ACC Chapter Recognition Word Template
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ACC Chapter Recognition – Word Template
Chapter Name * Florida Chapter, American College of Cardiology Chapter President Alberto Montalvo, MD, FACC Chapter Executive Jennifer Ray Beckman, CAE, MBA Name of Person Completing this Form * Alberto Montalvo and Jennifer Ray Beckman Title of Person * (see above) Chapter Executive/Staff
How many full or part time employees in your organization One main contact, see below. are working for the ACC Chapter? Please describe the staffing resources in your chapter, Jennifer Ray Beckman holds the title of executive including names, titles and a brief description of their duties. director and in this capacity directs all administrative functions of the chapter. The business model she has chosen puts her in direct contact with chapter leaders and members. In addition, she is the main contact for the ACC staff. She feels that direct contact is paramount to understanding the needs of the membership. Therefore, she out-sources such projects as website updating, newsletter design, newsletter editing, meeting logistics and other tasks that are administrative in nature. The chapter does not pay for these outsourced expenditures.
Additional Notes Executive Committee and/or Council
We have a structured Executive Committee that meets Yes regularly: We have the following number of Council Members: 22 Our Council is primarily structured by: Geography, Geography Institution, Areas of Interest, Practice Type Please describe the structure of the executive The FCACC has a Council comprised of 9 districts committee/Council, including names and titles. Indicate if you that are determined by population per county. Our have FITs or CCAs involved in your leadership, along with their names and positions held. executive committee is comprised of the officers: President (Alberto Montalvo), President-elect (currently vacant per by-laws), Immediate Past President (Jamie Conti) and Secretary-Treasurer (Daniel Pauly). We have two CCA representatives.
Please describe any committees organized under the Council Advocacy Committee (i.e. advocacy, quality, membership, etc). Awards Committee Cardiac Cath Committee Computer Committee Communication Committee Education Committee Quality of Care Committee Third Party Payer Committee
If you have designated liaisons to outside healthcare or Steve West – Liaison to Florida Medical cardiovascular organizations, please list the liaison and Association organization below. Additional Notes Leadership & Chapter Development
A Chapter leader (i.e. Chapter President, President-elect, YES designee of the Chapter President and/or Chapter Executive) has represented the Chapter at all three meetings of the BOG in 2008. Chapter Council has developed or reviewed a Strategic Plan YES with clear, measurable goals for the Chapter within the past three years. If Yes, When? 2007 Chapter has submitted to the BOG Steering Committee their YES annual goals for 2008. Please elaborate on what goals your Chapter was able to Communications Plan accomplish, and your plans for keeping your Chapter goals Goal: Increase awareness of FCACC activities, relevant to your membership. programming & influence
Objective 1: Increase content of print publication Florida Chapter News Measurement: Expand scope and size of newsletter to a 16-page glossy. Create a yearlong editorial calendar. Use more ACC federal advocacy content. COMPLETE (SEE ATTACHMENTS)
Objective 2: Increase content of Measurement: Revamp website to include topical updates on the home page. Use more ACC federal advocacy content. COMPLETE
Political Action Plan Goal: Create a grassroots network that is centered on legislative leaders.
Objective 1: Become a more active participant in the FMA House of Delegates. Measurement: Send a full delegation to the FMA meeting through funding of hotel expenses. COMPLETE
Objective 2: Educate members about the tools available through ACC Measurement: Article appears in each edition of Florida Chapter News about tools and resources for Federal health care policy influence. COMPLETE
Objective 3: Increase level of federal content and advocacy action. Measurement: Chapter engages on federal issues, specifically reimbursement. COMPLETE – FCACC had more calls and e- mails sent to Congress (as tracked by ACC) than any other chapter during the reimbursement fight in June. In addition, the chapter conducted a postcard campaign in May that sent over 600 postcards to the FL Delegation about Medicare reimbursement. In November, the chapter sent postcards asking members to sign up for specific levels of advocacy involvement through the chapter magazine.
Member Involvement Plan Goal: Increase number of members who actively participate
Objective 3: Increase committee involvement. Measurement: All committee meetings were open to the entire membership at the annual meeting. COMPLETE
Objective 4: Reach out to members from Miami Measurement: Members from Miami are included in Annual Meeting agenda and three members attend the meeting. COMPLETE
Chapter President and Chapter Executive communicate on a YES regular basis as mutually agreeable. How often and by what method of communication? What A standing conference call every other week is advantages does this provide your Chapter? conducted to ensure communication remains open. This call allows for continual direction from leadership to be given to the executive direction as projects are evolving ensuring that the direction of the chapter is member-driven.
Chapter President has developed a succession plan and We have a strong Council and several potential identified members willing to run in the next Governor leaders but since our President is not yet completed election. year one of his term successors have not been formally approached.
Please describe your process and how you are integrating Our new potential leaders currently hold Council these members in your Chapter. seats and chair committees. They are specifically responsible for high-profile chapter projects.
Chapter Management
Chapter President and Chapter Executive have reviewed the YES – Reviewed in January 2008 ACC Chapter Operations Manual. The Chapter is in compliance with all of the good business practices as outlined in the Chapter Operations Checklist in the Operations Manual. Chapter has met all federal and state requirements for non-profit organizations, such as: IRS classified tax exempt status is current and in good YES standing. Articles of incorporation are current. YES Employer Identification Number (EIN) is on file. YES Annual Corporate status is on file and in good standing. YES Chapter bylaws have been reviewed and are current and in YES compliance with applicable state and ACC National. (Changes must be approved by the BOG Steering Committee.) Chapter bylaws are posted on website. YES Financials have been examined by the Chapter President, YES – on a monthly basis and always by the Chapter Treasurer, and Chapter Executive and Council at their meetings. reviewed with the Chapter Council on a quarterly basis. Chapter Executive is operating under an ACC approved YES management contract, and the contract is on file with ACC national. Chapter Executive has been reviewed within the last twelve YES months and his or her goals were defined for next twelve months. Chapter has clear, transparent financial reports and a defined YES reporting system for Chapter leaders in place. Chapter Council has approved an operating budget for the NO – Will approve in December. next fiscal year. Chapter has on file with ACC National copies of their most YES recent end of year financial statement and next year budget, along with their 990, Articles of Incorporation, Chapter Bylaws and management contract. An independent accounting firm has audited or prepared the YES Chapter financials and/or tax returns. Chapter carries Directors & Officers insurance to limit the YES personal liability of their leaders. In case of an emergency, the Chapter has a disaster plan for YES communications in place. Membership & Communication
Chapter produces at least one newsletter a year, either in hard YES – we produce Florida Chapter News, a 16- print or electronic format. This newsletter is directed page magazine three times a year. See attachments to the entire Chapter membership. for 2008 editions.
Which Format? Please Select Hard Copy OR Electronic Hard copy also posted to the website. How often is it distributed? Three times per year. Chapter has increased the number of member volunteer Our committees are open to new additions at opportunities by at least 2 positions, either anytime and a volunteer form is posted on our permanent or temporary. website for any member to volunteer their services. Name them. Our Cardiac Cath Committee has added three new members and our Advocacy Committee has added ex-officio position that report into the ACCPAC.
Chapter has conducted a survey to measure member value at ACC sent out a survey under our name in March least once in the past 24 months. 2007 and we did not think it prudent to send out another one in such close proximity.
Please tell us what you learned from the survey and how you n/a plan to implement the results to improve. Chapter has welcomed CCAs into their membership through YES special meetings or a section of a meeting targeted for CCAs, special invitations to CCAs for general meeting, including CCAs in its bylaws, including a CCA representative on its Council, and other inclusive manners. Please explain how you have done this and how it has worked We have two representatives on the Council. They for your Chapter. are active participants in planning the annual meeting and communicating through e-mail directly with CCAs.
The first annual CCA Elections are underway fall 2008. The The chapter leadership, CCA liaison nor chapter Chapter is in the process of incorporating and executive has been contacted in anyway regarding engaging its Chapter liaison. this election. Chapter has welcomed FITs into their membership through YES special meetings or a section of a meeting targeted for FITs, special invitations to FITs for general meeting, including FITs in its bylaws, including an FIT representative on its Council, and other inclusive manners. Please explain how you have done this and how it has worked . The chapter seeks funding specifically for for your Chapter. its Young Investigator Awards Competition and hosts 4 FITs from different training programs at the annual meeting . In addition, this year we hosted a poster presentation at the annual meeting to include more FITs . FITs could attend the Annual Meeting at no charge this year
Chapter has welcomed Practice Administrators into their YES membership through inclusive manners. Please explain how you have done this and how it has worked We have a link on our website and explanation of for your Chapter. the new membership category.
Chapter has an up-to-date website with valuable information. YES Education
Chapter holds at least one annual meeting for its general The chapter holds an annual meeting. membership or at least two meetings a year for targeted members. Targeted membership could be by region, specialty, membership type, institution or other demographics. How many hours were offered, and was the CME/CE 9.25 accredited CME/CE hours were offered. accredited? Chapter’s annual meeting attendance is increased over last Yes, it did. year’s attendance by 10%. Was the target audience FACC, CCA or other? The target audience was both FACCs and CCA members. We included CCAs in the planning process as the agenda was being constructed.
Evaluations from the annual Chapter meeting are overall The evaluations were outstanding. above average or outstanding. Chapter offers CME/CE for its Chapter meeting and is in We are not an accredited provider. good standing with ACGME regulations regarding CME/CE. Chapter participated in joint-sponsored ACC CME and/or CE. NO Please describe your program briefly (title, location, target The Florida Chapter held their 22nd Annual audience, and attendance.) Meeting at Disney's Boardwalk Resort in late August. The chapter saw increased attendance from last year as meeting chair Juan Aranda, Jr., and President Alberto Montalvo opened up committee meetings to all members to garner additional feedback and planned special family events including the President's Dinner in EPCOT Center's Living Seas Pavilion. Educational sessions featured renowned speakers Robert Bonow, Valentine Fuster and C. Richard Conti but also included case presentations, a session on reimbursement issues and a Young Investigator Awards Competition. Attendees were also handed a UBS jump drive with speaker presentations - eliminating bulky handouts and reducing paper waste. New this year were poster presentations by Fellows to increase visibility of the chapter in the minds of the youngest FCACC members. The chapter also was able to assist with the ACCPAC with a Meet & Greet for Congressman Tom Feeney (R-FL). Chapter members were charged up to hear about health care reform from a sitting member of Congress and were generous in their contributions to his campaign. The Florida Chapter meeting combined stellar education, family activities and political information to make it the most success meeting to date.
Please explain from where your Chapter obtains its CME/CE The chapter obtains CME/CE from the American and the process, cost, and effort that your Chapter Academy of Family Physicians through a third Executive puts into making certain it is handled according to ACGME regulations. party non-profit. Costs vary as to number of approved hours but typically run in the range of $3,000 - $4,000 total. The chapter executive is in close contact with the third party non-profit to make certain all requirements are met.
Chapter is participating in at least one ACC quality YES improvement initiative. Describe the initiative Over the past year, the FCACC has made certain that quality is linked to our advocacy efforts. We have influenced AHCQ to include NCDR as a defined and recognized registry and listed ACC/AHA guidelines as a specific source for implementing quality.
Chapter has recruited more than one “Quality Champion” in YES their Chapter to facilitate identified quality projects. Name them: David N. Kenigsberg Robert S. Morris Chapter has established a partnership with the State Medical YES – our former advocacy chair, Steve West, is Society. the current President of the Florida Medical Association. Describe any projects you have worked on with the State □ Active participants in the FCACC House of Medical Society. Delegates and Annual Meeting sending a full delegation □ Supportive of the FMAPAC; distributing information and educating about PACs and the political process □ Distributed lists before the election of physician friendly candidates supported by the FMA and FMAPAC
Chapter has held a summit, conference or meeting We’ve held internal meetings about the best way to highlighting quality issues. include ACC quality measurements such as NCDR and the guidelines sited in regulations but did not feel these discussions were suited to a public forum.
Chapter has held at least one meeting or meeting section NO dedicated to educating hospital administrators about the NCDRTM CathPCI, ACTION, ICD or CARE Registries, or educate practice administrators about the NCDRTM IC3 Registry. Advocacy
Chapter President or other Chapter leader on behalf Yes, FCACC was the first chapter to host an of ACC has hosted or attended any political ACCPAC fundraiser for a member of Congress at a event within the last year and reported the chapter annual meeting. The Meet & Greet for event to ACC National Advocacy staff. Congressman Tom Feeney (R-FL) was a clear success. Chapter members were charged up to hear about health care reform from a sitting member of Congress and were generous in their contributions to his campaign.
Additional Notes: Chapter President or other Chapter leader has maintained YES – both on the Federal and State levels. contact with legislator(s) for future ACC advocacy efforts. Describe in what way. □ Alberto Montalvo sent personalized letters to the entire Florida Congressional Delegation upon coming into office offering assistance with health care related matters □ Alberto Montalvo sent letters to the key leaders in the Florida House and Senate upon coming into office offering assistance with health care related matters □ Three Council members held fundraising events supporting physician friendly candidates in the Jacksonville (1 –state level) and Orlando (2 – congressional level in addition to Feeney event mentioned above) area □ 30 members of the chapter attended ACCPAC event at annual meeting and more than 15 donated to the campaign
Chapter President or Chapter President-elect have attended an YES ACC Legislative Conference within the past two years. Chapter has organized a state lobbying effort with the help of The FCACC has a state lobbyist in place and ACC National. regularly scheduled calls with the chapter executive and advocacy chair.
Chapter has organized a “Cardiologist for the Day” event in NO their state. Describe this event Additional notes. Chapter Recognition Status
Please demonstrate why your chapter should be recognized as At the end of 2007, it was evident from calls and e- a recipient of this year's Chapter Recognition Award. Email to mails to the leadership that the overriding concern [email protected] additional information as necessary, such as newsletters, bylaws, meeting agendas, annual meeting of FCACC members was federal legislation and its brochures or other pertinent materials highlighting the success impact on the practice of cardiology. The chapter of your Chapter. leadership carefully listened to the concerns of members through a series of conference calls and one-on-one interactions and decided to create an operations plan that took decisive action.
Throughout 2008, the Florida Chapter has taken an active role on federal legislation action in addition to holding a very successful annual meeting and maintaining our vigilance in Tallahassee and constant interaction with third party payers. Plans were created to be certain that FCACC acted in concert with the ACC in this arena. Many of the actions the chapter took delved into new territory on the national – chapter relationship level. The chapter created tools, held forums, arranged meetings and stepped up our efforts to keep members informed on federal issues. Chapter leaders and the executive director came to Washington, DC, to attend meetings with ACC Staff, CMS and FL Congressional leaders in May. We had a very successful postcard campaign to alter Congress that the cardiology community in Florida was looking at their votes and we carefully tailored our follow up messages about Medicare reimbursement calls and e-mails to act in a complementary way to ACC messages. In addition, we were the first chapter to host an ACCPAC event at our annual meeting raising over $4000 for a physician friendly candidate.
The chapter is now perceived by the membership as an organization that is an important contributor and relevant to positive change in health care policy by some of its former fierce critics. To remain significant the FCACC emphasized programming the chapter can deliver that others cannot and constantly publicize actions to ensure the membership saw the FCACC working on issues that they face on a daily basis.
The Florida Chapter deserves the highest possible recognition because of its specific, measurable and successful actions in the advocacy arena. While maintaining vigilance in Tallahassee, FCACC leaders put forth an effort and wisely allocated resources that kept the organization responsive to member needs at a critical juncture.
Our Chapter application has no confidential material We would be willing to contribute a synopsis of our contained in it and is willing to have it posted on Chapter accomplishments, but not a reproduction of this Affairs Extranet so that other Chapters may learn from our successes. exact application.
Additional comments, if necessary: