Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost

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Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost


Prelude Hymnal 674 “Forgive our sins as we forgive” Hymnal 674 Hymnal 400 Procession “All creatures of our God and King” Hymnal 400 Hymnal 516 “Come down, O Love divine” Hymnal 516 Hymnal 376 “Joyful, joyful, we adore thee” Hymnal 376 THE LITURGY OF THE WORD Rite I Rite II BCP 323 Opening Sentences BCP 355 BCP 339 Post Communion Prayer (in unison) BCP 365 BCP 324 The Gloria Hymnal S280 Hymnal 347 Procession: “Go forth for God” Hymnal 347 Dismissal Postlude Insert Collect for the Day Insert Insert The First Lesson Genesis 50:15-21 Insert NEXT WEEK’S LESSONS Insert Psalm 103:1-13 Insert Jonah 3:10-4:11 * Psalm 145:1-8 Insert The Second Lesson Romans 14:1-12 Insert Philippians 1:21-30 * Matthew 20:1-16 Sequence: “Judge eternal, throned in splendor” Hymnal 596 Insert The Gospel Matthew 18:21-35 Insert The flowers on the Altar are given to the glory of God and in memory of their parents, Mr. & Mrs. Warner Jackson Kettles, Jr. and Sermon Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Campbell by Jack and Pat Kettles. BCP 326 The Nicene Creed BCP 358 BCP 328 Prayers of the People – Form VI BCP 392 BCP 330 Confession & Absolution BCP 360 The Peace Lay Ministers Today 8:00 10:30 THE HOLY COMMUNION Eucharist Ministers: Mike Phillips Billy Davis Connie Freeman Glenda Barker

Lectors: Chris Waddle Aubrey Irwin Offertory Anthem Jane Wood Jack Wallace The Presentation “The Doxology” (vs. 3) Hymnal 380 Intercessors: Perry Reynolds Faith Dorn BCP 333 The Great Thanksgiving BCP 367 Ushers: Jimmy Striplin Rick Dawson BCP 334 Sanctus and Benedictus Hymnal S124 Gillian Bond Alan Green BCP 336 The Lord’s Prayer BCP 364 Greeters: Bea Holman Russ Jackson BCP 337 Fraction Anthem Hymnal S154 Acolytes: David Hudson, Maren Russell Marella Hudson, Hayes Farrell, Emily Jones Altar Guild: Cy Dempsey Josephine Ayers Christmas Clearing House Volunteers Needed – Our church is responsible for interviewing on Friday, October 20th from8:30 to 1:00. sign up sheet is posted on the bulletin board outside the office. We need 15 volunteers. Please help. CONNECT WITH GRACE

Peanut Butter Sunday is the last Sunday of each month. Please place donations in the clear bin at the back of the church of in Tyler Hall. All donations will be distributed on Beans & Rice GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Saturday. Many thanks from the Outreach Committee. September 17, 2017 ECW Lunch and Program in Tyler Hall on Monday, September 18 @ 11:45 A.M.

Parish Party at Lauren Waltz’s on Friday, September 22 at 5:30 p.m. – 1300 Booger Hollow Rite I 8:00am Road. Casual dress. Children welcome. Bring a favorite dish to share and whatever you want to drink. If lost, call 717-574-9612. Cash/Check donations for hurricane Harvey victims will be Rite II 10:30am accepted.

Grace will be hosting the 128th Diocesan ECW Fall Conference on October 6-7th and will be overseeing a Silent Auction to be held during the conference. The auction proceeds will go to the ECW Scholarship Program which is open to any communicant of the diocese who meets the eligibility requirements – it is based on need, church involvement and merit. Donations of new or “like new” items for the auction would be very much appreciated. Please call Jane Wood or Carol Sok if you would like to make a donation or need additional information. Thank you and God Bless.

The Rt. Rev. John McKee Sloan, Bishop The Rev. Dr. Lee F. Shafer, Priest 256-452-9941 [email protected] The Rev. Dr. David Whetstone, Deacon Perry Reynolds, Sr. Warden 256-453-6477 Christina Dorn, Dir. Christian Formation & Comm. Billy Davis, Jr. Warden 256-405-3456 Glenda Barker, Parish Secretary Steve Simmons, Music Director Gena Vinyard, Organist

SUNDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Holy Eucharist Rite I 8:00am Bible Study & Breakfast 7:30am Evening Prayer 5:30 pm Breakfast 9:00 am (starting 9/18) Stitch ‘n Stitches 9:00 a.m. Supper & Programs 6:15pm Sunday School 9:30am Holy Eucharist & Unction 11:30am (See calendar for Programs) Holy Eucharist Rite II 10:30am 1000 Leighton Avenue at Tenth Street Anniston, Alabama Phone: 256-236-4457

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