The Shenandoah County Sheriff’s Office is hosting a critical incident training session for law enforcement personnel at Stonewall Jackson high School on Aug. 12, 2009 starting at 6:30am. This exercise will involve between 20-25 student volunteers. The event will simulate an active shooter in the school. Deputy Sheriff’s along with Town Police will respond according to our operating procedure to this simulated event. Students will be acting as if school was in session and a gunman has entered the school creating the critical incident. Several volunteers will be designated as injured and fixed with simulated wounds and some will be designated as fatal. Law enforcement officers will assist in evacuation of the building and may carry injured students to simulated triage areas. Shenandoah County Fire and rescue will then simulate dealing with injuries assigned to them and act them out (i.e. shock or gun shout wounds). Students are requested to wear clothing that can be marked with makeup blood, and or other materials to simulate injuries. The simulation will be conducted with strict guidelines to ensure a safe educational environment for officers to respond. Officers will be in tactical and duty uniforms. There will be no live ammunition at all during the simulation. Lunch will be provided.

The second exercise will take more time and will also create a stressful situation. Five students will be requested to stay for hostage confrontation that will simulate and armed person/s holding people hostage. This exercise takes about 1-2 hours and will require more sitting and little involvement by students but simulated violence may be conducted during the exercise.

If you give permission for your son/daughter to participate in this controlled critical incident please complete and return this form by 8/11/09 so your child can be involved. If you have any questions about this please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your review of this request.

Guardian/Parent: ______Date: ______

Student’s Name: ______Age: ______Sex : M - F

Address: ______


Phone: ______Alt: ______

Sheriff Timothy C. Carter Shenandoah County Sheriff’s Office