Math 181 Exam I Past Exam Questions The following problems will be covered next week: 1b 3, 4, 5, 8, 10c, 12, 14, 15, 17, 20, 21, 22, 25a, 26, 34, 37, 38, 41 1) A horse trough has a isosceles trapezoidal cross section with a height of 2 ft and horizontal sides 2 ft (bottom) and 4 feet (top). Assume that the length of the trough is 5 ft. a) Compute the work required to pump the water out of the trough if it is full. You must first set up a Riemann sum. b) Set up, but do not compute an equation involving an integral to compute the fluid pressure against one end of the plate if it is full. 2) Set up, but do not compute, an integral to find the area of the surface obtained by rotating about the x- axis using a) dx b) dy 3) (4 points each) Set up, but do not compute, an integral that represents the surface area of the figure obtained by rotating the curve , about the y-axis a) using dy b) using dx.

4) Use the Newton’s Law of Cooling to solve the following: A metal plate that has been heated cools from 180 degrees to 150 degrees in 20 minutes when surrounded by air at a temperature of 60 degrees. When will the temperature be 100 degrees? You must first solve the DE. 5) Find the centroid of the region in the first quadrant bounded by . You must first find

6) Integrate each of the following : a) b) c) d) 7) Integrate a) b) c) 8) Integrate 9) Compute a) b)

10) Integrate a) b) c)

11) A) Set up, but do not compute, an integral to find the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region bounded by and about x = 5. B) Set up, but do not compute, an integral to compute the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region bounded by (1,0), (2,2), (4,0) about y = -1 using a) shell b) washer. 12) Integrate 13) a) Compute b) integrate (hint: use a) ) c) Integrate 14) Find the volume of the solid whose base is the disk and whose cross-sections perpendicular to the x-axis are squares. 15) A) A semicircular plate 2 ft in diameter sticks straight down into fresh water with diameter along the surface. Find the force exerted by the water on one side of the plate. You must first set up a Riemann sum. B) ) A triangular plate shown below is submerged 2 ft into fresh water. Find the force exerted by the water on one side of the plate. You must first set up a Riemann sum.

16) A cone-shaped water reservoir is 10 feet in radius across the top and 15 feet deep. If the reservoir is filled to a depth of 10 ft, how much work is required to pump the water to the top of the reservoir? You must first set up a Riemann sum.

17) Integrate a) b)

18) (5 points each) Integrate a) (hint: use the change of base formula) b) c) 19) A ship’s anchor, weighing 1000 lb, is attached to a 20 ft chain that weighs 200 lb. Find the work required to pull the anchor up 20 ft. First set up a Riemann sum for the chain.

20) A)Set up, but do no compute, an integral that represents the area of the surface obtained by rotating the curve about the x-axis using a) dx b) dy

B) Compute the arc length for

21) Solve and answer the following question: A certain cell culture has a doubling time of 5 hours. Initially, there were 3000 cells present. Find the time it takes for the culture to triple? 22) Use Trig Sub to integrate

23) Set up integrals to find the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region in the first quadrant bounded by and about a) b) using both shell and washer. (you need to set up four integrals) 24) Compute a) b)

25) Integrate a) b)

26) A solid has, as its base, the circular region in the xy-plane bounded by . Find the volume of the solid if every cross section perpendicular to the x-axis is an equilateral triangle with one side in the base.

27) A circular plate of radius 2 feet is submerged vertically in water. If the distance from the surface of the water to the center of the plate is 6 feet, find the force exerted by the water on one side of the plate. You must first set up Riemann Sum. 28) Integrate each of the following: a) b) 29) Set up, but do not compute an integral to find the volume of the solid generated by revolving the region bounded by about the y = -2. 30) A spring has a natural length of 8 in. An 800-lb force stretches the spring to 12 in. How much work is done in stretching the spring from 8 in to 12 in? 31) Set up, but do not evaluate, definite integrals that give the center of mass of a plate of a constant density covering the region bounded by and . You must first find 32) Integrate a) b)

33) Integrate a) b)

34) a) Find the centroid . Assume the density of each plate is constant.

b) Set up integrals to compute of the region bounded by and if its density is constant. You must first find an expression for of the typical strip and . 35) A spherical tank measures 20 ft in diameter. It is half-filed with kerosene weighting . How much work does it take to pump the kerosene to the top of the tank? First find the Riemann sum. 36) Set up, but do not compute, the integral to find the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region bounded by and about a) b)

37) Use calculus to find the volume of a pyramid with height 30 in and square base with sides 10 in if the cross sections parallel to the base are squares. 38) Find the length of the curve from y = 1 to y = 3. 39) A 20 m rope is hanging from a roof. Find the work required to lift the rope up to the roof if its density is 15kg/m. 40) Set up an integral to find the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region bounded by , and the y- axis about using a) shell b) washer (hint: for shell, the integral must be broken up into two pieces)

41) ( 3points) Compute the centroid of the following plates. Assume all the plates have the same density.