Killing Lincoln Text-Based Questions

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Killing Lincoln Text-Based Questions

Killing Lincoln, B. O’Reilly Grade 10 (Incoming) Name: Chapter 1-5 Describe the relationship between General Grant & Pres. Question that assesses Lincoln. Use evidence from the text to support your conclusion. themes and central ideas of chapter Question that assesses p. 34 “Composure and propriety are crucial for any effective knowledge of vocabulary fighting force.” What do the words “composure” and “propriety” mean in the context of this sentence, paragraph, and/or chapter? Questions that assesses Chapter 1 ends stating, “The man with 13 days left on earth syntax and structure is pacing.” After reading this chapter, why do you think Lincoln is pacing on the deck of the River Queen?

Chapter Summary

Chapter 6-8 Question that assesses What did Lincoln find when he entered Richmond, Virginia? themes and central ideas What or who caused the destruction? Why is that significant? of chapter Where did Lincoln sit in the Confederate White House? What Question that assesses does that illustrate about Lincoln’s feelings towards his structure of the text of opponents? Cite evidence from the text to support your chapter conclusion.

Questions that assesses Why do you think one soldier stated, “It is the cruelest marching syntax and structure order the commanders had ever given the men in four years of fighting.”

Chapter Summary

Chapter 9-11 Question that assesses Which side wins the battle for High Bridge? In what ways is this themes and central ideas result going to be significant to the history of the Civil War? Cite evidence from the text to support your conclusion. of chapter

Question that assesses What is the difference between cavalry and infantry? knowledge of vocabulary Questions that assesses Question: Why do you think General Rosser grins after receiving syntax and structure the order to “capture or destroy the (Union) detachment, even if it takes the last man of your command to do it.”

Chapter Summary

Chapter 12-13 Question that assesses Judge with evidence from the text Custer’s decisions in chapters themes and central ideas 12 & 13. Determine his success and/or failures based on what of chapter you read.

Question that assesses p. 73 “Seeing his forces trudging back toward him, lee grabs a knowledge of vocabulary battle flag and holds it aloft.” What does aloft mean in this ssentence? Questions that assesses Why does this day becomes known as the Black Thursday of the syntax and structure Confederacy? Chapter Summary

Chapter 14-17 CHAPTER TITLE (if appropriate) pp. __ - ___ What are the terms of the surrender of the Confederate Army? In the 1 Question that assesses immediate hours after the surrender of Lee’s Army, what is the themes and central ideas atmosphere in Washington D.C. and the surrounding area? of chapter or 1 Question that assesses structure of the text of chapter 1 Question that assesses What is does reconciled mean in the following sentence? “Meanwhile, the knowledge of vocabulary reconciliation is beginning” (O’Reilly, 83). 1 Questions that What is the mood the author is conveying in regards to the surrender of assesses syntax and Lee’s Army to Grant? What is so unique about this particular surrender? structure

Chapter 18-21 CHAPTER TITLE (if appropriate) pp. __ - ___ How does Booth’s attitude change upon hearing that Lee and the 1 Question that assesses Confederates have surrendered? Explain his new plan for President themes and central ideas Lincoln. Why has he decided to change his plan during this moment. of chapter or 1 Question that assesses structure of the text of chapter 1 Question that assesses What is the difference between Dixie and Yankee in the following knowledge of vocabulary sentence? “He can almost hear the beloved strains of “Dixie” being belted out so heretically by a Yankee band” (O’Reilly 91). 1 Questions that Has the tone of Lincoln changed since the surrender of the Confederates? assesses syntax and Explain your reasoning. structure

Chapter 23-24 Question that assesses How does General Ulysses Grant save the nation $4 million per themes and central ideas day? of chapter Question that assesses P 125. The author describes the relationship between Secretary knowledge of vocabulary of War Edwin M. Stanton and Lincoln. How does the author’s use of the words “stump” and ‘beanpole” act as a metaphor in this paragraph? Questions that assesses What does it say about Lincoln, that he “trust (Edwin) Stanton’s syntax and structure counsel and uses him as a sounding board when tough decisions must be made”…knowing that Stanton was his political rival and voted against him in 1860? Chapter Summary

Chapter 25-26 Name the four men who are conspiring to assassinate President Question that assesses Lincoln: themes and central ideas 1. of chapter 2.


4. How does the author characterize their involvement in the plot? Question that assesses p. 133 “But right now the would-be assassins feel they are they knowledge of vocabulary only ones who can right the grievous wrong.” What does the word grievous mean in this sentence and how does this word choice strengthen what the author is trying to say about the point of view of the would-be assassins? Questions that assesses How is George Atzerodt blackmailed by Booth to commit syntax and structure murder? Chapter Summary

Chapter 27-28 Question that assesses Why is Booth and Lucy Hales’ engagement “doomed” from the themes and central ideas start? of chapter Questions that assesses What “commonplace” activity that occurs in the Whitehouse syntax and structure ends on this date? Chapter Summary

Chapter 29-32 Question that assesses Based on the book and assassins’ plot, do you think Lincoln themes and central ideas would have been assassinated if he had gone to see Aladdin, or of chapter The Wonderful Lamp that night? Why or why not? 1 Question that assesses What do the authors mean when they call the United States “the knowledge of vocabulary world’s most ascendant nation?”

Chapter Summary

Chapter 33-34 Question that assesses How does the author use Lincoln’s interactions with secondary structure of the text of characters to reveal his character traits, especially at this point in chapter the story? Cite evidence from the text to support your conclusion.

Question that assesses P 176 “His intent is just a cursory peek at the storied ironclad, knowledge of vocabulary with its massive round turret constituting the deck’s superstructure.” What is the meaning of cursory in this sentence? Questions that assesses Would you want John Parker to be your bodyguard? Why or why syntax and structure not? Use evidence from this chapter to support your answer. Chapter Summary

Chapter 35-43 Question that assesses What do Booth’s final actions leading up to the assassination themes and central ideas reveal about his character? Use evidence from the text to explain of chapter your conclusions.

Question that assesses P 185 “Arnold was a staunch backer of Lincoln’s during the war’s knowledge of vocabulary darkest hours…” What does the word staunch mean in this sentence? Questions that assesses Critique the author use dialogue following the assassination and syntax and structure Booth’s escape? What mood and tone is created by the series of quotes? Chapter Summary

Chapter 46-47 CHAPTER TITLE (if appropriate) pp. __ - ___ Summarize the scene in and around Ford’s Theater in the moments after 1 Question that assesses the fatal shot was fired. What were some of the problems that the themes and central ideas responders had to deal with. of chapter or 1 Question that assesses structure of the text of chapter 1 Question that assesses What is meant by the term reservoir in the following sentence? “And the knowledge of vocabulary brain is also a reservoir of Lincoln’s nightmares” (O’Reilly, 229) 1 Questions that What effect does the information on the brain have on the reader on page assesses syntax and 229? structure Chapter 48-56 CHAPTER TITLE (if appropriate) pp. __ - ___ Explain the physical and mental state of John Wilkes Booth and the other 1 Question that assesses conspirators in the days after the assassination based on the events that themes and central ideas occurred. What effect does this have on him being caught? of chapter or 1 Question that assesses structure of the text of chapter 1 Question that assesses What is the author implying when stating “This is the last moment in knowledge of vocabulary Lewis Powell’s life when he is able to move his arms freely” (O’Reilly 255). 1 Questions that What literary device is the author using when talking about George assesses syntax and Atzerodt he states “The twenty-one year old drifter who stumbled into the structure conspiracy and stumbled right back out without harming a soul hangs by the neck until dead” (O’Reilly 261).

Chapter 57-62 CHAPTER TITLE (if appropriate) pp. __ - ___ Summarize the way in which Layfette Baker and his cousin Lieutenant 1 Question that assesses Luther Baker track down John Wilkes Booth and David Herold. Where themes and central ideas were Booth and Herold headed and where were they found? of chapter or 1 Question that assesses structure of the text of chapter 1 Question that assesses Define the word depravity used when Lafyette Baker is quoted as saying knowledge of vocabulary “If any place in the world is utterly given over to depravity, it is Port Tobacco” (O’Reilly 267). 1 Questions that What is the message the author is trying to convey in the last sentence of assesses syntax and the novel? After you finished did you feel that there was a message in the structure last sentence?

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