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1. Please Arrange for a Substitute If You Are Unable to Perform an Assigned s1

duty. Assignments 2. Notify Tim Wertz and Karla Anthony of any changes. Today 18 October 25 October 3. Transportation. If anyone would be willing to help with transportation to and Announcements Maiwald Neal from services on Sunday and Wednesday, please see Niles Wedge. Song Comeaux Gillispie WOODBRIDGE October November December Prayer Aragon Comeaux Prepare Communion Medina Porter Wedge Helpful Email Addresses: Preside @ Table Porter Wedge CHURCH OF CHRIST Lockup Neal Wertz Maiwald Church building:www.woodbridgechurchofchrist.com Assisting Wedge Aragon Minister:[email protected] Assisting Dollard Urban Reminders Bulletin: [email protected] Assisting Wertz Caples Mens’ Breakfast 11/14/15 8:00 OC Buffet Prayer Caples Crayton EDP Meeting 11/14/15 9:30 Building Cookie/Ornament 12/12 2:00 Anthony Evening Worship* 18 October 25 October Exchange Home Announcements Maiwald Neal Song Leader Comeaux Gillispie Prayer Lake Marbury Welcome, Visitors! Communion/Prayer Porter Wedge Thank you for coming to worship with us today. You are our honored guests. We are a Bible church with Bible aims relying on 13815 Surrey Drive Wed. Evening Worship 21 October 28 October God’s word as our only authority We invite you to join us in Woodbridge, VA 22191 Announcements Maiwald Neal worshipping through: 703-494-5721 Song Leader Comeaux Gillispie o singing (Eph 5:19) Invitation George Neal o praying (I Tim 2:1-2) Prayer Hunt Johnson o studying (II Tim 4:2 ) October 18, 2015 o giving (I Cor 16:2) o remembering our Lord’s sacrifice through communion Elders (Acts 20:7). Eric Anthony Ernie Maiwald We want to have a record of your visit. Please complete the visitor’s Michael Neal Lee Porter card that is in the pew before you and place it in the collection basket or Tim Wertz hand it to one of our members. If we can be of service to you, in any way, please let us know. And Deacons please visit with us again soon. We look forward to seeing you. Perry Comeaux Jason Cottoner Keith George Dan Medina Announcement Niles Wedge Special Days Minister HappyBABY Birthday, SHOWER October! Katherine Wertz 19 Savannah Wedge 25 Ernie Maiwald Chris Dollard 30 Lenny Skutnik 31 Ladies you are invited to a baby shower for Keith and Services Miranda Gillespie on November 7, 2015 at 2:00 pm. at Sunday Morning Bible Study 9:30 am the home of Perry and Christy Comeaux. The Gillispies Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 am are having a baby girl and are registered at Buy Buy Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm Baby and Amazon. If you have any questions, please Wednesday Bible Study 7:30 pm see Melissa Maiwald. The Woodbridge elders recommend the following Comeaux’s address: Bible translations for our public worship and study: King James Version, New King James Version and Notes: 404 Alder Drive American Standard Version, 1901 1. Please arrange for a substitute if you are unable to perform an assigned Stafford, VA 22554 days later. By His death, burial, and resurrection, He defeated Satan (cf. Hebrews 2:14) and made our redemption possible! —David A. Sargent, Minister, Mobile Alabama Morning Evening October 18 Jeremiah 23 – 25 Jeremiah 23 – 25 “Who has delivered us from the power of darkness, and October 19 Jeremiah 26 – 29 Jeremiah 26 – 29 has conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, October 20 Jeremiah 30 – 31 Jeremiah 30 – 31 in whom we have redemption through his blood, the October 21 Jeremiah 32 – 34 Jeremiah 32 – 34 forgiveness of sins” (Colossians 1:13–14). October 22 Jeremiah 35 – 37 Jeremiah 35 – 37 October 23 Jeremiah 38 – 40 Jeremiah 38 – 40 The Vette Had Power! October 24 Jeremiah 41 - 45 Jeremiah 41 - 45 For our Prayers Ken Klaus wrote about an experience that taught him a New valuable lesson:  Eric Anthony arrived at his overseas assignment on Wednesday. Please continue to keep him and the Anthony A year or two ago a friend offered me a ride in his custom family in your prayers. Corvette. That machine was beautiful to look at, impressive to  Lee Porter had sinus surgery on Friday. Please keep him in sit in. Riding a few inches off the ground, my friend put that your prayers during his recovery. contraption through its paces.  Philip Anthony fell while pulling hoses while on duty at the Bible Readings fire station. He has a severe sprained ankle.  Roberta Edwards- Missionary that we supported in Haiti, In first gear I was thrown back into the seat. In second gear it was killed on Saturday Oct. 10th. Continue to keep her family felt like the G-force was stretching my face, just like an and the work at the children's home in Haiti. astronaut during blastoff. In third gear we blew by an 18- Assisted Living wheeler like it was standing still. It was fantastic!  Gayle Swabb (Greenfield Assisted Living)  Gloria Anthony (Eric’s mom) (King’s Grant Assisted Living) Then, when we were doing about 1,000 miles an hour (I may Continued Prayers for Family and Friends: be exaggerating), we came upon a parked police vehicle. The  Omer Goolsby (Sue Bilbrey's brother) Cancer Vette slowed down. The 18-wheeler slowed down. Everybody  Retha Childress (Bobbie Girard’s niece) breast cancer slowed down. That’s the point. That Vette had power. That 18-  Sandra Lauriano (co-worker for Kennetha Marbury) cancer JEREMIAH CHAPTER FORTY-FIVE Treasures in Heaven wheeler, with a full load and a big diesel engine, had power.  Debbie Vickers (Denise Porter’s sister) COPD BPoorly R A installed E S T electric U D Bwiring U S caused Y L aB fire A thatY burned down ADDED our newlyMOUTH built But that parked police car had authority!  Lucille Goolsby (Sue Bilbrey's sister-in-law) Cancer Shome. H F The D flamesH A V leveled E N ourM T house O U within O H anE hour, leaving BARUCH nothing butPLACES rubble.  Harry Sweet (Cancer) Another time, we returned home from church one Sunday to find our house had P I A I D E N T K R O I R C R E BREAK PLANTED There are in this world a great many groups, individuals, and  Robert Lake’s father, liver problems Lbeen F brokenN I S into E Hand N some R C of L our U possessionsU R K D stolen. BUILT PLUCK A G E E S A D I A T U R T A O S FAINTED PREY organizations that have power. They have the financial power,  Thomas Russ (Bobbie Girard’s nephew) cancer InS ourS Himperfect I D O world,B A Eloss V of A material L P H wealth O W is all too common—vehicles FLESH PROPHET are political power, or majority power to impress us, seduce us, and  Lenny Skutnik (Crohns) stolenS T O or U crashed, R S J ships F Ysink, B buildingsU S P Ecrumble, N D homes are FORTHflooded, SIGHINGand personal intimidate us. But when it comes to authority, that’s different.  Tom Stander (Katie Wedge’s father) Cancer belongingsB Y J U areN Gstolen. R E ThisE Dmakes E T Jesus’N A admonitionL P not to GOESTput our trustSORROW in  OT Martin (Ernie’s dad) Alzheimer’s earthlyG N I wealthH G Ivery S meaningfulH E L F (Matt.T O W6:19). E R GREAT SPAKE B E A S T S T U T W I L O R I D GRIEF THESE Satan has power. Rob Chaffart observed, “His power lies in his  Vicky Smith (Kennetha Marbury’s cousin) kidney S T E A K H I H E A R R E S U S ISRAEL THINGS ability to deceive. When we fall for his deceptions, we give him  Marie Steward (Sue Bilbrey’s sister) Jesus told a story of a man who accumulated abundant treasures and decided to O B E Y Y O T E H G D I R S E T JOSIAH THYSELF  store up everything for himself (Luke 12:16-21). “Take life easy,” the man told authority over our lives and he takes us captive.” Jesus said, Estella Comeaux (Perry’s mother) surgery for colon cancer P R R S U R A L P S O A T C H G JUDAH WHOLE “Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin” (John 8:34).  Les Carlson (friend of the Merritts) Pancreactic/Liver Cancer Ghimself; R E “eat,E O drinkH I andO Obe Vmerry” E E (v.A 19).T N But E that night he KINGlost everything, WORDS Cincluding L E F his A life. T InO conclusion,H R L A JesusL S said,I E “This N is how it will LIFE be with WRITTEN whoever And wrote, “The wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23).  Dan Eickmeyer (Miranda Gillispie’s Dad) leaky heart valve Fstores L A up Y things S K forO themselvesW P U P butA Kis notT Orich N toward God” LORD(v. 21). YEAR and pneumonia L A Christ has both power and authority. He demonstrated both Continued prayers for our members: Material wealth is temporary. Nothing lasts forever—except what our God attributes by His miracles. His most astounding expression of enables us to do for others. Giving of our time and resources to spread the good news, visiting those who are lonely, and helping those in need are just some of power and authority was demonstrated when He died on the the many ways to store up treasure in heaven (Matt. 6:20). cross for our sins and was resurrected from the dead three Bobbie Girard Alwilda Merritt Katherine Wertz Colleen Wertz Christine Liddell Charles Swabb Tom White Christy Comeaux Dollard Family Betty Perez Endy Family Deb Neal

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