Part V-The Rescue

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Part V-The Rescue


Everyone is dressed on formal wear for the party that night. The men are in tuxedoes and the women in dresses. There are two limousines parked in the driveway. BRANDON turns to everyone.

BRANDON Everyone know the plan?

STEVE Yeah. We’ve got it. When is Silver meeting us?

BRANDON At the party. We’re gonna blow the roof off this place.

KELLY I hope so. Dylan and Brenda’s lives depend on us.

ANDREA You think this will work, Brandon?

BRANDON It has to work, chief.

From inside the limo, MATT gets out of the front, dressed as a chaffeur, and smiles at everyone. He opens the back door for someone to get in.

NOAH emerges, dressed as a chauffeur, from the other one. NOAH then walks around and opens the back door of one of them.

JESSE You should think about a career change, guys. Those outfits are you.

MATT Don’t get used to it. It’s only to get me into the party and find Gina.

KELLY But it’s dangerous.

VALERIE We’ve got to help Dylan and Brenda somehow.

CLARE Everyone knows their part. Now, let’s get moving.

DONNA Dylan and Brenda aren’t getting any more comfortable.

NOAH Climb on in, guys.

Everyone begins getting into limos, splitting up into separate groups. MATT and NOAH close them into the car and get back inside.

EXT/INT. MARCHETTE ESTATE There are several guests arriving through the doors, wearing formal clothing and arm-in-arm with their dates. The estate is fancifully decorated. Long tables full of pre-dinner snacks, waiters and waitresses wandering here and there with champagne trays, workers upon the stage, etc.

TOMMY ROSE is overseeing the party from the balcony with GINA on his arm, looking depressed.

TOMMY Tonight is our night, Tina. Everything I have been planning for years is finally coming to fruition.

GINA So, where is your friend? You know, Tony something or other? I thought for sure he’d be here since its his house and all.

TOMMY He’s not a public person. He’s very private.

GINA What’s the big plan you’ve come up with that took years to come to fruition?

TOMMY Nothing you should concern yourself with, Tina.

GINA Is it legal?

TOMMY Tina, sometimes in the business world, you have to get your hands dirty to make a name for yourself. Let’s just say that after tonight, Tom Rose will be the savior of Los Angeles and Tony will be rich beyond belief.

GINA Hmmm. It just seems a shame to let Tony reap all the benefits of your hard work. If, as you denied it, this is an illegal deal, shouldn’t you be worried that Tony would want to get rid of everyone who knows his part in it?

TOMMY Tony? He would never do that to me. We’re old friends.

GINA Yeah. You’re right. He’s probably been loyal to all of his friends in the past.

TOMMY Well...

TOMMY gazes out into the crowd as GINA studies his face, which is now full of worry. LOU enters from behind and taps TOMMY on the shoulder.

LOU Mr. Rose. Mr. Marchette would like to see you.

TOMMY Thanks, Lou. I’ll be back, Tina.

TOMMY kisses her on the cheek and exits the scene as GINA smirks.

INT. THE STUDY TONY MARCHETTE is there, impatiently pacing back and forth. TOMMY ROSE walks in, a look of concern on his face.

TOMMY The party is beginning.

TONY You should never have planned this without consulting me first.

TOMMY Hey. It’s a celebration.

TONY Do you realize that I’m committing a felony downstairs in my basement?! What if one of those nosy reporters go snooping around the estate?

TOMMY Then they will be taken care of, permanently.

TONY Maybe the only one around here who needs to be taken care of permanently is you.

TOMMY stares with anger at TONY.

TOMMY Is that a threat?

TONY What do you think you could possibly do if it is? I own you, Tom. Without me, you would lose everything. Don’t be surprised if you don’t pay for your mistake in holding a stupid party here in the middle of my plans. If you have any trouble, I’ll be in hiding.

TONY turns and grabs a book on the bookshelf. The entire shelf moves to reveal a secret passageway. TONY watches TOMMY as the floor rotates TONY around to the area behind the shelf, closing the passage.

A mirror and select furniture are now in place and part of the room. TOMMY stares with hatred at the mirror.

TOMMY Don’t you ever threaten me again.

INT. SECRET PASSAGEWAY TONY has removed a section of the books and is staring at TOMMY through a two-way mirror.

TONY Just get the deal done and your purpose will be served, Mr. Rose.

TONY gives an evil smile.

EXT. THE MARCHETTE ESTATE Two limousines pull up and are followed quickly by the emergence of MATT, who opens up the back doors for STEVE, CLARE, JESSE, and ANDREA.

JESSE Wow. There are a lot of people here.

ANDREA I guess we’d better get inside and be ready to play our part.

JESSE See you inside, guys.

JESSE and ANDREA walk up to the door, where a BODYGUARD is standing.

BODYGUARD Welcome, Mr. District Attorney.

JESSE Thank you.

JESSE and ANDREA walk into the estate, hand in hand.

From the other limo, NOAH has emerged and is letting BRANDON and KELLY out of the vehicle. STEVE I hope we get in there soon. I feel useless standing out here doing nothing.

CLARE You are useless, and doing nothing has never made you feel that way before.

BRANDON and KELLY enter with STEVE and CLARE.

STEVE What is your problem?

CLARE Excuse me?

STEVE Was slower better for you?

CLARE I was just shocked that you finished a sentence all on your own.

BRANDON Wow. The memories of you two dating is flowing right back.

STEVE You’re such a bitch sometimes. I swear, you had some problems putting me down all the time when we were together, but keep in mind that I’ve been married and you’re still all alone.

CLARE I don’t want to get married.

STEVE Good. You’d probably be hard-pressed to find someone to marry you with your attitude.

CLARE At least I won’t ever trap anyone into marrying me by getting them pregnant.

BRANDON and KELLY look stunned by that comment.

STEVE You’d have to trap someone with your personality.

CLARE Is that so? STEVE I don’t see anyone beating down your door. But, wait. You chose your father over a boyfriend. People have to wonder about the nature of that relationship.

CLARE’S mouth gapes open.

CLARE That is so sick. My daddy has no one to take care of him.

STEVE Oh, my God. How did he survive before you were born?

CLARE What is your problem?

STEVE My problem? You mean besides my wife’s untimely death? Well, that aside, my problem with you is that you gave us up and left. Now, you just come back and criticize my life? My response? At least I had one to criticize.

CLARE I don’t have to listen to this.

CLARE exits. STEVE looks guilty.

STEVE Clare? You can’t get in without my press pass!

STEVE walks after her quickly as BRANDON and KELLY shake their heads.

BRANDON Well, we’re all gonna die.


BRANDON and KELLY walk after them as BRANDON takes out his press pass. MATT and NOAH nod at each other, get into the limos, and drive towards the parking area.

EXT. THE MARCHETTE MANSION TRACY GAYLIAN is there with a camera crew, a camera man filming her on the steps.

TRACY Hi. I’m Tracy Gaylian, and I am live at the biggest party in Los Angeles, celebrating what may be the return of a major football franchise to our city of angels. Since the Los Angeles Rams and the Los Angeles Raiders both moved to St. Louis and Oakland, respectively, we have been without a National Football League team to entertain us every Sunday. Mr. Tom Rose, a well-respected business man, who also dabbles in Hollywood movie- making, has reportedly all but inked a deal to start an expansion team and build a new stadium in Los Angeles. This is big news to many, especially since Mr. Rose, who also has shares in the Los Angeles Kings hockey team, is not even a resident in the big city, but instead resides in Palm Springs. Many feel he is a savior to the California community. It is expected that the announcement made at the party tonight will be the finality of that business arrangement that will change the face of sports as we know it. The list of people here at this party is a who’s who of the community, who have all been gracious enough to make the arrangements to travel here to Hawaii to celebrate this great day. We will be continuing coverage well in the late hours of the night. Back to you.

The camera cuts off. TRACY looks at the camera man.

TRACY Piece of cake. Let’s go in.

The camera man lowers his camera to reveal the face of DAVID SILVER.

DAVID We owe you.

DAVID follows TRACY into the party.

INT. PARKING GARAGE MATT and NOAH climb out of their limousines and meet each other at the side of the cars.

MATT You ready?

NOAH Yeah.

They walk around to the back of the limos and pop the trunks open. DONNA and VALERIE emerge from the trunks, dressed in their dresses. VALERIE kisses NOAH.

VALERIE So far, so good. MATT You guys find Dylan and Brenda. I’m going to figure out a way to get Gina out of there.

DONNA I’m with you, Matt. Like it or not, she’s my family.

MATT Good luck, guys.

NOAH You, too.

MATT and DONNA exit as NOAH and VALERIE creep away in a different direction.

INT. MARCHETTE ESTATE-UNDERGROUND PRISON DYLAN and BRENDA are in their cell. Suddenly, a television lowers from the ceiling into their cell in front of them. DYLAN and BRENDA look in curiosity as the TV flickers on.

DYLAN What the hell is this?

As the TV comes on, the party is seen on the screen.

INT. JACK MCKAY’S CELL TONY MARCHETTE enters the cell, the door closing behind him. He pulls out a remote control and presses a button, pointing it upwards. JACK, still chained into shackles in the corner, watches as a television lowers into his room. He frowns.

TONY Tonight is the night, Jack. Tonight, the deal you tried to stop so heavily will finally be signed, sealed, and delivered. Over ten years of work comes to a head. Thanks to you.

JACK You’re insane.

TONY You’re insane if you thought you could betray me and get away with it. I want you to see, with your very own eyes, the deal go through and your attempts to stop me fail before I end your life and this family feud once and for all time.

JACK You still have hell to look forward to, Marchette.

TONY You first. I’ll be back later to send you there.

TONY turns and exits, as JACK stares at the party on televsion.

INT. THE PARTY CLARE is walking quickly away from STEVE, who stops CLARE and turns her around, looking at her.

CLARE What?!

STEVE Are you okay?


STEVE Listen, Clare. I was a little rough outside. I’m sorry.

CLARE No. I think I deserved it. I really don’t have any right coming back after 4 years and criticizing you.

STEVE You never had a right, Clare. You just criticized.

CLARE frowns.

CLARE Did I do that a lot? Put you down, I mean?

STEVE looks at her.

STEVE Yes. You did. It hurt my feelings a lot, too. I never could understand why you were being so mean to me, but I just put up with it, because that’s how my father treated me all my life.

CLARE Steve, I am so sorry. Unless I change that about myself, I’m always going to be alone.

STEVE Your expectations are hard to live up to, Clare.

CLARE Why have you been so nasty to me lately? I wanted to help you. You’re hurting, Steve. I know that, but why have you been lashing out at me?

STEVE Because I’m feeling bad enough already without you making me feel worse.

CLARE You didn’t even give me the chance. Is that all you remember? The bad things we said to each other? We had a lot of good times, too, Steve, or have you forgotten those?

STEVE I’m sorry, Clare. You know how they say that we hurt the ones we love the most? That’s why I’ve been mean to you. I need to keep you away. You hurt me very badly before and on top of Janet dying, I don’t need you trying to get close to me again.

CLARE I’m not trying to start a relationship with you, Steve. I just want to be your friend, and you won’t let me.

Tears form in STEVE’S eyes.

STEVE I know. But, in all reality, I don’t think I could ever be just friends with you again. I loved you too much before and if I let that happen again down the road, I’m afraid you would just end up hurting me again.

CLARE That’s down the road. You’re a long way from being able to love again, Steve. I just want to be your friend. That’s all. I mean, we haven’t even spoken once since I left for Paris. You never returned my phone calls or answered my letters. You hurt me just as much as I hurt you.

STEVE Did I? I don’t think so.

CLARE Explain why you have moved on and I haven’t.

STEVE My guess is that you regret making the decision you made, but there’s no going back. You made a decision and it was final. I’m not the type to sit around and cry forever. I move forward.

CLARE And you will again, and I want to be there when you do, through good times and bad.

STEVE Clare, I’m still reeling from Janet dying. I can’t even think about that now.

CLARE I know, but I’m telling you right here and now, that when you are ready, I’m going to be around, and I will never hurt you again.

STEVE Don’t wait around, Clare. You’ve been stuck in a standstill for too long.

CLARE Nature will take its course. I’ll let fate decide. Besides, no one has ever made me spark like you did. We were total opposites, but we were great for each other.

STEVE It makes you wonder how we ever got together in the first place.

CLARE smiles.

CLARE I still hate you.

STEVE I still hate you more.

CLARE That’s not possible.

STEVE Believe me, it is.

CLARE I’m sorry about every time I have ever put you down, Steve.

STEVE Apology accepted. BRANDON and KELLY enter from behind.

BRANDON Geez, guys. Couldn’t wait up for your amigoes back here?

STEVE Sorry, bro. We needed to talk.

KELLY Everything okay?

CLARE For once, I think they are.


BRANDON studies the crowd and sees reporter PETER RAITT talking to someone. CLARE notices the icy glare.

CLARE Who’s that?

BRANDON Peter Raitt.

CLARE Who’s Peter Raitt?

BRANDON A reporter I know. Won the Pulitzer Prize one year.

KELLY He’s an arrogant ass, Clare. He once promised a friend of mine a favor and never followed through. A mentally challenged friend whom he referred to as a ‘retard’.

BRANDON Or how about that same day when he promised me a co-written article between the two of us and totally blew me off because he got a lead on a more important story? The story was on none other than Tom Rose and this very deal. He then told me I didn’t have what it took to make it the business. I’d love to take him down with this whole thing. I’d be willing to bet he’s in this thing up to his ears.

The foursome stares at PETER as he walks in the direction.

INT. DYLAN AND BRENDA’S CELL DYLAN stares at the party scene on his new television screen, seeing various bigwigs.

DYLAN That’s here. They’re in this house.

BRENDA How do you know?

DYLAN I know this house. This was Toni’s house.

Suddenly, they see GINA onscreen. DYLAN looks at BRENDA and smirks.

DYLAN Gina’s still here. She’ll help us. I know she will.

BRENDA She must have really cared about you a lot to be putting herself in danger like this.

DYLAN I guess.

BRENDA But you didn’t care about her?

DYLAN It’s not that I didn’t care about her. It’s just that I didn’t love her, and probably never would have.

BRENDA She’s very pretty.

DYLAN Yeah, but that works in her favor. You never really know what she’s up to. She’s kind of like Valerie in that respect.

They hear the clang of a door as the flames of the wall torches jump a bit. DYLAN looks out to see TONY MARCHETTE walking down the corridor towards his cell.

ANTHONY MARCHETTE enters and walks down the corridor to their cell. He turns to DYLAN and BRENDA.

TONY I hope you two are comfortable for the show.

DYLAN Comfortable? That’s a good one. Why aren’t you at your little party, Marchette? Not feeling social tonight?

TONY It’s not time for my resurrection yet. I will rise from the ashes soon, but not tonight. Tonight, all the heartache and pain of the last ten years will reach a satisfying conclusion. Jack’s testimony will be worthless when he is found dead tomorrow, along with his son, daughter (who we will find) and of course, Brenda here, and I will become a billionaire.

BRENDA This has all been about money?

TONY Of course. Everything is about money, Brenda.

DYLAN Does that include murdering your own daughter?

TONY If I could change that, I would. But, I can’t, and life must go on. Casualties were inevitable, Dylan. Antonia, Colin Robbins, that nosy Japanese tabloid reporter. All of them got in my way and paid the price.

DYLAN Janet. Janet Sosna Sanders. That was her name. Remember it, because there was no excuse for killing her. None! And the darkest deeds we do all come back to get us in the most wicked of ways.

TONY smiles.

TONY How profound. Trust me, Dylan. Nothing will get me, because I am a master of wicked ways.

DYLAN The more of my friends you kill, the more cruel and unusual your punishment will be.

DYLAN and TONY lock gazes.

TONY Let the games begin. TONY turns and exits as DYLAN and BRENDA watch.

INT. THE PARTY BRANDON and KELLY are looking around at all the GUESTS, along with STEVE and CLARE. PETER RAITT steps into the picture, a smug look on his face.

PETER Brandon Walsh. It’s been such a long time. Last I heard, you had accepted a job in Washington. Sorry to see that didn’t work out for you.

BRANDON Actually, I’m still there. Just visiting some friends. So, how’ve you been? Let’s see. Last time we saw each other, you royally screwed me over. Must have been keeping that Pulitzer warm.

PETER Walsh, I tried to tell you that this business is dog eat dog. You just never learned.

BRANDON You see, Peter. That’s where you’re wrong. I have learned a few things, and after tonight, you’ll be awed at the skills I have truly picked up.

KELLY Later, retard.

BRANDON and KELLY exit the scene as PETER smirks at STEVE and CLARE. He reads STEVE’S press pass.

PETER The Beverly Beat? I guess they’re not too picky on who they let in here, eh?

STEVE What’s that supposed to mean?

PETER Tabloids. Nothing against you, pal. You have to make living. I just prefer to report real news, not make it up.

CLARE Well, pardon me for interrupting, but from what I hear about you, Steve has more integrity reporting on the Loch Ness monster than you will ever have in real life. I’m going to get some punch. Excuse me. STEVE You heard the girl. Outta her way.

CLARE exits as STEVE follows close behind. PETER watches them go and rolls his eyes.

PETER Amateurs.

EXT. THE PARTY ROOM From the door emerges MATT DURNING, now dressed in a tuxedo, along with DONNA. He looks around at all of the GUESTS.

MATT Come on, Gina. Where are you?

DONNA Just blend in. We’ll find her.

MATT and DONNA exit.

INT. THE HOUSE NOAH and VALERIE are walking down a hallway, quiet as they can.

NOAH Erica said there were secret passages all over the place.

VALERIE How do we find one?

NOAH Good question.

VALERIE looks around the empty hallway and at the picture of Tony Marchette on the wall. It seemingly stares down at them.

VALERIE This house was lived in by someone else after Marchette, right?

NOAH I think so.

VALERIE So, why is there still a painting of him here?

NOAH Good question.

NOAH walks over to the picture and looks at it. He starts feeling around the edges of the picture as VALERIE grabs the candlestick, bending it forward.

The door opens in the middle of the wall. NOAH and VALERIE smile at each other. NOAH You’re a genius.


NOAH and VALERIE enter the secret passageway as the door closes behind them.

INT. SECRET PASSAGEWAY NOAH and VALERIE glance down some stairs as torches line the walls on either side.

NOAH I feel like I’m in some kind of Gothic novel.

NOAH and VALERIE begin to walk down the stairs.

INT. PARTY - THE PUNCH BOWL CLARE is drinking some punch. Someone walks up behind her and we see a hand extend a napkin to her as she dribbles a bit. CLARE turns to look at the face of GRIFFIN STONE (Season 5).

GRIFFIN Fancy meeting you here.

CLARE At the punch bowl? What’s so weird about that?

GRIFFIN smiles.

GRIFFIN Beautiful and quick-witted. I like that. I meant the party. You’re Clare Arnold. Right? Your father was the chancellor of California University?

CLARE Yeah, and you’re Griffin Stone, the man who burnt down half of California.

GRIFFIN Good. You remember me. You know, I woke up this morning, sad and lonely, hoping that some beautiful woman would walk into my life and make me the luckiest man in the world by going out with me.

CLARE I do hope she comes along any minute now.

CLARE starts to leave, but GRIFFIN blocks her path and smiles.

GRIFFIN I don’t give up easily.

CLARE You should.

GRIFFIN Nothing can stop a persistent man with a dream.

CLARE Really? Well, keep dreaming.

CLARE turns and exits. GRIFFIN smiles arrogantly and follows her.

INT. THE PARTY BRANDON and KELLY are slow-dancing on the dance floor.

KELLY Brandon, I can always tell when you really want to succeed at something.


KELLY You’ll dance to get it.

BRANDON laughs. Suddenly, several PHOTOGRAPHERS and REPORTERS run past them as TOM ROSE appears at the top of the stairs, along with GINA KINCAID on his arm. LOU is in standard bodyguard position as he follows them down. BRANDON and KELLY watch them as they walk down the steps. Pictures flash and reporters are yelling questions to them.

BRANDON What the hell is Gina doing?

KELLY I don’t know.

BRANDON Should we talk to her?

KELLY I don’t know. She’s your girlfriend.

BRANDON Ha, ha. I’ll bet she knows where Dylan and Brenda are.

KELLY Stick to the plan, Brandon. That will take us straight to them.

INT. THE PARTY MATT, with DONNA, sees TOMMY and GINA entering the party. He looks worried as she glances over in his direction. She smiles at him. He holds an intense gaze on her. DONNA Matt, she looks okay.

MATT Looks can be deceiving.

INT. THE SCRET PASSAGEWAY NOAH and VALERIE are creeping along the corridors.

VALERIE I don’t see anything but torches and walls.

NOAH They’re here. This is just like Erica described.

Suddenly, some lights cut on. RONNIE is standing behind them, holding a gun on them.

RONNIE I’m afraid for you, the party is over.

NOAH acts like he surrenders, but throws an elbow back towards RONNIE’S face. RONNIE dodges the blow and cracks NOAH on the head, sending him to the ground in a heap.

VALERIE reaches out and grabs the front of the gun as RONNIE aims it down at NOAH.


RONNIE shoves VALERIE back into the other side of the wall. NOAH stands and decks RONNIE with a right. RONNIE staggers backwards.

NOAH charges him and rams him against the wall, but RONNIE knees NOAH in the stomach, causing him to double over. RONNIE then spins through the air and connects with a spinning kick to NOAH’S face, knocking him back down to the ground.

RONNIE grabs his gun as several GUARDS enter the scene, aiming their guns at NOAH and VALERIE.

NOAH Don’t try anything, Val. We’ll get out of this.

RONNIE Not likely. Come on. We’re going to see Mr. Marchette.

RONNIE and his GUARDS lead NOAH and VALERIE away.

INT. THE PARTY STEVE is drinking a beer at the bar. He finishes one off and sets the glass down. A WOMAN’S VOICE is heard behind him.

WOMAN Hello, lover.

STEVE perks up, frowning.

STEVE No way.

He turns. Standing there is ELLE (the transvestite).

ELLE Have you missed me?

STEVE Elle! Oh, my God.

ELLE How’ve you been, stud?


STEVE laughs.

STEVE Elle! Oh, my God. What are you doing here?

ELLE I’ve known Mr. Rose from Palm Springs for a long time.

STEVE Oh, my God. Elle!

STEVE laughs again.

ELLE You’re acting so scared of me, Steven. You weren’t so scared of me before.

STEVE Don’t say that out loud. I thought you were a woman.

ELLE Sure you did.

STEVE You look like a woman! But, ew, you’ve got equipment down there. I’m going to be sick. Excuse me.

STEVE covers his mouth and runs away. INT. THE PARTY TRACY GAYLIAN, who is standing by the entrance broadcasting as DAVID flims her.

TRACY There is rumor abuzz the area that a major surprise is brewing for tonight concerning the football team announcement. What will this surprise be? This reporter knows, and is going to be here when the ball drops. Back to you guys.

DAVID cuts off the camera and smiles, lowering the camera.

DAVID They’re gonna be so mad at you when this thing is over.

TRACY Too bad they’ll be in prison.

TRACY and DAVID move further into the party.

INT. THE PARTY GINA is standing to the side as TOMMY is speaking with several GUESTS. MATT emerges from the crowd and walks up to her as DONNA watches from a distance.

MATT Why are you still carrying on this charade, Gina?

GINA They have Brenda here, Matt. And Dylan, too. I know where they’re keeping them.

MATT looks over and sees BRANDON and KELLY.

MATT Hopefully, this plan will work. Noah and Valerie are searching the grounds now. When Brandon provides the distraction, show me to Dylan and Brenda so that we can all go home.

GINA I can’t seem to shake Tom. I’m going to have a hard time slipping away unnoticed.

TOMMY walks over and looks at MATT.

TOMMY I thought you were told to leave her alone back in Palm Springs. MATT I don’t always do everything I’m told.

TOMMY When the order is given by Tom Rose, you had better start to learn, kid.

MATT stares at TOMMY with intensity.

MATT I’m a slow learner.

TOMMY smiles. He walks over to a couple of swords displayed on the wall. He takes one off and looks at the blade.

TOMMY You see this sword, kid. It could cut right through a watermelon without even slowing on impact.

TOMMY waves the sword in MATT’S face, a swooshing sound echoing in front of MATT’S face. MATT doesn’t even blink. TOMMY smiles.

TOMMY Pretty bitchin’ stuff, huh?

MATT Totally.

TOMMY I’ll bet I could slice right through that head of yours and you would never even feel it.

MATT If you want to try it with a room full of witnesses, be my guest.

TOMMY No. It’s not a fair fight. I’d have a weapon and you wouldn’t. I want to play fair.

MATT (to Gina) Maybe one day. Right now, I want you to come with me.

TOMMY She doesn’t want to come with you.

TOMMY acts like he is stabbing MATT, who jumps a little. TOMMY laughs.

GINA Matt, I’m fine. Go back to having a good time. Okay? MATT looks at GINA hesitantly.

TOMMY She said to leave, stalker kid. Don’t make me get security up here.

MATT Fine.

MATT turns and walks away. TOMMY smiles and places the sword back in its cradle.

TOMMY Some people just can’t take a hint, huh? Come on. The entertainment is about to begin.

TOMMY leads GINA away as MATT reaches DONNA, who looks at him with fear.

DONNA That didn’t look too good.

MATT The guy’s a psycho. We have to get her away from him.

INT. THE DANCE FLOOR BRANDON and KELLY are still slow-dancing as CLARE enters, tapping KELLY on the shoulder.

CLARE Have you guys seen Steve? This guy has been following me around and won’t take ‘no’ for an answer. I need someone to act as my date, unless I can borrow Brandon.

BRANDON laughs.

KELLY I don’t like to loan him out. I seem to keep losing him.

GRIFFIN enters.

GRIFFIN There you are. I have been looking all over for you.

BRANDON and KELLY look at CLARE strangely.

CLARE Why don’t you get lost?

GRIFFIN Because underneath all of your defensive nature, you are secretly not wanting me to give up on you.

CLARE Okay, listen. You...are a moron.

GRIFFIN I love it when a girl puts me in my place. You’re so sexy.

CLARE rolls her eyes as STEVE enters and sees GRIFFIN.

STEVE What the hell are you doing here?

GRIFFIN smiles.

GRIFFIN Sanders. I figured when I saw Walsh that your head would remove itself from his ass and make an appearance eventually.

STEVE Clare, is this guy bothering you?

CLARE Immensely.

GRIFFIN Clare. Such a beautiful name.

CLARE Write it down, because you’ll want to remember it one day when you remember me as the girl who got away.

STEVE Speaking of going away, why don’t you, Stone?

GRIFFIN Boy, you guys sure are lame. I’m going to find me a real woman.

GRIFFIN turns and exits. CLARE looks at STEVE.

BRANDON He hasn’t changed a bit. He inherited his father’s company after he passed away and Stone Realty has their name all over this illegal deal by selling all the property. He’s not a boy scout.

KELLY He needs a lesson taught, I think. STEVE I’m not worried about him. You know who else is here? Elle.


BRANDON thinks. The realization hits him.


BRANDON laughs.

KELLY Who’s Elle?

CLARE Steve’s Palm Springs honey.

STEVE She was not! I mean, he wasn’t!

KELLY I don’t get it.

BRANDON Elle was a transvestite that Steve had a thing with.

KELLY Gross.

STEVE I didn’t know. Okay?

CLARE Well, at least you could get rid of her. Griffin followed me around.

STEVE Griffin Stone is scum.

KELLY Definite scum. If only we could bring him down a notch or two...

STEVE arches an eyebrow.

STEVE I think I’ve got a crude idea.

CLARE What else is new?

STEVE But I think you’ll like this one. Follow me.

STEVE and CLARE exit.

BRANDON Let’s get this show on the road.

INT. SECRET STUDY PASSAGEWAY - THE ROOM BEHIND THE MIRROR NOAH and VALERIE are sitting in chairs, looking disheveled and helpless as their hands are tied behind their backs. The door from the dark hallway opens and TONY MARCHETTE walks in, followed by RONNIE.

NOAH and VALERIE look up to see TONY staring at them with frustration.

TONY I know you, don’t I, Miss?

VALERIE Refresh my memory.

TONY A friend of Dylan McKay’s, am I correct? You came to Antonia’s funeral.

VALERIE Friend ‘til the end.

TONY Which might be sooner than you think. What gives you two the right to go snooping through my mansion?

VALERIE The fact that you have our friends held captive somewhere in this house. The fact that you framed Kelly for murder while at the same time, messing with all of our lives.

TONY Yes, and it was quite fun. However, you’ve involved yourself in a situation that will likely be your downfall. Sorry to say that had you not broken into my home, you may have led a long and prosperous life. Now, your fate will coincide with that of Dylan’s family.

NOAH And mine. My father may have killed himself, but you set it in motion, you ruthless bastard.

TONY backhands NOAH across the jaw, causing him to cry out in pain. TONY stares down at NOAH with anger. TONY If you’re going to accuse me of such things, you may want to fill me in on what it is you think I’ve done. Who was your father?

NOAH Daniel Hunter.

TONY Ah, yes. Mr. Hunter. Had too much of a conscience. Couldn’t live with himself. Pulled the trigger in front, I guess. You must be Noah Hunter.

VALERIE Congratulations. Welcome to the fruit of the poisonous tree.

TONY stares down at VALERIE with intensity. He grabs her by her hair and stares into her face with rage.

TONY The only poisonous tree here is your mouth that will undo you. You two will join Jack, Dylan, and Brenda on their last walk once the deal is struck. Enjoy your last moments. Savor them.

TONY turns and exits the room with RONNIE, closing the door. NOAH smirks as VALERIE tries to look at him.

NOAH I think you pissed him off.

VALERIE That was the plan.

NOAH What if it is our last moments?

VALERIE I have no regrets.

NOAH Me, either.

NOAH and VALERIE stare through the two-way mirror across the room and see the empty room beyond.

INT. THE PARTY - STAGE DAVID and TRACY are near the front as DAVID films her standing in front of it.

TRACY It’s that time, ladies and gentlemen. Time for the big announcement. Let’s go to the stage as Adam Kreiger introduces Tom Rose.

Suddenly, everyone gets quiet as ADAM KRIEGER walks to the microphone on the stage.

INT. DYLAN AND BRENDA’S CELL DYLAN and BRENDA watch the televsion with unblinking eyes.

INT. THE PARTY ADAM begins speaking.

ADAM I think we know who we’re all here to see. Without further ado, here is Mr. Tom Rose.

People clap as TOMMY walks out onto the stage. BRANDON and KELLY look angry. MATT glances around, looking for GINA.

INT. JACK’S HOLDING ROOM He looks deeply saddened as TOM quiets the crowd.

INT. THE PARTY TOM smiles at the crowd as they die down their cheers.

TOMMY First of all, I would like to thank everyone for coming. This deal has been ten years in the making. It started out with me wanting to move the Raiders into a new stadium and has ended with me creating an expansion franchise. By tomorrow morning, this deal will be final, and football will return to Los Angeles!

Everyone begins clapping as BRANDON looks angry.

INT. THE DANCE FLOOR STEVE and CLARE push their way through the crowd and walk over to ELLE, who is listening to TOMMY’S speech.

STEVE Elle, I have a favor to ask you.

ELLE Anything, baby. You name it.

ELLE smiles seductively at STEVE.

STEVE No, no, no, no, no. Not me. Him.

STEVE points across the room to GRIFFIN STONE, who waves at CLARE. CLARE rolls her eyes. ELLE smiles. ELLE Well, he is cute.

CLARE And he’s looking to meet someone.

STEVE They have many free rooms upstairs.

ELLE What are you going to do for me, Stevie?

STEVE Be eternally grateful?

ELLE You’re lucky I like you. Consider it done.

ELLE winks at him and walks towards GRIFFIN. STEVE laughs.

STEVE I only wish I could be there to see his face when he realizes she’s got a pee-pee.

CLARE laughs. They watch as ELLE walks seductively over to GRIFFIN and whispers in his ear. GRIFFIN suddenly smiles big and ELLE leads GRIFFIN away from the party and up the stairs. STEVE smiles.

INT. THE STAGE TOMMY is answering questions from various reporters. PETER RAITT asks questions first.

PETER When do you expect to have the structure built and when do you think we will have our first football game played in Rose Stadium?

TOMMY We’re shooting for the 2002-2003 season, but that’s not etched in stone just yet.

REPORTER TERRI SPAR steps forward.

TERRI What will be the effects to the tax- paying community?

TOMMY This is going to be great for the community as whole, because as everyone knows, I am all about conserving our great city.

BRANDON Is that why your partners had toxic chemicals dumped into the community’s water table?

Everyone looks at BRANDON, especially TOMMY, whose anger is showing. PETER looks at BRANDON in shock.

TOMMY I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.

BRANDON I’m talking about a deal between Olson Oil and Hunter Oil & Chemical to dump toxic wastes into the water supply. A deal that Daniel Hunter, founder and CEO of Hunter Oil & Chemical, opposed, but was blindsided by crooked partners in Olson Oil and by his right-hand man Adam Krieger. Adam is the one who introduced you tonight, in case you plan to deny knowledge of him.

GINA looks angrily at TOMMY, as MATT watches from the crowd.

TOMMY What exactly are you asking me? I have nothing to do with those two companies.

BRANDON Are you aware that several people got cancer from that water and they all filed and won a civil case against the two oil companies?

TOMMY I’m not aware of this case.

PETER walks over to BRANDON.

PETER What are you doing, Brandon?

BRANDON Back off, Peter. I’m just getting started. You should be aware of it, Mr. Rose. The area of the victim’s homes that were contaminated is the exact area that the stadium is being built!

STEVE and CLARE are smiling, enjoying the accusations.

TOMMY I saw some cheap land and I bought it. What’s the big deal?

BRANDON The big deal is, sir, that you purposely drew up this plan to cause people to get cancer and that you drove the real estate prices down! You then purchased all the land so that you could make yourself richer. All the people that died from this, all the victims of that horrible disease, were mere guinea pigs in a get- rich scheme with a self-serving goal!

STEVE and CLARE slip out of the party, unnoticed.

TOMMY That’s preposterous! This is slander. I’ll sue you for everything you own!

BRANDON This is fact, Mr. Rose! Do you know Anthony Marchette?

TOMMY Mr. Marchette is dead. He was a friend of mine years ago.

BRANDON No! Mr. Marchette is alive and well as you may or may not have heard at city hall earlier today. Years ago, his company, Marchette Financial Services performed a hostila takeover of Olson Oil, the same Olson Oil who later dumped those toxins into the water!


DYLAN Go, Brandon.

BRENDA That’s my twin brother.

EXT. THE STUDY TONY MARCHETTE in his study, watching the party on a security camera. He looks angry.

INT. THE PARTY TOMMY yells in rage at BRANDON, who doesn’t step down.

TOMMY Do you have any proof of this?!

BRANDON Are we supposed to believe this is purely coincidence, Mr. Rose?! Would you expect us to fathom the possibility that you wouldn’t know that Anthony Marchette, your good friend, was the man who owned Olson Oil?! The same deal which involves you both just happens to intoxicate the same land that you have so conveniently bought?

JESSE and ANDREA look on, angrily staring up at TOM ROSE.

TOMMY I don’t know anything, young man, so I suggest you keep your mouth shut or you will be thrown out! You have no proof of any such activities and to broadcast these lies at the biggest event this city has had in years is just purely unprofessional!

BRANDON Unprofessional?! You want to talk unprofessional?! Daniel Hunter committed suicide because his partners and even his own men blamed this on him, even when he opposed the deal!

TOMMY Guards, escort him out!

GUARDS, led by RONNIE, start coming towards BRANDON.

BRANDON Or, better yet, let’s talk about Jack McKay! I’ve talked to the F.B.I.! He’s going to testify that Marchette was the one who originally approached Jack to pull off the scam in the first place! Instead, he went to the F.B.I. and decided to turn state’s evidence against Marchette!

TOMMY Jack McKay is dead!

BRANDON But you just said you knew nothing about any of it!

PETER Brandon, shut up!

BRANDON Don’t even start with me, Peter. You know everything. I know Rose paid you off! I was doing a story about this a few years and you buried it!

The GUARDS reach BRANDON as KELLY pulls away from a lunging PETER. RONNIE grabs BRANDON from behind. RONNIE Grab the girl, too.

The GUARDS grab KELLY and start escorting them away.

BRANDON The truth will come out, Mr. Rose! The public will know the truth!

They exit. TOMMY looks at the mumbling crowd.

TOMMY I must apologize for such outrageous behavior.

JESSE looks at TOMMY suspiciously as he steps onto the stage, grabbing a microphone, as the crowd is silent.

JESSE Mr. Rose, I can assure you that the D.A.’s office will be investigating this matter to the fullest extent beginning first thing in the morning.

TOMMY Get off my stage!

JESSE I’m afraid, sir, that you are done doing business in this city. Before our arrival, Mr. Walsh provided the D.A.’s office with sufficient evidence to warrant his claims and that after our initial investigation, you will be liable for any involvement in this matter. I only hope that since you have no soul, that God will forgive you.

TOMMY looks at the crowd and is speechless as DAVID keeps the camera angled on his shocked reaction.

EXT. THE TOP OF THE STAIRS RONNIE and his GUARDS are leading BRANDON and KELLY through the house, away from the party.

KELLY Brandon, they’re going to kill us.

BRANDON The damage is done. He’ll never get any investors out of that room.

RONNIE opens the door to the study. They lead BRANDON and KELLY into the room.

RONNIE Wait outside, guys.

The other GUARDS leave as RONNIE trains his gun on BRANDON and KELLY.

BRANDON What now? You kill both of us? That’ll look real good on the 10 o’clock news.

RONNIE Shut up, small fry.

Suddenly, the entire wall moves, turning to reveal TONY MARCHETTE, who looks at BRANDON with anger.

TONY Welcome to my humble home.

KELLY Oh, my God.

BRANDON Marchette.

BRANDON and TONY stare at each other with hatred.

INT. THE SECRET PASSAGE VALERIE looks up and across the room through the two-way mirror. Her eyes widen as she sees BRANDON and KELLY with TONY and RONNIE standing above them. NOAH’S back is to the mirror

VALERIE Oh, no. Noah. They have Brandon and Kelly.

NOAH Where?

VALERIE In the study. We have to do something.

NOAH See if we can reach each other and untie our hands.

NOAH and VALERIE begin strecthing towards each other, but are unable to meet.

EXT. THE BACLONY STEVE and CLARE come walking up the stairs, looking for BRANDON and KELLY.

CLARE We should just ask Gina if she knows anything. She’s obviously been staying here.

PETER charges around the corner, grabbing STEVE by his jacket. PETER Where is Walsh?! He’s going to pay for ruining my name!

STEVE You ruined it yourself, buck-o. You’re the one who took money to make Rose’s reputation like...well, roses.

PETER I will sue your friend for everything he owns!

CLARE Why don’t you just stop whining and be a man?

PETER You shut your mouth, you little tramp!

STEVE What did you just say?

CLARE watches as STEVE pulls back to deck PETER, but a yell is heard from the room behind them. It is GRIFFIN STONE.

GRIFFIN Sanders!

The door flies open to reveal GRIFFIN STONE, half-undressed, staring with anger at STEVE. ELLE walks out behind him, smoking a cigarette in her lingerie, smiling.

GRIFFIN You son-of-a-bitch!

GRIFFIN charges STEVE and tries to nail him with a right.

CLARE Steve, look out!

STEVE moves to avoid him and GRIFFIN collides head-on with PETER and CLARE. They slam into the balcony railing, which breaks on impact.

STEVE Clare!

PETER, CLARE, and GRIFFIN go tumbling over the balcony. STEVE tries to catch CLARE, but misses.

INT. THE FIRST FLOOR TOMMY is still on stage facing JESSE when the screams are heard. MATT, GINA, TOMMY, JESSE, ANDREA, DONNA, and the OTHERS turn to see PETER, CLARE, and GRIFFIN yelling, falling from the balcony and hitting the floor with a loud crash. INT. THE TOP OF THE BALCONY STEVE stares down, horrified as PETER, CLARE, and GRIFFIN are motionless on the ground. People begin murmuring.

INT. THE STUDY BRANDON and KELLY are facing TONY as RONNIE holds a gun on them.

TONY You made quite a scene out there.

BRANDON I didn’t say anything that wasn’t true.

TONY know that...and I know that. But you will never prove it. I must say, Brandon, that I underestimated you. I never thought to think that you may catch on to this.

BRANDON Enough small talk. Where is my sister and where is Dylan McKay?!

TONY Don’t come in here dragging my name through the mud and then proceed to make demands.

BRANDON I want my sister and I want my friends. You’ll either let us go or you’ll suffer the consequences.

TONY I am shaking in my boots, Mr. Walsh. It seems that your education was wasted, because if you had any intelligence, you would not come in here trying to act like the big kahuna when are obviously strongly overpowered here.

BRANDON Maybe enough is enough, Marchette. It ends tonight!

TONY You’re still not catching on, Mr. Walsh. I’m giving you a chance, a chance to go home safely and quietly.

BRANDON And if I don’t?

TONY If you don’t, you will be unleashing the hounds of hell upon yourself, your girlfriend here, and anyone else that came with you. You will never be seen again, not by your friends, your family, your mail man, or your maid. If they do find your body, they will never be able to identify it, because the corpse they find will be rotted away to the core of your very being. There will be no dental records, no DNA samples, no fingerprints, or any fucking resemblance of what you once were. You will be a speck of earth that they scrape off the bottom of the barrel of life. Dust in the wind.

BRANDON So what you’re saying is ‘No season tickets’?

TONY I’m warning you, Mr. Walsh, that if you don’t leave quietly, something very bad is going to happen to you. If you’re still here in ten minutes, I’ll kill you. If you stop to talk to anyone on your way out, I’ll not only kill you, I’ll kill them, too. If you do anything other than leave here, go straight to your car, and drive home, I will kill everyone you cross paths with from here to wherever it is you do go. Do you know why? Because I fucking can! No regrets. No remorse. Just pure and simple euphoria.

BRANDON stares angrily at TONY.

BRANDON I’m not going away. As long as you’re bothering my friends and family, I’m going to be right in your face. Do you understand? I don’t like my friends being hurt. I definitely don’t like you. You know what I see when I look at you? I look into your eyes and I see an empty, soulless man who is so insecure that he has to make childish threats and turn his back on his friends. I’ll bet you anything Tom Rose has no idea what kind of a man you really are.

TONY But you do. Don’t you, Mr. Walsh? You know that I am the mastermind behind all of this, that this is my grand chess game and everyone in this house is my pawn.

BRANDON I know that the king is about to fall, and all the king’s men and all the king’s horses won’t be able to put the king back together again.

BRANDON and TONY are face to face.

INT. THE PARTY Everyone is screaming and panicking because PETER, CLARE, and GRIFFIN have just hit the ground.

ANDREA rushes over and bends down to hover over CLARE.

ANDREA I’m a doctor! Everyone back!

She begins checking for a pulse. TOMMY immediately jumps down from the podium and runs over to the fallen GUESTS.

TOMMY Oh, my God! Peter!

LOU immediately runs over, pulling out his gun.

LOU Everybody get back! Now!

LOU pulls out his gun and points it up at STEVE.

LOU Hold it right there!

STEVE I didn’t do it!

LOU Security! Get him!

GUARD #1 enters with several other GUARDS and they go upstairs, grabbing STEVE.

GUARD #1 You are in big trouble.

STEVE I’m innocent!

The GUARDS handcuff STEVE. STEVE yells.

STEVE I didn’t push them!

CLARE begins to move.

CLARE Oh, man. That hurt! ANDREA leans over her, checking her out.

As the commotion continues, MATT walks up behind GINA.

MATT Gina, now is the perfect time. Let’s go free Dylan and Brenda.

GINA Okay. Come on.

GINA grabs MATT’S hand and they head towards the steps. THE GUARDS come down, leading STEVE outside.

STEVE You can’t do this to us! Let us go!

STEVE is led outside by the GUARDS.

GINA starts to lead MATT away, but when she turns, TOMMY and LOU enter. TOMMY grabs the sword off the wall and points it at MATT.

TOMMY Where do you think you’re going?

MATT and GINA are frozen in their tracks.

INT. THE PARTY DAVID lowers his camera as he watches STEVE being taken out of the house. DONNA quickly enters from behind as TRACY watches on.

DONNA David, they’ll kill him!

DAVID No, they won’t.

JESSE enters, way ahead of DAVID’S thoughts. He pats DAVID on the back.

JESSE Come on, David!

DAVID hands DONNA the camera.

DAVID Hold on to that.

DAVID and JESSE go charging out the door.

INT. SECRET PASSAGEWAY NOAH and VALERIE continue to struggle with their ropes.

VALERIE Rock back and forth! They begin to shake the chairs back and forth. Suddenly, the chair falls, breaking on impact, freeing NOAH and VALERIE of their bonds. NOAH quickly helps VALERIE stand and turns towards the mirror.

INT. THE STUDY - 2ND FLOOR BRANDON and TONY are face to face.

KELLY Brandon, maybe we should just leave.

BRANDON No, Kel. I’m not giving up on Dylan and Brenda. No way.

TONY Then that will be your downfall. Ronnie, kill them.

RONNIE aims his gun, but the secret door bursts open behind them. NOAH and VALERIE are there.

NOAH Run for it!

NOAH jumps at TONY, missing because RONNIE kicks him in the chest. NOAH’S goes flying against the wall.

BRANDON pulls back and nails TONY in the jaw. TONY stumbles a few feet back, pulling on a book before disappearing into the secret passage. The secret passage wall turns around and they are left with the view of the mirror.

RONNIE karate kicks NOAH in the throat, sending him sprawling to the ground outside the door.

VALERIE runs and jumps on RONNIE’S back as BRANDON tries to get the passage to open back up.

RONNIE stumbles around and spins, throwing VALERIE off of his back and onto a nearby coffee table. It breaks on impact and VALERIE lays motionless on the ground.


BRANDON grabs a nearby chair and breaks it over the chest of RONNIE, who falls back into the mirror, breaking it into pieces. TONY is standing on the other side. BRANDON and TONY look at each other.

BRANDON Marchette!

BRANDON lunges for TONY, who barely eludes him and disappears down the secret passage. KELLY eyes the passage behind BRANDON, who looks angry.

BRANDON Damn it! INT. THE PARTY PETER, CLARE, and GRIFFIN are being attended to by ANDREA, as several guests have now turned to look at TOMMY holding a sword to MATT’S chest. GINA is beside him. She pushes away the sword.

GINA Don’t, Tom. Please.

TOMMY No. This guy has been asking for it. Leave her alone, kid!

MATT It’s over, Rose. Everyone now knows what you really are.

TOMMY yells and swings the sword at MATT, who moves. LOU nails MATT with a right. MATT stumbles back against the wall. GINA jumps and kicks LOU in the face. LOU stumbles back and falls over. TRACY and several others turn when this starts.

TRACY What the hell is going on around here?

TOMMY yells again and charges MATT with the sword. He lunges forward, but MATT moves and TOMMY stabs the wall. MATT reaches up and grabs the second sword off the wall, and as TOMMY swings at him again, MATT raises his sword and blocks it with a clank. Their eyes lock for a brief second as TOMMY backs away, preparing for a swordfight.

TOMMY I’ve got more skill in my pinky finger than you do in your body.

TOMMY swings forward at MATT with the sword. MATT blocks it with his sword. TOMMY lunges. MATT smacks it away, spins around and swings the sword at TOMMY. TOMMY raises and blocks it with another clank. Their swords lock and MATT shoves TOMMY off with his foot. TOMMY looks winded as MATT waves his sword like Zorro.

MATT Did I mention that I was on my fencing team in college?

TOMMY swings the sword again with anger. MATT blocks it. MATT swings. TOMMY blocks it as TOMMY takes a step back. MATT moves forward and swings again. TOMMY blocks it, their swords clanking together with fierceness.

TOMMY lunges again, but MATT moves to the side and decks TOMMY with a right. TOMMY falls to the ground. MATT lunges with his sword, yelling. LOU tackles MATT from the side.

GINA Get off of him! GINA jumps on LOU’S back. LOU jumps up and stumbles around.

MATT stands as TOMMY brings down the sword in a downward motion at MATT. MATT raises his sword just in time and blocks it, but he loses his balance and falls down the stairs. TOMMY looks crazy.

TOMMY I’ll kill you!

TOMMY walks towards the fallen MATT.

EXT. THE MANSION THE GUARDS are taking STEVE towards a van parked at the curb.

STEVE What are you doing?! Those people fell! They weren’t pushed!

GUARD #1 Save it for your lawyer!

STEVE looks over and sees DAVID and JESSE sprinting towards the van from the house.

STEVE Here comes the cavalry.

They all turn and see DAVID and JESSE running towards them.

STEVE pulls back and nails GUARD #1 with a left. GUARD #1 stumbles backwards as GUARD #2 and GUARD #3 grab hold of STEVE.

DAVID decks GUARD #4 with a right. GUARD #4 falls to the ground, unconscious.

STEVE struggles, falling to the ground, yelling, as they restrain him.

STEVE No-o-o-o-o!

DAVID and JESSE arrive. JESSE catches GUARD #2 with a right. GUARD #2 goes down as DAVID hits GUARD #3 with a running punch to the jaw. GUARD #3’s head smacks the pavement. STEVE stands and looks down at GUARD #3.

STEVE Thanks, guys.

DAVID No problem. Hurry! Dylan and Brenda need our help!

DAVID and JESSE exit with STEVE following close behind.

GUARD #1 gets on his walkie talkie and talks into it.

GUARD #1 We have a security breach! Three men are headed into the north entrance!

INT. JACK’S CELL JACK is watching the chaos on the monitor in his room. A smile is spread across his face.

The door bursts open and TONY MARCHETTE bursts into the room, pointing a gun at JACK, who holds his hands into the air.

JACK Your little plan is backfiring.

TONY You’re coming with me. We’re taking care of this now! All of it! It ends tonight!

TOONY motions JACK out the door. JACK calmly walks out the entrance as TONY follows him with his gun.

INT. DYLAN AND BRENDA’S CELL DYLAN is watching the monitor with awe as BRENDA is also in disbelief.

BRENDA I hope they find us.

DYLAN They have to.

INT. THE PARTY CLARE is standing, being bandaged up by ANDREA. The sound of clanking swords is heard in the background.

ANDREA You gave us quite a scare.

CLARE Where’s Steve?

ANDREA I don’t know.

INT. THE SWORDFIGHT GINA knees LOU in the groin. LOU doubles over. She picks up a pitcher off a table and breaks it over LOU’S head.

TRACY has a new camera man filming as the crowd cheers GINA’S antics.

TRACY I hope we got all of that!

MATT stands and faces TOMMY as he charges with his sword. They collide, clanking swords again, but MATT gets a newfound strength and starts swinging over and over again, while TOMMY blocks it. TOMMY stumbles back as MATT nails his sword one hard time, causing TOMMY to fall to the ground and drop his sword. MATT puts his sword to TOMMY’S throat. TOMMY knows he is beaten.

TOMMY Do it, kid.

MATT May God have mercy on your soul.

MATT brings the sword down...inches from TOMMY’S face and sticks it into the floor. TOMMY turns and sees police cars pull up outside. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a gun. He grabs GINA, who is too close to him. Everyone gasps.

GINA Oh, God!

TOMMY Everyone back off! Now!

STEVE, DAVID, and JESSE enter the front door.

They are shocked to see TOMMY holding a gun on GINA. MATT turns and his eyes and GINA’S lock. She is in tears.

DONNA watches on in fear.

DONNA Stay calm, Gina!

MATT Don’t hurt her!

TOMMY You’ve ruined my party! My reputation! My life! Damn you all to hell!

TOMMY backs out the door with everyone watching. MATT follows closely as TOMMY never turns his back on him.

EXT. THE MARCHETTE ESTATE POLICEMEN get out of their cars and draw their guns on TOMMY. THE GUESTS start following everyone out.


TOMMY You’ll never take me alive! Back off!

MATT Gina...

GINA Do as he says, Matt. TOMMY Back off or this bitch gets it!

TOMMY moves over to his car with MATT closing in on him. DAVID, STEVE, CLARE, and JESSE are watching. TOMMY opens his car door.

MATT You’re not taking her with you, so forget about that.

TOMMY I’ll do anything I damn well please!


GINA stomps on TOMMY’S foot, throws an elbow back into his face, and does a spinning back kick to his face. TOMMY falls into the car as MATT grabs GINA and pulls her away.

TOMMY quickly puts the keys in the ignition and turns it. The car explodes, lighting up the sky, and taking a few police officers with it. MATT and GINA are blown to the ground as the guests look on in amazement. Glass flies directly at JESSE, knocking him back to the ground.

As the explosion calms, ANDREA hovers over JESSE.

JESSE Oh, that was rough.

ANDREA Just stay still. You’re going to be okay.

MATT and GINA grip each other tightly as the fire burns brightly before them.

MATT and GINA slowly stand as DAVID, STEVE, CLARE, and the others get up off of the ground.

GINA Thank God it’s over.

MATT I’ve been so worried about you.

GINA smiles and kisses MATT on the lips. STEVE and CLARE run over.

STEVE Sorry to interrupt, but where’s our friends, Gina?!

GINA I’ll take you to them! Come on!

MATT and GINA lead DAVID, STEVE, DONNA, and CLARE into the house as ANDREA tends to the fallen JESSE. INT. THE STUDY BRANDON and KELLY glance down the passageway as VALERIE helps NOAH stand.

VALERIE Are you okay?

NOAH Where’d Marchette go?

BRANDON I don’t know. Into the wall somehow. I can’t figure it out. Come on. Let’s go see if Matt has gotten Gina away from Rose yet.

KELLY Let’s go find the others.

BRANDON, KELLY, NOAH, and VALERIE exit the room. RONNIE grabs a bookshelf and pulls himself up.

INT. THE HALLWAY Several GUARDS come running after BRANDON, KELLY, NOAH, and VALERIE. They turn.

BRANDON Oh, man! Come on!

BRANDON and KELLY take off as NOAH turns and tackles a couple of charging GUARDS with his arms.


VALERIE grabs a chair nearby and breaks it over the back of one of the GUARDS, shattering it to pieces.

BRANDON and KELLY come to the stairs, preparing to go down them. FOUR GUARDS are coming up. BRANDON and KELLY turn.

KELLY What now?

BRANDON looks out to the chandelier on the ceiling.

BRANDON Do you remember how I said we never swing from chandeliers?


BRANDON Well, that’s going to change tonight. BRANDON leads KELLY to the part where the balcony is broken. They look down. KELLY looks over at the CHANDELIER.

KELLY I don’t know if we should do this.

BRANDON I don’t see that we have a choice. 1...2...3!

BRANDON and KELLY both jump off the balcony, grabbing the chandelier. The GUESTS below look up in amazement as the GUARDS reach the spot where BRANDON and KELLY were standing.

The chandelier starts lowering from the ceiling as it swings to the side. it reaches close to the ground and BRANDON and KELLY jump off of and land on their feet.

They turn and look back up at the GUARDS. THE GUARDS stare down at them with hatred. BRANDON waves at them.

STEVE, CLARE, DAVID, GINA, MATT, and DONNA enter the front door.

STEVE Brandon, Gina saw Dylan and Brenda. They’re alive!

KELLY Thank God!

GINA Come with me!

GINA leads them away as DAVID stops CLARE and DONNA.

DAVID Go get the limos! We’re going to have to make a quick exit!


DONNA and CLARE take off out the side door as NOAH and VALERIE come charging down the stairs.

NOAH Hurry! They’re gaining on us!

DAVID, NOAH, and VALERIE take off running as RONNIE emerges, leading his crew after them like bats out of hell.

EXT. THE MARCHETTE ESTATE JACK is walking through the dark night as TONY walks behind him with a gun aimed at him.

JACK Where are you taking me, Marchette? TONY Just keep going.


GINA They’re underground, guys!

GINA leads them to painting and pulls down the candlestick. The wall opens and the gang goes charging down the dark corridor.

RONNIE and LOU come charging down the hall with six GUARDS behind them.

INT. PASSAGE GINA opens up a door, but JACK MCKAY is no longer in that room. She frowns.

GINA I don’t understand. He was here!

BRANDON Where’s my sister?!

GINA Come on!

Suddenly, RONNIE and LOU burst through the doors with their guards. NOAH and STEVE stand in front as the GUARDS charge.

STEVE Brandon, go get them! We’ll hold them off!

BRANDON quickly grabs KELLY’S hand and they take off down the hall.


THE GUARDS come running down the stairs.

STEVE Hello, ladies.

STEVE decks GUARD #3 with a right. DAVID rams GUARD #1 into the wall. NOAH and GUARD #2 collide and struggle on the ground as RONNIE and LOU take off down the hall after BRANDON and KELLY, who look back and see them coming.

STEVE Two of them got by us!

DAVID First things first! GUARD #4 swings at MATT with a right. He ducks and nails him with a right.

GINA jumps up and kicks GUARD #5 in the chest. He falls against the wall.

MATT nails GUARD #4 with an elbow to the face. GUARD #4 falls, unconscious.

GUARD #5 decks NOAH with a right, sending him against the wall. STEVE turns and decks GUARD #5 with a left. GUARD #5 falls, unconscious.

GUARD #6 nails STEVE from behind. VALERIE lunges out and hits GUARD #6 with a right, knocking him down.

DAVID knocks out GUARD #6 with a right.

NOAH decks GUARD #2 and knocks him unconscious as well.

INT. DYLAN and BRENDA’S CELL They hear someone coming and press themselves against the bars.

BRENDA What’s that?

DYLAN Someone’s coming.

They look out to see BRANDON and KELLY running towards them.

DYLAN It’s Brandon!

BRENDA Brandon?! Brandon!

BRANDON and KELLY run over and see DYLAN and BRENDA.

BRENDA Thank God! Get us out of here!

BRANDON hands KELLY the keys and turns.

BRANDON Hurry up! They’re coming!

RONNIE and LOU come charging as KELLY begins trying to unlock the door. BRANDON nails LOU with a right. He goes down.

RONNIE swings at BRANDON with a right, but BRANDON ducks and nails him in the stomach with a right. He pulls back and nails him in the jaw with a right. RONNIE falls to the ground as LOU gets back up.

He grabs BRANDON from behind and throws him against the wall.

DYLAN Come on, Kel! Hurry up! LOU nails BRANDON with a right. BRANDON charges him and they collide with the other wall. RONNIE gets up and grabs BRANDON from behind, holding him for LOU. LOU hits BRANDON in the stomach. BRANDON doubles over and RONNIE lets go and nails him with a right. BRANDON goes down.

KELLY I’ve got it!

KELLY unlocks the door. DYLAN and BRENDA charge out. DYLAN nails RONNIE with a left, knocking him against the wall.

BRANDON spears LOU against the wall and comes up with a strong right uppercut, knocking him out.

DYLAN hits RONNIE in the stomach with a right. He then knocks him out with a left. They both stay down as STEVE, VALERIE, MATT, NOAH, GINA, and DAVID come running down the hall.

STEVE Dylan!

DAVID Hey, man.

GINA Dylan, where’s your dad?! He wasn’t in his cell!

DYLAN Damn it! Marchette’s taking him out to kill him!

BRANDON But where?

DYLAN I can only think of one place.

EXT. THE WOODS JACK comes to clearing as MARCHETTE shoves him forward, causing JACK to fall and land at the foot of ANTONIA’S grave. TONY points his gun into JACK’S face.

TONY Take a look, Jack. Read the name. Antonia. My daughter. My beautiful daughter. I’ve lost her because of you. All because of you and your family!

JACK Funny, I thought you were the one that killed her.

TONY walks over and puts the gun to JACK’S head.

TONY You are finished, McKay!

Suddenly, DYLAN enters the scene, leaping onto TONY and JACK from behind.

DYLAN and TONY topple to the ground as JACK stumbles, leaning against TONI’S grave. The gun topples to the ground.

TONY and DYLAN roll around on the ground as BRENDA, BRANDON, and KELLY enter the scene.

DYLAN decks TONY with a left as KELLY helps JACK stand.

BRANDON Kel, get him out of here and call Christine at the F.B.I.

KELLY What about Dylan?

BRANDON We’ll wait for him.

KELLY helps JACK stand and they limp away quickly from the scene. DYLAN jerks TONY up and nails him with a right.

TONY nails DYLAN with a right to the jaw. BRANDON and BRENDA watch on, worried.

BRENDA What do we do?

BRANDON Let him finish it.

DYLAN and TONY circle each other, preparing to grapple.

TONY You’ve ruined everything!

DYLAN That’s the story of my life.

DYLAN yells and charges TONY, tackling him to the ground with a spear tackle. DYLAN nails TONY with a left to the jaw, but TONY brings his knee up, hitting DYLAN in the groin, knocking him off of him.

TONY stands as DYLAN regains his footing. TONY swings with a left, but DYLAN blocks it and nails TONY with another left. DYLAN jumps up and kicks TONY in the chest, knocking him square against TONI’S grave.

TONY (through clenched teeth) I’m going to kill you!

TONY springs off the ground and leaps at DYLAN like a wolf. DYLAN moves, causing his foot to lodge into the low tree’s branches. DYLAN grabs the tree, swings around in the air, and gives a power kick to the end of TONY’S foot. We hear the snap of his bone as the tree’s grip breaks it.

DYLAN then uses the branches as a spring and dropkicks TONY through the tree. TONY falls to the ground and howls in pain.

DYLAN turns and looks at BRANDON and BRENDA.

DYLAN It’s over.

DYLAN walks away from the scene as TONY cries out in pain. TONY suddenly reaches underneath his pants ankle and goes for a gun in an ankle holster.

BRANDON Dylan, watch out!

BRANDON runs and lunges at DYLAN, tackling him to the ground as TONY stands, taking aim on them.

A gunshot rings out as BRANDON and DYLAN hit the ground.

CLOSE on TONY, who has a look of shock on his face. He drops his gun, staggers backwards, revealing a large bullet hole in his chest. His eyes roll back into his head and he falls to the ground.

BRANDON and DYLAN look back to see BRENDA holding a smoking gun. She drops it onto the ground.

BRENDA Now it’s over.


CHRISTINE I guess we won’t be needing anything else from you guys. Jack is providing me with all of the details. We’ve got your reports. It’s just a matter of cleaning this place up at this point.

BRANDON Brenda’s not in any trouble for killing Marchette?

CHRISTINE It was justifiable homicide, Brandon. We’re not gonna pursue any charges.

GINA What about Mr. Rose? Is he dead? CHRISTINE Definitely. We think that Marchette planted the bomb. He was just getting rid of anyone who knew about his little plan.

STEVE Brilliant move, announcing it to the whole party, Brando.

BRANDON Thanks. I try.

CHRISTINE See you guys later. Try and stay out of trouble.

CHRISTINE turns and exits as they watch the scene being cleaned up. CLARE comes out of the house and walks up to them.

CLARE This was the craziest thing I’ve ever seen.

KELLY You and me both.

STEVE What about Peter and Griffin?

CLARE Oh. They’re fine. Griffin has a concussion, and Peter the jerk has a broken leg.


DONNA I just hope we can someday put this day behind us.

GINA Yeah, right. No problem.

MATT Let’s get out of here. There’s nothing but death here.

MATT and GINA exit as everyone is silently watching the path of destruction in front of them. The burned car of TOM ROSE, the ambulances, the police cars, fire engines, etc.

EXT. TONI’S GRAVE - NIGHT DYLAN is standing in front of the tombstone, looking down at the letters of her name. The darkness illuminates his intense features as a small bonfire burns in front of her grave. The letters are brightly lit, reading:

Here Lies Antonia Elizabeth Marchette 1975-1995 “Taken From Us Way Too Young”

DYLAN Antonia Elizabeth McKay. I have missed you every day since you left me.

Tears form in DYLAN’S eyes.

DYLAN I fell in love with you the moment I laid eyes on you. You were the most beautiful woman I had ever seen and you had your best years ahead of you.

DYLAN is in tears.

DYLAN You had so much to live for and a long life ahead. I have looked for you and have never stopped thinking about you. People have tried to replace you, but they never will. You’ll always be in my heart. I am vowing here and now to try and be the man that you wanted me to be. I’m letting it all go, Toni. I have my father back and I have Brenda now. Don’t think because I love Brenda that I don’t love you, too. I do and I always will. I guess I just wanted to let you know that I’m okay. I’m joining the living again. I love you, Toni, and I thank you for every moment you and I spent together.

DYLAN, tears in his eyes, kisses the palm of his hand and touches the tombstone with it.

BRENDA enters from behind.

BRENDA Do you need more time?

DYLAN No. I said everything I need to say.

DYLAN gets up, walks over, and kisses BRENDA.

DYLAN I love you, Bren. BRENDA I love you, too, Dylan.

BRENDA nods.

BRENDA We should go.


They turn to exit. As they do, a white dove flies over and sits on TONI’S grave. DYLAN stops and looks at it. He smiles.

DYLAN Goodbye, Toni.

DYLAN and BRENDA exit. The white dove flies away into the sky.

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