Holy Angels Byzantine Catholic Church s1

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Holy Angels Byzantine Catholic Church s1

O Physician of Souls and Bodies, we pray for: Lucille Allison, Cynthia Barbat, Alexa Bitsko, Kathleen Burns, Diane Chase, Joe Danscuk, Bruce De Witt, Marlene Fjalberg, John Florko, Fr. Julian Gnall, Connie Martinez, Nickolas Pasnak, Sylvia Pasnak, Ted Pasnak, Layla Rose Patnode, Holy Angels Geoffrey Penar, Daniel Perez, Margaret Raya, Candace Scialdone, Frank Scialdone, George Siwiecki, Tim Stuhr, Pat Walsh and Daniel Zuniga. Byzantine Catholic Church

Litany of Praise to the Theotokos:

Hail, O Mary, Mother of God, Virgin and Mother! Morning Star, perfect vessel. We salute thee, Mother of God. Hail, O Mary, Mother of God! Holy temple in which God Himself was conceived. We salute thee, Mother of God. Hail, O Mary, Mother of God! Chaste and pure dove. We salute thee, Mother of God. Hail, O Mary, Mother of God! Ever-radiant light; from thee proceeds the Sun of Justice. We salute thee, Mother of God. Hail, O Mary, Mother of God! You enclosed in your sacred womb the One Who cannot be encompassed. We salute, thee, Mother of God. Church Hail, O Mary, Mother of God!

With the shepherds we sing the praise of God, and with the angels the song of thanksgiving: Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth to men of good will. We salute thee, Mother of God. Hail, O Mary, Mother of God! Through you came to us the Conqueror and the triumphant Vanquisher of hell. We salute thee, Mother of God! Hail, O Mary, Mother of God! Through you blossoms the splendor of the resurrection. We salute thee, Mother of God. Hail, O Mary, Mother of God! You have saved every faithful Christian. Hail, O Mary, Mother of God! Who can praise you worthily, O glorious Virgin Mary! We salute thee, Mother of God. St. Cyril of Alexandria.

The Theotokos of Guadalupe: Our Lady first appeared on December 9, 1591 in Mexico to St. Juan Diego, bestowing on him an icon “not made with human hands,” requesting that a church be built in her honor on that mountain (Tepeyac Hill). Her shrine there is one of the most celebrated places of pilgrimage in the Americas. (St.) Pope John Paul II named her the Patroness of the Americas. Our Lady of Guadalupe (December 12)

Troparion: “When you appeared in the New World, O Theotokos, you fixed your th image on Juan Diego’s rose-laden tilma. All the poor, hungry, and oppressed seek you, Lady of 27 Sunday After Pentecost Guadalupe. We gaze upon your miraculous icon and find hope, crying out to your Son concealed December 10, 2017 in your womb: Hear our plea for justice, O most merciful Lord.” “God thinks like the Samaritan who did not pass by the unfortunate man, pitying him or Kontakion: “No longer shall the New World lie wounded in useless blood sacrifice, looking at him from the other side of the road, but helped him without asking for for she who is clothed with the sun has revealed the Son to us. O Mother of the Americas imprint anything in return; without asking whether he was a Jew, pagan or a Samaritan, whether his name upon our hearts, just as you wove your image into the cactus cloth. Teach your children he was rich or poor: he asked nothing. He went to help him: God is like this.”…. Pope to cry out: O Christ God our hope, glory to you!” Francis.

We especially welcome all visitors and guests. Please join us in our hall for refreshments after Divine Liturgy. Holy Angels Byzantine Catholic Church O Lord, Bless the Worship and Stewardship of your faithful servants: 3 Dec – Attendance: 102; Adult Tithes: $2,144.81; Youth Tithes: $5.00; Improvement Fund: $765.00; Misc. Rebates: $137.27; 2235 Galahad Road Total: $3,052.08. San Diego, California 92123-3931 Very Rev. Brian Escobedo, Pastor Vocation Icon : This Week (10 Dec): (Mulvey Family) Next Week (17 Dec): (Dart Family) Rectory/Office: 858-277-2511 Social Hall/Ethnic Foods: 858-268-3458 Please sign up to host the vocation icon in 2018. Email: [email protected] Parish Website: www.HolyAngelsSanDiego.com Philip’s Fast Food Drive: Support Catholic Charities by giving canned goods/non-perishable items Facebook: Holy Angels Byzantine Catholic Church for those in need. Place items in the baskets in the narthex and hall. Ends this Friday, Dec. 16th LITURGICAL SCHEDULE Parish Directory: Review the 2017 Parish Directory in the Narthex. Make any changes you need or initial OK. You may use the back pages to write information if you are not on it. Sunday: 10 Dec (27th Sunday After Pentecost) (Eph 6:10-17; Lk 17:12-19) 9AM Divine Liturgy (People of the Parish) Gift Shop Christmas Sale continues. Eternal Lamp – (Ted & Sylvia Pasnak) Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!: To all who made our St. Nicholas Celebration such an Tuesday: 12 Dec (Our Lady of Guadalupe) (Heb 9:1-7; Lk 1:39-56) outstanding success. The scenes from the life of St. Nicholas acted out by the ECF students, the 9AM Divine Liturgy (Madeline Zimmer) by Rebecca Huber delicious potluck which the parish put together, and of course St. Nicholas himself and Jesus with their guest appearances. Wednesday: 13 Dec (Martyrs Eustratius, Auxentius, Eugene, Mardarius & Orestes) 7PM Emmanuel Moleben Congratulations to Daniele Laman on receiving the parish St. Nicholas Award!

Saturday: 16 Dec (Prophet Haggai) (Eph 1:16-23; Lk 14:1-11) Parish Workday this Saturday, December 16 th , 10am to 2pm. Please come and help prepare for 9AM Divine Liturgy (Madeline Zimmer) by Rebecca Huber Our Lord’s Nativity. 5PM Great Vespers Parishioner 60 th Anniversary request: Celebrate the year leading up to Holy Angel’s 60th Sunday: 17 Dec (Sunday of the Forefathers) (Col 3:4-11; Lk 14:16-24) Anniversary. We ask every parishioner to commit themselves to doing something for the parish each 9AM Divine Liturgy (People of the Parish) month leading to our November 8, 2018 anniversary. Clean on parish workdays, clean up after our Eternal Lamp – (Ted & Sylvia Pasnak) socials, signing up to host our socials, volunteer to help out during services, etc. There is something everyone can do no matter what your age. There is no sign-up sheet but rather a request from your Preparation for Holy Mysteries: Baptisms require Pre-Jordan; Marriages require Pre-Cana. All parish to help in thanksgiving for all Holy Angels has provided to each one of us. Need ideas? Ask requesting mysteries must be parishioners of Holy Angels for at least six months. Fr. Brian.

Liturgy, Panachida and Eternal Lamp Intentions: Give to Fr. Brian to schedule. Parish 60 th Anniversary Celebration November 8th: Sign up to help with: 1) Location/Capacity; 2) Menu; 3) Seating Chart/Decorations; 4) Transportation; 5) Entertainment/Programs; 6) Icon book; 7) Weekday Evening Confessions: First Wednesday of the month from 7-8pm. Also available before Invitations; 8) Donation requests; 9) Parish photo directory; 10) Special wine labels; 11) Bishop’s all services, or just drop-in/call. Confessions end 15 minutes prior to services. gift; 12) Parish Anniversary cookbook. We will begin meeting soon.

Sick Calls/Anointing/Hospital Visits : May be requested by the parishioner or family. Parishioners Correction to schedule: The service Sunday evening December 24th will be a Vesperal Liturgy. anointed prior to surgery/hospitalization and after Sunday Divine Liturgy as needed.

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