City of London Decision-Making Process

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City of London Decision-Making Process

City of London Decision-Making Process

Decision Maker Planning Forum Decision AD or DCS SM TM SSW Other/ Comment Children in Need

To commence a Strategy meeting / section 47 X X investigation discussion with partner agency To convene a Complex CIN X X Supervision meeting Commissioning to be To convene a Family X X consulted to identify Group Conference provider To convene a legal X X planning meeting

Strategy To convene a CPC X X discussion with partner agency To change the date AD must be X X of a planned CPC consulted To commission a SM /TM must agree residential family X application assessment To commission a SM/TM must agree community family X application assessment To commission any other CIN SM must consult X assessment costing with the AD. less than £50,000

To commission any X SM/TM must agree other CIN application and make assessment costing recommendation to more than £50,000 AD SM must agree To agree application and make assessments in an X recommendation to emergency AD To agree other packages of CIN See financial X support costing less delegation at bottom than £50,000 of table To agree other packages of CIN SM/TM must agree X support costing application more than £50,000 All decisions should be made Court orders following consultation with legal services. Decision would To apply for usually be based Protection orders AD must be X X on a strategy (EPO or PP through informed within 24 meeting or police) hours discussion Decision would usually be based To apply for X on a strategy Recovery Orders As above meeting or discussion Decision would usually follow To apply for a Child discussion in a X Assessment Order Multi Agency meeting, eg CPC, CIN meeting etc Decision would usually follow To apply for a Care discussion in a X or Supervision Order Legal Planning Meeting Chaired by the SM To approve Care Planning Meeting Plan for the court X X (if child not looked (Court Order having after) been applied for) To seek variation of Statutory Child Supervision or Care X Care Review if Order looked after To seek discharge of Statutory Child Care Order or X Care Review if Supervision Order looked after Decision would To use Secure usually be based Accommodation on a strategy DCS without an Order meeting or (max 72 hrs) discussion

Statutory Child Care Review recommends if To seek Secure Child already Accommodation DCS Looked After. Order Planning Meeting otherwise.

To seek a Section Statutory Child 34 Order concerning X Care Review Contact

Sign off Sect 7 or Report to be sent to X X Sect 37 reports legal 5 days before filing date Service Manager Sign off all other X X consults with court reports Team Manager Children Looked After To agree the type of Subject to delegated X X placement limits To agree planned X AD informed within A Planning accommodation 24 hours Meeting must first (Section 20) be held to consider the question, arrangements Chaired by TM To agree that a child is placed outside the Subject to Care SM in consultation Local Authority area X X Planning with AD other than with a Procedures connected person To Approve Private Fostering X X Arrangement To agree to move a Subject to Care child during Key X Must consult with Planning Stage 4 the VSH Procedures To agree unplanned Interim agreement accommodation AD to be informed X X (maximum of (Section 20) within 24 hours seven days) arrangements To agree the AD to be informed suspension of a X X foster home immediately Foster home will not be CoL but AD to make decision whether child remain LAC review to be as best interest convened urgently. decision. ie AD discussion in Following Ofsted child remaining To agree the inspection they give and reasons and termination of a X below good rating - risk associated foster home decision to move with this child /not – child may be in middle of SM to be party to exams; issues may IFA Fostering not be child care panel decision rather other issues; how quickly remedy in place To make decisions on prohibitions on X private fostering

To agree the use of X X X non approved emergency placement with relative/friend (Section 38) To agree the use of residential AD X placement Disruption meeting To exclude a young must be convened person from a X and chaired at SM Children’s Home level To agree the use of high cost provision See financial What financial X X delegation at bottom delegation below of table £50,000 – SM Above 50,000 - AD To seek permanent Statutory Child X X Chair substitute family Care Review To refer child to Statutory Child X X Chair Adoption Agency Care Review To initiate Care Proceedings where Statutory Child child or young X X Care Review person is accommodated To use an Statutory Child X X Chair independent visitor Care Review Statutory Child Care Review unless urgent action is required. To bring placements to an end (concern X X Chair Legal services to for child) - foster be consulted placement If child is "protected", courts must be consulted Statutory Child To bring placement Care Review to an end (concern unless urgent for child) - child X X Chair action is required. placed with prospective adopters Legal services to be consulted To approve Person designated by placement of child Statutory Child X Director of Social on Care Order with Care Review Services parents To approve Statutory Child placement with X X X Chair Care Review relatives/friends To change the date AD must be informed of a Looked After X immediately by SM Review To permit child or young person looked Decision fed back after to leave UK for X in to Statutory holiday of up to 1 Child Care Review months To consent to young Decision fed back person looked after X in to Statutory joining armed forces Child Care Review To consent to an Decision fed back abortion (young X in to Statutory person looked after) Child Care Review To consent to Decision fed back contraception X X in to Statutory (young person Child Care Review looked after) To consent to Decision fed back medical or surgical X in to Statutory treatment (young Child Care Review person looked after) To consent to the Decision fed back marriage of a DCS in to Statutory Looked After Child Child Care Review To agree to religious custom or ritual Decision fed back requiring parental X AD to be consulted in to Statutory consent (e.g. by SM Child Care Review baptism) - Child looked after To consent to Decision fed back change of name X in to Statutory (Child looked after) Child Care Review To sign passport Decision fed back application (Child X X in to Statutory looked after) Child Care Review To support/ not support foster carer Statutory Child application for X X AD must agree Chair Care Review residence Order /SGO - (Child looked after) To support child’s Decision fed back application for British X X in to Statutory citizenship (Child Child Care Review looked after) To seek publicity in Nominated respect of a search X spokesperson. for missing children Press office Financial Limits: AD- £500,000 SM - £50,000 TM - £10,000 SSW - £1000

Janet Bailey 14.8.14

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