Pacing Guide for Grade 6

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Pacing Guide for Grade 6

REQUIRED PORTFOLIO WRITING Pacing Guide for Grade 6 Baseline Writing Piece (Complete before any Unit 1 Writing Process instruction or use sample from previous year) Approximate Start Week 1 Response to Essential Question Duration 2 week On-Going: Daily Language Practice, Suggested Mini Lessons (*) These ongoing items may need reteaching. Greek/Latin Roots, Spelling Unit Essential Question: How do the steps of the writing process help the writer produce a focused, well-developed piece of writing?

Strand Standard/Objective/ Applications/ Priority Level Essential Question Materials Technology Assessments Mastery Level (* Mini Lessons) Writing 6.70 Writes paragraphs that WG - Ch. 3 Language Lab CD- *** include unifying ideas and ROM, Building Reinforce supporting details (may Paragraphs, Sentence include topic sentence and Style clincher sentence). PICASSO LA6.6.1,2 WG - Ch. 3, PS6 Compare & Contrast How does a writer structure News Sources, p. 45 a paragraph to include a unifying idea and supporting details? Writing 6.71 Produces paragraphs Lit – “The Shutout,” p. 532 Baseline Writing Piece: *** and compositions for a “The Sound of Summer Running,” p. 6 Use rubric Develop variety of purposes (exposition, descriptive, narrative, and persuasion). PICASSO LA6.6.3,4 PS6 What determines the type of writing appropriate for specific purposes?

1 Strand Standard/Objective/ Applications/ Priority Level Essential Question Materials Technology Assessments Mastery Level (* Mini Lessons) Writing 6.69 Uses a writing process WG - Ch 2 Language Lab CD- Write & electronically ** that includes prewriting, ROM, Composing file a well-developed Reinforce drafting, revising, editing paragraph (can include peer editing), WG - Ch. 2, proofreading, and Building an Label & explain each publishing. Electronic Portfolio, step of writing on a PICASSO LA6.6.8 p. 29 previously student- PS6 produced paragraph How will the use of the writing process result in a better final product? Writing 6.73 Experiments with Lit - “The Pigman & Me,” p.182 Interest Grabber Got it! Assessment *** organization, style, purpose “Lob’s Girl,” p. 270 Videotapes, Tape 2 Videotapes, Tape 2 Reinforce and sense of audience. PICASSO LA6.6.10,11,12,13 PS6 How does the writer write with organization, style, purpose, and sense of audience? Writing 6.79 Writes legibly * PICASSO LA6.5.27 Develop PS5 Why is it important to write WG – Ch. 17 legibly?

2 Strand Standard/Objective/ Applications/ Priority Level Essential Question Materials Technology Assessments Mastery Level (* Mini Lessons) Listening 6.14 Follows oral directions ** and asks questions for Reinforce clarification. PICASSO LA6.7.2,3 PS7 Why is it important to follow directions and ask questions for clarification? Grammar & 6.2 Identifies the eight parts Usage of speech and their uses in On-line Exercise Formal Assessment, *** sentences. Bank, Ch. 17 Ch. 17 Develop PICASSO LA6.5.1,2 PS5 Prepositions How can prepositions and their phrases improve writing style? Writing 6.11 Applies conventional Spelling improvement should be ** spelling in writing and on-going. Focus on reviewing high Reinforce regularly spells high frequency words as well as common frequency words correctly patterns and rules. Reserve work on “lists” PICASSO LA 5.28,29 of words to individual spelling lists. Pre- How can a writer ensure that tests are good. Friday spelling list tests correct spelling has been should be avoided. Assessments should be used? How can a writer done through proofreading activities or improve knowing how to writing applications. spell words most often Sources: Prentice Hall Spelling used? Workbooks (nonconsumable class sets) and Sitton Spelling manuals (two manuals per grade level available at each school).

3 REQUIRED PORTFOLIO WRITING Pacing Guide for Grade 6 (attach graded rubric) Unit 2: Response to Literature: Myths and Historical Fiction Approximate Start Week: Week 3 Response to Literature Duration 4 week Suggested Mini Lessons (*) These ongoing items may need re-teaching. On-going – Daily Language Practice, Unit Essential Question: How do an author's writing style and purpose contribute to Greek/Latin roots, Spelling the pleasure of the reader?

Strand Standard/Objective/ Applications/ Priority Level Essential Question Materials Technology Assessments Mastery Level (* Mini Lessons) Literature 6.24 Identifies literary LIT - Skill Workshop, p. 525, Unit 6; p. 37; Got It! Assessment WG – Unit 12, *** elements and techniques “Esperanza Rising,” p. 360; Video Tapes, Scoring Rubrics on Reinforce/ such as plot, setting, theme, “Jackie Robinson; Justice at Last,” Test Bank Software, Transparency Mastery characters, characterization, p. 325. Response to conflict, figurative language, Literature section of and point of view. RDG – Theme 4, Focus on Genre the Writers at Work PICASSO LA6.2.1 PS 2 videotape How does understanding the literary elements and techniques used by the author in a writing piece help improve your own writing. Literature 6.27 Recognizes writer’s AR & Beyond Web Site Lessons *** purpose in fiction and LIT – p. 431, 529 Reinforce nonfiction. PICASSO LA6.2.5, 7 PS1 RDG – Theme 4, Focus on Genre How does the reader identify the author’s purpose?

4 Strand Standard/Objective/ Applications/ Priority Level Essential Question Materials Technology Assessments Mastery Level (* Mini Lessons) Literature 6.23 Responds to literal, RDG – Strategy Workshop BTS3 Infer Assessed on-going ** inferential, and critical BTS8-BTS9 Question (Focus on Georgia p. throughout year. Reinforce questions about literature. GA2 – GA15) PICASSO LA6.2.6.7, 9; PS2 BTS10 – BTS11 Evaluate What writing techniques do BTS12 – BTS13 Summarize authors use to clarify literal, inferential, and critical questions about a piece of literature? WG – Ch. 12 Literature 6.30 Responds creatively to Teacher created activities. WG – Ch. 12, p. 269 Assessed through ** literature (drama, art, multi- various prompts on Reinforce media projects). stories read. PICASSO LA 6.2.8, PS2 What are some different ways that you can respond RDG – Focus on Myths creatively to literature? Literature 6.28 Recognizes cultures Assessed through * and values represented in Vocabulary to myths and historical fiction class discussion or Introduce, literature. written response. Reinforce PICASSO LA6.2.10, PS2 How are cultures and values LIT – p. 330 represented in literature? Reading 6.36 Expands reading Students model *** vocabulary. monitor/clarify Develop PICASSO LA6.3.2, PS3 strategy using think Why is it important to aloud expand reading vocabulary?

5 Strand Standard/Objective/ Applications/ Priority Level Essential Question Materials Technology Assessments Mastery Level (* Mini Lessons) Reading 6.17, 37 Interprets literal and Comprehension Frame *** non-literal meanings of Master, words and phrases. Introduce (denotation, connotation) PICASSO LA6.3.1, 4,5,6 PS3 How can you figure out the non-literal meanings of words? Reading 6.43 Makes predictions and LIT – p. 267 Comprehension Frame *** comparisons Reinforce, PICASSO LA6.4.3, 4 Master Why do good readers make predictions about what they are going to read and draw WG - Ch. 26 - Punctuation comparisons between what they read? Writing 6.77 Applies grammatical *** and mechanical conventions Develop in writing. PICASSO LA6.5.19,20; PS5 6.12 Applies fundamental punctuation rules to written words (end punctuation, comma, colon, quotation marks, apostrophe, semicolon). PICASSO LA6.5.26, PS5 Punctuation Why is correct punctuation important to effective writing?

6 Strand Standard/Objective/ Applications/ Priority Level Essential Question Materials Technology Assessments Mastery Level (* Mini Lessons) Reading 6.28 Recognizes culture and * values represented in literature. Introduce, PICASSO LA6.2.10,11 Reinforce How are cultures and values represented in literature?

How can recognizing them aid in reading instruction?

7 REQUIRED PORTFOLIO WRITING Pacing Guide for Grade 6 Response to Essential Question Unit 3 Genre Study Through Media and Technology Approximate Start Week 7 Ongoing: Daily Oral Language, Duration 2 week Spelling, Greek, Latin Roots Suggested Mini Lessons (*) these ongoing items may need reteaching. , Unit Essential Question: How can reading literature (especially with the assistance of technology) help with understanding the world in which we live?

Strand Standard/Objective/ Applications/ Priority Level Essential Question Materials Technology Assessments Mastery Level (* Mini Lessons) Writing 6.80 Uses available WG- Essay Builder- * electronic communication Found in Prentice Develop technologies in writing. Hall online resources PICASSO LA6.6.15 PS6 What are the benefits of using electronic techniques WG- Chapter 11 in writing to improve LIT- p. 592 punctuation, capitalization, sentences?

8 Strand Standard/Objective/ Applications/ Priority Level Essential Question Materials Technology Assessments Mastery Level (* Mini Lessons) Reference/ 6.51, 6.60 Recognizes Study organizational systems used *** in media centers for WG- Chapter 19.2 Mastery/ collections and reference LIT.- “The Fun They Had” p. 352; Reinforce sources and use the media exercise on p. 358 center as a source of information and pleasure reading. PICASSO LA6.10.3,13,14 PS10 What types of resources and reading materials can be found in the media center?

Writing 6.79 Writes legibly ** PICASSO LA6.5.27 Reinforce PS5 Why is it important for writing to be legible?

9 Strand Standard/Objective/ Applications/ Priority Level Essential Question Materials Technology Assessments Mastery Level (* Mini Lessons) Grammar & 6.3 Identifies the parts of Usage sentence in simple and ** compound sentences: Reinforce Subject and Predicates 6.4 PICASSO LA6.5.24 PS 5 How will identifying the parts of a sentence help to avoid mistakes in writing? Literature 6.31 Identifies and chooses * literature according to RDG.- AR & Reinforce personal interest. Beyond Web Site PICASSO LA6.2.12 Lessons PS2 What are the benefits and rewards of choosing literature according to personal interest?

Literature 6.26 Experiences traditional * and contemporary literature Introduce, through a variety of media. Master PICASSO LA6.2.14,15 PS2 How do different types of media enhance or detract from traditional and contemporary literature? REQUIRED PORTFOLIO WRITING (attach graded rubric) Pacing Guide for Grade 6 Personal Narrative 10 Ongoing: Daily Language Practice, Greek/Latin Roots, Spelling Unit 4: Personal Narrative Approximate Start Week 9 Duration 4 week Suggested Mini Lessons (*) These ongoing items may need reteaching. Unit Essential Question: How do the unifying idea, supporting details, and effective word choices contribute to a well-written paragraph?

Strand Standard/Objective/ Applications/ Priority Level Essential Question Materials Technology Assessments Mastery Level (* Mini Lessons) Writing 6.75 Uses descriptive word WG- Ch. 6 WG-Writing Lab *** and phrases. CD-ROM, Reinforce PICASSO LA6.6.6,7 Description-Students PS6 can complete any What makes a writer’s stage of the lesson written language on computer. Have descriptive? them print out their Reading 6.29 Recognizes that completed work. *** literature reflects human RDG.- Hatchet Day 1 Plan- Genre Lesson Master experience. Realistic Fiction PICASSO LA6.2.5 LIT.- Water p. 120 PS2 Overdoing It p. 460 How does human experience Power outline of influence literature? Career Link passage. Reading 6.42 Recognizes explicit and RDG- Hatchet p. 22 Hatchet- Students *** implicit details and sequence Climb or Die p. 72 complete a Details Develop, of events? chart after hearing a Reinforce PICASSO LA6.1.1 subsequent chapter of PS1 a read aloud. How do you use details and Climb or Die- the events to help you Students complete an understand a story? Event Chart after they hear a picture book

11 Strand Standard/Objective/ Applications/ Priority Level Essential Question Materials Technology Assessments Mastery Level (* Mini Lessons) Literature 6.22 Recognizes various like Where the Wild *** forms of literature things Are. Reinforce (drama/plays). . PICASSO LA6.2.4 PS2 RDG.- Focus on Plays p. F216 Develop rubric for What common elements set assessment of oral drama apart from other types reading and/or of writing? presentation p. 30 Reading 6.34 Recognizes differences TAHB *** between fiction and Exemplary Lesson Plan- “Unsolved Reinforce nonfiction. Mysteries” PICASSO LA6.1.5 PS1 What are the similarities and Students can use the difference between fiction On-Line Exercise and non-fiction? WG- Ch. 14 Bank to complete the Grammar & 6.4 Forms singular, plural LIT.- p. 38 “Jeremiah’s Song” exercises on the Usage and possessive nouns p. 18 ‘Stray” computer. The auto *** PICASSO LA6.5.3,4,5 check will grade Reinforce PS5 their work. How does a writer form singular and possessive nouns? Grammar & 6.10 Applies standard rules WG.-Ch. 27 Language Lab CD- Usage of capitalization. ROM, Capitalization *** PICASSO LA6.5.25 Mastery PS5 On-Line Exercise Why is correct punctuation Bank, Ch. 27 and capitalization important to effective writing?

12 Strand Standard/Objective/ Applications/ Priority Level Essential Question Materials Technology Assessments Mastery Level (* Mini Lessons) Listening 6.15 Listens and responds to * various language patterns Develop and literary forms including regional examples (dialect). PICASSO LA6.7.10,11 PS7 How does an author’s choice of language patterns and literary forms in a piece of text support his/her purpose? Literature 6.22 Recognizes various *** forms of literature (myth, Reinforce folk tale, essay drama, narrative, and expository writing). PICASSO LA6.2.4 How does a reader differentiate between various genres of writing? Reading 6.34 Recognizes differences *** between fiction and Reinforce nonfiction. PICASSO LA6 1.5 How does a reader tell the difference between fiction and nonfiction?

13 REQUIRED PORTFOLIO WRITING Pacing Guide for Grade 6 (attach graded rubric) Unit 5 Expository: Comparison and Contrast/Direction Expository Essay Approximate Start Week 13 Duration 4 week Mini Lessons: Principal Parts of Verbs Suggested Mini Lessons (*) These ongoing items may need reteaching. Unit Essential Question: SEE EXEMPLARY UNIT

Strand Standard/Objective/ Applications/ Priority Level Essential Question Materials Technology Assessments Mastery Level (* Mini Lessons) Grammar & Usage 6.9 Applies standards of American *** English to Introduce/  Principal parts of verbs Develop  PICASSO LA 6.5.13,14,15,17,18 How do usage errors affect communication?

Listening 6.14 Follows oral directions and ** asks questions for clarification Reinforce PICASSO LA 6. 7.2,3 Why is it important to follow directions and ask questions for clarification? Reading 6.46 Recognize bias and *** stereotypes Introduce/Develop PICASSO LA 6.1.2, 6.2.2 Why is it important for the reader to recognize bias and stereotypes? Reading 6.48 Interprets written instructions Listening and other directive information *** PICASSO LA 6.4.7 Reinforce Why is it important to read and interpret written instructions and other directive information?

14 Strand Standard/Objective/ Applications/ Priority Level Essential Question Materials Technology Assessments Mastery Level (* Mini Lessons) Reading 6.44 Draws conclusions and *** makes generalizations Develop PICASSO LA 6.4.5,6 Reinforce How does drawing conclusions and making generalizations help in reading comprehension? Listening 6.18 Summarizes oral information ** PICASSO LA6.7.7 Master How do you take effective notes from an oral presentation? Writing 6.5 Uses principal parts to form *** regular and irregular verb Master, Develop tenses PICASSO LA 6.5.6,7 How does a writer know which verb tense to use?

15 REQUIRED PORTFOLIO WRITING Pacing Guide for Grade 6 Response to Essential Question Unit 6: Reading Strategies Variety of Graphic Organizers & Summaries Approximate Start Week 17 Duration 2 week On-Going: Daily Language Practice, Suggested Mini Lessons (*) These ongoing items may need reteaching. Greek/Latin Roots, Spelling Unit Essential Question: Why is applying reading strategies to specific content and subject matter important?

Strand Standard/Objective/ Applications/ Priority Level Essential Question Materials Technology Assessments Mastery Level (* Mini Lessons) Reading 6.41 Adjusts reading speed WG –Ch. 30 Reading Skills Listening to Literature Test bank software ** according to purpose and rereads Lit – “The Circuit,” p. 64-71 Audio cassettes, for comprehension. Reinforce PICASSO LA6.4,8,10 Selection Support: Reading Strategy, p. 29 Interest Grabber How does changing reading Video,Tape speeds impact comprehension?

Reading 6.49 Applies reading strategies to Lit – “King of Mazy May,” p. 50-63 Got It! Assessment Use of reciprocal teaching *** specific content and subject “Dragon, Dragon,” p. 430-445 videotapes strategy matter. Comprehension frame HO Reinforce PICASSO LA6.4.9 CRISS Strategies Why is applying reading Visit KWL Plus, Free Form strategies to specific content and Mapping, Framed subject matter important? Lit – “Names/Nombres,” p. 222-228 for background and Paragraph, RAFT Reading 6.32 Reads for a variety of Selection support: Reading Strategy, p. 74 hotlinks stories Summarization activities *** purposes to obtain meaning from Wr. Models and Gr. Org. on Transp., with any short passage different kinds of materials. Reinforce PICASSO LA6.1.4 p. 77,97 Why is it important to read a variety of materials for Self-selected text. AR novels. AR tests. information? Sharing sessions Literature 6.33 Reads for pleasure. * PICASSO LA6.2.13 Why is it important to read for Reinforce pleasure? WG – Ch. 29

16 Strand Standard/Objective/ Applications/ Priority Level Essential Question Materials Technology Assessments Mastery Level (* Mini Lessons) Writing 6.78Correctly spells Use spell check on No spelling errors on Reinforce frequently used words Word doc. of final copy and commonly confused summary words (e.g., to, too, two) PICASSO LA6.5.21, 22 How can a writer/peer editor adequately check for correct spelling of frequently used words and commonly used words? How can future errors be reduced?

Writing 6.1 Identify a sentences as * either declarative, Reinforce exclamatory, interrogative, or imperative PICASSO LA6.5.23 How do writers employ a variety of sentence types?

17 REQUIRED PORTFOLIO WRITING Pacing Guide for Grade Response to Essential Question Unit 7 Expository/Research Research Notes & Outline Approximate Start Week 19 Duration 4 Weeks Ongoing: Daily Language Practice, Suggested Mini Lessons (*) These ongoing items may need reteaching. Greek/Latin Roots, Spelling Unit Essential Question: When writing to inform, what must the writer do to find and share information accurately and effectively to hold the reader's attention?

Strand Standard/Objective/ Priority Level Essential Question Materials Technology Applications/ Mastery Level (* Mini Lessons) Assessments Reference/ 6.50 Recognizes differences WG Ch. 11 Summary Notes from Study among paraphrasing, Lit – Writing Workshop: resources researched *** summarizing, and Research, p. 600 Mastery plagiarizing PICASSO LA6.10.1 PS10 How can the writer legally use the work of others?

18 Strand Standard/Objective/ Priority Level Essential Question Materials Technology Applications/ Mastery Level (* Mini Lessons) Assessments Reference/ 6.53 & 6.55 Selects Check local media center GW – Using available Study appropriate sources and availability technology for research, *** retrieves information on a p. 243 Mastery/ single topic from multiple Reinforce sources (database, electronic multi-media technologies, microforms, interview, general and specialized references, community resource files, and periodical indexes) to collect information on a given topic. PICASSO LA6.10.6,9 PS10 How can the reader locate needed information? Reference/ 6.52 Uses a research WG – Writing Lab CD- Study process: topic selection, ROM, Reports *** question formation, key Mastery/Devel word identification, source op selection, skimming, paraphrasing, note-taking, summarizing, and presenting. PICASSO LA610.4,5 PS10 What are the steps in the research process and why are they important?

19 Strand Standard/Objective/ Priority Level Essential Question Materials Technology Applications/ Mastery Level (* Mini Lessons) Assessments Reference/ 6.54 Analyzes information Lit –Distinguishing fact from Study to determine relevance to opinion, p. 607 *** topic. PICASSO LA6.10.8 Reinforce/ PS10 Develop How do you select relevant information for a specific subject? Reference/ 6.57 Document sources with WG – Citing Sources and Study reference citations preparing manuscripts, p. 722, ** PICASSO LA6.10.15 728 Reinforce PS10 Why is it important for a Lit – “The Wounded Wolf”, p. writer to document the 482/”Writing Lesson”, p. 489 sources used? Reference/ 6.51 Recognizes WG – iText CD-ROM, Study organizational systems used organizational tools and *** in the media centers for revision checkers Mastery/ collections and reference Develop sources. PICASSO LA6.10.2 PS10 What systems can be found in the media center that can help in locating specific information or books of choice?

20 Strand Standard/Objective/ Priority Level Essential Question Materials Technology Applications/ Mastery Level (* Mini Lessons) Assessments Reference/ 6.56 Selects main ideas and Create an outline – Study Skills supporting details from rubric used *** multiple sources and creates Develop, an outline. Reinforce, PICASSO LA6.10.10,11,12 Master PS10 How can research methods help the reader thoroughly investigate a topic and draw conclusions? Reading 6.47 Recognizes relevance *** of data. PICASSO LA6.10.8 Reinforce PS10 How does the reader recognize information that is relevant to the topic being researched?

21 Strand Standard/Objective/ Priority Level Essential Question Materials Technology Applications/ Mastery Level (* Mini Lessons) Assessments Listening 6.19 Records orally WG – Taking Notes, p. 703 Lit – Extension Activity, Take notes accurately ** presented information (takes p. 191 from a variety of sources Reinforce notes). PICASSO LA6.7.8 PS7 How do you take effective notes from an oral presentation? Grammar & 6.6 Identifies types of WG – Ch. 14 WG – Language Lab WG – Format Usage pronouns such as personal, CD-ROM, using nouns, assessment, Ch. 14 *** interrogative, and using pronouns Introduce/ demonstrative. Develop PICASSO LA6.5.8 PS5 Pronouns How does a writer identify the different types of pronouns and use them correctly? Grammar & 6.9 Applies standards of Usage American English to: *** 6.68 LA6.5.14,17 Reinforce  Cases of personal pronouns  Pronoun/antecedent agreement

22 REQUIRED PORTFOLIO WRITING Pacing Guide for Grade 6 Reflection on previous work; identification and Unit 8: Reading & Writing with Clarity revision of this unit’s writing elements in each Approximate Start Week: Week 23 already completed piece Duration 2 weeks Suggested Mini Lessons (*) These ongoing items may need re-teaching. On-going – Daily Language Practice, Unit Essential Question: How does the quality of your writing Greek/Latin roots, Spelling

Strand Standard/Objective/ Applications/ Priority Level Essential Question Materials Technology Assessments Mastery Level (* Mini Lessons) Grammar & 6.8 Combine sentences using WG – Ch. 18, 20.2 Students look through Usage coordination (i.e. previously completed *** compound sentences) Lit – “The Tiger Who Would Be King,” p. writing assignments to Introduce/ PICASSO LA6.5.11 282 find simple, Develop PS5 Becky and the Wheels-and-Brakes Boys,” p. compound, and How does a writer effectively 448 complex sentences. combine sentences? Label each one. Grammar & 6.7 Writes simple and Usage compound sentences and *** avoids run-on sentences and WG – 20.2, 21.4 Students will identify Development non-functional fragments. run-on sentences and PICASSO LA6..5.9,10,12 non-functional PS5 fragments in their own How can a writer avoid run- writing, label them and on sentences and non- correct them. functional fragments when writing simple and compound sentences?

23 Strand Standard/Objective/ Applications/ Priority Level Essential Question Materials Technology Assessments Mastery Level (* Mini Lessons) Reading 6.38 Recognizes syntactic and *** semantic relationships. Reinforce PICASSO LA6.4.1,2 Lit – Interest Grabber Students create PS4 Lit – “How to Read Literature,” p. 3 Videotapes, Tape 1 Extended Definition Which is more helpful to you, using graphic syntactic or semantic Lit – “The King of Mazy May,” p. 52 organizers for new relationships? vocabulary found in Reading 6.39 Uses word recognition reading assignments. *** strategies (e.g. affixes, roots, Reinforcement compound words) to acquire Rdg – “Climb or Die” Daily Lesson Plans on new vocabulary. p. 72C – 72D and Universal Access Plans on Students write a PICASSO LA6.3.3 p. 72E – 72F response to literature or PS3 fine arts transparency What clues do words provide Rdg – “The True Confessions of Charlotte using new vocabulary to help you understand their Doyle” Daily Lesson Plans on p. 94C – 94 D in writing assignment. meaning? and Universal Access Plans on p. 94E – 94F Grammar & 6.4 Forms singular, plural and Usage *** possessive nouns. Reinforce PICASSO LA6.5.3,4,5 WG – Ch. 27, Capitalization PS5 WG – Language Lab How does a writer form CD-ROM, singular and possessive Capitalization nouns?

24 Strand Standard/Objective/ Applications/ Priority Level Essential Question Materials Technology Assessments Mastery Level (* Mini Lessons) Grammar & 6.10 Applies standard rules of Usage ** capitalization. Mastery PICASSO LA6.5.25 PS5 Capitalization Why is correct capitalization important to effective writing?

25 REQUIRED PORTFOLIO WRITING Pacing Guide for Grade 6 (attach graded rubric) Unit 9 Persuasion Approximate Start Week 25 Persuasive Duration 3 weeks Suggested Mini Lessons (*) These ongoing items may need reteaching. Ongoing: Daily Language Practice, Greek/Latin Unit Essential Question: When writing to persuade, how does a writer gain respect Roots, Spelling for his or her point of view?

Strand Standard/Objective/ Applications/ Priority Level Essential Question Materials Technology Assessments Mastery Level (* Mini Lessons) Reference/Study 6.54 Analyzes information LIT. p. 174 “Evaluating Persuasive *** to determine relevance to Messages” Reinforce/ topic. Develop PICASSO LA6.10.8 PS10 How do you select relevant information for a specific subject? Speaking 6.63 Adjusts manner and * style of speaking to suit Develop audience and situation. WG- Chapter 28 PICASSO LA6.8.7 LIT. p. 94- Listening and Speaking PS8 Workshop Why is it important to speak differently to different audiences?

26 Strand Standard/Objective/ Applications/ Priority Level Essential Question Materials Technology Assessments Mastery Level (* Mini Lessons) Speaking and 6.64 Provide information Develop in the context of a discussion. LIT.- “The Wounded Wolf” p. 482; PICASSO LA8.3 Extension Activity on p. 489 PS8 What kind of preparation is needed to be ready to provide information in a discussion? Listening 6.20 Evaluates messages * and effects of mass The student reads an Mastery/Develop media(newspaper, article from the ment television, film, and RDG.- Amelia Earheart: First Lady of newspaper or other periodicals). Flight p. 138 ; Social Studies Link p. 160- periodical and PICASSO LA6.9.1 163 summarizes the PS9 article’s main idea and What points should be supporting details. considered when evaluating messages from LIT. p. 490 “ Magazine Articles” mass media? Reading 6.35 Distinguishes between Students complete a *** fact and opinion. blank Fact and Reinforce PICASSO LA6.1.6 Opinion chart while PS1 listening to a read Why is it important to be aloud passage. able to distinguish between fact and opinion?

27 Strand Standard/Objective/ Applications/ Priority Level Essential Question Materials Technology Assessments Mastery Level (* Mini Lessons) Reading 6.45 Recognizes RDG.- A King of Grace Comprehension Bring in or have ** persuasion techniques in Skills Lesson p. 459; pages 473A-473B students bring in Introduce propaganda in advertising. advertisements from PICASSO LA6.1.7 Compare coverage of a national and/or magazines or notes on PS1 state event in the newspaper, news television How are persuasion magazine, and on television news. What commercials. techniques used in are the advantages of each medium? Analyze for propaganda and propaganda advertising? techniques. Reading 6.21 Evaluates messages * and effects of mass media Develop/Master (newspaper, television, WG- Chapter 16 p. 330-339 (adjectives) radio, film, and p. 340 (adverbs) periodicals). LIT.- “Mowgli’s Brothers” p. 210; PICASSO LA6.9.1 Grammar lesson p. 220 PS9 What points do you consider when evaluating messages from the mass media? Grammar & 6.9 Applies standards of Usage American English to: *** comparisons of adjectives Develop and adverbs. PICASSO LA6.5.16 PS5 How does usage errors affect communication?

28 Strand Standard/Objective/ Applications/ Priority Level Essential Question Materials Technology Assessments Mastery Level (* Mini Lessons) Grammar & 6.10 Applies standards Usage of American English *** to: Reinforce 6.68 LA6.5.13  Subject – Verb agreement How does a writer ensure that subjects and verbs agree? Reading 6.35 Distinguishes between *** fact and opinion. Reinforce PICASSO LA6.1.6 How does a reader or listener distinguish between fact and opinion?

29 REQUIRED PORTFOLIO WRITING Pacing Guide for Grade 6 (attach graded rubric) Unit 10 Narrative Approximate Start Week 28 Narrative Composition Duration 4 week Suggested Mini Lessons (*) These ongoing items may need reteaching. Ongoing: Daily Language Practice, Greek/Latin Unit Essential Question: When writng a narrative, how can the writer engage the Roots, Spelling reader and keep the reader's attention through the entire story?

Strand Standard/Objective/ Applications/ Priority Level Essential Question Materials Technology Assessments Mastery Level (* Mini Lessons) Writing 6.75 Uses descriptive words WG- Chapter 6 *** and phrases. Reinforce PICASSO LA 6.6.6,7 PS6 What makes a writer’s written language descriptive? Reading 6.25 Recognizes common WG.- p. 118-119 ** elements of poetry (rhyme, LIT. p. 738-744 Reinforce rhythm, stanza, and figurative language). PICASSO LA6.2.3 PS2 What effect does each element of poetry have on the reader or listener? Writing 6.72 Expands writing LIT. p. 744 Vocabulary Development ** vocabulary Lesson Develop PICASSO LA6.6.9 PS6 How does the writer expand writing vocabulary?

30 Strand Standard/Objective/ Applications/ Priority Level Essential Question Materials Technology Assessments Mastery Level (* Mini Lessons) Listening 6.16 Responds to literal, RDG.- The Girl Who Married the Moon p. ** inferential, and critical 167Q-167R Teacher generated Reinforce questions. questions during read PICASSO LA6.7.4,5,6 aloud or shared PS7 reading activity. See How can the reader and sample RDG.-p.179 writer apply specific strategies to successfully answer literal, inferential, and critical questions? Have students bring in Science and Social Reference/ 6.58 Uses techniques such as Studies textbooks. Practice the techniques Compare and contrast Study Skills PQRST (Preview, Question, using these materials. the 3 techniques. ** Read, Study, Test); SQ3R Have students choose Introduce (Survey, Question, Read, the one they prefer Review, Report); PQ4R and explain its (preview, Question, usefulness. Research, Read, Review, Report) PICASSO LA6.10.16 PS10 How does using study techniques help in organizing and retrieving information?

31 Strand Standard/Objective/ Applications/ Priority Level Essential Question Materials Technology Assessments Mastery Level (* Mini Lessons) Reference/ 6.58,59 Develops strategies Study for taking tests in different ** formats.(multiple choice, Develop sentence completion, or essay.) PICASSO LA6.10. 16,17 PS10 What are some good test CRISS: 2 column Notes taking strategies? Compare/Contrast Grammar & 6.2 Identifies parts of speech Usage and their uses in sentences. *** PICASSO LA6.5.1,2 Develop PS5 How will knowing the parts of speech help a writer improve his or her writing? Listening 6.16 Responds in various * ways to literal, inferential, Reinforce and evaluative questions PICASSO LA7.4,5,6 How does a listener develop the ability to respond to various kinds of questions?

32 REQUIRED WRITING Pacing Guide for Grade 6 Unit 11 Communication Preparation for Oral Presentation and graded Approximate Start Week 32 rubric from presentation Duration: 3 Weeks Essential Question: Why is it important to communicate effectively through speaking? Suggested Mini Lessons- see checkbox Ongoing: Daily Language Practice, Greek/Latin Roots, Spelling

Strand Standard/Objective/ Applications/ Priority Level Materials Technology Essential Question Assessments Mastery Level Speaking 6.61 Expands speaking Use word walls to encourage students to Word wall quizzes ** vocabulary. expand speaking vocabularies. Model and And reward use of Develop PICASSO LA6.8.1, 2 set expectation for use of worlds on wall. words. PS8 How does vocabulary help with self-expression? Listening 6.13 Expands listening ** vocabulary. Develop PICASSO LA6.7.1 PS7 How and why do people expand their listening vocabulary?

33 Strand Standard/Objective/ Applications/ Priority Level Materials Technology Essential Question Assessments Mastery Level Speaking 6.62 Communicates ** effectively through oral RDG.- Giving a Speech pp. 383O-383P Develop expression. PICASSO LA6.8.2 PS8 What are the skills needed to communicate effectively through speaking? Speaking 6.65 Participates in oral * presentations. WG- Chapter 28 Introduce PICASSO LA6.8.4 PS8 What kind of preparation is needed to make a good presentation? Lit.- p. 756 Listening and speaking Speaking 6.67 Develops awareness of workshop * nonverbal communication Introduce such as gestures, body language, and facial expressions. PICASSO LA6.8.6 PS8 RDG.-The Great Wall p. 391; How do people Comprehension/Critical Thinking exercise communicate without p. 401 words?

34 Strand Standard/Objective/ Applications/ Priority Level Materials Technology Essential Question Assessments Mastery Level Listening 6.17 Determines the ** denotative and connotative Introduce/ meanings of words in oral Reinforce context. PICASSO LA6.7.12.13 PS7 Why is it important to know the difference between denotative and connotative meanings of words in oral context? Speaking 6.66Participates in dramatic WG- Tell a Traditional Tale p. 183 Develop rubric for * activities such as puppetry, Work as small group/individual to prepare Reader’s Theater assessment of oral Introduce/ pantomime, plays, choral a skit, etc. using traditional tale. activities. See web presentation and Develop speaking, and storytelling. site storytelling. PICASSO LA6.8.5 PS8 What is the benefit of participating in dramatic activities?

Listening 6.17 Determines the ** denotative and connotative Reinforce, meanings of words in oral Introduce context. PICASSO LA6.3.5,6 How do listeners differentiate between the denotative and connotative meaning of words?

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