Bradford Museums, Galleries & Heritage Collections Policy

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Bradford Museums, Galleries & Heritage Collections Policy

Bradford Museums, Galleries & Heritage

Acquisition and Disposal Policy 2005 – 2010 Bradford Arts Heritage and Leisure

Bradford Museums, Galleries & Heritage Acquisition and Disposal Policy 2005-2010



Introduction 2

Statement of Purpose 2 - 3

General Policies 3 - 6

Collection Area 6

Enquiries 6 - 7

Loans 7 - 8

Disposals 8 - 9

Documentation 9 - 11

Collections Care 11 -13

Specific Collecting Priorities 13 - 32

Archives 13

Archaeology 13 - 18

Natural Sciences 18 - 22

Social History 22 - 24

Decorative Arts 24 - 25

Fine Art 25 - 27

International Art 27 – 28

Photographs 28

Oral History 28 - 29

Technology 29 - 31 2 Horses at Work 31 – 32

Education 32

Appendix 33



1.1 This statement is intended to provide a framework for collections management and collecting within the Service. It examines current strengths and weaknesses of the collections and set out priorities for active and passive collecting, documentation, storage, and conservation over the next five years. Copies of this statement, as approved by Bradford MDC will be deposited with the Yorkshire Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (YMLAC) and all museums in Yorkshire.

1.2 The Service’s Acquisition and Disposal policy will be published and reviewed at least once every five years. The policy will be due for review in 2010. The Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (MLA) and the Regional Agency (YMLAC) will be notified of any changes to the policy, and of the implications of any such change for the future of existing collections.


2.1 Bradford Museums, Galleries & Heritage’s purpose is

To enhance the quality of life of Bradford people, by providing and enabling inspiring and challenging learning experiences that support the delivery of the 2020 Vision through the collection, preservation, interpretation of, and community engagement with, relevant collections, heritage activity and art forms.


1. To provide Bradford with a quality Museums, Galleries & Heritage service that promotes and enhances the cultural life of the District.

3 2. To support the delivery of the 2020 vision, Corporate Plan, Cultural Strategy and Bradford 2008.

3. To maintain, develop, research and conserve collections held in trust for future generations by Bradford MDC.

4. To provide a service that is visitor-orientated, accessible and available to all through displays, activities, promotions and new technology.

5. To encourage participation as well as observation.

6. To develop facilities for their social and educational value, reflecting and building upon the cultural diversity of the District.

7. To manage the Service efficiently and effectively, ensuring staff develop their full potential.

8. To participate in the formulation and delivery of Council policies directed at the preservation and enhancement of the local heritage, environment and the creation of sustainable communities.

9. To develop partnerships at local, regional and national level, with organisations and individuals that will aid service delivery and income generation.

10. To abide by the Museums Association Code of Ethics for Museums

2.2 Bradford Museums, Galleries & Heritage Service exists to collect, record, conserve, exhibit and interpret the human and natural heritage of the City & District of Bradford, and to provide access through the provision of quality services for the public benefit. Collecting is defined as including not only artefacts, specimens, samples, or the written record, but also data, such as may be held in the environmental record, photographs, films, oral recordings etc.

2.3 Bradford Museums, Galleries and Heritage aims to build a comprehensive record of the lives of the people of the City and District. Donations of material will be considered within the criteria of this policy, regardless of the age, sex,

4 marital status, race, religion, sexual orientation, colour or disability of the potential donor.

2.4 In developing the collections there is a common emphasis on the importance of recording provenance, to place objects and specimens in the context of their unique or distinctive histories of production, ownership and usage. Wherever possible the Service will seek to acquire material with good provenance. This will be a primary consideration in the decision to acquire material.


3.1 Limitations on collecting 3.1.1 The Museum Service recognises its responsibility, in acquiring additions to its collections, to ensure that care of collections, documentation arrangements and use of collections will meet the requirements of the Accreditation Standard. It will take into account limitations on collecting imposed by such factors as inadequate staffing, storage and care of collection arrangements. 3.1.2 Prospective acquisitions that bear resource implications will be reviewed by a working group of the Head of Service and Museum Managers.

3.2 Collecting policies of other museums 3.2.1 The Museum Service will take account of the collecting policies of other museums and other organisations collecting in the same or related areas or subject fields. It will consult with these organisations where conflicts of interest may arise or to define areas of specialisms, in order to avoid unnecessary duplication and waste of resources. Specific reference is made to the following museum(s):  Calderdale Museums and Galleries  Craven Museums  Harrogate Museums and Galleries  Kirklees Museums and Galleries  Leeds Museums and Galleries

3.3 Policy review procedure 3.3.1 The Acquisition and Disposal Policy will be published and reviewed from time to time, at least once every five years. 5 The date when the policy is next due for review is noted above. (1.2) 3.3.2 The Regional Agency will be notified of any changes to the Acquisition and Disposal Policy, and the implications of any such changes for the future of existing collections. 3.4 Acquisitions not covered by the policy 3.4.1 Acquisitions outside the current stated policy will only be made in very exceptional circumstances, and then only after proper consideration by the governing body of the museum itself, having regard to the interests of other museums. 3.5 Acquisition procedures 3.5.1 The Museum Service will exercise due diligence and make every effort not to acquire, whether by purchase, gift, bequest or exchange, any object or specimen unless the governing body or responsible officer is satisfied that the museum can acquire a valid title to the item in question. 3.5.2 In particular, the Museum Service will not acquire any object or specimen unless it is satisfied that the object or specimen has not been acquired in, or exported from, its country of origin (or any intermediate country in which it may have been legally owned) in violation of that country’s laws. (For the purposes of this paragraph `country of origin’ includes the United Kingdom). 3.5.3 In accordance with the provisions of the UNESCO 1970 Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, which the UK ratified with effect from November 1 2002, and the Dealing in Cultural Objects (Offences) Act 2003, the Museum Service will reject any items that have been illicitly traded. The governing body will be guided by the national guidance on the responsible acquisition of cultural property issued by DCMS in 2005. 3.5.4 So far as biological and geological material is concerned, the Museum Service will not acquire by any direct or indirect means any specimen that has been collected, sold or otherwise transferred in contravention of any national or international wildlife protection or natural history conservation law or treaty of the United Kingdom or any other country, except with the express consent of an appropriate outside authority. 3.5.5 The Museum Service will not acquire archaeological antiquities (including excavated ceramics) in any case where the governing body or responsible officer has any 6 suspicion that the circumstances of their recovery involved a failure to follow the appropriate legal procedures, such as reporting finds to the landowner or occupier of the land and to the proper authorities in the case of possible treasure as defined by the Treasure Act 1996 (in England, Northern Ireland and Wales) or reporting finds through the Treasure Trove procedure (in Scotland). 3.5.6 Any exceptions to the above clauses 3.5.1, 3.5.2, 3.5.3 or 3.5.5 will only be because the Museum Service is either: acting as an externally approved repository of last resort for material of local (UK) origin; or acquiring an item of minor importance that lacks secure ownership history but in the best judgement of experts in the field concerned has not been illicitly traded; or acting with the permission of authorities with the requisite jurisdiction in the country of origin; or in possession of reliable documentary evidence that the item was exported from its country of origin before 1970. In these cases the museum will be open and transparent in the way it makes decisions and will act only with the express consent of an appropriate outside authority.

3.6 Spoliation 3.6.1 The Museum Service will use the statement of principles ‘Spoliation of Works of Art during the Nazi, Holocaust and World War II period’, issued for non-national museums in 1999 by the Museums and Galleries Commission. 3.7 Repatriation and Restitution 3.7.1 The Museum Service’s governing body, acting on the advice of the museum’s professional staff, if any, may take a decision to return human remains, objects or specimens to a country or people of origin. The Service will take such decisions on a case by case basis, within its legal position and taking into account all ethical implications. 3.8 Management of archives 3.8.1 As the Museum Service holds archives, including photographs and printed ephemera, its governing body will be guided by the Code of Practice on Archives for Museums and Galleries in the United Kingdom (3rd ed., 2002).

3.9 Ethics

7 3.9.1 The Museum Service’s governing body, Bradford MDC, has accepted and agreed to follow the current Code of Ethics issued by the Museums Association and its subsequent amendments.

3.9.2 The Museum staff of Bradford Museums, Galleries and Heritage accept and follow the Code of Ethics issued by the Museums Association and its subsequent amendments.

3.9.3 Collecting shall be conducted in the spirit of Equal Opportunities, and should reflect the age, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation of people living within the City and District.


4.1 The Museum Service will take due account of the collecting policies of other museums. (See 3.2.1)

4.2 The Service will normally focus its collecting to material relevant to the City & District of Bradford. This may include national or international material, especially in relation to the Art and International Art collections.

4.3 It is recognised, however, that this is a modern political boundary, which does not reflect the true historical, cultural or ecological situation. The Service may therefore collect material from further afield and adjoining districts significant for the understanding and use of our own collections. Individual examples are outlined in the relevant sections below. The Service will inform the relevant local museum or archive if it intends to collect outside the District.

4.4 The Service may passively collect/accept material from adjoining districts with no Museum Service, or whose museums do not collect in a particular subject area, until such time as an acceptable ‘Accredited’ Service is established in these areas, when consideration will be given to the de-accessioning and relocation of material.


5.1 The Museum Service will operate an enquiry service in all sections. It shall be the policy of the Museums Service, where appropriate, to pass on to another relevant Museum 8 Service information (including illustrations and photographs where possible) concerning material brought in as enquiries from outside the District.

5.2 The Service will not value works of art or specimens brought in as enquiries, unless for purposes of acquisition by the Service, in which case at least one independent valuation will normally be obtained for items likely to exceed £5,000.

5.3 The Museum Service reserves the right not to provide written descriptions of an object where the officer concerned has reasonable ground to believe that such a description will be used as validation/authentication of material in a future sale.

5.4 The Museum Service reserves the right not to identify objects found with the use of a metal detector, especially if a satisfactory context or find spot is not provided.

5.5 The Service reserves the right to refuse to identify or otherwise give an opinion on any object where the officer has reasonable cause to suspect that an object has been stolen, illegally imported, acquired or retained in contravention of British nature conservation, ancient monuments, antiquities (including the Treasure Act 1996), CITES or other legislation.

5.6 Notwithstanding §§5.3-5.5, the Service may, in confidence, make identification of portable antiquities at the request of the Department of Culture, Media and Sport under its Portable Antiquities recording initiative and the District Coroner in regards to the Treasure Act 1996. Such identifications may be made regardless of the circumstances of discovery, so long as information on the find spot is forthcoming.


Loans from the Collections

6.1 Loans from the collections shall be made with due consideration to the following points:

6.1.1 that the material is properly insured, packed and transported to the standards laid out in the Bradford Museums, Galleries & Heritage loan conditions (based on Government Indemnity standards) 9 6.1.2 that the officer concerned is satisfied that the use of the loan is suitable and proper

6.1.3 that the Collections Development Manager is satisfied with the environmental conditions of the receiving institution

6.1.4 that the security of the object is satisfactory

6.1.5. in the case of material held by the Service but not owned or held in trust by Bradford MDC (e.g. a loan), that the lawful owner of the material is consulted.

Loans into the Collection

6.2 Loans will only be accepted into the collection after due attempt has been made to acquire material by donation and after due consideration of storage, conservation and curation implications, including long-term costs. There is a presumption against accepting long-term loans. There shall normally be a specific purpose in view, e.g. display, research. Written fixed-term agreements shall be made with the lender.

6.3 All loans accepted into the care of the Museum Service shall be subject to the same conditions of curatorial care as if they were the property of Bradford Museums, Galleries and Heritage.

6.4 Loans will only be accepted if they fall clearly within this Collections Policy.

6.5 The Service will, where appropriate, seek to return items on long-term loan that it cannot display or use.

Policy Statement

During the period of this policy existing loans will be identified as far as possible through a search of correspondence and formal documentation records. They will be individually reviewed and renegotiated where appropriate.


10 7.1 By definition, the Museum Service has a long-term purpose and should possess (or intend to acquire) permanent collections in relation to its stated objectives. The governing body accepts the principle that, except for sound curatorial reasons, there is a strong presumption against the disposal of any items in the museum’s collection. 7.2 The Museum Service will establish that it is legally free to dispose of an item. Any decision to dispose of material from the collections will be taken only after due consideration. 7.3 When disposal of a museum object is being considered, the Museum Service will establish if it was acquired with the aid of an external funding organisation. In such cases, any conditions attached to the original grant will be followed. This may include repayment of the original grant. 7.4 Decisions to dispose of items will not be made with the principal aim of generating funds. 7.5 Any monies received by the Museum Service’s governing body from the disposal of items will be applied for the benefit of the collections. This normally means the purchase of further acquisitions but in exceptional cases improvements relating to the care of collections may be justifiable. Advice on these cases will be sought from MLA. 7.6 A decision to dispose of a specimen or object, whether by gift, exchange, sale or destruction (in the case of an item too badly damaged or deteriorated to be of any use for the purposes of the collections), will be the responsibility of the governing body of the Museum Service acting on the advice of professional curatorial staff, if any, and not of the curator of the collection acting alone. 7.7 Once a decision to dispose of material in the collection has been taken, priority will be given to retaining it within the public domain, unless it is to be destroyed. It will therefore be offered in the first instance, by gift, exchange or sale, directly to other Accredited Museums likely to be interested in its acquisition. 7.8 If the material is not acquired by any Accredited Museums to which it was offered directly, then the museum community at large will be advised of the intention to dispose of the material, normally through an announcement in the Museums Association’s Museums Journal, and in other professional journals where appropriate.

11 7.9 The announcement will indicate the number and nature of specimens or objects involved, and the basis on which the material will be transferred to another institution. Preference will be given to expressions of interest from other Accredited Museums. A period of at least two months will be allowed for an interest in acquiring the material to be expressed. At the end of this period, if no expressions of interest have been received, the museum may consider disposing of the material to other interested individuals and organisations. 7.10 Full records will be kept of all decisions on disposals and the items involved and proper arrangements made for the preservation and/or transfer, as appropriate, of the documentation relating to the items concerned, including photographic records where practicable in accordance with SPECTRUM Procedure on de-accession and disposal. 7.11 Areas where disposals appear desirable will be identified as outlined in §10 to 21. Recommendations for disposal will be carried out by a working group of the Head of Service and Museum Managers working to the guidelines set out above.


8.1 Sound documentation is vital to the running of museums. Its essential purposes are: to establish the identity of objects in the collection; record essential information relating to them; to allow rapid search and retrieval without physical handling; and as an essential aspect of security and audit.

8.2 The Museums’ documentation will be maintained:

8.2.1 using the following numbering systems. Hard bound SPECTRUM standard, archival quality Accession Registers will be used to allocate the numbers and record basic details, description and provenance/donor details. Bradford’s MDA Code is BRFMS.

Subject Area Example Acc. No. (post 2000) Fine Art F 2002 - 031 Horses at Work WH 3 - 2003 Archaeology A 2003 - 006 Social History H 2001-145 Natural Sciences NS 2000 - 154

12 International Art DA 2001- 004 Technology T 2001-124 BHRU (photographs) BHRU 200 Education Handling E 2002 –076 (not part of the main collections)

8.2.2 on an in-house local computer network, employing a purpose-built relational database. Currently MODES is used, and there are in excess of 200,000 recorded items on the database.

8.2.3 on existing card indexes until in practice these are found to be redundant. No new record or amendment will be added to old card indexes once their contents have been computerised. Print outs from computerised records may be used to update card indexes if considered appropriate.

8.2.4 for donations, on a copy of the MDA Entry Form. Related correspondence will be kept in a history file for the object.

8.2.5 in history files where there is sufficient extrinsic information on an object to warrant them. See also 8.2.4.

8.3 All items in the Museum Service’s care should be entered into the documentation system except:

 loans and enquiries

 text, graphics, and photographic materials generated within the service since c 1960

 the working library

 educational (e.g. handling) material

 bulk finds in excavation archives

 special finds in excavation archives whose final destination is undecided. Such finds will normally possess a separate site designation.

8.4 New acquisitions will be entered into the documentation system as soon as possible.

8.5 Natural Sciences and Biological material (e.g. road casualties) will be entered into a bound Day Book to meet statutory requirements and to record their acquisition and

13 provenance until they are either prepared and accessioned or destroyed.

8.6 Backlog will generally be added to the database in subject groups, taking a view of the importance of the material and other factors such as the availability of volunteer staff.

8.7 No object in the collections should be displayed, lent, conserved or photographed, until it has been fully accessioned

8.8 A history file will be maintained for objects that justify one

8.9 Conservation records need to be copied to and maintained as electronic files by 2008. Social History records are on MODES.

8.10 Digital storage and access for the photographic records and collections will be investigated early in the term of this policy, with due regard to copyright, both for internal management and with a view to the establishment of one or public access modules.


9.1 Long-term preservation of the collections requires a suitable and stable environment in stores and displays, archival quality storage and display materials, proper storage equipment, and good handling, loan, and security procedures.

9.2 The Museum Environment

9.2.1 The Collections Development Section will maintain a constant record of the temperature and relative humidity of all museum displays and stores. Regular spot checks will be carried out on visible light and UV levels, and insect traps will be maintained in strategic areas of each building. The source of particulate and other pollution will be investigated on an ad hoc basis. Where conditions are unsatisfactory for the type of material being displayed or stored, or where improvements are identifiable, the Collections Development Manager will report the matter to the relevant Museum Manager or Head of Service for action.

14 9.2.2 Electronic data logging should replace analogue thermohygrographs in all Museums and stores during the term of this plan.

9.3 Storage equipment and materials

9.3.1 Some areas of the core collections are unsatisfactorily stored, often because storage materials bought in the past have come to the end of their life, or were obtained at a time when their long-term behaviour was not appreciated. They may now pose a threat to the collections they were intended to preserve.

9.3.2 The Collections Development Section or a consultant conservator in the case of special groups of material, will identify areas for improvement and the optimum use of storage space, and report to the relevant Museum Manager or Head of Service for action. Improvement in these areas should be regarded as a permanent aspect of the Museum Service’s work.

9.3.3 Materials and furniture used in the museums should normally be of the quality used in the National Museums and Galleries; compromises are a false economy. Opportunities should be taken to replace display structures containing sensitive materials with low-formalin MDF or other materials.

9.3.4 Improvements in storage invariably require extra space, often radically so, but extra buildings are unlikely to become available in the term of this policy. The Service will constantly review the collections held to ensure that resources available meet the needs of the collections. This process will include the rationalisation of collections in line with the Disposal policy. ‘Disposal’ in this context includes such mechanisms as transfer, and will be considered as set out in §§ 7.1-.8 above.

9.4 Preventative conservation

9.4.1 In addition to monitoring the Museum environment and storage/display conditions, the Collections Development Manager will view all prospective acquisitions, and may recommend refusal on conservation grounds, or carry out preventative treatments against infestation or corrosion.

9.5 Active conservation

15 9.5.1 The rolling programme of active conservation will be maintained, based on plans produced by the Collections Development Manager or a consultant conservator. Plans should identify priorities for active conservation of individual items or groups of material, on the basis of the threat posed to the objects, and their importance. Such plans will be drawn up with consultation with relevant curatorial staff.

9.5.2 In addition, ad hoc active conservation or biological preparation will be undertaken to prepare objects for display purposes, and on material submitted by other museum authorities.

9.6 Handling and transport

9.6.1 Objects should be handled as little as possible. It is recognised that working exhibits have to be handled in order to operate.

9.6.2 Cotton or latex gloves will be used to handle bright/polished metal, paper, textiles, mounted works of art and all sensitive material. Otherwise they are used at the Officers’ discretion.

9.6.3 Wherever possible, objects should be lifted and moved in padded containers (trays, baskets, trolleys, etc), rather than lifted directly.

9.6.4 Packing for transport, and transport itself, should be undertaken with the advice of the Collections Development Section, and preferably carried out or supervised by staff who have attended a short course in handling, heavy handling and packaging.

9.7 Disaster plans

9.7.1 Disaster Plans will be prepared early in the course of this Policy to identify the risks associated with each of the buildings, and the procedures to be used in each case.

9.7.2 Further risks posed by buildings (for example from overhead pipework) will be reviewed from time to time by the Collections Development Section, and reported to the relevant Museum Manager for action.



10.1 The bulk of Bradford MDCs archives are held within the West Yorkshire Archives. Where there is doubt on the proper home of a paper document, the Collections Development Manager will liaise with the County Record Office.

Policy Statements

10.3 The Service will only collect archive material if it is directly related to collections it already holds or which it is in the process of acquiring.

10.4 Any company or personal archives that are offered to the Service should be directed to the County Record Office.


11.1 Introduction

11.1.1 The Museum Service’s archaeological material is largely housed at the Manor House Museum.

11.1.2 The Museum Service does not operate an Excavation Field Unit. Archaeological investigations carried out as a result of planning conditions imposed under PPG 16 are undertaken by independent archaeological contractors. Where such work takes place within the district of Bradford the Museum Service will seek to acquire the resulting excavation archive. There are 6 small excavation archives yet to be deposited with the Museum Service by external archaeological contractors.

Policy Statement

11.1.3 With regard to British or foreign archaeological antiquities (including excavated ceramics) the Museum Service will adhere to the policy laid out in 3.5.5 of this document.

11.2 Excavation archives

11.2.1 As part of its responsibility to comply with the Standards in the Museum Care of Archaeological Collections 1992, Bradford Art Galleries & Museums is required, in respect of excavation archives, to ‘...acquire the right to research, study, display, publish and provide 17 access to all the information and finds contained in the archive...’.

11.2.2 Bradford Museums, Galleries & Heritage is also required to follow all other related standards governing the storage and long-term curation of archaeological material. Of particular importance are those relating to the conservation requirements of what are highly complex assemblages of documentary and material evidence.

11.2.3 Bradford Museums, Galleries & Heritage will only accept excavation archives that relate to sites within the Bradford Metropolitan District Council area. Where sites or other forms of archaeological investigation include areas beyond its boundaries, an excavation archive will only be accepted in consultation with all other relevant museum services.

11.2.4 An excavation archive is taken to include all documentary and material evidence accumulated as a result of any systematic archaeological investigation of below ground features. This includes watching briefs and all other forms of ground disturbance, including those not conducted under archaeological controlled conditions. Where they have been carried out in anticipation of future ground disturbance, the results of all aerial, topographical and remote-sensing surveys will also be treated as an excavation archive.

11.2.5 There is a strong presumption against the preservation of bulk finds (such as ceramics and animal bone), especially from unstratified contexts, and in particular following specialist reports. Such material must be subjected to an agreed retention and disposal procedure before any excavation archive can be accepted.

11.2.6 All elements of an excavation archive, including materials used during the process of excavation, must be assessed in terms of their suitability for long-term storage. Future conservation requirements must be kept to a minimum and the inclusion of any material that is not stable must be considered as an exception. All storage materials, paper, film, and processes of reproduction must be selected on the basis of their archival quality. The storage and packaging of material should also be carried out in accordance with their conservation requirements.

18 11.2.7 Where it is anticipated that additional analysis of unstable materials or samples may be undertaken as part of some wider study, some provision can be made to accept it on a temporary basis. This would be for a fixed period only, after which all unprocessed material will be discarded.

11.2.8 All those depositing an excavation archive must possess the legal authority to sign all museum entry forms covering the transfer of title and the assignment of copyright, both in perpetuity.

11.2.9 Where any work associated with the production of an excavation archive has been sub-contracted or commissioned from specialists, copies of all written agreements relating to title and copyright issues should be included as part of the archive.

11.2.10 Bradford Museums, Galleries & Heritage will normally seek the assignment of copyright ownership over all documentary, illustrative and photographic material, but this may also be dealt with under the terms of a license.

11.2.11 Where appropriate, temporary restrictions may be placed on the use of all or part of an excavation archive. This will be for a fixed period only, after which, all issues of access and use will be subject only to the curatorial and professional responsibilities of Bradford Museums, Galleries & Heritage.

11.2.12 The absence of any material that could reasonably be expected to form part of the excavation archive should be fully documented. This should include the reason for its absence and all relevant details relating to its location at the time of deposition.

11.2.13 Following consultation with the West Yorkshire Archaeological Advisory Service, and other archaeological agencies and repositories in the County, the Museum Service will from time to time issue guidance on the expected standard of preparation for material to be deposited with it. This will emphasise:

1) that Bradford MDC reserves the right to refuse all or part of the archive that has not been prepared to an agreed standard

19 2) that Bradford MDC will request a once-for-all payment to reflect the long term allocation of human and material resources; to be calculated on current rates approved by English Heritage and in accordance with the size and structure of each archive

11.2.14 Bradford Museums, Galleries and Heritage reserves the right, under the terms of Home Office Exhumation Licences, to store, study, and display human skeletal material from archaeological contexts within its collecting area. In the great majority of cases excavation will have been saved this material from damage and uncontrolled dispersal in the course of development. Normally material will be held in store until it can conveniently be studied; subsequently it will be reburied with appropriate rites. Samples may be retained for display or if they have strong pathological significance.

11.3. Prehistoric ( Palaeolithic – Iron Age )

11.3.1 On those areas of Rombalds Moor, and other portions of upland, that lie within the Bradford district a remarkable range of prehistoric field monuments can still be found, in particular carved rocks, which are of national importance. Such survivals of prehistoric activity are supported by the recovery of considerable quantities of artefactual evidence. Accumulated by numerous collectors over a period of more than a 100 years the collection contains in excess of 9,000 lithic, mostly flint, artefacts. Collectively they help to identify the nature and extent of prehistoric settlement and activity.

Policy Statements

11.3.2 Apart from the continued collection of all ‘stray’ finds, every opportunity should be taken to acquire collections of prehistoric material held in private hands, especially those with well documented locational details.

11.3.3 Where possible field and survey work should be undertaken to collect data to better understand the context from which such material has been recovered.

11.4 Roman

11.4.1 The greatest proportion of Roman material held in the collections relates to the Roman Fort of Olicana and the associated civilian settlement, or vicus. 20 11.4.2 With exception of only two short breaks the Roman fort remained garrisoned throughout the Roman period indicating that the native Romano-British continued to pose a threat and resisted the Roman way of life.

Policy Statement

11.4.3 The passive collection of all casual finds and acquisition of excavation archives from throughout the district should continue. Where possible active fieldwork should also be undertaken to identify sites and provide new data to better understand the nature of indigenous Roman- British activity in the area.

11.5 Post-Roman

11.5.1 Within the Bradford area there is very little tangible evidence of Post Roman activity, most comes from place- name evidence. Such an absence of physical evidence is also reflected in the collections.

Policy Statement

11.5.2 All finds of the period should be pursued, whether by ‘passive’ collection of stray finds, the acquisition of excavation archives, or by active fieldwork.

11.6 Medieval

11.6.1 Detailed knowledge of medieval activity is derived principally from documentary sources supported by traces of early field systems and structures. The collection contains large quantities of pottery recovered from kiln sites but other artefacts are poorly represented.

Policy Statement

11.6.2 All finds of the period should be pursued, whether by ‘passive’ collection of stray finds, the acquisition of excavation archives, or by active fieldwork.

11.7 Post-Medieval - Industrial

11.7.1 The development of industrial activity within the district has had a major impact on the development and visual appearance of the historic environment. Most 21 evidence of the early industrial activity associated with the development of Bradford has been destroyed by later redevelopment but there is considerable potential for below ground level survival. For such a crucial period in Bradford's development it is poorly represented within the archaeology collections.

11.7.2 All finds of the period should be pursued, whether by ‘passive’ collection of stray finds, the acquisition of excavation archives, or by active fieldwork.

11.8 Historical archives

Policy Statements

11.8.1 The Service will collect archival material, such as photographs, relating to past campaigns of excavation or which record activities that result in the physically changing the appearance of the historic environment.

11.8.2 The Service will collect and correlate data that will help to provide an interpretative understanding of the historic environment from which artefacts in the collections have been recovered. 11.9 Non-British Material (CLOSED COLLECTION)

11.9.1 A wide range of non-British artefacts have entered the archaeology collection, principally through the acquisition of private collections accumulated by early local historians and antiquarians. While not directly relevant to the archaeology of the district, they provide an insight into the interests and influences of those early historians involved in the recording and interpretation of the districts archaeology.

11.9.2 Through an extended period of subscription to the Egyptian Exploration Fund, the former Keighley Museum accumulated a small but important assemblage of Egyptian artefacts. Additional artefacts were acquired through donations, including the mummified remains of a female.

Policy Statement

11.9.3 No more non-British material will be collected, unless, exceptionally, comparative material is needed for the Roman collections, or to enhance the educational potential of the Egyptian collection. Existing objects will be

22 retained, however, as they relate directly to the activities of past inhabitants of Bradford.

11.10Human remains

11.10.1 Bradford Museums, Galleries and Heritage reserves the right, under the terms of Home Office Exhumation Licences, to store, study, and display human skeletal material from archaeological contexts within its collecting area. In the great majority of cases excavation will have been saved this material from damage and uncontrolled dispersal in the course of development. Normally material will be held in store until it can conveniently be studied; subsequently it will be reburied with appropriate rites. Samples may be retained for display or if they have strong pathological significance.

11.10.2 A sensitive approach to the collection and display of human remains will be maintained and current best practice in the archaeological and museum professions closely observed.


12.1 Introduction

12.1.1 The Service’s Natural Sciences base has been at Cliffe Castle since 1974 when the 19th and early 20th century collections of geology and natural history from the three former Boroughs museums of Ilkley, Keighley and Bradford were amalgamated. Cliffe Castle houses the District’s displays of local geology and natural history and minerals. Most of the British reference collections are also housed there. There are at least 21,850 items documented as individual items or as single collections.

12.1.2 The collections are the result of over two centuries of amateur collecting and are strongly regional but also include British and some foreign material. Some collectors such as Dr A Lees were nationally known. Older, amateur collections are now an important resource for academic researchers, artists and local visitors to see and use, providing information on local species and their rise and decline. Modern collections are made by professionals and less likely to be offered. There is academic support for the national importance of sections of the collections, namely entomology and botany (which includes published scientific voucher and extinct material) and geology (which includes 23 published and type material and inclusion in published work illustrating the history of science.)

12.1.3 Collecting, including records and relevant archives, is generally passive and concentrates on the local area and filling collection gaps. Occasionally important relevant collections become available or are offered. In the last twenty years grants have enabled the purchase of the Hinchliffe mineral collection (on display), the Haxby lepidoptera and the Sledge herbarium. Most material, especially biological items, require preparation processes to prevent deterioration and makes specimens usable.

12.1.4 There is a long-term botanical loan from another Service. This is the Wakefield Herbarium, placed on loan, as the Wakefield service had no expertise in this area.

Policy Statements

12.1.5 Active collecting of reference material of plants and animals and rocks and fossils occurring within the Bradford district. Reference collections require more than one specimen to record species and seasonal variations. Nevertheless quantities are small in number)

121.6Collecting of display specimens where appropriate.

12.1.7 Examples of species that occur, or occurred, in the area and are not represented in the collections may be acquired, even if not local specimens, although there is a strong presumption to collect material with a local provenance.

12.1.8 Non-local material that does not occur in the region will only be collected in limited amounts for comparative purposes.

12.1.9 In addition, efforts should be directed towards:

1) the preservation and where appropriate the enhancement of existing habitats and geological exposures.

2) education to help the appreciation and enjoyment of the natural history and geology of the District.

3) acting as a local biological records centre.

24 4) collecting from and recording threatened habitats and geological exposures

5) recording local biological and geological features of special importance, and collecting from them where appropriate.

6) passive collection of rare or unusual material unlikely to be otherwise obtainable.

12.2 Vertebrates

12.2.1 The current vertebrate collection consists of consists of cased mounts, mounted birds and animals, study skins and skeleton reference collections. There are bird’s eggs reference collections. Foreign material is not great but is significant in including mounts of extinct and endangered specimens of birds, marsupial and primate mammals, reptiles and a collection of tropical game heads. British vertebrates are represented by several thousand mounts of birds and animals and also reptiles, amphibians and fish. This area of local collecting is continuing.

Policy Statements

12.2.2 Collection of material will continue through passive collecting, and limited active collecting. Most specimens are brought in by the public as dead casualties, and later prepared by the taxidermist/preparator for display/handling and for the reference collections.

12.2.3 Study skins of birds and animals are prepared and mounted material is created as the need arises for display/handling of locally occurring species. Skeletal material is still being prepared for reference and some is prepared from local owl pellets. Local fish are cast and amphibians have been freeze-dried or cast.

12.2.4 Birds eggs and nests: The data with these collections goes back to the mid 19th century and reflects the change in local species. Legislation of the last 50 years discourages display. Collecting is passive and 1981 legislation made it illegal for anyone unlicensed to now own a collection without documentary proof of its age. The museum turns down offers each year largely because there is no data to make them of value.

12.3 Invertebrates 25 12.3.1 The current collections consist of entomology (e.g. butterflies and moths, bees and wasps, dragonflies, fleas, beetles, fly groups); molluscs (Local British and foreign; aquatic and terrestrial) other invertebrates (such as crustaceans, sponges, corals and echinoderms.) The Hymenoptera (bees and wasps) collection is considered nationally important with a large percentage of extinct/endangered British species. The flea reference collection has been made in the last 30 years in response to environmental health enquiries/identifications.

Policy Statement

12.3.2 Collection of material will continue through passive collecting, with occasional individual species added to the reference collections. The important Haxby lepidoptera collection, purchased with grant in 1979, reflects one of the few occasions when relevant amateur collections by a local person can be acquired.

12.4 Botany

12.4.1 The current collection consists of the large and important herbarium of the nationally known local botanist Dr A Lees and related herbariums of other individuals such as that of Dr Sledge who continued Lees’ work to the mid 20th century. Whilst strongly regional such botanists also collected from other areas when on holiday. The Hebden lichen collection is also considered nationally important. Specimens from these appear in published scientific papers. There are also botanical collections of seeds and fruits, commercial plants, plant products and plant galls.

Policy Statement

12.4.2 Collection of material will continue through passive collecting. The purchase of the important Sledge herbarium in 1982 reflects one of the few occasions when important relevant collections by a local person are acquired and which enhance the existing collections. Additions are possible in the future.

12.5 Earth Sciences

12.5.1 The petrology, mineralogy and palaeontology collections comprise comprehensive collections of British fossils from Cambrian to Recent times. There are a few 26 holotypes including the fossil amphibian Pholiderpeton taken from a local coal pit in 1868. Petrology and mineralogy collections include British and worldwide material such as in the Hinchliffe display collection purchased in 1985, and in the significant 18th century collection of Rev. Joseph Dawson, the co-founder of Low Moor Ironworks in Bradford.

Policy Statement

12.5.2 Collection of material will continue through passive collecting from the local area.

12.5.3 A significant gap is the lack of dinosaur material. (Yorkshire has the world’s major outcrop of Middle Jurassic rocks capable of producing significant dinosaur evidence). 12.6 Legislation

12.6.1 So far as biological and geological material is concerned the Museum Service will act in accordance with legislation as laid out in 3.5.4 of this document.

12.7 The following areas of the collections are CLOSED and no further collecting will take place:

1) Bird’s Eggs (collected after 1981, unless with official permission)

2) Protected wild plants (collected after 1981, unless with official permission)

3) Foreign material covered by CITES legislation


13.1 Introduction

13.1.1 The Museum Service’s social history section is based at Bolling Hall with outlying stores at Shipley and Bradford Industrial Museum. It has material displayed at all the sites within the Service. The social history section is responsible for both social and local history as well as decorative arts.

13.1.2 Much past collecting has been of a passive nature, and the current collections reflect a distorted picture of the City’s material culture, being biased towards the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Much of the material relates to 27 Middle Class life, as most Working Class material has not survived. This is especially true of the Costume collection, which also has a female gender bias. Many objects were collected without adequate provenance.

Policy Statements

13.2.1 The Service’s view of the District’s local history shall include social history in the broadest sense. It will record the history of the urban and rural environments, local agriculture, politics and the experiences of work, leisure, home and personal life. It should represent the diversity of cultures that exist or have existed within the district.

13.2.2 Collection over such a wide field could easily overwhelm the Service’s existing resources. The emphasis in collecting for twentieth century and contemporary subjects should be a combination of focussed collecting projects and periodic sampling in agreed areas of interest. Such projects should be linked to the work of the Bradford heritage Recording Unit. (BHRU) Mass-produced twentieth century three-dimensional objects shall be collected, but with caution, and with special attention to the quality of local provenance. The Service will take every opportunity to encourage co-operative collecting with other Yorkshire museums and, archives, in order to reduce unnecessary duplication of social and local history holdings.

13.2.3 Where not part of discrete collections, material from areas outside the District will be transferred to the relevant registered Museum. Where this is not possible, such material will be held ‘in trust’.

13.2.4 New items will be added to the collections only where a local provenance can be established. This shall relate to the domestic, rural and industrial environment of the District and shall be interpreted in its widest sense. Collection of non-local material will only be made where outlined below to fill gaps in existing significant collections or for use in teaching. ‘Duplicates’ will only be collected for teaching or other purposes where long-term preservation is not an important consideration. The permission of donors will be sought for such use, normally at the time of acquisition.

13.2.5 The following areas of the collections are CLOSED and no further collecting will take place:

28 1) Non-local firemarms

2) Non-local sewing machines pre 1940

13.3 Community Life

13.3.1 The collections are mainly the result of passive collecting and represent local organisations and institutions, including the development of local government and education. There is good material relating to pre and early industrial customs and belief. There is also material illustrating local sports and entertainments. The latter part of the 20th century is less well represented than the first.

Policy Statement

13.3.2 Collection of material will continue through passive collecting.

13.3.3 Active collecting of Community life material (as defined by SHIC) will continue, with a particular emphasis on the late 20th century.

13.4 Domestic and Family Life

13.4.1 The collections are partly the result of both active and passive collecting. The collection is strong in 17th, 18th and 19th century domestic objects and furniture, collected from Country House sales in the 1920s to furnish Bolling Hall. The provenance of these objects is poor however. The collection is weaker post 1945, although some later 20th century material was collected for the Back-to-Back houses in the late 1980s.

Policy Statement

13.4.2 Collection of material will continue through passive collecting.

13.4.3 Active collecting of Domestic material (as defined by SHIC) will be focussed in the following areas.

1) Post 1945 domestic material with particular Bradford provenance.

2) Post 1945 domestic material relating to Bradford’s minority communities.

29 13.5 Personal Life (inc. Costume)

13.5.1 The collections here are strong, especially the Costume collections. They are weaker in relation to post 1945 material and display a strong bias towards middle class female clothing, partly as they have survived better.

Policy Statement

13.6.2 Post 1945 Personal life material (as defined by SHIC) with a local association shall be actively collected. Costume shall be collected to provide a broad reflection of social classes of the district.

13.6.3 Collecting projects should focus upon

1) Youth fashion and sub-cultures within the District

2) Post 1945 clothing and fabrics made within the District

3) Post 1945 boys and menswear

13.6.4 Collection of material will continue through passive collecting, although there will be a strong presumption against collecting 19th and 20th century material unless it has exceptional local provenance.


14.1 In both ceramics and glass the Museum holds small, but representative collections of general interest. Its strongest areas are Yorkshire Country Pottery and Victorian Ceramics collected to display at Cliffe Castle. There is also an excellent collection of stained glass including major secular and religious works from the Morris workshop.

Policy Statement

14.2 Material with a strong local association, including that made after 1945, shall be actively collected. This should reflect a cross section of material available at all periods.

14.3 Material that relates to the interiors of Cliffe Castle, Bolling Hall and Cartwright Hall should be actively collected.

30 14.4 Nineteenth and Twentieth century furniture will be collected where appropriate, especially that of the Bradford company Christopher Pratt.

14.5 Stained glass with local provenance will be actively collected, especially Arts and Craft movement/Morris and Co.

14.6 Contemporary craft work by local and national makers will be actively collected.


15.1. Oils

15.1.1 The Service holds a large collection of 18th/19th/20th century oils by British and French artists and a small collection of Old Master oils by French/Italian/Netherlandish artists. It includes works by Romney, Gainsborough, Reynolds, Ford Madox Brown, La Thangue, Clausen, Long, Atkinson Grimshaw, Lowry, Spencer, Roberts and Hockney.

Policy Statement

15.1.2 The Service will passively collect works relating to these existing works or by artists not represented in the collection

15.1.3 The Service will work to actively acquire

1) works by 19th century artists not represented in the present collection e.g. Alma-Tadema, JF Lewis, Lord Leighton, Poynter, Solomon, and Goodall etc.

2) Works by Yorkshire artists past and present, with a particular emphasis on artists born in or associated with Bradford.

15.2 Watercolours and drawings

15.2.1 The Collection mainly consists of 18th/19th/20th century watercolours and drawings by British and French artists, of which the most important are a number of drawings by artists who had been involved with the Pre- Raphaelite Brotherhood, many of these drawings have a local provenance. Many of the drawings were acquired in

31 the 1920s and 30s when there was a policy of collecting drawings by British artists.

Policy Statement

15.2.2 The Service will passively collect works relating to these existing works or by artists not represented.

15.2.3 The Service will work to actively acquire

1) David Hockney

2) Works by British 19th century artists e.g. Rossetti, Burne-Jones, Leighton.

3) Works by Yorkshire artists past and present, with a particular emphasis on artists born in or associated with Bradford.

15.3 Prints

15.3.1 The Service holds an extensive collection of 20th century prints by artists from all over the world relating to the Bradford International Print Biennale 1968-1990.

Policy Statement

15.3.2 The Service will passively collect works relating to these existing works or by artists not represented.

15.3.3 The Service will work to actively acquire

1) Prints by British artists especially those not represented in the collection as it stands

2) David Hockney

3) Works by Yorkshire artists past and present, with a particular emphasis on artists born in or associated with Bradford.

15.4 Sculpture

15.4.1 The collection has a small but significant collection of 18th/19th/20th century sculpture by British and French artists, of which the most important are a group of 20th century pieces by British sculptors.

32 Policy Statement

15.3.4 The Service will passively collect works relating to these existing works or by artists not represented.

15.4.2 The Service will work to actively acquire

1) Small works by Henry Moore, Barbara Hepworth. (this will be limited due to the existing commitments in Leeds and Wakefield)

2) Works by Yorkshire artists past and present, with a particular emphasis on artists born in or associated with Bradford.

15.5 Digital/New Media

15.5.1 The Service holds virtually nothing in this area, despite the amount of work being produced in this medium and the fact that Cartwright Hall has exhibited this type of work.

Policy Statement

15.5.2 The Service will work to actively acquire works by UK and international artists, with a particular emphasis on artists born or associated with Bradford. (including the means of their public display)


16.1 The International Art Collections have developed by a programme of active collecting from the mid 1980s and now represent one of the largest and most important collections of South Asian material outside London. Material has been sourced through salerooms, fieldwork in India and Pakistan and contacts with artists. The key areas are contemporary fine arts and crafts, Calligraphy from the Muslim world, Gold and Silver, Garments and Textiles. Due to export control in the sub-continent, much of the material is 20th century in date. The Service has also collected work by British Asian artists.

Policy Statements

16.2 The Service will continue to passively collect in this area.

33 16.3 The Service will work to actively acquire works by

1) British and South Asian based artists and makers working in traditional and new media.

2) British artists and makers (of heritage other to South Asia) whose work has been influenced by or incorporates a South Asian theme or one that explores issues of culture, identity and heritage within the context of contemporary Britain.

3) Purchasing and commissioning decorative arts from the Indo-Pakistan sub-continent to record rural arts and crafts practices past and present, in order to record both continuity and change.

4) Collecting 20th century Indian silver (from Gujarat and Rajastan) and textile and garments from India and Pakistan, adding to the existing material that includes Mochi, Phulkari embroideries and those from Kutch, Gujarat, Swat and Sindhi traditions.

16.4 Works by British Asian artists will be accessioned and stored as part of the Fine Art collections. 17.0 PHOTOGRAPHS

17.1 The collection includes photographic material relating to almost all of its areas of collecting. Many photographs form parts of supporting archives or History Files and do not need to be accessioned. If a photograph or collection of photographs is seen as historically significant then they should be entered into the permanent collection.

Policy Statement

17.2 Photographic material relating to the District, in particular early material, will be actively collected.

17.3 Photographs will be collected by all departments and may be catalogued using the collection groupings outlined in 8.2.1.

17.4 Film

17.3.1 The Museum Service has very limited collections of moving image material, and no comprehensive list of such material depicting or made in Bradford, whether in private or public ownership. 34 Policy Statements

17.3.2 Research will be to identify films depicting, made in and otherwise related to Bradford district, and copies made where feasible.

17.3.3 Original film stock will be transferred to the Yorkshire Film Archive, and video copies obtained for the Museum Service’s use, and will be incorporated into the holdings of Bradford Heritage Recording Unit.

18.0 BRADFORD HERITAGE RECORDING UNIT - Twentieth Century Collecting and Contemporary Recording

18.1 Since its inception in 198I the BHRU has developed extensive collections of oral testimony and a photographic record. The acquisition of the Belle Vue Studio secured an important record of the early South Asian population in the City. Further focussed projects have led to this becoming a regionally significant archive.

Policy Statements

18.2 The retrospective collection of twentieth century life in the district is a Service priority, while it remains a living memory. The selective recording of contemporary life should be designed obviate the need for major retrospective collecting campaigns in the future.

18.3 BHRU will continue to collect and document both the twentieth century and contemporary life of the City and District. An integrated approach is favoured, combining material evidence with sound, video, photographic and other forms of record.


19.1 Introduction

19.1.1 The Technology Collections have been built up through a combination of active and passive collecting. The Bradford Industrial Museum opened in 1974 and the bulk of the collections are displayed there. Reserve collections are stored both on and off- site. The Service has on occasions been called on to clear workspaces prior to closure and demolition. This has resulted in the collection of some material that is now surplus to current 35 requirements. A programme of structured disposal (along Museums Association guidelines) has been pursued over the last 10 years.

19.1.2 The collection is particularly strong in relation to the Worsted textile industry, car and motorbike manufacturing, (Jowett and Scott) public transport, printing and local engineering.

19.2 Textile Machinery

19.2.1 This represents the largest area of the collections (around 70%) and covers the main processes of textile manufacturing, including combing, spinning, warping, weaving and finishing. Equipment relating to testing and warehousing are also represented. The collections represent locally made and used material from the 18th to the 20th centuries.

19.2.2 There are also considerable archives of service manuals and sample books. Prominent local firms such as Listers, Salts, Garnetts , Illingworths and W & J Whiteheads are well represented.

Policy Statements

19.2.3 The Service will only collect Textile Machinery which has a strong local provenance from within the City and District. There is a strong presumption against collecting 19th and early 20th century material that is already represented.

19.2.4 The following areas of the collection are CLOSED and no future collecting will take place:

1) Silk manufacturing machinery and related material

2) Hemp manufacturing machinery and related material

3) Synthetic manufacturing machinery and related material

4) Flax manufacturing machinery and related material

19.3 Transport Engineering

19.3.1 The Bradford company of Jowett was once a major UK manufacturer and the collection is one of the most 36 comprehensive in the country. It ranges from a light car of 1912 to a Jupiter of 1953. There also large holdings of manuals and blueprints.

19.3.2 Scotts was another famous Bradford company and the collection includes the Scott 3 ¾ H.P, and the Scott Squirrel. There are also holdings of manuals and blueprints.

19.3.3 There are also examples of locally made bicycles and locally used public transport vehicles, including a tram and trolley bus.

Policy Statement

19.3.4 Significant Transport Engineering material, such as Scott and Jowett will continue to be collected.

19.4 Industrial Prime Movers

19.4.1 The collection has examples of horse, steam, gas, water and oil engines, including the local vertical steam engine by Thwaites Brothers of Bradford.

Policy Statement

19.4.2 This area of the collection is CLOSED. Only truly exceptional items of local manufacture will be considered in the future.

19.5 Printing

19.5.1 The local printing industry is represented, with an emphasis on local makers. It covers the period c. 1853 to 1970. The machinery is supported by collections of type and printing blocks, notably those of W.E. Berry of Shipley.

Policy Statement

19.5.2 This area of the collection is CLOSED. Only truly exceptional items of local manufacture will be considered in the future.

19.6. Other Working Life

19.6.1 The collections also has other areas of Working Life (as defined by SHIC), with material relating to engineering, office work, electrical and consumer goods. 37 Policy Statements

19.6.2 The Service will actively collect Working Life material in the following areas:

1) Office Equipment post 1900.

2) Commercial photographic equipment

3) Radios and Televisions (20th century, especially post 1945)

4) Models relating to local machinery and vehicles

5) Trades and Professions within the City and District, especially retail and service industries

6) Books and technical journals relevant to the Collections

19.6.3 The following areas of the collection are CLOSED and no future collecting will take place:

1) Medical equipment

2) Pure Science

3) Agricultural machinery

19.6.4 Because of the large size of some machinery, and the limitations on storage and display space there is a strong presumption that photographic and oral testimony will be the most appropriate means of recording industrial and working practices.


20.1 The Collections have been built up through a combination of active and passive collecting. It concentrates on the equipment used by urban working horses in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Much of this material was collected when the original Horses at Work museum was based in Halifax, and not all of it is local to the Bradford area. 38 20.2 There is also non-accessioned material that is operational, and this should not be entered into the collection whilst in use.

Policy Statements

20.3 The Service will passively collect material relating to the urban working horse, especially that which has a strong local provenance from within the City and District.

20.4 The Service will actively collect material in the following areas:

1) Photographs of working urban horses.

2) Oral testimony related to the history of the urban working horse. (In association with BHRU)

20.5 Because of the large size of some vehicles, and the limitations on storage and display space there is a strong presumption that photographic and oral testimony will be the most appropriate means of recording some working practices.


21.1 The Museums Service recognises the public demand for, and educational potential of, objects that can be freely handled and examined in the museum or in schools loans boxes. The reserve collections cover most periods outlined in the History National Curriculum and can be used as recommended elements in English, Geography, etc.

21.2 The Service used to operate a School Loans Service, which is now run by Education Bradford and stored at Future House. A full inventory is housed at Cartwright Hall. This collection consists of accessioned and secondary material. Some has been returned to the Museum. Education Bradford will review the efficacy of this service and there is a possibility of it returning to the Service en masse.

Policy Statement

21.3 Handling and other education material is appropriate within most areas of the Museum’s collections. Considerations of storage capacity aside, the constraints of this collections policy need not apply when collecting for this purpose. But 39 objects in handling collections run the risk of damage or loss; this will always be borne in mind when selecting them, and the choice should be made by more than one member of the curatorial staff. Donors must be informed before depositing that their gifts are to be used for educational/handling purposes, and whenever possible consulted at the time of donation if this seems the best use for the material.

21.4 The Service must allocate sufficient space to store the Schools Loans collection should it return from Education Bradford.

Bradford Museums, Galleries & Heritage/January 2005

Appendix One: SHIC Classification (Primary and Secondary Headings)

1.0 Community Life

1.0 General 1.1 Cultural Tradition 1.2 Organisations 1.3 Regulation and Control 1.4 Welfare and Wellbeing 1.5 Education 1.6 Amenities, Entertainment and Sport 1.7 Communications and Currency 1.8 Warfare and Defence 1.9 Other

2.0 Domestic and Family Life

2.0 General 2.1 Administration and Records 2.2 House Structure and Infrastructure 2.3 Heating, Lighting, Water and Sanitation 2.4 Furnishings and Fittings 2.5 Cleaning and Maintenance 2.6 Food Drink and Tobacco 2.7 Medical 2.8 Hobbies, Crafts and Pastimes 2.9 Other 40 3.0 Personal Life

3.0 General 3.1 Administration and Records 3.2 Relics, Mementoes and Memorials 3.3 Costume 3.4 Accessories 3.5 Toilet 3.6 Food, Drink and Tobacco 3.7 Medical and Infant Raising 3.9 Other

4.0 Working Life

4.0 General 4.1 Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 4.2 Energy and Water Supply 4.3 Minerals and Chemicals 4.4 Metals and Metal Goods, Engineering 4.5 Other Manufacturing Industries 4.6 Construction 4.7 Transport and Communications 4.8 Distribution; Hotels and Catering; Repairs 4.9 Other Working Life


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