2014-2015 Senate Meeting
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Student Government Association 2014-2015 Senate Meeting Minutes for February 24, 2015 Madison union Ballroom Beginning 5:15 pm
Call to Order at 5:33PM
Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence Attendance
Motion to suspend House Rules to add a Guest Speaker.
Guest Speaker: Student Accountability and Restorative Practices Student Case Administrators presented Hiring Process. If you are interested in working for the office applications are due this Friday. Process Overview o Level 1: Notification o Level 2: Administrative Case Review o Level 3: Accountability Board Case Review o Level 4: Appeal. Paid position and work at least 15 hours a week in the office. Two positions are currently available. Represents student body in OSARP and serves as case administrators for case reviews. Must meet with graduate assistant supervisor weekly as well as the Director of OSARP on a monthly basis. You receive experience, professional development, it is a resume builder, you improve problem-solving, critical, and analytical thinking skills. If you are interested applications are available in the Office of Student Accountability and Restorative Practices, SSC 2nd floor, Suite 2122 and on their website. Applications are due Friday, February 27th by 5:00PM to the office. Contact Eileen Scanlon with questions. Also you can apply to be a part of the Accountability Board. Any undergraduate or graduate student can apply. Applications are due on Friday, March 27th to the office.
Business: Approval of the Minutes o Meeting Minutes for February 10, 2015 were passed by unanimous consent by the Student Senate. Contingency o JMU Debate . The team has been ranked 6th in the nation and has been number 1 in the country the last 5 out of 8 years. It is the largest growing debate program in the country. They have received $83,000 from the College of Arts and Letters and are not allowed to fundraise. . They are requesting funds from us to pay for tournament entry fees. Student Government Association 2014-2015 Senate Meeting Minutes for February 24, 2015 Madison union Ballroom Beginning 5:15 pm
. Therefore it be resolved by the Student Senate of James Madison University that the Student Government Association allocates $1,000 in contingency funds for registration fees for the JMU Debate Team. . Finance Report: 5-2-1 . Read aloud and debated. . This resolution is called to a vote and fails by the Student Senate. o Agape Christian Fellowship . Mission is to enrich and cultivate the community of JMU. . Asking for funds for a three day Spring Retreat. One main speaker and then several supplementary speakers will be present. . The request includes, $160.00 (supplies), $600.00 (speaker), $2969.00 (hotel) and $666.00 (other), totaling $1,395.00. . Therefore it be resolved by the Student Senate of James Madison University that the Student Government Association allocate $1,395 in contingency funds to ACF. . Finance Report: 7-0-1 . Read aloud and debated. . The Student Senate passes this resolution by unanimous consent. o Model United Nations . Asking for funds to attend the UVA Virginia International Crisis Simulation. It allows delegates to learn from and experience other viewpoints. . All funds will be contributed to conference fees. . Therefore it be resolved by the Student Senate of James Madison University that the Student Government Association allocates $680 in contingency to MUN. . Finance Report: 6-0-2 . Read aloud and debated. . The Student Senate passes this resolution by unanimous consent. o Chinese Student Association . An organization dedicated to raising awareness and knowledge of Chinese culture throughout the JMU community. . Asking for funds to host a night of entertainment, diversity, and to show the culture of China to individuals on campus. . Therefore it be resolved by the Student Senate of James Madison University that the Student Government Association allocate $2000 in contingency funds to CSA. . Finance Report: 7-0-1 . Read aloud and debated. . The Student Senate passes this resolution by unanimous consent. o Feminist Collective Student Government Association 2014-2015 Senate Meeting Minutes for February 24, 2015 Madison union Ballroom Beginning 5:15 pm
. This club is to open dialogue regarding the feminist movement on the JMU campus. . Asking for funds to attend a conference in March. . Costs include, $200.00 (travel), $745.80 (hotel), and conference fees ($450), totaling $1,395.80. . Therefore be it resolved by the Student Senate of James Madison University, that the Student Government Association allocates $1,395.80 in contingency funds to the Feminist Collective. . Finance Report: 7-0-1. . Read aloud and debated. . This resolution is called to a vote and passes by the Student Senate. o Contemporary Gospel Singers . The purpose of this ministry is to promote and cultivate spiritual and mental growth by spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ through song at James Madison University and the surrounding community. . Asking for funds to host their Gospel Extravaganza. . Costs include, $445 (space), $1300 (sound crew), $300 (food), and $200 (accidentals), totaling $2,245. . Therefore it be resolved by the Student Senate of James Madison University that the Student Government Association allocates $1300 in contingency funds to the Contemporary Gospel Singers for the sound crew of their event. . Finance Report: 7-0-1 . Read aloud and debated. . The Student Senate passes this resolution by unanimous consent. Motion to call quorum. Hiring Policy o The changes are read aloud, explained, and debated. o Motion to amend: Change President of the Student Body to President Elect. . Called to a vote, and passes by the Student Senate. o The entire document is called to a vote and fails to pass by the Student Senate. o Section 1 is called to a vote and passes by the Student Senate. o Section 2 is called to a vote and passes by the Student Senate. o Section 3 is called to a vote and passes by the Student Senate. o Section 4 is called to a vote and passes by the Student Senate. o Section 5 is called to a vote and passes by the Student Senate. o Section 6 is called to a vote and passes by the Student Senate. o Section 7 is called to a vote and passes by the Student Senate. o Section 8 is called to a vote and passes by the Student Senate. o Section 9 is called to a vote and passes by the Student Senate. o The entire document is called to a vote and passes by the Student Senate. Student Government Association 2014-2015 Senate Meeting Minutes for February 24, 2015 Madison union Ballroom Beginning 5:15 pm
Senate Reports Speaker: Nick Maggio o Thank you for bearing with us through the technology problem.
Committee Chairs o Academic Affairs: Robby Smith . Today was another passport event. . Starting up the Internal Education Forum. . Working on a mid semester review to have it more regulated. . Tomorrow is the Madison Union Open House from 2:00-5:00.
o Community Engagement: Maddie Cairns . Caitlin is collecting Pen Pal letters from the first group. . SPCA visit is this Saturday. Sign up by tonight. . Relay for Life we have raised $925, and have $1,075 more to go. . Food Bank: Jen, Nick and Maddie went to VCU and saw their food bank facility.
o Membership: Meredith Parker . Last Dodgeball game was last night. . Going Tubing tomorrow. Meet at the Godwin steps, it will be $11.00 cash. . Softball in the spring for intramurals! . Representative of the week is Ally Deal . Senator of the week is Molly Reynolds
o Legislative Action: Josh Humphries . Thank you for everyone who went on the lobbying trip. Will be sending thank you notes . Voting Precinct is coming along quite well.
o University Services: Ryan Windels . JMU Dining suggestions. Talk to Casey Neville with more suggestions. . If you have any updates about the libraries talk to Ally Deal. . Drink it Your Way is this Friday at 9:30PM. Sign up on the Google Doc. . Student Government Applications are online. Any questions ask Ryan, Meredith and Casey.
Directors o Communications: Michael Comer Student Government Association 2014-2015 Senate Meeting Minutes for February 24, 2015 Madison union Ballroom Beginning 5:15 pm
. Still turning 100 tomorrow. Share the graphics on Facebook.
o Finance: Casey Donnelly . FEB Budget Review Session is next senate.
Class Council Presidents o Senior Class President: Lauren Holder . Commencement meeting was Friday.
o Junior Class President: Dan Brezinsky . Today I Learned: Women’s Rights in Times of War. . March 2nd
o Sophomore Class President: Tory Atkins . Finalizing Ring Premiere for March 17th.
o Freshmen Class President: Sean Button . CAB Olympics were shut down. Hopefully get it up and going for next year.
Advisor Report: Kristin Muncy o Madison Union Open House, you can get flyers stamped at the different locations. You can get entered into a lottery for an I-Pad. o Make sure the office is neat and looks nice. o Food will be all over the Union. o The 100th year banquet is canceled for this weekend. Will be planning something instead at Homecoming. Hopefully having an SGA Alumni tent. o Sophomore Year Experience committee would like to work with SGA to collaborate on creating traditions.
Executive Council Reports
Student Body President: Taylor Vollman o Congratulations on the newly elected executive council. o Still working on the advising website. o Keep the office clean tomorrow. o Working on the next BOV report.
Executive Vice President: Kaitlin Thomas o Anyone who gave the registration fee will be refunded. o Hit me up for coffee. Student Government Association 2014-2015 Senate Meeting Minutes for February 24, 2015 Madison union Ballroom Beginning 5:15 pm
Executive Treasurer: Aaron Brown o SGA shirts, $20.00 is due this week. Sign up on the Google Doc. o Quarter zips are still available. $20.00 o Senior shirts are currently being sold outside of the office. o Cupcakes will be in the office tomorrow as well as buttons and spinach and artichoke dip. o Donate to the SGA scholarship. o Casey and Aaron will be working on changing the Finance committee. o We need to be better stewards of the office. Keep it clean!!
Executive Staff Reports
Executive Assistant: Julie Hirschhorn o Diversity Meeting is this Sunday.
Administrative Officer: Kiersten Schierenbeck o Minor Elections are this Friday.
Parliamentarian: Matt Mueller o Anti-Hazing Policy will go into the constitution. Hopefully one senator and representative from each committee to meet and discuss.
Motion to Adjourn at 7:43 PM