Admission and Registration

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Admission and Registration



“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11

Father John Brockland, Pastor Father Jim Gahan, Associate Pastor Mrs. Rose Wieschhaus, Director of Religious Education for Children Mrs. Jean Truglio, Administrative Assistant Mrs. Sue McCoy, PSR Administrative Assistant 636-926-0021 PSR office, 636-441-3084 Fax [email protected] –Parish website

PSR Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30AM-4:30PM Mon. evenings 4:00 – 9:00 PM Closed Fridays Dear Parents:

Welcome to Sts. Joachim and Ann Parish School of Religion. This year our theme is Guardians of Hope. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, “Hope is the theological virtue by which we desire the kingdom of heaven and eternal life as our happiness, placing our trust in Christ's promises and relying not on our own strength, but on the help of the grace of the Holy Spirit. God has placed a desire of hope in the heart of every man. We can therefore hope in the glory of heaven promised by God to those who love him and do his will.” You can help your children understand what hope is by reading stories in the Old and New Testament, stories of the saints and real life experiences of your own life. As guardians of hope we can use every opportunity to give hope to others through our words and actions of praying for and doing service for others. In the past, Sts Joachim and Ann PSR families have done a wonderful job in acts of service and we will continue to have a monthly activity. Collecting canned goods, blankets, coats, baby items and helping with the Adopt-a- family are just a few examples. We will also have two Family Service Days during the year, on October 8, 2017 and March 11, 2018. I encourage you to take part in these days of service to give hope to others. As in years past, each student will be asked to do service, no matter how young. We will again be using a program entitled Virtues in Practice. This program is set up so that PSR and day school can learn the same virtue each month, as well as at home. The children will also learn more about a variety of saints throughout the year. We will be using the 2013 Finding God religion series this year which is an updated version of the Finding God series we have used in the past. Each chapter has an online review which the children will be asked to complete each week. You will need to register at with your email and access code FG-2013 the first time you use these resources. Go to I encourage you to look at the resources available as a way to connect the families each week. As parents, your actions are far more imitated than your words. Through your example it is so important to place God as the foundation of your life and family. Make Sunday Mass a priority for your family each week. Feeding your soul with the spiritual food of the Eucharist can really strengthen you. Our time, patience, understanding, encouragement and love are the true things, which our children really crave and need, especially in this world today. Parents are invited to our parish retreats, bible studies, prayer groups, and other events, which can deepen your spiritual growth. Know that we are here as a parish community, not simply a once a week “event”. We want to know your needs and if there is something you would like us as a PSR family to pray for together, please let us know. Parents are always welcome to help out in the classrooms. However, you will need to be incompliance with the Safe Environment program. Thank you in advance for all those who volunteer.

I look forward to a wonderful year with you and your children. Please keep me in your prayers and know that you and your family are in mine.


Rose Wieschhaus, Director of Religious Education for Children

2 Sts. Joachim and Ann Parish School of Religion

MISSION STATEMENT January 20, 1996

Our mission is to teach as Jesus did. Through education, we seek to empower our members to proclaim the Gospel and translate the Good News into action.

In building up the Kingdom of God, community is not simply a concept to be taught, but a reality to be lived. As we call forth discipleship, our community is strengthened by the Gospel message of hope and illuminated by the light of mature faith.

We invite all believers to grow in faith and worship together in celebration of the Word and Eucharist from which we are nourished and renewed.

Through personal witness, outreach and evangelism, we share our gifts in humble service to the Christian community and the world, as we strive to grow in the likeness of Christ.


The Catholic Church has an essential mission to teach the Gospel to all people. As parents and catechists we seek to prepare our members to hear and live the “Good News” and proclaim the message of Christ through worship, community, and service. We seek to integrate Scripture and the teachings of our Church into a life- style and society which reflects Christian maturity. Our goals:

 To deepen our personal relationship with Christ through prayer and discipleship.

 To increase our knowledge of God through Scripture study and to reflect on the teachings of the Catholic Church.

 To assist students in responding to God’s love and grace through faith, hope, charity, good example and willingness to serve.

 To be available to meet the needs of those growing in faith.

 To teach as Jesus did by presenting the Kingdom and the Gospel message in a joyful meaningful way for the transformation of lives.

Curriculum Overview

4 Grades 1-7 will be using the Finding God series from Loyola press. This series reflects the inspiration of St. Ignatius of Loyola and describes what Catholic faith formation calls us to do; recognize the presence of God in the sacraments and in our communities of faith, and realize the presence of God in our experiences of God’s creation and in our lives as people for others.

The Finding God text is grounded in scripture and Tradition and Ignatian recognition of the presence of God in all things. The expression of that vision is based on our Catholic belief that effective catechesis:

 Reflects the love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit  Center on the person of Jesus Christ  Proclaims the liberating good news of salvation through Jesus Christ  Leads the Christian into the world in mission and action  Addresses the needs of the culture in which it is presented  Invites the believers to reflect on personal experience in light of growing in relationship with God  Leads to full, conscious, active participation in the liturgical life of the Church  Creates a climate of prayer and nurtures a faith that is expressed in prayer

Finding God weaves together experiences in prayer, Scripture, Catholic social teaching, and liturgy for children and adults-as individuals, as families, and as learners on a faith journey.

Prayer-We nourish a relationship with God through prayer-traditional, reflective, liturgical and praying with Scripture. Through our classroom and school community, the children will have the opportunity to enter into deeper communion with Jesus Christ through prayer.

Scripture-Each chapter uses scripture and sets the foundation for the truths that are reflected upon in each lesson.

Catholic Social Teaching-Our Catholic faith moves us to have concern for others and to make a commitment to social justice. Our faith is shared in our commitment to the principles of Catholic Social Teaching: Life and Dignity of the Human Person, Call to Family, Community, and Participation; Rights and Responsibilities; Option for the Poor and Vulnerable; The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers; Solidarity; and Care for God’s Creation. We teach these values through various service projects throughout the year.

Liturgy-The Finding God series demonstrates our strong belief that the celebration of the Eucharist is the “source and summit of the Christian life.” (CCC 1324). It helps connect our faith to the celebration of faith at Mass and invites all of us to join in a more meaningful participation in the Church’s sacramental and liturgical life.

A Four Step Catechetical Process

5 Faith formation is most effective when the concepts being presented connect with the life of the learner. Each session of Finding God incorporates the following four steps that lead the children, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to an increased awareness of God’s invitation to love Him and one another.

Engage-This introductory step engages children in discussion or activities that relate the session theme to their lives. This step is an opportunity to open the session by engaging the attention of the children. It serves as a way to gather the children and provide them with a transition into this special prayer time.

Explore-This step explores the teachings of the Church through Scripture, stories, and activities. During this step there may be highlights of special features such as Catholic Social Teaching, music, or a Scripture passage.

Reflect-To help children internalize what they are learning, this step allows them to reflect prayerfully on God’s invitation and their response. This step provides the opportunity for children to become more aware of God’s presence in their lives. During this time various forms of prayer will be used: traditional prayers (memorized) psalms, saint’s prayers, songs, or guided reflections that encourage children to talk and listen thoughtfully to God.

Respond-After reflection the children identify how they can respond to God’s invitation as they live each day. This step encourages children to demonstrate how the concepts learned in the session can make a difference in the way they live as they respond to God’s invitation to love him and each other in their daily lives. Each Unit ends with a six-page review session that summarizes the content of the unit and includes a Prayer Service.

Assessment-Because children learn in a variety of ways, a variety of forms of assessment is needed and used.

Formal Assessment-A formal assessment asks the question What do you know/understand? A formal written assessment (quiz) is included within each unit’s Review session. The quiz also provides an opportunity for children to do a self-assessment. Formal assessment provides the teacher and parent with an opportunity to identify which concepts need reinforcement, to affirm for children what they have learned, and to identify where specific assistance is needed.

Informal Assessment-Informal assessment asks the questions What can you do with what you know and how do you do it? This takes the shape of the following: Ongoing Assessment-Each session offers many opportunities to assess children’s grasp of concepts by observing their participation in discussions, group work and their service to and care for others. Specific Tasks-Many opportunities to evaluate verbal (oral and written) and nonverbal (drawn, crafted, etc.) expressions and responses are incorporated throughout the program.

Prayer in our School

6 Prayer is an important part of our school. Each week individual classes will begin with prayer. Occasionally, prayer may be said over the loud speaker for the entire school to participate as one. Children will also attend prayer services and liturgies throughout the year. Children will learn the different forms of prayer, which consists of praise, petition, thanksgiving and contrition.

Starting in kindergarten, students will begin memorizing specific prayers. The following is a list of prayers to be memorized by the students, the grade level at which the prayers are to be introduced for the first time, and the grade level at which the prayer should be memorized.

One of the best ways for children to learn these prayers is to say them everyday. Parents are also encouraged to volunteer with the testing of the prayers in the classroom. Prayers will be reviewed and tested each year after mastery is expected.

Grade Grade Introduced Mastered

Sign of the Cross K K Our Father K K Hail Mary K 1 Glory Be K 2 Prayer to My Guardian Angel 1 2 The Rosary 2 4 Act of Contrition 2 2 Apostles Creed 2 6 The Angelus 3 6 Hail Holy Queen 3 6 Prayer to the Holy Spirit 3 8


The Sign of the Cross In the name of the Father, 7 and of the Son, Bless us, o Lord, and of the Holy Spirit. and these Your gifts, Amen. which we are about to receive from Your bounty, Our Father through Christ our Lord. Our Father, who art in heaven, Amen. hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Grace after Meals Give us this day our daily bread, We give You thanks for these and forgive us our trespasses and all Your gifts, as we forgive those who trespass almighty God. against us. You live and rule forever. And lead us not into temptation, Amen. but deliver us from evil. Amen. Prayer to My Guardian Angel Hail Mary Angel of God, my guardian dear, Hail Mary, full of grace, to whom God’s love commits me here, the Lord is with thee. ever this day be at my side, Blessed art thou among women, to light, to guard, to rule, to guide. and blessed is the Fruit Amen. of thy womb, Jesus Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, Act of Contrition and at the hour of our death. O my God, I am sorry for my sins Amen. with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong, Glory Be and failing to do good, Glory be to the Father, I have sinned against You and to the Son, whom I should love above all things. and to the Holy Spirit. I firmly intend, with Your help, As it was in the beginning, to do penance, to sin no more, is now and ever shall be, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin. world without end. Amen. Amen Grace Before Meals

8 The Apostles’ Creed The Angelus I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Leader: The angel spoke God’s message Creator of heaven and earth, To Mary and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, Response: And she conceived of the Holy who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, Spirit. was crucified, died and was buried; Hail Mary… He descended into hell; Leader: “I am the lowly servant of the on the third day he rose again Lord: from the dead. Response: let it be done to me according to your word” He ascended into heaven, Hail Mary… and is seated at the right hand of God the Leader: And the Word became flesh Father almighty; Response: and lived among us. from there he will come to judge Hail Mary … the living and the dead. Leader: Pray for us, holy Mother of God, Response: that we may become worthy of I believe in the Holy Spirit, the promises of Christ. the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, Let us pray. the forgiveness of sins, Lord, the resurrection of the body, fill our hearts with your grace: and life everlasting. Amen Once, through the message of an angel you revealed to us the incarnation of your Salve Regina (Hail Holy Queen) Son; Hail Holy Queen, Mother of mercy, now, through his suffering and death hail to life, our sweetness, and our hope, lead us to the glory of his resurrection. To you we cry, the children of Eve; We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen to you we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this land of exile. Turn then most gracious advocate, Prayer to the Holy Spirit your eyes of mercy toward us; Come Holy Spirit, lead us home at last fill the hearts of your faithful, and show us the blessed Fruit of your womb, and kindle in them the fire of Your love. Jesus. Send forth Your Spirit pray for us who turn to you for hope. and they shall be created, and You will renew the face of the earth. Lord, by the light of the Holy Spirit, You have taught the hearts of Your faithful. In the same Spirit, help us to relish what is right, and always rejoice in Your consolation. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen

Policies and Procedures Class Times Classes for Grades K-8 are offered Mondays, 6:15- 7:30PM. 9 Admission The Parish School of Religion (PSR) is open to registered parishioners whose children attend public school. For admission into the kindergarten religion program, the child should be five years of age before August 1 or should be enrolled in a kindergarten program elsewhere. For admission into first grade, the child should be six years of age before August.1. At registration, a baptismal certificate and any other sacramental information is needed along with the completed registration form. Registration is considered complete when a family is registered in the parish, a baptismal certificate is on file and at least a partial payment is made. Tuition assistance is available for families in need. No family will be refused admission for inability to pay fees, if they are having financial difficulties, but we ask that everyone pay what they can so that we can keep our tuition affordable to all. Financial arrangements and considerations can be made through the PSR office.

Transfer from a Catholic School If a child is transferring from the parish elementary school an internal transfer of records between the school and parish school of religion does not require parent/guardian written permission.

Transfer from Another Parish If a Catholic family is registered in a different parish, the family must obtain verification of permission from their pastor before acceptance can be granted. There are occasions, such as scheduling conflicts which might make such transfers necessary.

Admission of Children with Special Needs Our goal at Sts. Joachim and Ann is to assist parents/guardians with the religious education of every child. The norm is that students with special needs are integrated into the religion programs and sacramental celebration of the parish. The goal of all religious education is to present Christ’s love and teaching to each person in as full and as rich a manner as he/she can assimilate. Parents/guardians should give complete information about the special needs of the student in order to help determine what steps are necessary and feasible to meet the student’s educational needs. In order to determine what is best for the student in these circumstances, parents/guardians need to sign a statement that authorizes the PSR to request information from an agency or specialist required for educational planning or monitoring progress of the student, as well as authorizing the release to the PSR a copy of child’s evaluation report, IEP/ISP or similar plan, and/or other pertinent information concerning the child’s special need. The PSR program may provide an aide to accompany the child in the classroom or offer individual tutoring. The Director determines whether the PSR can meet the need within the regular classes, or if an alternative religious education would be beneficial.

Admission of Home Schooled Students Parents who home school their child, either for total education or for religious education, must provide evidence that the child has been receiving regular instruction and sacramental preparation. The child’s placement shall be determined by a review of the materials and by an interview with the child and his/her parents/guardian. Usually the grade level placement is consistent with the child’s age, with adjustments as needed. It is strongly recommended that children preparing for their sacraments attend the weekly PSR classes. Children who home school during sacramental grades will need to meet with the Director throughout the year for assessment.

Registration Registration will take place in the spring and is due by May 31. A $50 late fee will be added to registrations not received by June 1, 2017. Families that are new to the parish or those enrolling kindergarten students may register beginning March 15, 2017. A $5.00 switching fee may apply after August 15, to students who wish to switch from one PSR night to the other. Requests must be in writing before the switch can be made.

10 Current PSR registration fees for Grades K through 8 are: One student $180.00 Two students $245.00 Three students $290.00 Confirmation (Private schools/home school) $ 25.00 Sacramental Fee (2nd and 8th grade) $ 20.00 Registration fee (non refundable) $ 30.00

Eighth grade students who attend private schools other than Sts. Joachim and Ann are expected to attend four confirmation classes during PSR, participate in the Confirmation retreat and attend all necessary meetings, practices and prayer services before Confirmation.

Tuition Tuition payment can be paid in full or made through payment plans of 3 or 5 payments. Those making payments are asked to pay the first payment when registering. The remaining payments are due as follows:

3 Payment Plan 5 Payment Plan 1st payment – due when registering 1st payment – due when registering 2nd payment – due June 15 2nd payment – due June 15 3rd payment - due July 15 3rd payment – due July 15 4th payment – due August 15 5th payment – due September 15 T uition Refund Policy Full tuition will be reimbursed until September 1st. ¾ tuition will be reimbursed until September 30. No refunds will be given after October 1. Please inform the PSR office in writing if your child is withdrawing from the program.

Tuition Assistance Tuition assistance is available to families who qualify. A financial assistance form should be filled out and turned in along with a $30 non refundable registration fee in order to be considered. Families will be awarded need based scholarships and may be asked to make smaller monthly payments throughout the year. Families on assistance should be active practicing Catholics. Support to the PSR program can be made through service of time and talent. Contact the PSR office for more information.

Attendance Policy Regular attendance is important to your child's education. Please call the office, 926-0021 if your child is going to be absent. An attendance record is kept on each child, and those missing class will be asked to make up class work. The teacher will report excessive absences to the Religious Education Office. Please inform us in writing if you need to remove your child from the program for any reason. Students should not arrive at school any earlier than 10 minutes before classes begin. All students should wait outside the classroom until the teacher is present. There should never be students inside a classroom without a teacher or adult volunteer present. Being on time is important to the continuity of good education and teaches the child responsibility. Classes are only one hour and fifteen minutes, so it is important that the student arrive on time. Students arriving after the bell will be counted tardy.

It is important and expected that children attend Sunday Mass each week. Participation in the sacramental life of the Church is the very heart of our faith. The Catholic teaching and training your child receives in the Parish School of Religion needs to be rooted in the parish worship at Mass. If you are not able to attend Mass at Sts Joachim and Ann due to scheduling conflicts, please check the archdiocese website at for a list of Catholic churches and times of Masses. Mass times in neighboring parishes range from 4PM Saturday evening to 7PM Sunday evening.

11 Entrance Please enter the South entrance closest to the rectory, follow the sidewalk and pull up in front of the Parish Center before stopping to allow as many cars as possible to drop off their children. Parents of kindergarten, first and second grade children will need to walk their children into the classroom. Parents of students in Kindergarten through 3 rd grade will receive an orange family pick up card with the family name, grade level, and teacher listed. This card will be necessary in order to come into the building to pick up your child. If the card is forgotten or lost, a parent must stop by the office and show the office a photo ID and receive a temporary card. Parents can take a picture of their family pick up card to show to the office assistance each week when entering the building. Any adult besides the parent who picks up must stop by the office to show a photo ID and receive a temporary card. The person must be listed on the child’s emergency contacts in order for the child to be released to them. A monitor is installed at both entrances to the buildings. All adults and children will need to enter the buildings from the front doors. Please do not use or prop open the side entrance closest to the 5th grade classroom. An adult monitor will be present at the beginning and ending of PSR to allow parents and children into the building. If the door is locked, ring the doorbell and an office assistant will help you. Parents should identify themselves in order to gain access to the building. The cafeteria will remain locked and the church will only be unlocked during Family Prayer Services. Exit Pull into the parking lot using the entrance closest to the rectory and park facing the Parish Center . The lower parking lot is reserved for teacher parking, parish visitors, bible study participants and coaches. The upper parking lot will be released before the lower parking lot. Cars parked in the first row closest to the Parish Center will be dismissed first. Please wait for the parking lot attendant to give the signal. Parents helping with the parking lot will remove the orange cones row by row once the children are in their cars. Cars and children should not be moving at the same time. This is for the safety of the children. If a child is not picked up within 10 minutes, the teacher will escort him/her to the PSR office to call a parent.

Parent Pick Up for Kindergarten through 3 rd Grade Parents of Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade students should bring their family pick up card with them to gain entrance into the building to pick up their child. Parents can take a picture of their family pick up card to show to the office assistance each week when entering the building. If the card is forgotten or lost, or any adult besides the parent is picking up, they must stop by the office and show the office a photo ID and receive a temporary card. . Any adult besides the parent who picks up must stop by the office to show a photo ID and receive a temporary card. The person must be listed on the child’s emergency contacts in order for the child to be released to them. If an older sibling is going to pick up a younger student each week, the parent needs to write a note to the child’s teacher for verification. Older siblings must be in Grade 4 or above and should enter the younger child’s classroom and sign him/her out each week, similar to the parent.

Release of Students from PSR Children in K-2 grade need to be signed out each week by a parent or guardian. Younger students will only be released to older siblings if a note from a parent is on file in the classroom. All other grades will be dismissed over the loud speaker. Parents of 4th graders should wait at the first tree closest to the parish center. Parents of 5th graders should wait on the sidewalk closest to the Mary statue. Junior high students are asked to only use the front door when exiting the building, and then go directly to their cars, or wait by the flagpole for a parent. Parents should let the teacher know they have their child before leaving. No child will be allowed to walk to the lower lot or the Care Service Parking area without a parent or guardian . Children who are walking home need to have a written note turned into the office. No child will be allowed to cross McClay Road by himself/herself in the dark.

12 Late Arrivals If a student arrives late, he/she needs to stop by the office to get a tardy slip, and be removed from the absentee list. A student who goes to his/her classroom without a tardy slip will be asked to return to the office before entering the classroom. While occasional lateness may be unavoidable, excessive tardiness disrupts the classroom and will need to be addressed. If you need to find a carpool with another family, please contact the PSR office and we can help you find a family who lives in your subdivision.

Early Dismissal A parent, or guardian needs to stop by the office to sign the early dismissal book, indicating the exact time of checkout. An office assistant will go to the child’s room and get the student. For safety reasons, any adult who enters the school building will need to stop by the office to sign in. No parent will be allowed to come to a classroom without signing in and receiving a volunteer name badge.. Students will not be allowed to leave the building unless accompanied by an adult. This is for your child’s safety. Early dismissals should only be used as an emergency and should not be a weekly event. Parents should go to the office in the building in which the student has class.

Parking Lot/Hall Monitors Our Parking Lot Coordinators are Dan Kriegshauser and Travis McClintock. Parents are needed to help with the parking lot and hall monitoring each night of class. Parents with more than one child will need to work more than one night. If a parent cannot work on his/her assigned night, he/she will need to ask another parent to switch with them. A partial schedule is included in the Kidmail envelope. A complete parking lot schedule will be included in October’s Kidmail, so that we can include any new families registering in August. The office will email or send home a reminder note one week before your scheduled time. Each family is expected to help at least one time throughout the year. Parents helping for the evening need to be at school 15-20 minutes early to help direct traffic and put out the parking lot cones. During PSR, a parent is needed in each building to monitor the hallways. Hall monitors are still expected to help on the parking lot at the end of PSR.

On the night of your assignment, come to the PSR office located in the junior high building and sign in on the volunteer sheet next to your name. If you have switched nights with another family, sign next to their name. Flashlights and orange vests are located in the PSR office. Orange cones are located in the main building across from Room 15. The parking lot supervisor will help parents in the placement of the cones. During dismissal parents should monitor the parking lot so that cars remain in place until the Coordinator begins dismissal. Once dismissal is over, place the cones back in the hallway across from Room 15 where they were found. Orange vests and flashlights need to be returned to the PSR office in the junior high building. Your children should stay with their teacher in the classroom until you are finished.

Absentee Procedures If your child is unable to attend class due to illness or family emergency, please call the PSR office the day of class at 636 926-0021 or email [email protected] to report the intended absence. Give the student's name, grade, teacher's name and reason for absence. The student's name will be added to the "Excused Absentee" list. At the beginning of each class, teachers will send to the office, a list of absent students. For your children's safety, phone calls will be made to check on unreported absentees. We ask that you send a note the following week to your child’s teacher explaining the absence. Excessive absences will need to be made up in order for your child to advance to the following grade. Let your child’s teacher know if he/she will be missing several classes due to sickness or unavoidable circumstances, so that make up work can be done.

Cancellation of Classes Should it become necessary to cancel classes due to inclement weather, the Catechists will contact the families by email or phone. It is important that phone numbers and email addresses are current for each family. Class cancellations will be placed on the PSR website, on Channel 4 & 5, and on the telephone answering machine at 926- 0021. If we are able, we will send an email to all families who receive emails about the cancelation. Usually if Sts. 13 Joachim and Ann day school or Francis Howell School District are cancelled in the morning there will be no PSR in the evening. However, if the day school or public schools are off because of a situation other than weather, PSR may still have classes that evening. Please check the PSR office answering machine if you have any questions. PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE RECTORY You will be notified by phone and email. If Francis Howell or Fort Zumwalt School District has been canceled during the day due to inclement weather, evening PSR classes will automatically be cancelled. Please call the PSR office at 926-0021 or check the website at Sacramental Programs Sts. Joachim and Ann PSR and Day School prepare for Sacraments during a two-year period and receive together the following sacraments: 2nd grade: First Reconciliation and First Eucharist and 8th grade: Confirmation. Enrollment in the sacramental programs begins in first and seventh grade. Completion of weekly assignments and other required work is necessary for reception of the sacraments. Parental involvement is expected through participation in the various activities suggested by the catechists as well as weekly attendance at Mass. At least one parent of each child is required to be present at the parent meetings in preparation for the sacraments. Children who miss the first or seventh grade and any intermediate grade may be placed in the 7th or 1st grade or expected to complete an at-home workbook, depending upon the knowledge of the child. The cost of the At-Home workbook is $20. The Director will review the work before the sacrament is received. Children in grades 3-8 who have not received their sacraments will be placed in a 2-year sacramental preparation class. The following are important Sacramental dates for parents of 2nd graders: First Reconciliation Parent Meeting 7:00 PM Tuesday September 5, 2017 First Reconciliation 7:00 PM Thursday January 09, 2018 Second Grade Workshop & Pinning Ceremony 9-12 noon Saturday February 3, 2018 First Communion Practice 12:30PM Sunday April 15, 2018 First Communion -10:00AM Saturday April 21, 2018 WHAT TO WEAR FOR FIRST RECONCILIATION Students are expected to wear “church clothes”. No jeans sweat pants, or athletic gear. Girls: A dress or skirt and blouse or slacks and a nice skirt or blouse Boys: Dress pants and a shirt. No tie or jacket is required.

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION The purpose for white attire is to remind all of their Baptismal garments. Students will profess their faith and enter into their second step of Christian Initiation. Girls: White dress: No longer than tea length. No junior bridesmaid dresses. Bodice must be covered and not see through. Short sleeves OK but no spaghetti straps. Veil optional. No gloves or purses. Boys: Dark pants. Long or short sleeve white shirt. Dark tie. No jackets. CONFIRMATION PREPARATION The following is for 7th grade students and their parents Confirmation Meeting and Rite of Enrollment 7:00 PM Church Thursday March 6, 2018 The follow are important dates for parents, sponsors and eighth grade students Confirmation Rally At Sts Joachim & Ann Church 6-8pm October 9, 2017 Confirmation Parent Sponsor Candidate Meeting 7:00 PM in Church Thurs, Oct 10, 2017 Confirmation Retreat 4:30-9PM in Parish Center Friday, Nov 10, 2017 Confirmation 7:00PM in Church Thursday, May 1, 2018

The dress guidelines for Confirmation at Sts. Joachim and Ann are: Boys: dress pants, NO jeans or cargo pants. (Pants are not to be worn in a baggy fashion.) dress shirt, nice shoes (no athletic shoes), tie (optional, but recommended), jacket (optional). NO tuxedoes. Girls: dress, skirt/top or pants suit- modest in appearance. No formals or semi-formals. Shoulders must be covered.

14 7th & 8th grade Confirmation Preparation 7th & 8th grade will use a combination of the Chosen DVD series, Theology of the Body by Ascension Press and our Confirmation reflection journals and assignments given to the 7th graders at their Confirmation Meeting in the spring of their 7th grade year.

Confirmation Assignments and Reflection Journals Beginning in the spring of the 7th grade year, parents and students will be expected to attend a Confirmation meeting in which they will receive information on the sacrament of Confirmation. Students will be asked to begin the following preparation before the fall of their 8th grade year:  Choose a Sponsor – specific guidelines for Sponsors are included in the Confirmation handbook given at the Confirmation meeting in the spring.  Ask the Sponsor to complete the Sponsor Recommendation Form  Interview the Sponsor – a Sponsor Interview sheet will be given at the meeting  Begin researching saints – a variety of saints can be found in books and online at  Begin the mass journal – a Mass journal will be given out at the meeting.  Begin service hours – 25 hours is expected to be completed by April 2018.

GOD’S OWN MAKING-CHASTITY EDUCATION PROGRAM The lessons taught through God’s Own Making for grades 4-7 will be incorporated into the lesson plans throughout the year. The program teaches chastity education, decision making and stresses body, mind and spirit.

Theology of the Body for Junior High students There is little doubt that middle school youth are in an often confusing time of quest and discovery, especially with questions concerning their bodies, their sexuality, and their future. This series has been developed to help educators and parents deliver solid and relevant answers. Students in 7th grade will begin with the first four sessions of this program. The students will continue this program in the 8th grade

Safe Touch Program The objective of this curriculum is to teach our children self-protection skills. Children will learn body safety rules in an age-appropriate and non-threatening manner. This curriculum will be presented by the Director during a part of the regular PSR class time on October 2 for Kindergarten through 2 nd grade, October 9 for the 3rd through 5th grade, October 23 for the 6th through 7th grade and October 30 for the 8th grade. Parent information will be available in the PSR office the week of September 11 to review.

Dress Code Although a uniform is not required in attending PSR, dress should be modest and respectful. There are times when students will go to the church and appropriate clothing should be worn. No short shorts, mid-drifts, low-cut or tight tops for the girls. Students wearing t-shirts deemed inappropriate will be asked to turn them inside out. Hats, hoodies and jackets should be removed during class.

Cell Phones, I-pods, Electronic Equipment, Etc. While personal electronic devices provide a student with contact to parents and guardians and also offer a measure of safety, they can also be a disruption to the general discipline and learning of the classroom. Students bringing cell phones to PSR are asked to keep them turned off and kept in a purse or pocket. Cells phone are not to be used in the classroom. Students needing to contact their parents should use the PSR office phone. I-pods, head phones, laser 15 pens and electronic games are not to be brought to class or used during class time. These items will be taken away and may be picked up by a parent from the Director.

Conduct in Church Occasionally throughout the year, students will go to church, either as a class or as an entire school. Proper behavior and a respectful attitude is expected. Gum should be disposed of before entering the church. Boys should remove their hats. Students should remain quiet and respectful when entering the church and minimum talking should take place. The holy water font at each entrance and the baptismal font can be used to bless themselves with the sign of the cross. Before entering and leaving the pew, each student should genuflect by facing the tabernacle and kneeling down on one knee while making the sign of the cross. Upon entering the pew, students should knee and say a quiet prayer before sitting in the pew. Student’s feet should remain on the floor, not on the pews or kneeler. Students are expected to participate in the liturgy by word, song and active listening.

Liturgy Several liturgical and sacramental opportunities are available throughout the school year. Children in grades 3-8 will have the opportunity to receive Reconciliation during the Fall and Spring. In addition to the prayers in the classroom, children will attend prayer services at various times throughout the year, Adoration; participate in the rosary, and Stations of the Cross. For the most part, PSR classes are instructional classes. Children will receive the bulk of their liturgical training and upbringing by attending Mass weekly as a family. When parents requested baptism for their child, they took baptismal vows promising God to raise their child in the Catholic faith. Parents should take this baptismal promise seriously by attending Mass weekly and receiving the sacrament of Reconciliation often. Children as young as Kindergarten can receive a blessing from the priest during communion. The child who has not received their First Communion can stand in line with a parent and crossing their arms over their chest when they approach the priest to receive a blessing. Having young children wait for this special sacrament builds a desire in their heart for Jesus. Parents who are not Catholic, but who wish to learn more about the Catholic faith are encouraged to attend the RCIA program, which begins in the fall each year. For more information about the RCIA program, contact on of the priests at 441-7503.

PARENT/CHILD ACTIVITY NIGHTS Parents in grades Kindergarten through 5th grade are invited to a Parent Child Activity night in which the parents are invited to participate with their child in the activities of the evening. These activity nights have been assigned ahead of time and are listed on the PSR calendar. Parents are encouraged to attend with their child and participate in the activities. These activities include: Kindergarten & 1st grade Saints Activity and Parade on October 30, 2nd grade First Communion Celebration on April 23 and May Crowning on May 7, 3rd grade Nativity Play on December 18, 4th grade Lenten Activities on March 12, 5th grade Bible blessing and activities on August 28. Besides these scheduled activities there may be other parent involved activities throughout the year depending on the grade and teacher. The purpose of the Activity Nights are twofold: First, it invites the parents to become more involved in their child’s religious education and lets them see firsthand what their child is learning in the classroom. Each Activity Night is a review over the past six to eight weeks. The second intent is to give parents an opportunity to meet other parents in the PSR program.

VIRTUES IN PRACTICE Virtues in Practice is a program for children in grades Kindergarten through eighth to grow in virtues and see the virtues as concrete expressions of their Catholic faith. The entire PSR will study the same virtue each month, and provide an at-home whole family focus. The program covers nine virtues each year for three years. The YEAR OF HOPE focuses on Catholic devotions and trusting in God’s loving plan. Each month all children will learn the same virtue but primary, intermediate and middle school will learn about different saints. 16 Parent/Teacher Conferences We will not have a specific night for Parent Teacher Conferences. However, parents can request a conference with their child’s PSR teacher by a written note, email or phone call. Catechists may request a parent meet about a child’s behavior in class or if other important issues or concerns arise throughout the school year. Report cards will be given out three times a year – in October, February and May.

Christian Service All students in PSR, beginning in Kindergarten are asked to participate in service, teaching them that even at a young age they can help and care for others. Kindergarten through 2nd grade will be asked to do one hour of service per year, 3rd-5th grade - three hours of service per year, 6th-7th grade -five hours of service per year and 8th grade –twenty five hours of service for Confirmation preparation. A service log for each child is included in your back to school Kidmail envelope. The service log needs to be turned into the PSR by April 11, 2018. As in years past, the whole school will have opportunities to participate in service throughout the year. Smaller individual classroom projects may take place depending on the teacher. All students can participate in various service projects sponsored by the PSR and supporting various organizations. Students and families are encouraged to bring in canned goods weekly for the Care Service. We will be collecting the following throughout the year: September-Canned and Packaged Food for Care Service, October-Change for the Pro life organization, November- Adopt-A-Family, December-Coats for Kids, January-Soup and cereal for the Care Service, February-Baby Items for Crisis Pregnancy Center, March-Personal Care Item for Care Service, April-Canned Meat and Pasta items, May- Favorite Breakfast items. Our Family Service Days are Sunday, October 8, 2017, and Sunday, March 11, 2018. Families are invited to work on service activities for part or all of the morning.

Assignments As parents, you are your child’s first teacher of their faith and it is both your privilege and responsibility to nourish the faith life of your sons and daughters by sharing your Catholic beliefs, and traditions with them and by celebrating the sacraments and praying with them. This year the Finding God religion series has an online review that corresponds with each chapter for grades 1-7. Children will be expected to complete the online review each week and email it to their child’s teacher or to the PSR office if their teacher does not have email. You will need to register at 2013/parents-and-students the first time using the online resources. Click on Parent/Students and type in your email along with the access code FG-2013. Besides the online review there are other parent resources which are helpful in teaching your child about their Catholic faith. Please make sure you check your child’s folder each week, and go over any necessary information such as handouts, chapter views, or prayers the child is expected to learn. Younger children need to consistently practice in order to memorize their prayers. Older students may have assignments by the teacher. All grades will be expected to have homework each week, whether it is reviewing the chapter, learning a prayer, or doing a worksheet. Parents need to support the PSR program by allowing time in their schedule to devote to teaching their Catholic faith at home. Each grade has a parent page, located at the end of the chapter with an overview of the chapter lesson, family activities to do at home each week and a prayer. Parents are asked to read this page, review the material learned in class and choose an activity to do with the family. Families are encouraged to pray together each night with and for one another. It would be helpful to set aside a specific place for religion books and folder, and a specific time when your child can read the chapter or work on assignments.

Report Cards Report cards will be given out three times during the year; in November, February and in May at the end of the year. Students will be graded on their understanding of the material, attention/participation, assignments and behavior in class. Students will have a variety of activities and assignments in class and homework as well as reviews/tests both written and/or verbal to show his/her understanding and knowledge. It is important that parents work with their children in reviewing the chapter at home, memorizing prayers and any materials

17 teachers may assign. Although there will not be a set parent teacher conference, parents may request a conference at anytime throughout the year.

Classroom Materials Sts. Joachim and Ann Parish will provide textbooks, folders, pencils, art and educational supplies to assist in and enhance learning. Catechists provide all appropriate materials to complete in-class work. Lost materials will need to be replaced by the family at a cost of $20.00 per textbook. Additional forms and handbooks are available in the PSR office or can be emailed to you by request.

Visitors in Class We are meant to be an evangelizing people, called to proclaim the message to all who want to hear. Your children may be excited about their faith and PSR class and tell others at school about the wonderful things they are doing in class. This is wonderful and evangelizing! However, children who are not registered in the PSR program should not be attending class. If a child has a friend who is interested in joining the class, please let the PSR office know so that the family can be contacted.

VERBAL COMMUNICATION Communication between the parents and the teacher is important. If a problem arises, please send a note to the teacher or call the school office and leave a number so that the teacher may get in touch with you. Parents are expected to contact the teacher first. If a satisfactory solution cannot be reached, the parent is asked to contact the following persons in this order: teacher, PSR Principal, pastor, Catholic Education Office. Catechists should not be called at home unless the teacher has indicated that you may do so. Parents are not to go into their child’s classroom during the PSR class time to speak with a teacher, as this interrupts the classroom. A parent may make an appointment to speak with the teacher before or after class. Please do not let a problem grow. When a problem arises, parents are expected to come to the teacher, not to another parent.

Extra Curricular Activities The following activities are available for the students to join outside of the PSR classroom.

Children’s Choir Directed by Orin Johnson, this choir is for those in 3rd–8th grades and sings about once each month at the 9:30am mass, and at occasional midweek Masses and Christmas and Easter Masses. It rehearses most Thursday afternoons at 4:45pm. Before a child joins the choir, certain forms need to be filled out by parent and child. Parents are asked to attend a meeting in September/ Contact Orin at [email protected] for more information.

Altar Servers Beginning in the spring of 5th grade, Father Gahan will offer a training class for altar servers. Students in grades 6-8 will be offered a refresher class each year. Altar Serving is an honor and is available for both boys and girls. Once a student has attended a training class he/she will be asked to fill out a preference sheet as to their availability. They will be placed on an Altar Server schedule on weekend Masses. An invitation to attend the altar training will be sent to all 6-8 grade students at the beginning of the school year and to 5th grade students in the spring.

Children's Liturgy Children’s Liturgy occurs during the 9:30 AM Sunday Masses from September through May. Children are dismissed after the opening prayer for their own Liturgy of the Word & reflection, presented at their age level and are brought back to church during the start of the Offertory. When the priest dismisses the children, either bring or send your children back with the rest of the group. Children’s Liturgy is held in classroom #2 of the Sts. Joachim & Ann School. There is no cost for sending your children to Children’s Liturgy. Just watching their smiling faces as they learn 18 about God’s Love and about Christ is payment enough! We are always looking for volunteers to help serve as Liturgists, Musicians, Time Keepers, or as an adult presence to help keep the children focused on the Word. We are seeking volunteers to be catechists for the 11:30AM Mass as well. Please consider this wonderful ministry as a way to share your love of Christ with our parish children. Please contact Kathy Bendyk at 636 345-0563 if you are interested in participating.

WRITTEN COMMUNICATION  KIDMAIL-Each oldest/only child will receive a KID MAIL envelope at the beginning of each month unless you have signed up to receive communication through email. These envelopes need to be checked, signed by a parent and returned with your child the following week. The communication in the Kidmail envelopes comes from the PSR office. Teachers will use their own folders to send home letters to parents, homework assignments, or papers and activities worked on in class. If money, a note, or important information is being returned in the KIDMAIL envelope please let the teacher know.  Newsletters – a monthly newsletter will be emails or sent home in the Kidmail envelope with highlights of upcoming events and important information for parents. Please read it carefully. If you would like to receive PSR Newsletters through email, please send an email to [email protected] requesting your newsletters be paperless.  You may contact us at our e-mail address o PSR office [email protected] o Rose Wieschhaus [email protected] .  Our Parish website is  The archdiocesan website is

MAINTAINING SCHOOL PRIVACY Sts Joachim and Ann understands that students/parents have access to technology that enables them to record, either visually or audibly, a student of the school or a member of the school staff. Out of respect for the students in our school, students and parents are not to publicly post any videos, pictures or audio recordings of students at school events unless the student/parent(s) have the express written permission from the school to do so. This includes, but is not limited to, online photo-sharing and posting videos to YouTube or similar applications.

Additionally, in order to ensure the privacy of members of the school staff, students and parents are not to record a member of the school staff without the express permission of the staff member. As such, students and parents are prohibited from recording classroom lessons/discussions and are prohibited from photographing or videotaping teachers without the teachers’ permission. Likewise, students and parents shall not publicly post any videos, pictures or audio recordings of staff members unless the student/parent(s) have the express written permission from the school staff member. This includes, but is not limited to, online photo-sharing and posting videos to YouTube or similar applications.

Discipline Sts. Joachim and Ann PSR uses an assertive method of discipline, emphasizing the positive in each child. The essence of Christian behavior is respect of all and an inner spirit of self-discipline. The student needs to be responsible for his/her own behavior and respectful of others and their property. We strive to be positive, consistent and fair with all students. We ask that students come to class on time, be prepared with homework and class materials and pay attention and follow directions during class. Each teacher will clearly communicate, visually with charts and verbally what he/she needs in order for the students to learn. Students will be made aware of the

19 expectations of the teacher and what the consequences of their behavior will be. Attention is given to the student who follows the rules rather than to the one who breaks the rules. These SCHOOL RULES will be enforced along with any rules established by the teacher: Respect will be shown to priests, teachers, administrators, parent helpers and fellow students. Textbooks, school supplies and properties are to be treated with respect. Contents of desks and lockers are never to be disturbed. Cell phones are discouraged from being brought to class, and should be turned off during PSR. Gum is not allowed on the school grounds. Hats are not to be worn in the classroom or church. All trash should be placed in the trashcan. Students are rewarded for positive behavior, but they are also made aware of the consequences of disruptive behavior. Depending on the severity of an offense, the student might be sent home immediately, with no further warning. If a student is sent to the office during the school year, he/she will be asked to phone the parent to discuss the situation. The student may not be re-admitted to class that day. A second trip to the office will result in the student's calling home. Parents will be requested to come for the student and a conference is arranged between the teacher, parent, student, and Coordinator of Religious Education. At this point, further participation in the PSR program is at the discretion of the Coordinator.

Negative Student Behavior/Attitude Students are at PSR for one hour and fifteen minutes each week and so any serious behavior is detrimental to the education of a child and /or whole group or children, thus it cannot be permitted. Teachers will handle common behavior problems in the classroom as they occur. If the student at any grade level does not respond to the corrections of the teacher, and/or shows no improvement, the child will be referred to the principal for an office visit. A meeting with the parents, child and principal may be necessary. There will be NO TOLERANCE at PSR for  Fighting-including punching, kicking, pushing and hitting  Foul, vulgar, or profane language  Harassment  Obscene gestures or pictures, whether written or spoken/acted  Possession of drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, lighters or weapons  Sexual misconduct or harassment –including physical contact, indecent exposure, teasing with sexual innuendoes, or demeaning notes or actions  Vandalism-any vandalism will require 2 hours or service work and full payment of damages  Verbal abuse-written or spoken words that are demeaning to another person (student or teacher/staff) intimidation, defiance

Students who engage in any type of these behaviors will receive an immediate office visit with parents being called.

Safe School Policy All teachers, aids, office workers and parent volunteers will have name tags that will be worn each week. Any adult volunteer who does not have a name tag should report to the office for a temporary name tag. Because Sts. Joachim and Ann Parish School of Religion seek to provide a safe learning environment for the members of our community, violence will not be tolerated. Our goal as a Christian community is to reflect Gospel values. These include an emphasis on the dignity of all persons, which is necessary for respect, the interdependence of all persons which is the basis of community, and the rights and responsibilities of all persons which are the

20 foundation of justice. Violence is inconsistent with the unity and peace that are essential to living the Catholic faith in our community. Violence consists of words, gestures, or actions that result in or have the potential to result in hurt, fear, or injury. Violence includes threats of injury; harassment, assault, possession and/or use of a weapon, or anything which could be construed as a weapon, and theft or vandalism of property. All reported or observed instances of violence and threats of violence, whether they occur on or off the Parish School of Religion premises, will be addressed in a timely and serious manner. The safety of students, faculty, and staff is the paramount consideration when decisions are made concerning the discipline of persons who violate this policy.

Students and parents/guardians are encouraged to immediately report concerns regarding potential acts of violence to the teacher who will report to the Principal or Coordinator. If a student engages in serious threatening or violent behavior, the child will be removed from contact with the Parish School of Religion. Before the student can return, the Principal must receive reasonable assurance from a mental health professional that the child is not a threat to himself/herself or to others.

While this violence policy seemingly refers only to student behavior, such is not the case. In fact, parents can expect that while their child(ren) are in PSR class, the students will be treated with respect, and Christian care. Teachers while seeking to create an orderly, environment will respect the dignity and personhood of each student. In turn, parents are expected to treat catechists, administration, parent volunteers and students with the same courtesy and respect.

BULLYING, INTIMIDATING, OR OSTRACIZING BEHAVIORS Bullying, intimidating, or ostracizing behaviors create a hostile, threatening environment for those who are the object of these behaviors and for those who witness or have knowledge of these behaviors. Anyone having knowledge of these behaviors are to report them directly to teachers or administrators immediately. Students engaging in such behaviors will need to meet with the Director.

Bullying is mean or hurtful actions done repeatedly and on purpose toward someone who has difficulty defending himself or herself. It happens when someone hurts, frightens, threatens, or leaves someone out on purpose. Examples of bullying include, but are not limited to: Continued hurtful, harmful, and unkind acts that are verbal, social or physical in nature, having money or other things taken or damaged repeatedly, being threatened or forced to do things, racial bullying, sexual bullying, cyber bullying via cell phone or the Internet. Students in the PSR program will do the following things to prevent bullying: Treat others respectfully, learn Christian virtues to model to others during hurtful situations, refuse to watch, laugh, or join in when someone is being bullied, tell an adult in the PSR program or an adult at home if somebody is being bullied, try to include everyone in play, especially those who are often left out.

We want students to learn from their mistakes and repair the harm or broken relationship. In certain instances we may include: Discussion with teacher, principal and parents, finding out what happened, making things as right as possible, and guaranteeing a better future, create a project or action to grow in virtue based on the harmful or hurtful action, apologize, spend time in the office, pay for damaged belongings.

CHILD ABUSE REPORTING Sts Joachim and Ann Parish School of Religion abides by the state Child Protection and Reformation Act (RSMO 210) that requires school personnel having reasonable cause to believe that a child known to them in their professional capacity may be an abused or neglected child must report to the Missouri Department of Family Services. All employees and parent volunteers are required to complete the educational child sexual abuse prevention program entitled, “Protecting God’s Children”. The program provides information on how to

21 prevent situations that can lead to abuse, on what behavior should raise concern about abuse, and how to report abuse. (SB Policy #26)

EMERGENCY PROCEDURES IN CASE OF FIRE: A fire can occur at any time of day, on any day of the year. This is why safety practices to prevent fires must be observed throughout the entire school.

Fire Drills Emergency evacuation maps are posted in each classroom. During evacuation procedures, the students must remain quiet and ready to receive emergency information, walk quickly - without running, and be familiar with the route they are to take. Teachers or Teacher Aids will be the last to leave the room. When the classes have reached the safety zone, teachers will check for missing students and report them to the lead teacher who will check to see if the student is with another class or needs to be retrieved from the building. Office workers will check the bathrooms. Do not return to class until you have received the "all clear". Teachers will close the classroom door on the way out and take a class attendance chart outside with you.

Parents are asked to review these measures with their children. Instructions for evacuation are as follows: 1. Walk, DO NOT RUN to the Care Service Building, located across Shepherd Drive on the campus next to Sts. Joachim and Ann. Class should maintain an orderly line. 2. Move quietly - no talking (except for instructions) 3. Classroom teachers are in charge. 4. Personal items (coats, purses, cell phones), should be taken if done quickly. 5. Each teacher will check attendance when the safe area has been reached. If the office has already collected the attendance record, the office will bring it out for you. 6. All doors of all classrooms should be closed during a fire drill to alter the possible spread of a fire. 7. Children will be instructed to crouch or crawl under smoke, protecting their nose with coat or sleeve. 8. The regular school bell will ring when all are to return to the building. Silence should be maintained while returning to the building.

In an actual emergency, panic is more dangerous than a fire.

DRILLS Tornado Drills A tornado watch means conditions are favorable for a tornado or severe weather. A tornado warning means a tornado has been sighted in the area. If this is the case, the tornado sirens will sound and the office will make an announcement indicating there is a tornado/severe storm in the area. Teachers will lead students to the lower floor of the main school building and gather in the storage area. Classes from the junior high building will lead their students out the doors of the junior high building down the outside steps to the cafeteria and into the storage area of the building. If there is not enough time or the weather has turned severe, students will gather in the school halls against the walls farthest from the windows and doors, or in the bathrooms. They should crouch down and cover their head with their arms. Students in the junior high building should go into the bathrooms away from windows. Leave classroom doors open. In order to keep everyone safe, the PSR will not release the children during a tornado warning. A tornado warning means there is immediate danger for the warned area and everyone in the path of such a storm is advised to take cover immediately. Parents coming to pick up their child will be asked to stay with their child in the safe area until an all clear has been given. No parents will be able to take their children home until after

22 the warning is lifted. A tornado watch only indicates that conditions are likely to produce a tornado, so children should be released during a tornado watch.

Intruder/Shooter Drills The office will make an announcement over the PA that there is an intruder in the building. There will immediately be a lock down and no one will be allowed to enter or leave the building. This goes for parents coming to pick up their child. There will not be any code words. Teachers will follow lockdown procedures: These include: 1. Closing the classroom door and turn out your lights. The doors remain locked at all times so the teacher only needs to close the door in order for it to be locked. 2. Move to an area of the room which is not visible through the door window or other window. 3. Close shades if possible. 4. Keep as quiet and calm as possible. 5. Everyone should wait to hear an “all clear” announcement voiced over the PA or at their door by a familiar voice.

6. If the teacher can get their class out of the building safely (through the back door or window) they should lead them, but only if they feel that they can do this.


If it becomes necessary to dismiss students early due to power failure or other major emergency, and it is possible to keep the students and staff indoors, we will use the following procedure

All students and classroom teachers will be instructed using intercom or if intercom is not working, some other method) to assemble in Church or the Parish Center and sit quietly.

After all the children are in the Church or Parish Center, tables will be set up at the entrance into Church (by the office) or the entrance to the Parish Center.

All office workers will report to the office to be assigned certain tasks.

If possible, a message will be sent to all parents via email and the office will begin to call parents using the Emergency Information Forms kept in the office. A brief message will be recorded by the office on the main line (926-0021) stating the emergency and giving instructions. KMOX may also be notified.

Tables will be set up by the entrance informing individuals who will be picking up students to come into the hallway and wind around until they are by the doors going into Church.

After the individual has been approved to pick up the student(s), he/she will be given a small sheet of notepaper with the student’s name on it. They will then go into Church or the Parish Center where the Director will call for the student using the bullhorn (or, if we have electricity, will speak from the podium). Parents and students will be directed to exit from the back of church or by the side exit in the Parish Center.


In the event of an emergency or natural disaster, which makes it necessary to evacuate the building, the following procedure for evacuation and dismissal should be followed:

23 1. Normal fire plan should be used in exiting the building. All classrooms will head toward the Care Service building 4116 McClay Road. Teachers will take emergency binders and emergency kits with them on their way out.

2. All office workers will report to the Care Service Building will they will be assigned a task.

All classroom teachers will line up their classes on the parking lot area. Jean or Rose will retrieve the key to the Care Service building from the rectory office. Teachers will hold up red or green cards – Red – missing a student; Green – all present. One of the office workers will check with each teacher to see if anyone is missing or injured. If possible, teachers will then be grouped as Kindergarten with 5th grade, 1st grade with 6th grade, 2nd grade with 7th grade, 3th grade with 8th and 4th and 5th together. Teachers will keep students calm – may gather in a circle. Teachers will put on orange vests.

If any students are injured seriously, they will need to be separated and put in one staging area on the parking lot for a clinician to tend to them

Once the key has opened the doors, Teachers will lead their classes inside and find an area to sit in a circle.

3. Individuals arriving to pick up students will be instructed as to where to go to pick up their children. Some of the office staff will man the pick-up station; others will act as runners to obtain students in the holding area.

4. After an individual has been approved to pick up student(s), / will be given a slip of paper with the student(s) name(s) on it which they will then give to the runner to obtain their children. They will then be instructed to leave the premises as quickly as possible in an orderly fashion.

SHOP FOR OUR SCHOOLS & E-SCRIPTS We do not have a fund raiser for our Parish School of Religion; however we ask that all families participate in the Shop for Our Schools program. This program is very simple and easy to use. Merchants give us a discount on gift cards for their shop. Families purchase the gift cards at face value and the profit goes to the PSR program. The gift cards cost the same dollar for dollar and spend just like cash at the area shops. Gift cards are sold before/after Mass on Saturday evening and Sunday morning and during PSR from 6:15-8PM. The Shop for Our Schools table is set up in the Gathering Space of the Church on weekends and across from the main school office on Monday evenings. Gift cards can be purchased for grocery stores, restaurants, department stores, movie tickets, gas stations, fast food and much more. For some stores, the certificate can be used to pay the store’s credit card bill. It is important that you write 8000 on the account number so the profit will go to PSR. Certificates vary as to percentage given back to the program. E-script cards are available in the PSR office for Schnucks grocery store or you can request an E-script card from the courtesy counter at Schnucks. Once activated, simply give your E-script card to the cashier every time you make a purchase and a percentage of your sale goes to Sts Joachim and Ann PSR. Once a family reaches a $30 profit, which is about $1200 worth of purchases throughout the year, the $30 registration fee is waived for the following year. We are asking all families to try this program, especially if you are shopping at these retailers often. Purchases must be paid for by check or cash. PRAYER GARDEN Our Prayer Garden is located between the Parish Center and the Junior high building. It offers a quiet space for anyone who would like to take time for themselves to pray, meditate or simply enjoy nature. A path winds around beautiful plants and ends at a large outdoor cross. The Prayer Garden is maintained by volunteers of the parish. Anyone who enjoys gardening and would like to help maintain the garden is invited to contact Rose Wieschhaus. RESOURCES FOR PARENTS

24 Loyola Press Parent Resources for Finding God god/finding-god-2013/parents-and-students

Growing Up Catholic for Parents

Family-Friendly Rosary Meditations, Archdiocese of Denver

5 Ways to a Stronger Family, Archdiocese of Denver -

A Month of Dinnertime Questions, Archdiocese of Denver

Raising Faith-Filled Kids by Tom McGrath, Loyola Press

God’s Gift Together by Tom McGrath, Loyola Press (For parents whose children are preparing to receive sacraments)

A Catholic Parent’s Tool Box; Raising Healthy Families in the 21st Century, by Joseph D. White, PhD., Our Sunday Visitor

Celebrating Sunday for Catholic Families 2017-2018, Liturgy Training Publications

Catholic Prayer for Catholic Families, Loyola Press

Catholic Parent Know How, Our Sunday Visitor

Bring Forth Hope; Pope Francis Speaks to the Youth of the World, Christopher Ryan, MGL, Saint Mary’s Press

The Big Book of Catholic Customs and Traditions for Children’s Faith Formation, Our Sunday Visitor

The Living My Faith page is last page of each chapter for grades 1-7 which corresponds to the lesson learned that evening and suggestions for living out those lessons at home.

A PSR Parent Newsletter -will be emailed or sent home through the Kidmail which includes upcoming events in the PSR program and parish, and articles on spirituality.

Parent/Child Activity Nights- will take place with specific grades throughout the year.


Many resources are available for adults to deepen their knowledge of the Catholic Church, Scripture, prayer, and the sacraments. Parents are welcome to gather in church each week to pray silently, say the rosary together or spend time in Adoration.

Parent Gatherings and In-Services will be offered throughout the year during PSR in the Adult Ed room. The Gatherings will give parents an opportunity to meet other parents in a relaxed environment. In-Services will be offered on a variety of subjects throughout the year. 25 A Catholic Book Club meets once a month to read and discuss books on a variety of subjects all related to the Catholic Church.

Catholics Returning Home for adult Catholics who have been away from the church and RCIA for adults interested in learning more about the Catholic faith are available through the parish.

Adult Bible Studies will be forming this fall on a variety of afternoons and evenings. More information about the studies and when and where they will meet will be in the bulletin and the September newsletter.

Books, magazines and other resources are available in the PSR office and in the Gathering Space of Church for your own faith development.

Plan to use your child’s PSR class time as an opportunity for your own spiritual renew, either through prayer, meditation, reading or gathering as a community with other parents.

RELIGION GOALS  Students will express understanding of the Triune God and the activity of the persons of the Trinity in their lives.

 Students will express a basic understanding of Jesus, his life and teachings; they will recognize Jesus as the Savior and model for Christian living.

 Students will describe how the Church carries out Jesus mission, the structure and function of the Church in the world, the role of Mary and the saints, and key developments in the history of the Church.

 Students will participate in the sacramental life of the church, recognizing the Eucharist as the source and summit of Christian life; they will express an understanding of the nature, importance, and ritual of the seven

26 Sacraments, and the sacramentality of all creation. .  Students will participate in the worship of the faith community, use a variety of prayer forms to enrich and express personal and communal spirituality, plan liturgy and prayer experiences with appropriate resources, and demonstrate an understanding of the liturgical seasons, feasts, saints days, Marian devotions, and sacramentals.

 Students will demonstrate knowledge of Sacred Scriptures as the inspired Word of God revealing God’s plan for salvation, and will read, interpret and apply Scripture to their lives.

 Students will demonstrate understanding of authentic Catholic teachings as promulgated by the Magisterium of the Church and apply these teachings to all life situations.

 Students will demonstrate understanding of Catholic moral teachings, make moral decisions consistent with these teachings, and especially exhibit a respect for life toward self, others and creation.

 Students will exercise responsible stewardship for the gift of creation, share their time, talent and treasure in service to the community as response to the Gospel call, and evaluate societal structures in light of Catholic social justice principles.

 Students will exhibit a welcoming and inviting attitude toward all persons encountered in the broader community and share their Catholic identity, beliefs, and practices.


Goals: 1. Students will show respect for themselves, families, and friends.

2. Students will express appreciation and respect for God’s gift of creation.

3. Students will explore the Bible’s message of God’s love and demonstrate a response to that love by how they live as friends of Jesus.

4. Students will explore religious holidays and Church customs and rituals.

5. Students will learn that Jesus is the Son of God.

6. Students will learn that Mary is Jesus mother, the mother of God and our mother too.

7. Students will learn that Joseph is Jesus’ stepfather and protector of the family.

Content topics: Knowledge/Skills/ Values 27 1. Respect 2. Differences/Similarities 3. Appreciation for life and family 4. Tolerance/Forgiveness 5. Patience 6. Scripture Stories: Creation, Nativity and Holy Family 7. Advent/Christmas 8. Lent/Easter 9. Baptism as the entrance to God’s family/ Symbols of Baptism 10. Mass as the weekly celebration of God’s family 11. Old Testament Bible stories 12. New Testament parables

Resources: Memory Book/Portfolio


Introduced: Mastered Sign of the Cross Sign of the Cross Our Father Our Father Hail Mary Glory Be

Grade 1

Goals: 1. Students will express an understanding that God has revealed himself as Trinity, three persons in one God: the Father as Creator, Son the Savior, Holy Spirit the Helper.

2. Students will tell how Jesus shows us who God is and teaches us how to live.

3. Students will appreciate the Holy Spirit as helper, guide, and Third Person of the Blessed Trinity.

4. Students will identify Mary as Mother of Jesus and our mother.

5. Students will show understanding that Jesus started the Church.

6. Students will describe prayer as listening and talking to God and will memorize and recite traditional prayers of the Church: Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be.

7. Students will define Baptism as the first sacrament giving us God’s life (grace) and joining us to the family of the Catholic Church.

28 8. Students will identify the Bible as a collection of holy books through which God speaks to us.

9. Students will show respect for creation and for all life, especially human life.

10. Students will identify the Mass as the weekly celebration of God’s family.

11. Students will explore religious holidays and Church customs and rituals.

12. Students will show understanding of Saints in the church.

Content Topics: Knowledge / Skills / Values

1. Bible: Stories: Nativity, ministry, death and resurrection 2. Helpers in our Church family: priests and sisters 3. Community 4. Forgiveness 5. Mary as Mother of God and our mother 6. Church tour and church etiquette 7. Liturgical seasons

Resources, Activities, Assessments: Text Finding God, Loyola Press 2013 edition

Prayers Introduced Mastered Prayer to My Guardian Angel Hail Mary

Grade 2

Goals: 1. Students will recount examples of how Jesus reveals God’s mercy, love and forgiveness through life and teachings. 2. Students will recount the teachings of Jesus and the events of his life that resulted in his gift of the Eucharist. 3. Students will express an understanding of right and wrong (sin) and express feelings of sorrow and contrition following the guidance of our faith tradition e.g. the Ten Commandments. 4. Students will relate Reconciliation to healing and forgiveness, and express a positive feeling and desire to celebrate the sacrament of First Reconciliation. 5. Students will express understanding of the Eucharist as meal, thanksgiving, and sacrifice and belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist as they celebrate their First Communion. 6. Students will participate actively in the celebration of the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist as the community worship of the Church. 7. Students will express understanding that the Mass is the great celebration of the Church. 8. Students will express understanding and profess the belief that participation in weekend Eucharist is the key gift, privilege, and expression of being Catholic. 9. Students will memorize the Act of Contrition and recite Mass responses. 29 Content Topics: Knowledge / Skills / Values

1. Forgiveness 2. Reconciliation 3. 10 Commandments as rules to love God and love other people 4. Bible as the library of the written word of God 5. Bible Stories: Jesus feed the multitudes, Prodigal Son, Last Supper, Zacchaeus, Good Shepherd 6. Parts of the Mass: Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist 7. Baptism as the entrance to God’s family 8. Eucharist as the next step in initiation into God’s family 9. Mary: Mother of the Church, Mother of God

Resources, Activities, Assessments:

Text Loyola press Finding God 2013 edition God’s Gift 2016 – Reconciliation/ God’s Gift 2016 - Eucharist

Activities o Parent meeting in preparation for Reconciliation o Celebration of First Reconciliation o Parent/child Workshop, meeting and Pinning Ceremony in preparation for Eucharist o Practice for First Communion o Celebration of First Eucharist o Agape Celebration o May Procession

Prayers Introduced Mastered The Rosary Glory Be Act of Contrition Prayer to My Guardian Angel Apostles Creed Act of Contrition

Grade 3


1. Students will identify the Church as the People of God, the Communion of Saints, and the Mystical Body of Christ. 2. Students will relate the Pentecost Event, recognize it as the coming of the Holy Spirit, the birthday of the church, and the promise of the Holy Spirit’s abiding presence. 3. Students will describe major events in the history of the Church and explain how they relate to our own life. 4. Students will describe major events of the early Church as recounted in the Acts of the Apostles. 5. Students will describe and express understanding of the Marks of the Church and recognize that the Marks verify the Church’s intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. 6. Students will recognize the structure of the liturgical year and its influence on liturgical celebrations. 7. Students will express understanding that participation in weekend Mass sustains the Church as the Body of Christ and is the essential expression of a practicing Catholic. 8. Students will distinguish between various vocations, ministries, and positions in the Church.

30 9. Students will describe the structure and hierarchy of the Church. 10. Students will memorize and express understanding of the Apostles Creed. 11. Students will describe the structure of the rosary and pray the rosary. 12. Students will demonstrate respect and reverence for all life (races, sexes, religions, and people with special needs.)

Content Topics: Knowledge / Skills / Values

1. Scripture: Acts of the Apostles, Miracles of Jesus, Good Samaritan, Old Testament as the story of Covenant, New Testament as story of Jesus life and works. 2. Communion of Saints, Mary the Mother of the Church, Our Lady of Guadalupe as Patroness of the Americas 3. Marks of the Church 4. Trinity, with emphasis on the Holy Spirit Sacraments : as initiation, forgiveness, and service/ministry 5. Celebrate rituals and sacraments of the Church, especially Eucharist and Reconciliation

Resources, Activities, Assessments: Texts: Loyola press Finding God, 2013 edition

Prayers Mastered Introduced Hail Mary The Angelus Our Father Hail Holy Queen Glory Be Prayer to the Holy Spirit Act of Contrition

Grade 4

Goals: 1 Students will memorize and express understanding of the Law of Love, the ten Commandments, and the Precepts of the Church as guides for Christian living. 2 Students will demonstrate knowledge, understanding, and application of the Beatitudes, the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy, and Social Justice principles as guides for Christian living. 3 Students will demonstrate knowledge of sin: venial and mortal, personal and social. 4 Students will apply Christian principles when making decision. 5 Students will express knowledge and understanding of right and wrong, the role of conscience, and the ongoing challenge to grow in virtue. 6 Students will read and reflect on Scripture passages related to forgiveness. 7 Students will express understanding that the Sacrament of Reconciliation celebrates the living mercy of God and that they are truly forgiven 8 Students will recite the Angelis and have knowledge of the Stations of the Cross and all the Mysteries of the Rosary. 9 Students will express understanding and appreciation that Jesus came to show us how to live, and that he redeemed us through his Passion, Death, and Resurrection (Paschal Mystery). 10 Students will recognize that God’s covenant relationship with his people is based on unconditional love. 11 Students will acknowledge that Mary is the perfect model of discipleship. 12 Content Topics: Knowledge / Skills / Values 31 1. Bible stories: Good Samaritan, Vine and the Branches, Sermon on the Mount - Beatitudes 2. Scripture: structure, God as author, writing of books, types of literature 3. Ten Commandments as covenant with Moses 4. Laws of the Church 5. Mysteries of the Rosary as recalling the events in the life of Christ and his mother Mary 6. Sin: venial and mortal, personal and social 7. Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy 8. Appreciation of the liturgical seasons of the year 9. Saints, Mary: Assumption, Immaculate Conception 10. Pentecost as the coming of the Spirit and the birthday of the Church

Resources, Activities, Assessments:

Text: Loyola Press Finding God, 2013 edition Bible

Grade 5


1 Students will explain the meaning of the sacraments as instruments of God’s grace. 2 Students will express understanding that the Church is the sacrament of Christ’s presence in the world. 3 Students will identify, categorize, describe the rituals, and reflect on the scripture basis (instituted by Christ) of the seven sacraments. 4 Students will participate in the sacramental life of the community and express understanding of the personal and communal significance of each sacrament. 5 Students will demonstrate an understanding of the real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist and the Eucharist as central to Catholic faith. 6 Students will pray and use the Nicene Creed as a summary of Christian beliefs. 7 Students will profess understanding and acceptance of the Church’s social teachings, especially respect life issues. 8 Students will memorize and pray the Gloria. 9 Students will recognize and express the grace given in sacraments through responsible stewardship. 10 Students will express understanding that all the baptized are called to a life of missionary discipleship that transforms society.

Content Topics: Knowledge / Attitudes / Values

1. Scripture: Gospels 2. Definition of Sacraments and the sacramentality of all creation 3. Appreciate the centrality of the Eucharist in the life of the person and the Church 4. Grace as a sharing in the Life of God 5. Mary: Immaculate Conception as Patroness of the U.S. 6. Nicene Creed 32 7. Structure and prayers of the Mass 8. Personal response to ministry of Baptism through service

Resources, Activities, Assessments Texts: Loyola press Finding God 2013 edition Bible

Assessment: ACRE I

Grade 6

Goals: 1. Students will describe the structure of the Bible, locate passages, and name the various literary forms in Scripture.

2. Students will identify sacred events and significant persons in the Old Testament.

3. Students will describe the meaning of “covenant” in human experience and the special meaning of “covenant between God and His people.

4. Students will accept and profess appreciation for the Bible, along with Tradition, as a primary source of God’s self-revelation, inspired by the Holy Spirit.

5. Students will apply the teachings and lessons of Scripture to their lives as guidance for living as God’s people.

6. Students will identify Jesus as the fulfillment of the Old Testament Covenant.

7. Students will experience a variety of prayer forms: Eucharistic Adoration, devotions, litanies, spontaneous, centering, meditation, praying with the Psalms.

8. Students will recognize and apply biblical lessons to social issues like respect for life, justice, creation, stewardship, etc.

9. Students will explain the importance of ecumenism and interreligious elations, particularly as it applies to respect for the Jewish religion.

10. Students will recognize and express appreciation for how the Old Testament is used in the Lectionary of the Mass.

Content Topics: Knowledge / Skills / Values

1. Structure of the Bible 33 2. Sacred events and significant persons in Scripture 3. Literary forms of the Bible 4. Concept of covenant 5. Ten Commandments 6. Prayer: spontaneous, using Psalms and other Scripture 7. Social teaching of the common good and dignity of the human person

Resources, Activities, Assessments:

Texts: Loyola Finding God 2013 Bible

Grade 7

Goals: 1. Students will express the development of a personal relationship with Jesus.

2. Students will identify parables and teachings of Jesus in Scripture and describe how these apply to one’s own faith life.

3. Students will analyze the customs and way of life at the time of Jesus.

4. Students will show respect for life from conception, through each stage of growth throughout life, to physical death.

5. Students will share their time, talent and treasure in service to the community in response to the Gospel call.

6. Students will demonstrate an understanding of Church history.

7. Students will choose to commit themselves to preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation.

Content Topics: Knowledge / Skills / Values 1. Scripture as God’s self-revelation 2. Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Suffering Servant The Church as a Community of Faith 3. Councils and great leaders of the Church 4. Witness and service 5. Participation in various models of prayer and planning of liturgies 6. Saints, apostles, Mary and other followers of Jesus

Resources, Activities, Assessment:

Texts: Loyola Finding God 2013 Bible

Activities: Confirmation meeting for parents and students – March 6, 2018 Theology of the Body for Middle School Students February 2018 Dynamic Catholic Decision Point – Matthew Kelly March 2018

34 Grade 8

Goals: 1. Students will express a basic understanding of Jesus, his life and teachings, and recognize the importance of a personal relationship with him as their Savoir and model for Christian living. 2. Students will demonstrate to others knowledge and understanding of the Commandments, Beatitudes and Catholic moral teachings. 3. Students will apply knowledge of Catholic teachings to moral decision making. 4. Students will demonstrate understanding to others of the structure and images of the Catholic Church. 5. Students will recognize significant people and events in the history of the Roman Catholic Church from apostolic times through the twenty-first century. 6. Students will choose to commit themselves to faithful and lifelong participation in the Catholic Church especially through the sacrament of Confirmation. 7. Students will express openness to the Holy Spirit, a deeper understanding of the working of the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit in their lives, and dedication to building a life of virtue. 8. Student will live a life of stewardship sharing their time, talent, and treasure in service to the community on response to the Gospel call to build the Kingdom. 9. Students will recognize and witness to key elements of their Catholic identity. 10. Students will show understanding, profess, live, and witness to Church teachings on the virtue of chastity, human sexuality, and right to life issues. 11. Students will express understanding of how the Bible is utilized throughout the Lectionary cycle. 12. Students will memorize the Come, Holy Spirit prayer. 13. Students will express understanding that the call to missionary discipleship is lifelong and embraces all vocations.

Content Topics: Knowledge / Skills / Values 1. Confirmation 2. Creeds 3. Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit 4. Laws of the church 5. Ten Commandments 6. Law of Love 7. Beatitudes 8. Spiritual and corporal Works of Mercy 9. Saints and their witness to the faith Resources, Activities, Assessments Chosen Confirmation program Decision Point – Confirmation program Theology of the Body for Junior high Bible Activities: Confirmation Rally – October 9 Parent/student/sponsor meeting - October 10 Confirmation Retreat - November 10 Celebration of Confirmation -May 1, 2018 . Assessment – ACRE II

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