Bridgnorth Medical Practice

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Bridgnorth Medical Practice


Members of the Patient Participation Group (PPG) conducted a survey during various clinic times in week commencing 16 February 2015. Questions had been set during a meeting of the PPG Reference Group on 26 January and were based on the priorities agreed for the year 2014/2015. These priorities were as follows: 1. Improvement of Electronic Access to services 2. Increase the PPG membership and demographic representation by setting up a ‘virtual’ group who could contribute to future surveys and email correspondence with the PPG and Practice 3. Investigate Access for Disability Groups

It was decided to limit the survey to 10 questions with mainly tick box answer options for speed and simplicity. Questions were based around how patients currently access the Practice for repeat prescriptions, appointments and their use of on-line services. No questions were asked on this occasion about age or gender. There was also a question asking whether patients would be willing to be contacted for their views in future.

200 questionnaires were printed and members of the PPG returned 103 completed forms – a 51.5 return rate. The results of the survey were as follows:-

1. How do you currently order your repeat prescriptions? a. 28 said by Telephone b. 3 said by Email c. 15 said on-line d. 20 said via the Pharmacy e. 32 said by visit to the Surgery f. 5 said other, but only one specified the method, which was ‘text’ g. 8 said not applicable h. Some patients had ticked more than one option Only 14.6% of patients surveyed use the on-line facility for ordering prescriptions.

2. How do you rate your experience of ordering prescriptions? a. 79 said Good b. 13 said Fair c. 4 said Poor 89.3% of patients surveyed are happy with their experience

3. How do you currently book your appointments? a. 85 said by telephone b. 18 said by visit to the surgery c. 8 said on-line Only 7.8% of patients surveyed use the on-line facility to book appointments

4. How do you rate your experience of booking appointments? a. 51 said Good b. 33 said Fair c. 17 said Poor 67% of patients surveyed are happy with their experience

5. Do you have access to the internet? a. 85 said Yes b. 18 said No

6. In what way do you access the internet? a. 66 said by home computer b. 36 by tablet c. 33 by mobile phone d. 2 said by library computers e. 3 use family or friends’ computers f. 2 said other

7. Have you registered for on-line services at the practice? a. 22 said yes b. 60 said no c. 18 said they intend to register d. 3 said they did not know Only 31.4% of patients surveyed have registered for the on-line access to services

8. If not, would you be interested in a half hour training session on how to use the on-line system? a. 5 said Yes b. 60 said No c. 17 said Possibly

9. Are you aware that you will be able to access your patient records from Spring 2015? a. 29 said Yes b. 74 said No

10.It is really important to us that we develop the services to match the needs of our patients so would you be prepared for us to contact you from time to time to obtain your views about patient services? a. 46 said Yes and provided an email address b. 50 said No c. 7 did not respond Comments

Prescriptions  Can’t always get through but understand why. Thank you for seeing me today!  Much better than it was – now better co-ordinated with the pharmacy  Sometimes Boots don’t have the items in or only part order  Email rubbish – not arrived  Pharmacy – not in stock  Poor pharmacy – chaotic  Not happy with 3 day wait  Brilliant  Need transport as feel a visit to the surgery only way of doing it  Quite slow  Service is good, medicines are delivered  Is it possible to indicate when the prescription is available?  Satisfactory  Sometimes I have to wait a few days before collection  Has improved

Appointments  Not here very often  Long wait to get any appointment with preferred doctor  A month for appointment. Long time for phone answer  No chance telephone waste of time ringing  3 or 4 times before answered  Difficult to book the doctor of choice  Booked at each appointment  Sometimes difficult to see doctor of choice  Not happy on-line  Too long waiting times  Problems getting a specific doctor  Appointments need to be booked for doctors daily. Everyone answers phones when appt are full then book next day.  Sometimes hard to get through  Hard to get through, very busy  Some booked by nurse. Difficult to get through then long waits  Excellent, special access due to condition  Difficult to get through on the phone especially at 8:30 to rebook urgent appointment in family crisis  Usually 4 weeks to get an appointment with Dr  Difficult to get appointments especially for usual doctor  Difficult to get through, and then long wait to see named doctor. Need to see named doctor as complex health needs.  Sometimes takes several times to achieve an appointment. Problems with timely repeat appointments  Appointments too far ahead  Too long waiting times  Appointments too far ahead  Had to wait a month for an appointment for my 3 year old’s eyes!  Too long to wait for a non-urgent appointment  Can never get an appointment when needed!  Difficult to get through on the phone. Have to wait too long for non-urgent appointments with a specific doctor  Problematic – too long a wait for non urgent  It takes ages for someone to answer the phone!  I am severely asthmatic and struggle to get through on the phone to get appointments  Poor system  System lets you down. Receptionists v good

Access to Internet  Not interested – partially sighted  Very slow – does not always work

Registered for on-line services  Previous bad experience  Registered but not yet used  Previous on-line brilliant, now find it impossible  Happy to be able to access these records  Prefer to stick with what works well

Access to Patient Records  Sounds very helpful for elderly people  Interesting. Might try on-line again  No reason why we should  Good idea  Prefer face to face  Happy to be involved  Happy with the current system  That would be very useful  Good  Would quite like that  Might be interested in future  Not interested  Will find it useful  Dangerous hacking!!

General  Good service  Very happy with the Practice  Happy with the practice  Very friendly & helpful reception staff  We are very fortunate to have such good facilities on our doorstep. Administrative staff are helpful, go out of their way to sort out any problem. Hurray!! For our Doctors surgery

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