Assignment SOCIAL MEDIA CONSULTANT (individual)

Location Amman, Jordan

Duration 3 months

Estimate number of 60-days working days

Reporting to Chief of Communication


Jordan is currently hosting some 634,000 Syrian refugees, half of whom are children. The UNICEF Jordan CO is responding to the refugee crisis, as well as continuing its regular country programme. UNICEF is mandated to support children on an advocacy level that includes highlighting the ongoing issues affecting vulnerable young people in the country.

UNICEF Jordan’s Communication and Public Advocacy Strategy (JCPAS) 2016-2017 aims at putting the rights and wellbeing of the most disadvantaged children at the heart of the political, social, and economic agendas –advocating for shifts in public policy, fuelling social engagement, and increasing resources and actions for children.

The strategy is aligned to UNICEF’s Global Communication and Public Advocacy Strategy and guided by related strategies and regional/global movements for children, specifically the No Lost Generation initiative, A Promise Renewed, UN Girls Education Initiative, and End Violence against Children, as well as national plans and strategies such as the Jordan Response Plan for the Syria Crisis.

Social media has been identified as a key approach in the achievement of the goals outlined in the Communication and Public Advocacy strategy, specifically in the regular active engagement of at least 50,000 people from targeted audiences to act for children.


In-order to actively engage 50,000 people from targeted audiences to act and advocate for children, UNICEF needs to grow its social media engagement and reach. UNICEF has an

1 established footprint on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Instagram. These channels are used to raise awareness about issues affecting children, highlighting UNICEF response and in providing visibility for donors. In-order to fully implement and reach the objectives of the Communication and Public Advocacy strategy, there is need to treble the followers, reach and engagement of audiences. UNICEF Jordan therefore requires the services of a Social Media Consultant who will be tasked with trebling the following, reach and engagement across the key platforms that UNICEF uses.

3. DESCRIPTION OF THE ASSIGNMENT Under the guidance of the Chief of Communication and in close cooperation with the UNICEF Communications team, the consultant will use already developed content to:

• Review the performance of the current UNICEF Jordan social media platforms against brands of similar interest, providing recommendations for course of action in the report. • Develop and implement a Promotion Strategy that will ensure that the fan base across all platforms trebles and continues to grow, content is promoted and highly visible on newsfeeds. • Develop and implement an Engagement plan that uses creative and innovative ways (paid and organic) of ensuring that audiences are actively engaged in acting for children through promoting content and increasing audience reach. • Develop and implement a Conversion plan that retains all followers and recruits influencers to act for children. • Analyze relevant data and produce monthly reports on recent social activity, providing insights and recommendations as needed.

4. EXPECTED DELIVERABLES • Monthly analytical reports on UNICEF Jordan Social Media performance with recommendations for improvement. • Brief analysis of the performance of the UNICEF Jordan Social media platforms against 4 similar agencies in the region. • A promotion strategy that results into the trebling of the following and engagement on all platforms. • An engagement plan to proactively keep audiences engaged and involved. • A conversion plan that details how to retain followers and recruitment of top influencers to actively engage with and for children / UNICEF.


2  Demonstrates creativity and documented immersion in social media. (Give links to profiles as examples).  Proficient in content marketing theory and application.  Displays in-depth knowledge and understanding of social media platforms, their respective participants (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Snap chat, Pinterest etc.) and how each platform can be deployed specifically in Jordan for largest outreach.  Bachelor Degree in Communications, Marketing and/or Journalism /English/ Social Sciences or related fields.  At least 3-5 years’ proven experience in social media platforms and related communication field.  Work experience with UN agencies is an asset.  Strong communication, presentation, writing, and editing skills with fluency in written and spoken English asset.


The performance of the candidate will be reviewed using the growth in engagement and fan base of the social media platforms. He / she will be evaluated on their overall performance at the end of the 3-month consultancy.


Interested candidates should submit the following via email:

- A brief one page plan of how the Consultant plans to grow the UNICEF Jordan footprint. - 3 Links to social media pages that Consultant has managed one of which should be Facebook. - Curriculum Vitae (CV). - Financial proposal.


 The individual contractor will work on their own computer(s) and use their own office resources and materials in the execution of this assignment. The contractor’s fee shall be inclusive of all office administrative costs.  Local travel and airport transfers (where applicable) will be covered in accordance with UNICEF’s rules and tariffs.  Please also see UNICEF’s Standard Terms and Conditions attached.  The Consultant will be required to sign the Health statement for consultant/individual contractor prior to taking up the assignment and to document that they have appropriate health insurance.  The Form ‘Designation, change or revocation of beneficiary” has to be completed by the consultant upon arrival at the HR office.