Latin America Between the Wars (1919-1939)

Prelude: • Modeled U.S./French revolutions, most of Latin America got its independence by 1825. • Europe and the United States continued to play major roles. ▪U.S. intervention in Cuba (1898) ▪Platt Amendment (1902) = U.S. can intervene in Cuba if necessary. ▪Monroe Doctrine replaced by Big Stick Doctrine Interventionist doctrine aimed to defend U.S. interests. i.e. Colombia; Panama Canal was repurchased in 1903 Colombian elites opposed this Panamanian insurrection Independence is imposed Panama = U.S. ally ▪Tobarc Doctrine (1907) = non-acknowledge/recognize militarian coups. Socially; •Industrialization became a core government project. •Fascist symbols and nationalist slogans were used amid harsh political repression. •Independence finally allowed dislocation of structures/old balances •Justice and power now monopolized by new "owners" & new law supporting property ▪Ejidos were put on sale, those who had land became owners by purchasing them. -Poor people became submitted to the economy instead of landlords -Profitability attracted many to buy/exploit the lands i.e. BRAZIL: By 1910, 85% of lands belonged to 1% of the population. -Poor do not have any more land of reserve. -Modernization of the networks justifies need for territory control • Even the capacity to quickly take action at its borders. •Militarization of the land caused the recurring emergence of Caudillos ▪Military chiefs: hold on power depends on abilities in battle = man of action -Popular insurrections now influential and repressed i.e. 100K died simultaneously during a Colombian revolt around 1890 •Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, & Colombia manage to have semblance of democracy: Politically; •Economic crisis/instability prompt military leaders to overthrow the elected governments •Establishment of authoritarian regimes •Dictators sometimes gained an urban following by promising better factory conditions. •Natives fight back i.e. MEXICO ▪Porfirio Díaz promised withdrawing from power in 1908. ▪Francisco Madero, avoiding a socialist revolution, defends liberal ideas in 1910 ▪Díaz organizes 7th fake election = Mexican Revolution • Riots; Pancho Villa = north Emiliano Zapata = west Madero = Mexico City • U.S. releases Porfirio Díaz in 1911, who resigns & flees • Madero now President as Zapata continues the revolution • Supported by U.S. Adolfo de la Huertaa coup d'état Madero is killed, Pancho Villa, Zapata, and Carranza reject this "usurper" Zapata and Villa take Mexico City then retreat into hills Carranza then fights to win vs. all Organizes the rebellious repression of Villa/Zapata Takes Mexico City; becomes a de facto President Mexican constitution of 1917 is proclaimed Carranza & U.S. keeps military pressure on the rebels Zapata is finally assassinated (1919) Carranza is assassinated in May 15, 1920; Leaving the place to Obregón, now elected president Pancho Villa is assassinated (1923) • Mexico finally pacified by the liberal president • Agrarian aspirations of the work force remained unsatsfied

Economically; •Great Depression impacted heavily on the countries of Latin America •Before Global Great Depression, U.S./Latin American economies established through U.S. investment in Latin America & Latin American exports to the U.S. •Latin American felt heavy reverberations when the US stock market crashed in 1929 •Chile, Peru, and Bolivia (according to a League of Nations report) worst-hit •Large estates adapted to the international market economy = underwent fluctuations of price •Inequal conditions of workers encouraged free competition with the more equalatarian states