may check out books anytime. An extensive collection of books, audio-visual aids, and other material is housed in our library. Programs in which students learn skills in the use of the library and research techniques is used by Stevenson teachers. Parents are encouraged to visit our library and to borrow books to share with their children at home. Any books checked out become the responsibility of the person checking them out. We do not encourage students or parents to loan checked out books to other people. You will be charged for any books not returned.


Mathematics is taught every day in all grades (K-6). The math program is an engaging, problem- based interactive program that emphasizes computation and problem solving. It also uses technology so our students are offered real-world math applications. The program is based on best practices in math. As it is with reading, assessments are used to monitor our students’ progress in math. This allows teachers to know when students have mastered math concepts and computation skills


All students in grades K through 6 receive physical education classes once each week from a specialist. Classroom teachers teach physical education on days when the specialist is not here.

Gym shoes are important for the safety of the children, but it is not necessary for students to have special shoes for physical education. If your child wears gym shoes to school, he/she may wear the same shoes for gym.

Physical education equipment is provided by the school. Skateboards, roller skates, baseballs, bats and other potentially dangerous equipment are not allowed at school.

District Athletic/Extra Curriculum: This information is covered in full detail in your “Student Code of Conduct and Parent Handbook” listed under “Extra Curriculum and Co-Curriculum Activities.”

Notification of Curriculum (Parental Objection Topics): Classroom activity, which involves Reproductive Health, Diseases, and/or Sexual Abuse Prevention, may be planned for students in classes K-6. Parents will be notified of those activities and may review the program with the classroom teacher. If parents prefer that their child not

23 participate in any activity, the parent may obtain an Opt-out Request form to be completed and returned to the principal.

Student Activities: Stevenson Elementary School provides many extra-curriculum activities before and after school. These activities are a privilege. Students who attend these activities must maintain passing grades and must abide by the school-wide and the attending teacher’s rules to participate.


OFFICE Renee Burdick Principal Jennifer Samuelson Secretary Linda Sattley part time sec.

TEACHERS GRADE ROOM NUMBER Sheree Park Kindergarten 2 Jean Howell 1st Grade 3 Taryn Diaz 1st Grade 4 Jennifer Doyle 2nd Grade 8 Roxann Chisenall 2nd Grade 7 Heather Guasco 3rd Grade 5 Carrie Sager 3rd Grade 6 Kelley Bailey 4th Grade 12 Vicki Elliott 4th Grade 14 Leslie Woolsey 5th Grade 9 Jane Hopper 5th Grade 13 Erin Hargrove 6th Grade 11 Ben Steele 6th Grade 01

SUPPORT STAFF Jennifer Panganiban Instructional Technology Coach Kelly Larrick Instructional Coach Olivia Mannlein Writing/Literacy Teacher Debbie Aubert/Liz Case Cross Categorical Sp. Ed. Kathleen Outzen Social Worker Leslie Ellison Speech Pathologist Garold Fowler Strings/Orchestra Joey Blunk Band Julie Andrews T & W am Music Carol Scharfenberg Th & F am P.E. Sandy Smith Art Debra Ryan School Psychologist Candy Ntsimi Alternative Placement Room Mary Roney Nurse

24 Lindsey Kocher Special Ed Admin

TEACHER ASSISTANTS Mary Morrow/Clarice Lancaster Class Size Assistant Chery Bacon Library Assistant

NON-CERTIFIED James Brown Head Custodian Gene Redman Night Custodian TBA Parent Liaison

Emergency Response Crisis Plan for Stevenson Elementary

Stevenson Elementary is part of the Decatur Public School’s Crisis Management Plan.

We practice throughout the school year with our students to prepare them should a crisis incident arise.

A crisis incident is defined as a safety or security threat. A safety threat is unintentional/accidental capability to cause harm to people or property. Example: fire, bus accident, natural disasters A security threat is an intentional desire to cause harm to other people or property. Example: Intruders, the presence of weapons or explosives.

Our goal is for students and staff 1. to recognize a crisis situation 2. know how to assess a crisis situation 3. know how to communicate a crisis situation 4. know how to take action(s) during a crisis situation

Should a real crisis occur, our designated locations off campus would be:

1. Stephen Decatur Middle School 876-801 presently MHS 1 Educational Park Dr. Rhonda Keys, Principal

2. Mound Road Christian Church 875-0721 790 East Mound Road Elder, Terry Davis

25 Stevenson Elementary Problem Solving Team

Through the Professional Learning Community Process

What is it? The Stevenson Elementary Problem- Solving Team is a team that will suggest effective curriculum for all students. Our goal is to ensure all students are performing at grade level or above.

Who is on the Team? The team is made up of the principal, social worker, special education administrator, school psychologist, speech pathologist, teachers, nurse and Instructional Specialist. Parents are contacted to participate as needed.

Who will we target? All students below 69 % accuracy (grade D) or below the current grade level benchmark will be targeted.

How will we address our students’ strengths and weaknesses? Student’s strengths or weaknesses will be addressed by:  Providing 315 weekly minutes of instruction  Providing 90 minutes or more of reading instruction daily  Grouping students based on skills  Providing small group and differentiated instruction  Aligning curriculum with the Common Core Standards  Using Illinois State Standard Frameworks to guide their instruction  Semester Essential Learning Outcomes (ELO) at grade level per semester  Using scientifically research-based curriculum

What documentation of data will be used? Peabody (K) ISAT/PARCC MMH Weekly/Unit Test DRA/QRI DIBELS Common Assessments Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI) Scholastic Math Inventory (SMI) Time on Task Diagnostic Reading Tests Attendance Classroom observation

How often will we monitor student progress? Student progress will be monitored weekly, monthly and quarterly:  Response to Intervention Tiers II and III

26  Monthly Problem Solving Team Meetings

How are the interventions/strategies evaluated? The interventions/strategies will be evaluated by students’ performances based on the data mentioned above.


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