2006 Aagp Committee Assignments

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2006 Aagp Committee Assignments

AMERICAN ASSOCIATION of GRANT PROFESSIONALS Alexis Park Resort Hotel, Las Vegas, NV April 21, 2006

Board Meeting

I. Call to Order: 6:05 PM

II. Roll Call: In Attendance: Annarino, Hexter, Howard, Linn, Meyer, Parker, Renninger, Sarkiss, Stinson, Turner and ED Vertz. Absent: Pearl

III. Approval of January 2006 Minutes: Renninger/Howard MSP. It was noted that all board minutes are available on the AAGP Board Intranet website).

IV. Financial Report: Treasurer B. Turner distributed all AAGP financials for January through March.

V. Professional Development Training: In tandem with the strategic planning initiative, P. Annarino provided a workshop on the status of the grant profession from the sociological and theoretic framework of “professionalization.”

Meeting adjourned for the evening: 9:02 PM

Meeting re-convened: Saturday, April 22, 2006, 8:00 AM

VI. Executive Director’s Report: Executive Director Vertz distributed a membership accounting by month of membership growth and attrition. Vertz reported that as of April, 2006 AAGP membership was 957. Vertz also distributed her Executive Director’s report which described her activities since January 2006. Highlights of this report included, among others, the move of the National Office from her home to a commercial site, the hiring of a .50 FTE Membership Coordinator, meetings with or attendance at number of AAGP chapter meetings, meetings with the National Grants Management Association and support to AAGP committees.

VI. Conference Update: Vertz and Turner reported:  Tentative schedule on the web. Hexter, Vertz & Turner will talk about scheduling at conference. PG &D commented for an outstanding job.  Description of the presentations: Conference committee is working closely with the Professional Growth & Development committee. Call for invitations done. Keynote speaker will be Steven Nill of the CharityChannel, a long-time supporter of AAGP. Mr. Nill is a composer and singer and will perform as part of his keynote address.  Sponsorships Approximately $4000 has been raised in sponsorships. Biggest obstacle to raising sponsorship dollars is the lack of a 501 (c)(3). Renninger noted that the Foundation Committee is actively pursuing tax-exempt status. Turner asked for continued identification of potential national sponsors.  Marketing/ Attendance: Turner reported that there is a grant information center in Memphis, as well as nonprofits with Birmingham. The Georgia Association of Nonprofits has a mailing list of 8,000 on newsletter & will promote conference.

1 It was noted that in the current AAGP conference policies, the issue of selection of a keynote speaker is not addressed. It was recommended that the National Conference Committee consider the following procedures:

. The Local Conference Committee and the Professional Growth & Development Committee bring forward recommendation for a keynote speaker to the National Conference Committee at least 9 months before a conference. In the event neither committee has a recommendation, the national conference committee will investigate potential speakers and vote on a recommendation. . The Executive Director will follow through on confirming a speaker.

VII. Board Liaison Requesting Board Discussion Or Board Action

1. Executive Committee: The Executive Committee was unable to distribute a written report due to the fact that the hotel did not have a business center. The report will be included with the final minutes. Instead, Annarino gave a brief verbal report that included, among others that the Executive Committee has met monthly to conduct business related to the move to national office, copyright issues; new policies for board member expectations; and evaluation of the Executive Director. The committee brought forth three motions for consideration under “New Business.”

2. Credentialing: Upon request, provided an upcoming time table of credentialing activities and brought forth one motion for consideration under “New Business.”

3. Ethics: The Committee asked the Board’s consideration, feedback and recommendation regarding the committee’s work to develop a process for responding to unethical practices on the part of AAGP members.

4. Long Range Planning: Linn requested that discussion regarding this committee be conducted during or following the strategic planning session.

5. Marketing: Meyer noted that the design guide will be expanded and requested board consideration of a marketing committee presence on the Conference Committee.

6. Nominating: Parker, on behalf of Nominating Committee, requested the Board’s feedback and consideration of the 2006 nominating process being developed by the committee. Discussion included the request: that nominees do not do individual campaigning using the AAGP database; that in the event the nominee is unable to present his/her nomination speech, no other person may substitute in his/her place; and to revise nomination pre-election assurances to include new board assurances. . 7. Professional Growth and Development: Turner requested that scholarship gifts be listed accurately. Discussion also included the concept of the AAGP Foundation assuming responsibility of the Scholarship program in 2007, as well as the use of a template to coordinate marketing of the audio conferences with the Marketing Committee.

8. Research & Authority: Stinson reported that a monograph on the topic of “Professionalization” will be developed and ready for publication in hard-bound

2 copy in September. Stinson requested the board’s input on suggested topics and approaches to the monograph.

IX. Other Board Discussion Items

1. Ends Policies, Means Policies & Procedures: Recognizing that AAGP is quickly moving toward a governance board structure, Howard provided an overview of the Ends Policies, Means Policies and Procedures. Ends policies have been developed for each committee and will be blended into the strategic planning process. Feedback was requested for each of the ends policies as first step. With Ends Policies in place, each committee will revise their respective policies and procedures to insure that actions support the mission. Final adoption of ends policies will be at the November post-conference meeting.

2. Copyright and trademark actions and infringement issues. Annarino, Linn and Stinson discussed the recent use of the AAGP logo, AAGP website text and Chaptering policies procedures by other organizations. Discussion included the need for a watchdog committee, and a cease and desist letter sent to those organizations clearly engaging in AAGP copyright infringement.

3. Bylaws: Howard reported that the Bylaws Committee is reviewing the need for board term limits. At this time, the Committee is recommending a total of two three-year terms be allowed. If appointed for a year to fill in, this would not count on the term limit. After a one-year hiatus then Board member could become eligible for the board again. Maximum would be an eight-year limit. Board term limits would need to be approved by the board first and then go before the membership.

Meeting adjourned for lunch at 12:00 PM.

Meeting re-convened: Saturday, April 22, 2006, 1:00 PM

4. Chaptering Task Force: Parker distributed the Task Forces activities to date and goals for the next several months. The charge of the chaptering task force is: to review all the previous work that has been done on state chapter-national roles and duties; make a working site visit to the national office; and develop procedure recommendations to be referred to the Executive Director. It is the board’s intent to implement as many chapter recommendations as possible while taking into consideration the impact of the rapid growth of chaptering. It is the Task Force’s intention to share their findings and recommendations with the Board and the membership at the November meeting in Nashville.


Meeting adjourned for the day at 5:05 PM

Meeting re-convened: Sunday, April 23, 2006, 8:00 AM

5. Assignment of Ad Hoc Committee: Annarino discussed the need for an Ad Hoc Committee to compile and standardize the myriad of policies and procedures being developed by all of the committees and others. Renninger was appointed chair of this ad hoc committee.

3 6. Solidification of Relationship between three affiliates (AAGP, NGMA, GPCI): Annarino recommended that an ad hoc committee be established to draft a working document that describes the working and financial relationship between the three affiliate organizations, as well as suggested bylaws language.

7. AAGP Foundation: Renninger discussed that the name of the foundation would, at this time, remain the same as stated in its Articles of Incorporation.

8. Relationship between the Executive Director and committee members. Annarino discussed the need to better delineate the relationship between board and committee members and the Executive Director. Currently committees operate at either extreme from no contact to daily contact. It was further discussed that a review of the National Office work load be done to assure that the office has adequate staffing to meet the demands be placed on it by the board and the membership.

XI. New Business

MOTION 1 Move all AAGP conference activities that have national implications to the National Office with a budget item for next year of a staff member. Recommendation from Executive Committee. Turner/Renninger, MSP.

Rationale: The annual conference represents a major source of income for the organization. While, in the past, local committees have been an effective means of providing conference oversight, the continued annual growth, the need for continuity and the development of long-term relationships with national sponsors suggest that many of these functions now belong within the purview of the National Office. The Board recognizes that in order to make this shift in structure, additional staff at the National Office will be required.

MOTION 2 Move that all past, present and future AAGP-related materials be copyrighted with the copyright updated once a year by the National Office, and that once copyrighted, they reflect the “R” for registered copyright. (Recommendation from the Executive committee.) Meyer/Howard, MSP.

Rationale: While the website reflects copyright, most AAGP materials have not been formally copyrighted through the U.S. Copyright Office. It has also been brought to the attention of the board that the AAGP logo, articles, manuals and other print materials are being found on the websites of other organizations without the express permission of AAGP.

MOTION 3 Move that the Board Assurance form be updated to include new language regarding absenteeism and professional board behavior, effective at the November 2006 AAGP Annual meeting. Howard/Linn, MSP. Abstaining: Turner, Hexter

MOTION 4 Move that all AAGP affiliate organizations (GPCI, AAGP Foundation) have bylaws with consistent statement of relationship to each other & to ED with those bylaws and all changes approved by the AAGP board. (Renninger/ Stinson) Motion failed.

4 MOTION 5 Move to change the name of the membership category “charter member” to “legacy member.” Turner/Linn, MSP.

Rationale: There is on-going confusion by AAGP members regarding the dues structure for “charter members” who joined in 1999 and those “chapter charter” members who sign as charter members of a new chapter. It is hoped that a change in name will alleviate this confusion.

MOTION 6 Move to execute a MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) between AAGP and GPCI that describes the financial arrangement for covering credentialing expenses in 2006. Recommendation from Executive committee. Turner/Hexter, MSP.

Rationale: To ensure adequate cash flow for AAGP and clarify use of the funding.

MOTION 7 Move that any request for AAGP’s Excel membership list be approved by the Executive Director prior to its release. Hexter/Renninger, MSP.

Rationale: Due to the increase in the unauthorized use of the AAGP database by individuals for personal gain, the intent of this motion is to exercise greater oversight of this AAGP asset.

MOTION 8 Move to approve Austin, TX as the 2009 AAGP Annual Conference site. Linn/ Meyer, MSP. Opposed: Turner.

Rationale: In keeping with AAGP’s efforts to move its venue site throughout the nation, the 2009 AAGP Conference venue is slated for a mid-America state. Concern was expressed that at the time of this motion Austin did not have an established local chapter.

MOTION 9 Move to approve Harry Jacobs (CA) as the local Conference Chair of the 2008 AAGP Conference in Long Beach, CA. Linn/Meyer, MSP.

Rationale: Mr. Jacobs came with strong recommendation from the Conference Committee.

MOTION 10 Move to accept the draft Ends Policies submitted by the Bylaws Committee for a probationary period of six months, with opportunity for editing and input. Howard/Stinson, MSP.

Rationale: Ends Policies represent the first procedural step in the move toward a governance board.

MOTION 11 Move to allocate $500 to a newly formed Ad Hoc Policies and Procedures Coordination Committee (Linn, Renninger, Stinson, Howard) for secretarial help. Renninger/Stinson, MSP.

5 Rationale: Committee is charged with reviewing existing policies and procedures with the intent of creating consistent manual formatting.

XII. Action Items

1. Appoint following ad-hoc committees. Responsibility: Annarino . Policies and Procedures Chair: Phyl Renninger Committee members: Linn, Stinson, Howard, Vertz

Task: Obtain existing committee policies and procedures, draft a standard template for committees to use to review/submit their committee’s policies and procedures that reflects Ends, Means and Procedures statements, review and make recommendations to Board of Directors and compile into meaningful manual or document to be kept at the National Office.

. Executive Director Evaluation Chair: Annarino Committee members: Linn, Stinson, Renninger

Task: Develop evaluation mechanism for 2006 and new procedure for 2007 that includes specific goal setting tied to performance quality indicators.

. National Office Workload Chair: Linn Committee members: Howard, Parker and others to be determined

Task: Review current workload of National Office to ensure that staffing is adequate to meet the demands of the organization, provide recommendations to National Office and provide report of the outcome to the Board of Directors.

. Relationship of Affiliates Chair: Howard Committee Members: Annarino (AAGP), Renninger (Foundation), Representative from GPCI

Task: Develop a policy statement that describes the intended relationship between the three affiliates, develop basic procedures that describe the role of the AAGP National Office to each affiliate, and draft bylaw language for submittal in each organization’s bylaws that reflect these policies and procedures. Bring findings to the Board of Directors in the form of a motion.

. Defining the Field of Grantsmanship Co-Chairs: Linn, Hexter Committee members: to be determined but should include representation from the membership and GPCI.

6 Task: Based upon data obtained via the strategic planning process, GPCI, and the Foundation.

2. Develop database to track through which membership avenue new members join AAGP (e.g., via a chapter, directly to National, via conference registration, etc.). Responsibility: Vertz

3. Revise new and renewal membership form to include more demographic information. Stinson to send Vertz updated membership categories by May 8, 2006. Responsibility: Vertz

4. Revisit a student membership category. Stinson to provide Vertz with definition of “student” as developed by the Research and Authority Committee. Responsibility: Stinson and Vertz

5. Develop new membership benefit that provides AAGP members (and others) with a web page to promote their product or goods. As part of development process, determine cost to member and cost to non-member. Include AAGP disclaimer. Responsibility: Vertz

6. Develop a mechanism to track AAGP member in-kind/volunteer time given to AAGP. Responsibility: Turner will send a suggested template to Vertz for development. Responsibility: Vertz and Turner

7. Draft an AAGP Article to be placed in various stakeholder publications such as “Nonprofit News” regarding what is a professional and ethical organization. Article could be tied to current article be written regarding how to select a grant consultant. Responsibility: Stinson

8. Develop monograph on the topic of “Professionalization” will be developed and ready for publication in hard-bound copy in the September. Responsibility: Stinson

9. Review AAGP website to ensure that each major section of the website, as well as all other printed documents include statements that prohibit the unauthorized use of AAGP, GCPI, Foundation logos, text and other graphics. Responsibility: Vertz

10. Monitor other websites to ensure that plagiarism and copyright infringement of AAGP and its affiliates is not occurring. Draft policy statement for inclusion on website that speaks to AAGP’s position on plagiarism and unethical behavior. Responsibility: Meyer

11. Complete the trademark process for AAGP. Responsibility: Meyer

12. Complete the trademark process for GPCI. Responsibility: Stinson

13. Provide comprehensive Credentialing report at the next Board of Directors meeting. Responsibility: Annarino

14. Target new memberships in Puget Sound, South Florida (Pinnellas County), and Arizona where grant groups are organized. Solicit permission to promote AAGP conferences, surveys, etc. Responsibility: Vertz

7 15. Begin process of identifying and moving those local conference planning activities that require more National Office oversight to the National Office, including the coordination of conference sponsorships. Responsibility: Stinson

16. Revise Board Assurances to include new professional practices language and send to Parker (nominating) for dissemination to Board candidates. Responsibility: Howard

17. Ensure on nominees candidate form that it specifies that the candidate is required to sign Board Assurances upon election to the Board. Responsibility: Parker

18. Request an article from the Ethics Committee for the upcoming Monograph on professional ethics. Responsibility: Stinson

19. Send information regarding Communities of Practice to the Professional Growth and Development Committee. Responsibility: Stinson

20. Develop mechanism whereby a member of the Local Conference Committee is also a member of Professional Growth and Development committee, that a member of the Professional Growth and Development Committee be a part of the National Conference Committee, that a member of the Marketing Committee serve on the National Conference Committee and that the Executive Director be a part of the Professional Growth and Development Committee during the selection of conference presenters. Responsibility: Vertz

21. Revise Conference policies and procedures to reflect the ability of a Local Conference Committee to request funding for local conference committee administrative support. Responsibility: Vertz and Turner

22. Retain a slot each year in the conference schedule to train new state reps and state chapters, with the understanding that established protocols for presenter submission are followed. Responsibility: Hexter

23. Research the feasibility of subcontracting with an individual to provide marketing expertise to the Marketing Committee and the National Office. Responsibility: Meyer

24. Develop templates and a timeline for developing AAGP Conference marketing materials. Responsibility: Meyer

25. Research term limits for Board members and draft new potential language to describe the term-limits. Responsibility: Howard

26. Provide information to the National Office regarding binding of the Annual Report. Responsibility: Renninger

8 Next board meeting- Wednesday November 8, 2006, 8:00 AM- 4:00 PM and Saturday November 11, 2006 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Loews Vanderbilt Hotel, Nashville TN.

Meeting Adjourned: 11:00 AM.

Full board meeting minutes available upon request.

Respectfully Submitted, Karen Stinson, Secretary


June Board committee members provide her some ideas of what to be evaluated with. This first one is more casual but future ones more formal. Look through minutes for 2 years but base on only one year.

Look through scope of work (Contract and minutes with action steps to get the board directives)

October Give Gail a form to share with her and use in 4-5 months as actual evaluation tool. Interview assessment For next contract generate resource development activities; national partnership organizations Get non-profit mailing status

Convert to data base to get members and what they are doing ACCESS data base. Need the same thing on finances for data base. Need Membership data base that is ACCESS to get data out and get information.


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