Banting PAC Meeting
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Banting PAC Meeting Minutes of Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Present: Kelli Staples (President), Gwen Palmer (Vice-President), Cynthia Aasen (Secretary), Christine Lauzon (Principal), Lisa Rinke (Vice Principal), Andrea Chwaklinski (Treasurer), Donna Wilkie (Past- Treasurer), Ramona Chu (SPC), Michelle Malmberg (CPF Rep), Barb Thompson (DPAC Rep) Hanna Suska, Charlene Williams, Wilma MacDonald, , Dave Cunningham.
Meeting Called to order: 7:03 p.m.
Additions to the Agenda Drive through – Wilma MacDonald
Motion to adopt agenda: moved by Donna Wilkie & seconded by Gwen Palmer.
Motion to accept minutes of meeting, September 22, 2009; moved by Gwen Palmer and seconded by Andrea Chwaklinski
Christine Lauzon, Principal: Reports Dec 4, first formal report this year o Report template is school district template. o Comments, G, S, N behavior and social responsibility. Parent Teacher Dec 8 & 10 o Tuesday late evening last 7:45 Thursday to 5 pm. . Newsletter item . New for booking online system. Trial basis . Nancy setting get the information go online give yourself a password . list of teachers to select time and email confirming time . 15 minute time slots. . Option of phoning in
Lisa Rinke, Vice Principal: 45-minute safety bliztz with classes, traffic, biking, pedestrian o Resources from ICBC mostly about driving o DVD K – 7 using crosswalks using sidewalks and bike safety Volleyball has ended
Treasurer’s Report: Andrea Chwaklinski, Treasurer. Have received the money from the gaming grant. o Approved spending for the jerseys o 30 athletic ; 25 rugby jersey o both boys and girls teams will be fully equipped. Operational $2,000 on Entertainment books $12.50 Thrifty Foods $1400 approximately from magazine drive to date but continues online o Mme Nicholson class won the pizza party. o Give us a free book representing a $46 donation to the party o Michelle Malmberg requested additional $25 to ensure all kids in class have 2 pieces of pizza o Mme Rinke will check into pizza connection to get better deal
Donna Wilkie: Como Lake & Banting crosswalk safety issues Rec’d information from ICBC and City of Coquitlam City of Coquitlam o Bernard Tung approval add tertiary signal head for eastbound traffic o no installation timeframe o Approved countdown head for pedestrian crossing refit with the tertiary head. o LH turns on Como Lake 8:30 – 9 and 2:30 – 3:30 on school days only. o Speed reader signs received approval for Como Lake and Banting o Engineering required solar panel and need to figure out a way to attach to the pole. No left turn is implemented school to disseminate to parents of the school ICBC o Set up TriCity watch group determined at Como Lake Village, In touch with speed watch to move to Banting. o ICBC has approved supplementary funding for speed readers o Traffic safety school information ordered and sent. o ICBC has ongoing comprehensive intersection awareness campaign. Crossing Guards o Approached CUPE local 561 on views of crossing guards remarked Vancouver and Burnaby has crossing guards but Coquitlam. Felt it was up to us to go to City to provide funding to School District to hire crossing guards. o Addressed funding from City with Bernard and he felt this was getting held up at that School District. Budget issue – Christine Lauzon. Bernard suggested all schools will want crossing guards and given the new lights and initiatives unlikely Banting will get crossing guards as well. Presented at DPAC meeting Ramona and Donna o Heidi Gable is meeting with mayor to discuss school traffic issues. o Walk and bike to schools. o Team up with Miller Park to improve traffic flow around both schools. His suggestion one way traffic. Recommendations o Recommend the light on Robinson/Egmont that works during busy hours of traffic. o Contact Riverview and Glenayre walk to school programs. Panorama walking school bus – Lisa Rinke recommended. Board at school events to walk to school. .
DPAC Report: Barb Thompson Barb attended the School District 43 DPAC meeting on Thursday, October 28, 2009 Superintendent’s report Dan?? Focus on snow policy relating to last year. o Plan to err on closing schools and assess reopening. o Improved links to Port Moody and City Roads Crew and RCMP road clearing and reports Snow plan of action o clearing entrance and exit coordination. (school management initiative) o Getting snow angels to clear elderly neighbors. o 2nd priority in the point system of clearing Snow policy was changed last year closed to students and staff only principal is required. o Need volunteer as two people are required. Questionnaire develop process to provide us with more information during and after a snow. o Quicker reaction to snow fall and school closures. o Prepared to close every school on heavy snowfall with openings on schools not affected as badly to avoid confusion o Bus stop access needs to be cleared to allow commuters easier access Funding – budget challenges o Data collection site started in 1990 Kindergarten expanded hours - All day 50% by 2010 and 100% by 2011. DPAC hours of operation Tues & Thurs 9 -2 pm. Parent Resources available on website. How does DPAC get funded. School Board $14,000 and gaming $2,000
Fundraising Report: Ramona Chu, QSP Magazine Drive Magazine drive took longer to take off currently at $1,400 - online and accessible all year believe will reach budget - Add to newsletter great Christmas gift - go to - Banting code is 1051 (can someone check this I’m going from memory) Movie pass fundraiser - Newsletter announcement - online order form – (please ask Ramona to provide access information) - Two runs - November & March - Participating with Glenayre - 750 ticket benchmark savings on shipping and handling . Michele Malmberg: Entertainment Books Entertainment Book – Andrea donated her book and was resold $46 Ramona concerned that Entertainment sends direct to previous buyers prior to fundraising. Online charge is $51. Can order online all year and price is pro-rated. Includes every province / US states – can order online Notice in newsletter to parents that we offer savings and discounts can order online anytime of the year.
Additional Fundraising Possibilities: Cookbooks – Mother’s Day launch – April/May Book fair – February will coincide Open House Garage Sale – need committee to organize dates?? o Book gym, tables, cleaning etc. Father’s Day ??
CPF Report: Michele Malmberg Will continue to fund Quebec trip $5 donation per student for cultural event Next year more of a donation towards a CPF member
New Business: Will submit BCCPAC application
New Business: Drive Through – Wilma MacDonald o Port Moody senior example o close one lane – reduce danger o parent coordinator – Wilma target January launch o Newsletter announcement and awareness campaign to parents/students o involve the kids somehow – Safety do’s & don’ts o pick up times are the problem / drop off not so bad
Meeting Adjourned at 8:32 p.m.
Next PAC Meeting: Next PAC meeting January 20th, 2010 Feb. 17, 2010 March 17, 2010 April 21, 2010 BUDGET MEETING – to be determined. May 19, 2010, AGM