Passing Requirements (All Clinics)

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Passing Requirements (All Clinics)

IIC Clinic Instructions

Basic Bridge Recreational Adult Lines 8 8 9 12 Student Fee $25 $20 $20 $20 USSF Fee $25 $20 $20 $20 NTSSA Insurance $5 $5 $5 $5

Age Requirement 14 before 14 before 12 before 18 before Between June 1 – Nov 30 Sept 1 Sept 1 Sept 1 Sept 1 Age Requirement 14 before 14 before 12 before 18 before Between Dec 1 – May 31 Mar 1 Mar 1 Mar 1 Mar 1 Experience 3 years playing or referee (any grade) Test (# of questions) 100 50 50 50

Passing requirements (all clinics) Attend all sessions Proof by instructor initials on class schedule for each session Pass test 75% or above - Passing 70% - 74% - Can retake test in 2 weeks at another testing session Below 70% - Can retake clinic at no cost, must bring class schedule

Clinic Materials NTSSA Material Law Books, Procedures, NTSSA Policy Manual, Class Schedule, Course Packet Pre-count material – 30 of everything – double check if correct clinic As soon as you are assigned IIC, Make arrangements to pick up the clinic kit or have it sent to you. Should arrive 4 days prior to clinic. Contact NTSSA office 4 days before start of clinic if clinic kit not received 4 days prior to start of clinic Instructor Material Slides, extra black ink pens, extra pencils, markers, Referee bag, ball Clinic Site Contact Host – Confirm dates, times, place, & facilities Make sure site is classroom style and ample room for instructor and students Contact fellow Instructors, check on their clinic needs Chairs and tables Overhead - See if host can provide, checkout from NTSSA, bring your own - Make arrangements to keep at clinic for duration (other instructors) Computer Data show / PC - Computer presentations Electrical extension cables Screen / wall to show overheads White Board, markers VHS / TV – Instruction tapes

Cancel a Clinic? IIC / Instructors can NOT cancel a clinic If 1 student, we still teach Only the Association can cancel a clinic If cancelled less than 72 hours, the association owes a $200 fee plus any instructor fees

Updated Feb-5-2004 page 1 of 3 IIC Clinic Instructions

Registration (start of clinic) Student sign-in – use initial roster form or student form Clinic fees (see top for fee schedule $) Record check# or cash and amount on initial roster or student form Make checks payable to NTSSA – Referee If association is paying fee, record association check# or note paid by Association COLLECT ONLY FOR THOSE ATTENDING THE CLINIC Collect clinic fee at start of clinic Separate checks for clinic fee and USSF registration Student Material handout – Law book, Procedures, Class Schedule Ask if any special testing needs – can give test orally – discuss with student at end of first session If class not full, leave some student material for latecomers Leave copy of initial roster for other instructors (not original copy)

Class Be Prepared Engage all the students to learn

Test Have extra pencils, it is easier to make corrections on answer sheet Ask if any more questions, answer any questions before starting Closed book test, put papers away Test – 1 hour long – Passing is 75%; see clinic summary at the beginning of instructions Remind the Students that grades 70-74 may retake test, below 70 may retake clinic at no charge Tell students to read the whole questions, all answers, and pick the best answer Tell students that you can clarify questions if they do not understand the question Pick-up Class Schedules to see if all the sessions are signed off prior to test session Pass out Answer Sheet – Have students put name / date on Answer Sheet Pass out test – Have students write Test Exam on Answer Sheet DO NOT MARK on EXAM TEST pages (questions) Tell students, when finished to bring up Test and Answer Sheet – Sit quiet or leave room

Grading Start grading test as turned-in. Red felt-tip maker works best. Record score on Class Schedule When done, recall all students to room Pass out answer sheets (and Class Schedules to those who made below 75) Review Test with students After Review, Collect answer sheets from those who made below 75 DO NOT SINGLE THEM OUT OR GROUP THEM

Registration Need black ink pen (have extra pens) – Everyone fills out the form together to ensure no mistakes Pass out Registration form Pass out Background check for adults only – Adults (18 years or older) must also fill out and turn in Lead class through the form block by block (see overhead sheet provided) Social Security number is optional – if they do not have, leave blank Place of Birth & Citizenship – if USA, check box, if elsewhere, write in name of country Read, sign and date STEP 5 – Adults check the appropriate box (minors check NO box) Form 1 line to turn-in forms Turn in Registration form – double check for completeness Adults (18 years or older) – turn in Background check form Collect Registration Fee (see top for fee $) – Make checks payable to NTSSA – Referees

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Be sure STEP 5 is DATED, SIGNED and box checked Mark Check # or cash and amount (do not include insurance in the amount on the form) (DO INCLUDE insurance in the amount collected, 1 check is ok) in bottom center section – Initial payment Mark test date and score and initial Fill in appropriate Grade Circle in bottom right box For Recreational and Adult linesman check “New” box in bottom right box. For Basic and Bridge check appropriate box in bottom right box. “New” box for new referee “Update” box for prior grade 09 or grade 12 Give student bottom copy (for their records) and 1 badge – Student can now leave If no money, student can send to NTSSA office – given complete form – NO badge

At home Check forms carefully and insert any information missing that you can Fill out Final Roster/Fee Submittal (alphabetically by last name) MONIES MUST BALANCE – NO DIFFERENCES ONLY REPORT THIS CLINIC FEES on the fee submittal (fill out recert form for other registrations) Fill out Expense Report Name & Address – Where to mail the check Clinic – Association, Grade Clinic, Date (Office has to match fees to clinics) Miles – Just enter miles, form will calculate at $0.31 per mile Fees – $15 per hour Basic Clinic A,B,D,F,G=$30 C,E=$45 H=$7.50 Bridge Clinic A,,D=$30 B,C,E,F,G=$15 Rec Clinic A,C=$30 F,G=$22.50 B,D,E=$15 Adult Linesman Clinic A,B,D=$22.50 C=$30 E=$15 IIC – $30 for all grade clinics Meals – 1 meal per 4 hours of service, Receipts required (scan to email) Breakfast=$5 Lunch=$7.50 Dinner=$12.50 Meals must be in a reasonable time frame of service Sign & date – (type name & signature on file for email) Email expense and roster/fee submittal reports in separate emails to [email protected] . Print a copy of the roster/fee submittal reports, return in clinic kit DO NOT email roster/fee to NTSSA office Print a copy of the roster for each association that had student attend clinic Place in envelope(s) provided; attach a note stating which association(s) NTSSA office will mail to associations Double check money received

Return Materials With in 1 week (or sooner) – turn in registrations, clinic report, roster/fee submittal, money and leftover supplies You may send material back by UPS or take it back and charge mileage Destroy class schedules and answers sheets when you have completed all the paper work. Suggestion - keep copy of class roster/fee submittal, clinic report, and expense report for at least 1 year

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