Words for Production

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Words for Production

Table of Contents

Unit 1 She Says/He Says

Unit 2 When Fifteen Meets Fifty

Unit 3 Great Food at Night

Unit 4 New Technology in an Old World

Unit 5 Free Hugs for All

Unit 6 Imagining a Better World

Unit 7 The Rebel God

Unit 8 Welcoming the New Year 1 She Says/He Says ■ Words for Production 1. emotion n. [C] 情緒,感情 同義 feeling  Love is a strong emotion. emotional  adj. 情緒的,情緒化的  Ian is very emotional, and he doesn’t hide his feelings at all.

2. upset  adj. 難過的,心煩的 同義 sad, worried  Angus was so upset about breaking up with his girlfriend that he did not eat anything for a whole day. upset  vt. 使難過,使心煩 (upset-upset-upset) 同義 worry Jill always looks happy. It seems that nothing can upset her.

3. reveal vt. 透露 同義 show 反義 hide  We didn’t know Lisa had won the game because she never revealed this news to us.

4. secret n. [C] 秘密  Meg was in love with Bill, but no one knew about it because it was her secret. secret adj. 秘密的,保密的  My boss went to a secret meeting. In our company, he was the only person who knew what it was about.

5. tease vt. 取笑 同義 laugh at, make fun of  Kevin always teases me about my big front teeth by calling me “rabbit.”

6. planet  n. [C] 行星 Is there life on any other planets besides the Earth?

7. ridiculous adj. 荒謬的,可笑的  Tom looked ridiculous in that T-shirt, so I couldn’t help but tease him.

8. mean adj. 刻薄的,無情的 同義 cruel, unkind  It was mean of Jasper to make fun of you in such an unkind way.

9. control vt. 克制 (情緒等);控制 (control-controlled-controlled)  You have to control yourself, though you are so angry at Rick that you might want to hit him.  Until today, no one can really control weather. control n. [U] (情緒等的) 克制;控制  After I heard the bad news, I lost control of my emotions and began to cry.  The meeting went well because our boss had everything under control.

10. attention n. [U] 注意,留心  I was too sleepy to pay attention to what the teachers were saying this morning.

11. right n. [C] 權利  You have the right to share your ideas, and I have the right to disagree with you.

12. talkative adj. 愛說話的,喋喋不休 的  I thought Ester was a quiet person, but now I think she is quite talkative.

13. anyway adv. 無論如何  I’m sorry that you didn’t have fun at the party, but thank you for coming anyway. 14. distance n. [U] 疏遠;距離  There is still some distance between Sue and me. We aren’t close friends.  My school is some distance from my home, so it’s impossible for me to walk there. distant adj. 疏遠的;遠的  Rita and I were friends, but we became distant after the fight.  Someday, in the distant future, I might visit Italy again. ■ Words for Recognition 1. gosh  interj. 天啊 2. buddy  n. [C] (informal) 朋友,夥伴 3. online game n. [C] 線上遊戲 ■ Idioms and Phrases 1. ups and downs (informal) (生活中) 高低起伏 (的事) Like most families, we have had our ups and downs. That’s life. 2. figure out 理解 同義 know, understand  Jack is trying to figure out what’s wrong with his computer so that he can fix it. 3. even if 即使 I’m going to study in the library later, even if there is no test tomorrow. 4. pay attention to 注意 Pay attention to your teacher when you are in class. 5. drive…crazy 將……逼瘋  The loud noise from the market almost drove me crazy on Sunday morning. 6. go on 繼續 同義 keep on We went on working after dinner, though we all wanted to go home. 7. keep one’s distance 保持距離,疏遠 Ben has kept his distance from me because I have lied to him.

2 When Fifteen Meets Fifty ■ Words for Production 1. classic adj. 經典的 Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeare’s classic plays.

2. romantic  adj. 浪漫的  Many people were touched by the romantic love story. romance  n. [C] 戀愛,羅曼史  Linda met a handsome man in Hawaii this July, but she said it was just a summer romance. 3. thoughtful adj. 體貼的,關心的  It was thoughtful of you to bring me breakfast this morning.

4. gradually adv. 逐漸地 同義 slowly  In June, the weather gradually gets hotter and hotter in Taichung.

5. immediately adv. 立即,馬上 同義 instantly, at once, right away 反義 later  Roy must have been waiting for my call by the phone, because he answered the phone immediately. immediate adj. 立即的,馬上的  Although there’s no immediate danger from the old bridge, it won’t be completely safe until it is rebuilt.

6. necklace  n. [C] 項鍊,頸飾  The gold necklace that Mrs. Harrison is wearing looks very expensive.

7. perfect adj. 完美的  The weather is perfect today, so we will go on a picnic later. 8. trust vt. 信任,信賴  I believe that Amy will take good care of my cats while I’m away, so I trust her with this job. trust n. [U] 信任,信賴  Thank you for putting your trust in me, but I’m not sure if I can do everything you want me to do.

9. café n. [C] 咖啡館,小餐館  We only had some sandwiches at a café because we didn’t have time for a full meal.

10. recognize vt. 辨認出,認得  I didn’t recognize Elle because she had really changed a lot.

11. slip vi. 悄悄地滑動;滑 (倒) (slip-slipped-slipped)  Oscar slipped into the classroom, hoping that the teacher wouldn’t see him coming late.  The floor is wet. Please be careful or you might slip.

12. instead adv. 反而  Jessie didn’t answer my questions. Instead, she started to cry. 13. scream n. [C] 尖叫聲 同義 shriek  When the movie star showed up, his fans gave loud screams of excitement. scream vu. [C] 尖叫,尖聲說 同義 shriek  I screamed for help when all the lights in the house went out during the earthquake.

14. probably adv. 可能,大概  Frank was probably very upset after the death of his friend, though he never talked about his feelings. ■ Words for Recognition 1. chat room  n. [C] (網路) 聊天室 2. bald  adj. 禿頭的 3. beer-bellied adj. 脾酒肚的 4. (my) goodness interj. (colloq.) (我 的) 天啊 ■ Idioms and Phrases 1. surf the Net 上網 Tom spends most of his time chatting online and surfing the Net. 2. fall in love (with…) 愛上 (某人) 反義 break up  Derek fell in love with Janet, but Janet didn’t have the same feelings for him. 3. in person 親自,當面 I was asked to go to the post office to pick up the package in person. 4. try on 試穿 I tried on several dresses to see which one looked best on me. 5. let out 發出 (聲音)  Tammy hit her foot on the door and let out a cry of pain.

3 Great Food at Night ■ Words for Production 1. actually adv. 其實,實際上 同義 in fact  Actually, we didn’t have dinner; we just ate some snacks on our way to the airport.

2. roughly  adv. 概略地,粗略地  I’m roughly the same age as Ivy. She is only a few months older than me. rough  adj. 概略的;粗糙的  You probably haven’t decided what to do tonight, but could you give me a rough idea of what it might be?  The stone floor is rough, so it’s not very comfortable to sit on.

3. produce n. [U] 農產品  The supermarket sells fresh fruit, vegetables, and other kinds of produce, such as eggs, milk, and cheese. produce  vt. 出產,生產 同義 make  This kind of red wine is produced in France and sold to the world.

4. recent adj. 近來的,最近的  Kelly has put on much weight in recent months; she was thinner the last time I saw her. recently  adv. 近來,最近  I haven’t seen Mac for over a year. Recently, however, I did get an e-mail from him.

5. decade n. [C] 十年,十年期間  No one has moved in or out of this town in the last decade, so the number of people here has changed little during the last ten years.

6. main  adj. 主要的  When you go out at night, the main thing is to stay safe. Nothing is more important than that. mainly adv. 主要地  I couldn’t sleep mainly because I was so excited about the trip, but that cup of strong coffee was also the reason.

7. continue  vt.; vi. 繼續,持續 同義go on, keep on 反義stop  Meg continued to do her homework after she finished talking with Ted on the phone.  The heavy rain started in the morning and then continued all day long.

8. available  adj. 可買到的,可得的  Susan didn’t buy the dress because it was not available to her in a larger size. 9. variety n. [C] (usu. sing.) 各式各樣; [U] 變化性,多樣性  Although Kim’s store is small, there are a variety of things available.  Life is full of variety—every day is different. various  adj. 各式各樣的 同義 different  Davis has various reasons for not finishing his homework. He always gives his teachers different excuses.

10. stroll vi. 閒逛;漫步  After dinner, we went for a walk and strolled along the beach.

11. through  prep. 通過,穿越  Last summer, Tom traveled through the U.S.A. by train.

12. prefer vt. 較喜歡,偏好 (prefer-preferred-preferred)  In my free time, I prefer reading to watching TV.

13. colorful adj. 多采多姿的;色彩繽 紛的  Nick wants his life to be more colorful, so he’s been trying new things to make it more interesting.  The beautiful garden is full of various kinds of colorful flowers.

■ Words for Recognition 1. coffin toast  n. [U] (食物) 棺材板 2. shrimp roll  n. [C] 蝦捲 3. large-pancake-enfolding-small-pancake  n. [C] 大餅包小餅

4. hallmark n. [C] 特點,標誌 5. stinky tofu  n. [U] 臭豆腐 6. oyster omelet n. [C] 蚵仔煎 7. pearl milk tea  n. [U] 珍珠奶茶 8. stall n. [C] 攤子,攤位 ■ Idioms and Phrases 1. come to life 變得活躍 This street is quiet during the day, but it really comes to life at night. 2. once in a while 有時候 同義 sometimes, from time to time, now and then  We prefer to eat at home, but we still go out to eat once in a while. 3. roughly speaking 大致上來說 Roughly speaking, there are about ten bookstores in this city. 4. a variety of 各式各樣的 I have pens in a variety of colors, like bright green, dark pink, and light gray. 5. take one’s place 取代某人 (的位置)  We need someone to take Vera’s place because she won’t be able to be on the show next week. 6. put on 打開 (燈等) 同義 turn on  I went home, put on the TV, and watched it until midnight. 4 New Technology in an Old World ■ Words for Production 1. technology  n. [U] 科技  Modern technology has made people’s lives more convenient.

2. suit  n. [C] 套裝  Louis wore a business suit for his first day of work.

3. unique  adj. 獨特的 同義 special, unusual  The smell of stinky tofu is unique; it is different from the smell of any other food.

4. mostly  adv. 多半,通常 同義 usually  I listen to rock ’n’ roll mostly, but I sometimes listen to soft music, too. 5. travel  vi. 旅行  Dan traveled to the United States and visited some of his friends there. travel  n. [U] 旅行  Carla enjoys foreign travel because she loves to learn more about the world.

6. electricity  n. [U] 電  The table lamp runs on electricity. electric  adj. 電的,電動的  Since the power is cut off, I don’t think you can play the electric guitar.

7. refuse  vi. 拒絕 同義 reject 反義 accept  Helen is my good friend, and she never refuses to help me out when I am in trouble.

8. conflict  vi. 衝突  Joe’s ideas often conflict with mine, so we seldom agree with each other. conflict  n. [C][U] 衝突,爭論  It is common that there are conflicts between parents and their teenage kids.  The two families stopped fighting after three years of conflict. 9. traditional  adj. 傳統的  It is traditional in Taiwan to eat moon cakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival. tradition  n. [C] 傳統 同義 custom  Because of the family tradition, my family doesn’t eat beef.

10. values  n. (pl.) 價值觀  Ivy and I have the same values—we both believe that life should be simple. value  n. [U] 價值  We do not know the value of being healthy until we are sick. valuable  adj. 貴重的  The most valuable thing in my bag is my cell phone.

11. therefore  adv. 因此,所以 同義 thus  I’ve never been to Taidong; therefore, I can’t tell you where to visit there.

12. divide  vt. 分成;隔開  To play the game, the teacher first divided the class into four groups.  A river divides the old part of the city from the new part.

13. occasionally  adv. 偶爾 同義sometimes  I called Sean occasionally after we went to different high schools. occasion  n. [C] (特殊) 場合  Susan seldom wears skirts. She only wears them on important occasions. occasional  adj. 偶爾的  After leaving his hometown, Mike makes occasional visits to his parents there.

14. gather  vi. 聚集;vt. 收集,集中  We gathered around the TV to watch the baseball game.  Frank gathered his books together and put all of them into a box.

15. anywhere  adv. 無論何處  The Taipei Metro is convenient, and I can go anywhere I like by taking it.

16. peace  n. [U] 平靜  After a busy week, Amy spent her weekend at home in peace. peaceful  adj. 平靜的  Teri looked so peaceful in her sleep that I didn’t want to wake her up. ■ Words for Recognition 1. Amish  n. [C] (pl.) (the ~) 阿米許人 Amish  adj. 阿米許 (人) 的 2. Pennsylvania  n. (美國東部) 賓 夕法尼亞州

3. carriage  n. [C] 馬車 4. answering machine  n. [C] 電 話答錄機 ■ Idioms and Phrases 1. at all times 一直 同義 always When children are swimming, parents should watch them at all times. 2. not…at all 一點也不……  I could not eat anything at all because my stomach hurt. 3. stop…from… 阻止 The bad weather didn’t stop Paul from going out to meet his friends. 4. whether…or not 無論……與否,不管 Whether I like it or not, I’m asked to go to bed before 11 p.m. 5 Free Hugs for All ■ Words for Production 1. hug ] n. [C] 擁抱  Tina welcomed me at the door with hugs and kisses. hug  vt. 擁抱 (hug-hugged-hugged)  The little girl hugged her mother tightly and would not let her go. 2. personal  adj. 私人的;個人的  Peter seldom talks about his personal life, so I know very little about him.  From my personal experience, I know it is possible to finish reading a book in one day.

3. arrival  n. [U] 抵達  With the arrival of the superstar at the theater, the fans started to scream with excitement.

4. terrible  adj. 使人煩惱的,可怕的 同義 horrible 反義 wonderful  When Andrea heard the terrible news, she could not help but cry.

5. comforting  adj. 安慰的,令人欣慰 的  It is comforting to know that you’ll be there for me when I feel lonely. comfort  vt. 安慰  I comforted the crying boy and helped him find his mother. comfort  n. [U] 安慰,慰藉  Kathy tried to say some words of comfort to Zack after his team lost the baseball game.

6. sign  n. [C] 告示牌,標誌  The sign says “No Parking,” so you can’t park your car here. 7. choose  vt. 挑選,選擇 (choose-chose-chosen) 同義 select  I chose this restaurant out of the others because it has excellent food and good service.

8. seek  vt. (formal) 尋找 (seek-sought-sought) 同義look for, search  Many people these days seek love on the Internet.

9. physical  adj. 身體的  Ricky has some physical problems. He often says his neck and back hurt.

10. contact  n. [U] 接觸,碰觸  When Laurie’s hand came into contact with mine, her face turned red.

11. ignore  vt. 忽視,忽略  Leon ignored the fact that he was not rich and bought a sports car anyway.

12. miracle  n. [C] 奇蹟  It’s a miracle that no one was hurt in the serious accident.

13. crash  n. [C] 相撞,墜毀  More than two hundred people died in the plane crash last night. crash  vi. 撞毀  The car slid out of control and crashed into the back of a truck.

14. part  vi. 告別,分開  My father gave me a hug and then we parted at the airport.

15. simply  adv. 僅僅,只不過 同義only, just  I didn’t go to the party simply because of the rain last night.

16. suggest  vt. 建議,提議  Elisa suggested that we hold a party to celebrate Michael’s birthday. suggestion  n. [C] 建議,提議  Does anybody have any other suggestions for our trip to Kaohsiung?

17. campaign  n. [C] (政治、社會等的) 運 動,活動 同義movement  The students at the school started a campaign against second-hand smoke. campaign  vi. 發起活動  The group has campaigned to save Taiwan’s forests.

18. offer  vt. 給予 同義give  The company offered a new job to Zoe, and she decided to take it. offer  n. [C] 提議 同義 suggestion  Thank you for the kind offer of help, but I think I can move the box on my own. ■ Words for Recognition 1. Australian  adj. 澳大利亞 (人) 的 2. Sydney  n. (澳大利亞城市) 雪黎 3. London  n. (英國首都) 倫敦 4. cardboard  n. [U] 厚紙板 5. marker  n. [C] 麥克筆,記號筆 ■ Idioms and Phrases 1. go away 消失 The best way to make the problem go away is to deal with it right away. 2. at first 起先,一開始 同義 in the beginning  At first, I didn’t like Charlie. However, after I got to know him better, I began to like him. 3. (be) in need of 需要 同義 need Ray was in need of help because he lost his job last week. 4. make a difference 有重大影響 The invention of electricity has made a big difference in people’s lives. 5. end up 最後變成,以……結束 If David goes on smoking like that, he will probably end up dead before he turns 40. 6 Imagining a Better World ■ Words for Production 1. imagine  vt. 想像  I have never met my online friend in person, but I always imagine him as a handsome boy. imagination  n. [U] 想像力  When I read a story, my imagination always helps me build pictures of what is happening in my mind.

2. wonder  vt. 想知道  I wonder if Lisa can finish that difficult job on her own.

3. creative  adj. 有創造力的  The students were really creative; they put on their own show with very interesting ideas. create  vt. 創造  Teenagers in Taiwan today have created many new words of their own, which are sometimes known as “Martian language.” creativity  n. [U] 創造力  An artist must be a person with a lot of creativity.

4. invent  vt. 發明 同義 create  In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone by accident. invention  n. [C] 發明物;[U] 發明  The computer is an invention that has changed the world.  Because of the invention of the cell phone, we can contact our friends at any time and in any place. inventor  n. [C] 發明者,發明家  Thomas Alva Edison is the inventor of the light bulb.

5. occur  vi. (formal) 發生 (occur-occurred-occurred) 同義 happen  The earthquake that occurred this morning caused four traffic accidents.

6. economy n. [C] 經濟  If a country’s economy grows, then the people who live there may not have so many money problems. economic  adj. 經濟的  When economic growth is strong in a country, the people are usually more willing to buy things.

7. tough  adj. 艱難的 同義 difficult, hard  Because Larry’s English wasn’t that good, he had a tough time during his first year in England.

8. location  n. [C] 地點,場所;位置  We are looking for an apartment in a good location, with a library and a park close by.  This map doesn’t show the location of the new department store, so I’m not sure how to get there. locate  vt. 使座落於  The famous chocolate company located their first café in a big shopping center. 9. wheel  n. [C] 輪子  The front wheel of my bike had a problem as I was riding to school.

10. type  n. [C] 型式,類型 同義 kind  Jazz is the type of music that Mandy likes very much.

11. narrow  adj. 窄的 反義 wide  The streets are very narrow in that area, so it’s not easy to park a car there.

12. metal  n. [U][C] 金屬  The new door is made of metal; it’s heavier and stronger than the old one, which was made of wood.  Gold is one of the most valuable metals in the world.

13. vision  n. [C] 理想,遠景;[U] 視力  Edith has a vision of how she can make more money and use it to travel around the world.  Lucy was born with poor vision, and she has been wearing glasses since she was five.

14. reality  n. [C][U] 實際存在之物,現實  An inventor is able to make a dream become a reality. realize  vt. 意識到;實現  I didn’t realize that I had said something rude to Irene until her face went red because of anger.  After years of hard work, Zoe finally realized her dream of becoming an excellent dancer.

15. challenge  n. [C] 挑戰  My mother decided to take on the challenge of learning English, though she knew it would not be easy. challenge  vt. 挑戰  I always challenge myself to try new things to test my ability.

16. apparent  adj. 明顯的  It is apparent that Cindy likes light colors; she seldom wears anything dark. ■ Words for Recognition 1. Wall Street Crash  n. (the ~) (美國) 華爾街金融風暴

2. Atlantic City  n. (美國紐澤西州 東南部) 大西洋城

3. power plant  n. [C] 發電廠 4. tag  n. [C] 標籤 5. Monopoly  n. (遊戲) 地產大亨(又稱 大富翁) 6. president  n. [C] 董事長;總統 7. JD Corporation  n. (the ~) 臺灣久鼎金屬股份有限公司 8. scooter  n. [C] (小型) 摩托車;滑板車 9. handlebar  n. [C] (usu. pl.) 腳踏車 把手

10. aluminum  n. [U] (金屬) 鋁 ■ Idioms and Phrases 1. pay a visit to 造訪 同義 visit We drove to Taichung to pay a visit to the famous night market. 2. start out (以某身分或某事等) 開始  Tom started out as a taxi driver, but he is now a successful businessman. 3. since then 從那時起 (至今) Last month, Tony and I had a big fight, and we haven’t spoken to each other since then. 4. take ages 花很長的時間 It usually takes ages to find a parking space in Taipei City. 5. get around 到處走動  I like to take buses to get around in this big city. 6. A be made from B 以 B 做成 A It’s interesting to see how paper is made from wood. 7. come onto the market 上市 (販售) The iPhone came onto the market in Taiwan at the beginning of 2009. 7 The Rebel God ■ Words for Production 1. human  n. [C] 人類 同義 human being  Being able to use words is one big difference between humans and animals. human adj. 人類的  If you want to be a doctor, you have to study the human body first.

2. including prep. 包括  The price of the hotel room is NT$3,000 per night, including breakfast. include vt. 包括 同義 contain  My trip to the city included a visit to the museum.

3. raise vt. 飼養 (動物),養育 (孩子),栽培 (植物);舉起  Last summer, Scott worked on a farm and helped raise cows and sheep there.  If you have any questions, please raise your hand.

4. crop  n. [C] 農作物  As a farmer, Mr. Davis spends most of his time taking care of his crops every day.

5. branch  n. [C] 樹枝  We need some branches to build the campfire.

6. protect  vt. 保護  Carrie wore a hat to protect her face from the sunlight. protection  n. [U] 保護  It is commonly believed that taking vitamin C gives people protection against flu.

7. wild  adj. 野生的  There are many wild animals in the mountains, and some of them are quite dangerous.

8. rule vt. 統治 同義govern  The king has ruled the great country for ten years. ruler  n. [C] 統治者  After the queen died, the prince became the ruler of the country.

9. powerful  adj. 有權威的,權力大的  The United States is one of the most powerful countries in the world. power  n. [U] 權力,影響力  Although Charlie is thirty years old, his parents still hold a lot of power over him.

10. punish  vt. 懲罰  The teacher punished me for not doing my homework by making me stand in the back of the classroom. punishment  n. [C][U] 懲罰  Jill had to clean the floor as a punishment for being late to school again.

11. chain vt. 用鏈條栓住  After getting off his bike, Steve parked it and chained it to a post. chain  n. [C] 鏈條  There is a chain on the door, so I can’t open the door and enter the room.

12. suffer  vi. 受折磨;vt. 遭受,蒙受 (痛苦、 損失等)  Since Joyce suffers from bad health, she is unable to work.  The factory suffered heavy losses from the typhoon and closed down. suffering  n. [C][U] 折磨,痛苦  The people of Taiwan will not forget the suffering which was caused by the 921 earthquake in 1999.

13. hero  n. [C] 英雄  Mark saved the little girl in the river and became a hero in his town.

14. respect  vt. 尊敬,敬重  Ms. Ryan was respected for having great knowledge of world history. respect n. [U] 尊敬,敬重  Amber has respect for her brother because he is an honest person.

15. sacrifice  vt. 犧牲  James, a brave soldier, sacrificed his life to protect his country. sacrifice  n. [C][U] 犧牲  Rita’s parents made many sacrifices so that she could get a good education. ■ Words for Recognition 1. rebel  n. [C] (對權威的) 反抗者 2. Greek  adj. 希臘 (人) 的 Greek  n. [U] 希臘語;[C] 希臘人 Greece  n. 希臘 3. Prometheus  n. (希臘神) 普羅米修 斯

4. civilization  n. [U] 文明 5. Zeus  n. (希臘神) 宙斯 6. vulture  n. [C] 禿鷹 7. liver  n. [C] 肝臟 8. Hercules  n. (希臘英雄) 海格利斯 ■ Idioms and Phrases 1. in addition 另外 同義 additionally, besides  Sarah can speak both Chinese and English. In addition, she can speak Greek. 2. care for 照顧 同義 look after, take care of  Kathy is a nurse, and her job is to care for the sick.

3. catch fire 著火  Please put out the campfire, or the dry leaves around it might catch fire. 4. pass by 經過,路過 If you pass by a café, please buy me a cup of coffee. 5. set free 釋放……,使……獲得自由  Justin opened the cage and set the bird free. 8 Welcoming the New Year ■ Words for Production 1. celebration  n. [C] 慶祝活動  Many cities around the world have big celebrations on New Year’s Eve.

2. slam  vt. 把……砰地關上 (slam-slammed-slammed) 同義 close, shut  Steve slammed the door behind him angrily as he left the house.

3. lock  vt. 鎖住 反義 unlock, open  Helen parked her car and locked it before going into the store. lock  n. [C] 鎖  I turned the key in the lock and then pushed the door open.

4. midnight  n. [U] 午夜,子夜  Teresa got home at midnight because she stayed late at work tonight.

5. clap  vt.; vi. 拍手,鼓掌 (clap-clapped- clapped)  Children often clap their hands when they are happy.  We clapped loudly at the end of Tom’s excellent speech.

6. meaning  n. [U] 意義;[U][C] 意思  To Emily, having a baby has given more meaning to her life.  If you move this word, the meaning of the sentence will be a little different.

7. alike  adj. 相似的  Jason and I are alike in many ways. For example, we are both tall, and we both have short black hair. alike  adv. 相似地  Don’t get so upset about what Andy said. After all, not everyone thinks alike.

8. decorate  vt. 裝飾  The baker decorated the cake with strawberries and pieces of dark chocolate.

9. clown  n. [C] 小丑  A clown’s job is to make people laugh.

10. magician  n. [C] 魔術師  In the show, the magician pulled a rabbit out of a hat.

11. perform  vt. 表演,演出  Our English teacher asked us to perform a play in her class next month. performance  n. [C] 表演  The school’s English Club will give a performance of Romeo and Juliet tonight. 12. trick  n. [C] 戲法,把戲  The magician can do many magic tricks, including cutting a person in half. trick  vt. 欺騙 同義 fool  Sarah tricked me into believing she was rich, but she was actually poor.

13. temple  n. [C] 寺廟,寺院  When people have problems in their lives, some go to a church, while others go to a temple.

14. sunrise  n. [C] 朝霞,日出景色; [U] 日出,黎明 同義 dawn, daybreak 反義 sunset  In Taiwan, many people go to Mt. Ali to watch the beautiful sunrise.  As a farmer, Edward begins to work at sunrise every day.

15. receive  vt. 收到 同義 get, gain 反義 give  Sam received an e-mail from his old friend Tommy.

16. adult  n. [C] 成人  The movie that we are going to see is for adults, not for children. ■ Words for Recognition 1. Africa  n. 非洲 2. Europe  n. 歐洲 3. Asia  n. 亞洲 4. Igbo  n. (奈及利亞境內種族) 伊格博人 5. Nigeria  n. (非洲西部共和國) 奈及利 亞

6. Russia  n. 俄羅斯 7. Moscow  n. (俄羅斯首都) 莫斯科 8. Kremlin  n. (the ~) 克里姆林宮 9. Grandfather Frost  n. (俄羅斯的) 聖誕老人

10. dumpling  n. [C] 餃子 11. Japan  n. 日本 Japanese  n. [C] 日本人 12. buckwheat  n. [U] 蕎麥 ■ Idioms and Phrases 1. all over the world 世界各地  Chinese people all over the world celebrate the Chinese New Year holiday in almost the same way. 2. take a look at 看一下  I took a look at the jacket and said it wasn’t mine. 3. keep…away (使) 不靠近  Remember to keep the children away from sharp knives. 4. in the middle of 在……當中 There is an island in the middle of the lake. 5. clean up 整理,打掃 同義 clean, clear out I spent a whole afternoon cleaning up my room because it was quite dirty. 6. send away 送走 Mr. Lin sent his daughter away to school in the United States. 7. stay up 熬夜 Betty never stays up late; she always goes to bed before 10:30 p.m. 8. wake up 醒來 Kirsten likes to wake up early and exercise before going to work.

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