Town of Cross Plains Board of Supervisors s1

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Town of Cross Plains Board of Supervisors s1

TOWN OF CROSS PLAINS BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MONTHLY MEETING FEBRUARY 2016 The Board of Supervisors of the Town of Cross Plains held their regular monthly meeting on Monday, February 8, 2016 in the Community Center, 3734 County Road P, Cross Plains. Notice of the meeting was published in the Mt. Horeb Mail and News- Sickle-Arrow on February 4, 2016. Agenda was posted at the Community Center, website and Town Garage on January 28, 2016. Board Members Greg Hyer, Vera Riley, Jeff Baylis, Greg Haack, Paul Correll and Treasurer Bonnie Krattiger and about 12 citizens were present for the regular monthly meeting. Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Greg Hyer. Vera Riley led the pledge of allegiance to our flag. Approval of the Minutes of the January 11 Board Meeting. Motion was made by Greg Haack, seconded by Jeff Baylis to accept the January 11 Town Board minutes as corrected. All Board Members approved. Motion carried. Review of Financial Report and Action on Payment of Bills. Motion was made by Jeff Baylis and seconded by Greg Haack to accept the January 31 Financial Report. All Board Members approved. Motion carried. The list of invoices for payment was reviewed. Motion was made by Jeff Baylis and seconded by Vera Riley to approve payment of invoices including the February tax settlement as it is presented by the Treasurer when they become available and to approve payment of rest of the invoices in the amount of $60,333.53. All Board Members approved. Motion carried. Chair/Clerk Announcements – Clerk: Notice of Honor Ride coming on May 21, 2016. There are 450 participants. Also, Horribly Hilly Hundreds will by June 18, 2016 with 1400 participants. Chair: The last snow on Tuesday that started around 6:00 am was more ice than snow. Timing of this storm caused problems with Middleton-Cross Plains Bus transportation. Other school district had closed for the day. The Town will continue to work at finding a third snow plow driver in order to get three trucks out on the road. Chairman found another source of funds for Stagecoach Road. This money would only be available if the Town decides to widen the road to include sidewalks or bike lanes. Whether the Town will do that still remains to be decided but Chair wanted to be able to have the money available. The funds would not be available until July 2018. The Town is working to hire an engineering firm to look at this process. The next meeting a resolution will need to be acted on regarding applications for monies. The old 2005 plow truck will go to auction soon to get up for sale. Public Participation for three minutes on any item. Alice Drake, secretary for the Board of Trustees for Historical First Lutheran Church. Alice indicated that this is the 150th anniversary for the building of the church. They are planning to rent this community center tentatively on September 10, 2016. The Church plan to celebrate with an antique flee market, German music and German catered dinner. Alice is asking the Board to consider giving them a one day picnic event license and a liquor license to sell beer. All money raised will go to restoration. So far $67,000 has been raised, but it will cost $120,000 to complete the restoration. This celebration is not happening to raise money, however. It is to recognize the 150 years it has been here. Dan Frisch -Oak Valley Estates indicated the issue with plowing has gotten better. Dan also wanted to let the Board know the last part of road repair Scott construction did is coming apart. This is at the bottom of hill. Discussion/Action on engineer responses for rebuild of Stagecoach Road. Chair indicated information was sent to 4 engineering firms to give estimates on the rebuild of Stagecoach Road. Town and Country declined. Jewel did not respond at all. MSA 1 and Strand sent in a proposal. John Solan from Strand presented a proposal indicating there is still a lot of various ways this project could go. Strand has a good understanding regarding the truck traffic, bike traffic and the bridge for Black Earth Creek. Phase One would cost $6,500 to hire Strand. Brad Reents of MSA presented next. MSA has worked with municipal engineers and also has a good understanding of the needs for Stagecoach Road. Phase one would cost about $5,000. The Chair will call a meeting to pick an engineering firm for Monday, February 15, 2016 at 6:00 pm. Action on town resident’s use of road salt for personal use. Dan Brunner wanted to know if there is going to be a policy change. Motion was made by Paul Correll and seconded by Vera Riley to eliminate Town policy of allowing town residents to fill personal containers of road salt. Policy indicated for one container and residents have been filling several containers at a time as well as skid loaders have been seen taking out salt. Shed will be locked at all times. All Board Members approved. Motion carried. Action on Renewal of Contract for Deb Boehnen community center rental management and cleaning. Tabled until next month. Discussion/Review/Action on Ordinance 113 Blasting Ordinance and to adopt an ordinance on Nonmetallic Mining. Motion by Jeff Baylis and seconded by Paul Correll to approve Ordinance 113.2 on replacing Blasting and permit as presented by Jeff Baylis. All Board Members approved. Motion carried. Motion was made by Jeff Baylis and seconded by Paul Correll to adopt a Nonmetallic Mining Ordinance #116. All Board Members approved. Motion carried. Discussion on proposed annexation and urban service area amendment for the Village of Cross Plains. Discussion regarding annexation and urban service area amendment for the Village of Cross Plains. The Chair will write a letter to the Village re- garding concerns as to following protocol and the joint planning agreement and that they have created an island with this annexation. Discussion/Action on driveway permit for Tim and Kathleen Travers off Mineral Point Road. Motion by Greg Haack and seconded by Jeff Baylis to approve the driveway permit for Tim and Kathleen Travers off Mineral Point Road as presented by Chairman, Greg Hyer. All Board Members approved. Motion carried. Action on setting a date for Road Tour/Inspection. Motion was made by Greg Hyer and seconded by Jeff Baylis to set the date for the annual road tour/inspection on Fri- day, April 1, 2016 pending County availability. All Board Members approved. Motion carried. Action on moving March Town Board meeting date. Motion by Greg Hyer and seconded by Vera Riley to approve the March meeting date to be on March 28, 2016 at 7:30. All Board Members approved. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn was made by Greg Haack and seconded by Paul Correll. All Board Members approved. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:59 p.m. Nancy Meinholz, Clerk


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