Identifying the Advantages of Rfid Implementation in Library

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Identifying the Advantages of Rfid Implementation in Library


Pramod Patel

Assistant Librarian, Indukaka Ipcowal Institute of Management (I2IM) Charotar University of Science & Technology (CHARUSAT)

[email protected]

ABSTRACT A library is a growing organism. As it grows in size the problems associated with the maintenance and security of the documents also grows. The researchers have always helped the librarian in solving their problems. To solve the problems of arranging documents in order they have given classification schemes. To solve the problems of searching documents they have given cataloging guidelines. To solve the problems of space and time they have taught librarians to digitize the documents and share over network. To automate the counter activities they gave us bar-codes. Bar-codes have served the librarians and libraries for a long time, and now it is slowly getting replaced by RFID. This paper gives brief idea about the emerging Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology, its importance in the library management system and its working. It also describes about the basic and optional components required for smooth working of the exercise. The aim is to consider how to extend RFID applications in an academic library keeping in view the scantiness of funds and scarcity of supporting staff. The article also illustrates a vibrant picture about how RFID technology is acting as a boon for libraries thereby highlighting the key benefits of RFID like shelf charging-discharging, reliability, high speed inventorying, automated materials handling etc. Besides, it outlines various issues and possible solutions involved in the process of implementing RFID applications in Central Library, It will also provide insight for other academic libraries wishing to implement RFID system.

Key Words: RFID, Library, ICT in Library, Library Automation

.1. INTRODUCTION addition it can be used as a data carrier, with information being written and RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) updated to the tag on the fly. RFID invented in 1969, patented in 1973, first systems carry data in suitable used in harsh industrial environment in transponders, generally identified as tags, 1980s, and standards presented in 2001, is and retrieve data, by machine-readable the latest addition of technology to be used means, at a suitable time and place to in the libraries for a combination of satisfy particular application needs. automation and security activities in the RFID is a combination of radio-frequency well maintenance of documents either and microchip. RFID chips are of inside the library or goes out-of library. particular interest, because they have RFID uses wireless radio communications become smaller and smarter to the point to uniquely identify objects or people, and where they can be added every kind of is one of the fastest growing automatic document and can be read and updated data collection (ADC) technologies, which from a distance. The data capacities of is comprising one or more transponder normally range from a few reader/interrogators and RF transponders bytes to several kilobytes. There are also in which data transfer is achieved by 1-bit transponder (without chip) to fulfill means of properly modulated inductive or monitoring and signaling functions called radiating electro-magnetic carriers. In Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS).

1.1 Library Management Problems

ISSN: 0975 – 6701| NOV 11 TO OCT 12 | Volume 2, Issue 1 Page 75 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Basic tasks in library management include reading or writing of data and they are the planning of acquisitions of materials, highly effective in manufacturing and arranging the acquired materials according other hostile environment where barcode to the library classification, preservation of labels cannot survive. It consists of a materials and developing and transponder with antenna and a chip and a administering library computer systems. reader which attached to a computer to Management problems being faced by identify the item. The complete set of Library. these items is called a tag or a label. Data or information can be written on the chip 1. Increasing theft (barcode etc.) and stored in the tag or label 2. Misplacement of reading material that is attached to the item to be identified 3. Poor Inventory Accuracy and reader is non-movable (fixed at 4. Poor Stock verification process security gate or so). 5. Require of Security control RFID plays a very important role in 1.2 Need of RFID Implementation redefining the library process to make everyone’s job easier right from the users Due to the low cost of barcodes, this to library staff. It provides a platform to automatic identification system has been automate most of the process performed extensively applied in the management of by the library staff like check in-check out, library collections. Barcodes simplify the sorting, stock management and inventory identification of items for library control. RFID is an innovative automated circulation and archives. However, due to library system for automatic identification low data capacity and the inability to and tracking of library material. As it is program barcodes, the scope of barcode combination of radio-frequency-based application is limited to information access technology and microchip technology and of collections and user cards. A better can be used to identify, track, sort or solution for the storage of recognizable detect library holdings. This is an effective information and transactions is to use way of managing collections of the library integrated circuit (IC) memory cards or and providing enhanced services to the smart cards to convey data. However, this users having following benefits: kind of contact type IC card must work 1. The RFID tag does not have to be through a reader contact to have power visible for detection. It can be read even and to transmit materials. The shortcoming when it is embedded in an item, such as of usage includes lower processing speed in the cardboard cover of a book or in and abrasion of an electronic contact. On the packaging of a product. the other hand, the contact-less IC card 2. Hassle free issue/return of books technique transmits data between card and since several books in a pile can be reader through radio waves. The power issued/ returned at a time. also can be converted from radio waves or 3. Does not need the manual typing so built in batteries in cards. Because of the ensuring accuracy in routine works transport of power and information 4. Helpful in identifying misfiled items. through radio waves, contact less auto-IDs 5. Inventory visibility, accuracy and is called radio frequency identification efficiency. (RFID) systems. Technically it is ‘a 6. Automated Issue/Return technology that consists of a system and 7. No lines or greatly reduced lines at the little tags, which uses radio waves to check out counter. automatically identify people or objects’. 8. Increases the security function in This wireless automatic identification data library. capture systems allow for non-contact

ISSN: 0975 – 6701| NOV 11 TO OCT 12 | Volume 2, Issue 1 Page 76 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES 9. Instant update of the databases is practice. Earlier, manual stocktaking was possible. an exhausting exercise as each and every 10. Improved utilization of resources like book’s detail had been manually entered manpower, infrastructure etc. into the system or registers. Now with the 11. Less time consumption as line of sight introduction of new technology it is very and manual interaction are not needed easy for the library staff to just place a for RFID-tag reading. scanner on the top of the book; the scanner 12. Flexible library timings by use of automatically passed on scanned Books Drop Kiosk for returning information to the common database or library materials. server. 13. Unique ID of RFID tag prevents 2. RFID Technology in Libraries counterfeiting. 14. Open access system promotes chances The concept of RFID can be simplified to of theft of books, so to secure the that of an electronic barcode and can be valuable resources form anti-social used to identify, track, sort or detect elements. library holdings at the circulation desk and 15. Traditional methods of stock in the daily stock maintenance. This verification are not feasible for system, consist of smart RFID labels, libraries having large collections. hardware and software, provides libraries 16. Automation of repetitive work such as with more effective way of managing their lending or returning of items collections while providing greater 1.3 How RFID Works customer service to their patrons.

The technology works through flexible, The technology works through flexible, paper-thin smart labels (RFID tags), which paper-thin smart labels, approximately allows it to be placed inconspicuously on 2”X2” in size, which allows it to be placed the inside cover of each and every book in inconspicuously on the inside cover of a library’s collection and on the other each book in a library’s collection. The tag collections like CDs, DVDs etc. Complete consists of an etched antenna and a little information about each document is chip which stores vital bibliographic data entered into the software installed in including a unique Accession number to Server or Docking station. Now whenever identify each item. This contrasts with a a user brings the book for issue return barcode label, which does not store any purpose, the RFID reader from the tag information, but merely points to a reads the information pertaining to that database. These smart labels are applied book and transmits the data into the directly on library books and can be read software and books is smoothly issued in a with an RFID interrogator/scanner. Line of few seconds with a minimum of manual sight is not essential for reading the tags intervention. As the user takes the book with the scanner, therefore, the books outside the library, the antenna placed at require much less human handling to be the exit gate automatically read the read and processed. Middleware or Savant information contained on the RFID tag to software integrates the reader hardware verify whether the book is properly issued with the existing Library Automation or not. In case the book is not issued to the Software for seamless functioning of user as per library norms or it is being circulation. stolen from the library, the antenna senses it and give an instant alert. Thus the The information contained on microchips technology resulted in successful theft in the tags affixed to library materials is reduction of books. The same RFID read using radio frequency technology technology is also used for stock taking regardless of item orientation or

ISSN: 0975 – 6701| NOV 11 TO OCT 12 | Volume 2, Issue 1 Page 77 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES alignment. It provides a contact less data Librarians will find RFID very useful as the link, without need for line of sight, for technology provides a lot of advantages in example, the documents in the shelves or the daily library management. The following cardboard boxes can be checked without are some of the major advantages that RFID removing or opening. RFID has no technology offers to the Libraries. concerns about harsh environments that restrict other auto ID technologies such as 4.1 Rapid charging/discharging bar codes. Tags have a discrete memory capacity that varies from 96 bits to a. The use of RFID reduces the amount of 2kbytes. In addition to tags, an RFID time required to perform circulation system requires a means for reading or operations. The most significant time "interrogating" the tags to obtain the savings are attributable to the facts that stored data and then some means of information can be read from RFID tags communicating this tag data to library much faster than from barcodes and that information system. several items in a stack can be read at the same time. While initially unreliable, the RFID-based systems have been anti-collision algorithm that allows an entire implemented for efficient document stack to be charged or discharged now tracking purpose through out the libraries appears to be working well. that combine, easier and faster charging and discharging of documents, security of b. The other time savings realized by materials, inventorying, stock verification circulation staff are modest unless the RFID and shelf handling. RFID tag’s tags replace both the EM security strips or transponders listens for a radio query from RF tags of older theft detection systems and the reader and respond by transmitting the barcodes of the automated library system their unique ID code. Most RFID tags - i.e., the system is a comprehensive RFID have no batteries; they use the power from system that combines RFID security and the the first radio signal to transmit their tracking of materials throughout the library; response. or it is a hybrid system that uses EM for security and RFID for tracking, but handles 3. Implementation of RFID technology in both simultaneously with a single piece of libraries equipment. There can be as much as a 50 percent increase in throughput. The time Certain factors need to be considered savings are less for charging than for before implementation of RFID in library. discharging because the time required for They are as follows charging usually is extended by social - Types of document which needs interaction with patrons. to be tagged - Types of items meant for 4.2 Simplified patron self- circulation charging/discharging - The number and type’s member the organization have. a. For patrons using self-charging, there is a - The budget provision marked improvement because they do not The RFID technology is very new concept have to carefully place materials within a for Indian libraries. Some proper designated template and they can charge demonstration of the system can be several items at the same time. arranged in order to show the places where the system is successfully running.

4. Advantage of RFID system in Libraries

ISSN: 0975 – 6701| NOV 11 TO OCT 12 | Volume 2, Issue 1 Page 78 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES b. Patron self-discharging shifts that work 4.4 High-speed inventorying from staff to patrons. Staff is relieved further when readers are installed in book- A unique advantage of RFID systems is drops. their ability to scan books on the 4.3 High reliability shelves without tipping them out or removing them. A hand-held 4.3.1 The readers are highly reliable. RFID inventory reader can be moved library systems claim an almost 100 percent rapidly across a shelf of books to detection rate using RFID tags. read all of the unique identification 4.3.2 There are fewer false alarms than with information. Using wireless older technologies once an RFID system is technology, it is possible not only properly tuned. to update the inventory, but also to 4.3.3 RFID systems encode the circulation identify items which are out of status on the RFID tag. This is done by proper order. designating a bit as the "theft"(EAS) bit and 4.5 Automated materials handling turning it off at time of charge and on at time of discharge. If the material that has not Another application of RFID technology is been properly charged is taken past the exit automated materials handling. This sensors, an immediate alarm is triggered. includes conveyer and sorting Another option is to use both the systems that can move library "theft"(EAS) bit and the online interface to materials and sort them by category an automated library system, the first to into separate bins or onto separate signal an immediate alarm and the second to carts. This significantly reduces the identify what has been taken. amount of staff time required to ready materials for re-shelving.

4.6 Long tag life

RFID tags last longer than barcodes because nothing comes into contact with them. Most RFID vendors claim a minimum of 100,000 transactions before a tag may need to be replaced.

4.7 Fast circulation services Application of RFID technology in libraries reduces the amount of time required to perform circulation operations

4.8 Easy self-charging/discharging: For library members using self-charging, there is a marked improvement because they do not have to carefully place materials within a designated template and they can charge several items at the same time.

4.9. Fast inventorying Another unique advantage of RFID systems is their ability to scan books on the shelves

ISSN: 0975 – 6701| NOV 11 TO OCT 12 | Volume 2, Issue 1 Page 79 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES without tipping them out or removing them. the staff shortages and cost cutting measure. Since it is using wireless technology, it is The self check system is quite popular and possible not only to update the inventory, necessary with both patrons and staff. The but also to identify items which are out of system integration of RFID allowed patrons proper order. to check- in or check- out number of books at a time, before it is just one book at a time. 4.10. Greater reliability All libraries report that reduction of injuries The RFID readers are highly reliable and is the main concern they have implemented RFID library systems claim an almost 100 or considering implementing RFID system. percent detection rate using RFID tags. The inventory management will be handled 4.11. Long tag life than Barcodes in a fraction of time with the help of RFID It is important to note that RFID tags last system. In a single go all the books in shelf longer than barcodes because nothing comes can be read by RFID reader and will be into contact with them. According to RFID identified that which of the books are vendors, the lifetime of a tag is about a missing or miss- shelved. Automatic sorting minimum of 100,000 transactions which is of books will be done with the help of RFID better than barcodes. technology. The RFID tag readers read the 4.12. Automated materials handling RFID tags on books and secure the system Automated materials handling is another and send all information in the database. advantage of RFID technology which Librarians also said that lost or hidden items includes conveyer and sorting systems that are more easily been found with the help of can move library materials and sort them by this technology category into separate bins or onto separate carts. This significantly reduces the amount 5. RFID based Library Management of staff time required to ready materials for System: The Work flow re-shelving in libraries. 4.13Economy Earlier implementation of RFID in libraries was costly but now it becomes economy while considering the advantages it offers to the library management.

5.1 Four Stages of RFID based Library Management System The Stages of RFID based Library Management System are: The cost cutting and budget shortfall is seen very obvious in institutes like libraries a. Library Security System Only. quite often. RFID is seen as a way to address b. Support Library Circulation

ISSN: 0975 – 6701| NOV 11 TO OCT 12 | Volume 2, Issue 1 Page 80 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES c. Patron Self Check-in/Check-out b. New Integrated Library System functions d. Smart and Quick Inventory - read from RFID and set the EAS status.

5.1.1. Library Security System Only 5.1.3. Patron Self Check-in/Check-out:

Stage Action: Stage Action:

Using RFID Tag replace EM Security Stripe Let patron do the check-out and check-in process of books. Stage Target: Stage Target: a. Radio Frequency Detection a. Benefit to Librarian: b. Replace the EM Anti-theft system to avoid the high volume EM field harm 1. Speeds up book check-in / check-out human body and without False Alarm. 2. Frees staff to better service patrons Equipment & parts needed: 3. Better space planning a. Anti-theft Detection Gate - Detect the RFID Tag on Book and Check EAS Status, b. Benefit to Patrons: System alarm when the EAS status is ON. 1. Easy to use: books can be read in any b. Security Processing Station - Turn On or orientation Off the EAS Setting of the Chip 2. Reduces queuing time c. RFID Tags 3. Provides patron privacy 5.1.2. Support Library Circulation Equipment & parts needed: Stage Action: 1. Self Check Station - Perform patron self Using RFID tags replace the barcode in check-out and check-in process and turn off Circulation process. Reading book’s access or turn off the EAS status. number from RFID than from barcode to borrow and return the book. 2. Book-Drop - Indoor or Outdoor. After patron drop in the book into this station, Stage Target: book’s id is checked and turned on the EAS simultaneously. a. No line of sight needed 3. Remote Book-drop - Long distance away b. Allows check-out and check-in several from library, Acquire better protection of the items simultaneously Book-drop. c. Performing both identification and 4. Sorting station - Sorting the return books antitheft in one single operation automotive or manual. Equipment & parts needed: a. Counter Station

ISSN: 0975 – 6701| NOV 11 TO OCT 12 | Volume 2, Issue 1 Page 81 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES 5.1.4. Smart and Quick Inventory: not need a battery. When energized by a radio signal from a fixed position reader or Stage Action: handheld scanner, the tag returns the stored information in order that the item to which it Search and Inventory by reading the RFID is attached can be easily located. using portable reader and portable computer. The chip also has a "multi-read" function, Stage Target: which means that several tags can be read at once. a. Quick inventory RFID tags have been specifically designed b. Look up the misplace material to be affixed into library media, including books, CDs, DVDs and tapes. c. Search for certain material It is thin, flexible and thus can be laminated Equipment & parts needed: between paper and plastic. With special method to attach to books, patron is totally a. Portable RFID reader unaware that the tag is there. b. Portable Computer - Notebook PC or KEY BENEFITS: PDA No line of sight needed c. Inventory & Searching software Allows check-out and check-in several items simultaneously

The working of RFID Transponder Information directly attached to product

Performing both identification and antitheft in one single operation

Different shape and sizes available

Able to tag almost anything

An RFID tag is the most important link in Accelerate scanning and identifying any RFID system. It has the ability to store information relating to the specific item to Shelf Management System which they are attached, rewrite again without any requirement for contact or line of sight. Data within a tag may provide identification for an item, proof of ownership, original storage location, loan status and history.

RFID Tag consists of an integrated circuit and an antenna combined to form a transponder. RFID tags collect the energy to The Shelf Management Solution makes operate from a Radio Frequency (RF) field locating and identifying items on the shelves emitted by a reader device; therefore they do an easy task for librarians. It comprises

ISSN: 0975 – 6701| NOV 11 TO OCT 12 | Volume 2, Issue 1 Page 82 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES basically of a portable scanner and a base found on the shelves, a built-in beeper sound station. to alert the librarians.

The solution is designed to cover three KEY BENEFITS: major requirements: a. Changes inventory process: a. Search for individual books requested 1. No more book handling: just pass the b. Inventory check of the whole library reader across shelved books to perform an stock instant inventory. c. Search for books which are miss-helved 2. Accuracy: book identification numbers are registered in the Shelf-Management Reader. The data is then downloaded to the central database.

3. The fastest inventory you have ever made: 20 books per second.

4. Notification: books to be pulled are up- loaded to the reader for quick identification. All these functions are performed by sweeping the portable scanner across the b. User friendly: spines of the books on the shelves to gather their identities. In an inventory check 1. Light weight situation, the identities collected are compared with the database and a 2. Wand allows easy reading of high and discrepancy report could be generated. low shelves

In situations when search function is c. Saves time and resources: required, whether for a particular item or an item category, the information is first 1. Implementers indicate a 75% reduction in entered into the portable scanner from the human resources required for shelf base station, and when a foreign item is management activities.

Anti-theft Detection


The RFID Gates is the anti-theft part of the Library RFID Management System using the same RFID tags fixed in the library items. Each way is able to track items of about 1 meter and would activate the alarm system when an un-borrowed tem passed through them. The alarm will sound and lights on the gate will flash as patron passes through with the un-borrowed library material.

The EAS Anti-Theft Gates is used to detect RFID tag that is equipped with EAS (Electronic Article Surveillance). It can detect the RFID tags within 1 meter range without interference of magnetic items, upon detecting of equipped RFID tags, the alarm will sound on the gate. It has option to trigger a Camera to record patrons who trigger the alarm to the Surveillance Station.

ISSN: 0975 – 6701| NOV 11 TO OCT 12 | Volume 2, Issue 1 Page 84 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES bottom line is that the synergy between the Theft detection is an integral feature of the latest technology like RFID and libraries chip within the tag. It is a stand-alone can create wonders resulting in technology, which operates independently empowerment of both users as well as of the library database. librarians. Even now the unique advantages and FEATURES: flexibility of RFID is the good news but the technology still need more awareness  Detect EAS equipped RFID tags and need to be widely understood by the  Multi-item detection future users. The application of RFID and  Able to integrate camera with the innovation are changing continuously. gate (Option) Further development seen in RFID  Gale to integrate with Surveillance technology is: Station (Option) o Can store larger data o Wide reading range KEY BENEFITS: o Faster processing And the usage of the RFID in electronic  Single technology is required for article observation is increasing day by both inventory and theft day for tracking documents; several management of the library. libraries are willing to implement RFID  Library staffs are alerted system immediately when un-borrowed 9. REFERENCES items pass through the theft [1.]Ashim A Patil, “i-TEK RFID Based detection gates. Library Management Suite” a White  Would-be thieves are deterred by paper. By Infotek Software & the physical presence of the gates. Systems PLtd, Pune, India. 02, April,  Number of patrons passing through 2004. the gates is captured by a counter [2.] Bansode, S.Y. & Desale, S.K. on the gates Alarm volume can be (2009).Implementation of RFID easily controlled. technology in University of Pune Library. Program: electronic library and information systems,43(2), 202- 8. CONCLUSION 214 [3.] Boss, R. W. ().RFID Technology Although, the RFID technology is quite forLibraries. Retrieved April 18, 2009, expensive, still it has yielded excellent from results for many libraries throughout the mgrps/divs/pla/plapublications/platech world. It has the capability of making the notes/RFID- 2007.pdf management processes in the library more [4.]Curran, K. & Porter, M. (2007). A convenient. The only barrier in the journey primer on radio frequency is high cost of it, but every new technology identification for libraries. Library Hi implementation is somewhat dearer. Tech, 25(4), 595-611. Moreover, RFID applications lead to [5.]Dave Brich at Consultant Hyperion. important savings in staff costs, enhance as visited on 1- service and provide efficient results, which 2-2005. As quoted in “News lead to foolproof security and access Comment – Contact less crazy” in control. It not only provides a constant Journal: Card Technology; pub by update of library collections, proper Elsevier. p2, February 2005. holding management, but also [6.]Kern C. (2004). Radio-frequency- accomplishes real-time services. The identification for vsecurity and media

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